Hypnosis / Mind-Control / Brainwashed


Imp pulse

I’m an Imp,

No, no. Not Her, and besides, she's not really one of us, but a mortal mutant.

And no, I’m not telling you my real name. I know an imp who ended up in a magic pen serving some dork who wanted to be a superhero thanks to his real name getting out,

Anyway, on with the story.

There arent many of us left, because humans dont believe in mischievous spirits anymore, which is one reason why I wanted this story written.

Feral Saga Chapter 4 - New Player


Feral Saga Chapter 4 - New Player

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

In this, our fantastical fourth issue, we find the Wolverine dealing with the sensations, emotions, and urges resulting from the transformation process and Jean trying to decide where her love, loyalty, and even anger will lead her! As the Uncanny X-Men continue to adapt, there are new players and new schemes unfolding. Can they respond to this rising level of threat before they are torn apart in a game that they have yet to fully understand?

Feral Saga Chapter 2 - Betrayal


Feral Saga Chapter 2 - Betrayal
by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

Wolverine is a mystery, even to himself. But he is also a survivor. His incredible healing ability has brought him through crisis after crisis.  A loner, he is learning to be a part of a team - the Uncanny X-Men. With the help of Professor X and Jean Grey he is learning to trust and, in the case of Jean Grey, to love (even if it isn’t returned the way he would hope). But what if everything that has helped him survive, or is now helping him cope is turned against him? If his fragile hold on his very identity is shaken beyond anything he could ever imagine? How will the Wolverine survive when he can’t claw his way out or heal himself? Will rage devour him and lead him into the unending madness of a mindless, desperate wild creature, or is there another way - a way he could never have anticipated? Can he find his way before the X-Men are ripped apart?

Obviously, I do not own any of these characters and have not sought permission to use them. This is simply a fanfiction and should not be considered an official Marvel publication. However, I do retain all rights to my content and do not give permission for this story to be published elsewhere without my express consent.

In this, our second-ever issue, there’s some superhero-style violence and related tension as the action ramps up and plots begin to unfold. The game is afoot (whoops, wrong story)! There’s also people dealing with what just happened and what it means about .. Uhh, nope, sorry - spoilers…

Feral Saga Chapter 1 - Sin


Feral Saga Chapter 1 - Sin
by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

Wolverine is a mystery, even to himself. But he is also a survivor. His incredible healing ability has brought him through crisis after crisis.  A loner, he is learning to be a part of a team - the Uncanny X-Men. With the help of Professor X and Jean Grey he is learning to trust and, in the case of Jean Grey, to love (even if it isn’t returned the way he would hope). But what if everything that has helped him survive, or is now helping him cope is turned against him? If his fragile hold on his very identity is shaken beyond anything he could ever imagine? How will the Wolverine survive when he can’t claw his way out or heal himself? Will rage devour him and lead him into the unending madness of a mindless, desperate wild creature, or is there another way - a way he could never have anticipated? Can he find his way before the X-Men are ripped apart?

Obviously, I do not own any of these characters and have not sought permission to use them. This is simply a fanfiction and should not be considered an official Marvel publication. However, I do retain all rights to my content and do not give permission for this story to be published elsewhere without my express consent.

Our blockbuster debut issue is a little more serious in tone as we get some things set up and it gets right into some controversy. There’s a body swap and sex between consenting adults. They just didn’t consent to have sex the way it ends up happening. Of course, it’s also a dream...

Feral Saga An Introduction and Caution

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Feral Saga A Foreward and Caution
by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

Wolverine is a mystery, even to himself. But he is also a survivor. His incredible healing ability has brought him through crisis after crisis.  A loner, he is learning to be a part of a team - the Uncanny X-Men. With the help of Professor X and Jean Grey he is learning to trust and, in the case of Jean Grey, to love (even if it isn’t returned the way he would hope). But what if everything that has helped him survive, or is now helping him cope is turned against him? If his fragile hold on his very identity is shaken beyond anything he could ever imagine? How will the Wolverine survive when he can’t claw his way out or heal himself? Will rage devour him and lead him into the unending madness of a mindless, desperate wild creature, or is there another way - a way he could never have anticipated? Can he find his way before the X-Men are ripped apart?

Obviously, I do not own any of these characters and have not sought permission to use them. This is simply a fanfiction and should not be considered an official Marvel publication. However, I do retain all rights to my content and do not give permission for this story to be published elsewhere without my express consent.


Feral Saga

Feral Saga Titled.jpg

Feral Saga
by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

Wolverine is a mystery, even to himself. But he is also a survivor. His incredible healing ability has brought him through crisis after crisis.  A loner, he is learning to be a part of a team - the Uncanny X-Men. With the help of Professor X and Jean Grey he is learning to trust and, in the case of Jean Grey, to love (even if it isn’t returned the way he would hope). But what if everything that has helped him survive, or is now helping him cope is turned against him? If his fragile hold on his very identity is shaken beyond anything he could ever imagine? How will the Wolverine survive when he can’t claw his way out or heal himself? Will rage devour him and lead him into the unending madness of a mindless, desperate wild creature, or is there another way - a way he could never have anticipated? Can he find his way before the X-Men are ripped apart?

Obviously, I do not own any of these characters and have not sought permission to use them. This is simply a fanfiction and should not be considered an official Marvel publication. However, I do retain all rights to my content and do not give permission for this story to be published elsewhere without my express consent.

This is the title page

Pool Party


Audience Rating: 


Jeff was a nerd. He was very unpopular. Because of this, he was very surprised when he was invited to Emma, the most popular girl’s pool party. He didn’t even consider for a moment that something as up.

Pool Party

by flowersissy

Curtain Fall Chapter 16

In this chapter we gain more understandings of what the Curtain Fall may have done; and we learn more about Kadrapraba's thoughts and logic. From it we also receive a small insight into how and why the Tarneerans organize themselves and enforce their won hierarchy...

Angela's Legacy Chapter 3

“You have a boyfriend?” Meredith raised an eyebrow as she observed my limp, lifeless body on the bed. “That looks like a – oh yeah, I see now. You had a boyfriend and didn’t tell me?”

“It was like a decade ago,” Angela shrugged. “I kind of left him here to teach him a lesson. I used a low level mind control technique and told him to clean the house, like a Roomba.”

The Pantie Switcher


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! Unfinished Story !

Kyle stumbles onto a secret ability: he can switch bodies with any girl when he wears their panties.
His first accidental switch is with his sister. He is quick to swear his ability off forever, but she has other plans...

Godmother Chp. 7

At breakfast, Sophie and Sadie came to me with their concerns. "I don't know these men really want to do this," Sadie told me, "I wonder if we should let them go, but I'm afraid of what that means for us." "I wish I could just get them to try it," Sophie said, "Maybe we should tell them more about what it feels like."

Forgotten: Voyage


Audience Rating: 


Nearly 300 years before Bug, the War, and the events of Forgotten, 15-year-old Gabriel Baldwin is just a regular aristocratic boy living in 1740s Great Britain. Unlike the rest of his Blessed family, he has no Blessing and is a black stain on his family's name. Seeking more, he sets out across the seas to find something better. What he discovers is something far greater. A mystery of the fog, missing family, his own special ability, and destiny so great that no one can understand how it came to be.

Voyage Chapter 1: Fog at Sea

This story is my second story taking place in the Forgotten universe. I thought it would be fun to explore a time where the religion and superhumans were interconnected in a time not well explored in the superhero genre. Thus, while they are still superhumans, they are called Blessed during this time period and their abilities (superpowers) are called Blessings. However, I also decided to introduce a rather unknown aspect of Forgotten's history in this story. I had planned to introduce it Forgotten around the chapter 20 mark, but decided, why not here. Also, I'm aware that a large portion of the story is not written in the 18th-century style, nor do I actually take the time to write a British accent out. This is because I don't know how to. if I plan to rewrite it in the future, I will try to address these issues then, but for now, enjoy the story as is.

Godmother Chp. 6

Monad crept slowly across the overgrown, neglected gardens, staying out of sight of the cameras. "Are you sure somebody lives here?," Monad wondered aloud, "It looks kind of degraded." "I'm sure. It's registered to a Hailey Bonne, and she's definitely in the building now. Probably sleeping though," Demiurge replied through Monad's headset. Monad soon made it to the west wall of the mansion, and began sliding across, checking for unsecured windows.

Godmother Chp. 5

Later that night, in a wealthy Grandvale suburb, a van slowly pulled in and parked across the street of a particular house. You wouldn't think much of the van walking by it, it looked like an average van for Teledreams Cable, but that was the point. Inside were three thieves of modest means, visiting each night to case the houses. They wore clothes that looked like Teledreams uniforms from a distance, including white polos and light blue slacks, and referred to each other with codenames, to prevent identifying themselves when law enforcement was listening.

Godmother Chp. 4

For whom it may concern at the Grandvale Gazette:

Tonight, talking with the Godmother, I realized I don't want to work like this anymore. I've found a new position somewhere else, and don't bother looking for me. Nothing you say could win me back. You'll have to find someone else to boss around and make do the jobs you don't want to.

Henry Sharp

Godmother Chp. 3

I opened the mansion's front doors wide, and got the attention of my guests. "My apologies for the wait, everyone! Please, let me introduce a friend that is staying with me." The Godmother stepped into view, and bowed for everyone. "My name is Elena, and Hailey is giving me a place to stay in exchange for some legal help with the inheritance. Please follow us to the ballroom."

Godmother Chp. 2

The first few days, I kind of lost myself in just how much new and great-feeling everything was. Godmother showed me each of the different rooms of the Bonne house, and I asked her questions along the way. My new bedroom was luxurious, featuring a king size bed with an overhead satin draw-curtain, and comfortable sheets that felt like clouds against my new soft skin. “Remember, you only have to sleep if you wish to,” the Godmother reminded me, “And if you wish to use this room as a private space, simply ask and I will turn off my sensation here.” I giggled.

Godmother Chp. 1

"Henry, I got a new assignment for you," my boss told me, slamming a small stack of papers down on my desk, "You ever hear of the 'Godmother'?" I gave him a nod to confirm. "Great, that makes things easy," he said, already turning to leave, "See you tomorrow."



Audience Rating: 


Hello, this is a story I am writing for myself, and if other people out there want this sort of thing, for them as well. It's about a figure called the "Godmother" who helps people by transforming them and giving them new lives

Green Lantern: Star Sapphire's Wrath

Hal Jordan encounters a dying alien but initially refuses to accept the power of the Green Lantern. Instead, his boss and friend Carl Ferris takes up the job only to be kidnapped, changed, and brainwashed by the Violet Lantern Corp. Now, Hal Jordan must take on the difficult task of protecting the Earth from his best friend's wrath.

Chapter 4 the test:Lolita tea party


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They gently took me by the hand and went down into a private elevator. “The test is simple, we put you into a magic like hologram world. You will be playing specific characters and we will score you based on it. While it may be a hologram world it will look and feel real.” I was confused thinking how advanced technology that would mean. Soon however we entered a girly looking laboratory and I was asked to step into a massive looking dome. The inside was blank but I could tell it wouldn’t be for long. The queens sat at control panels and I heard the words “let the test begin”

Pool Party 2

Derek was the next guy to arrive. Unlike Jeff, he was a sexist douche. He hung out with other popular guys, but all the girls hated him. They intended to change that. He knocked on the door extremely loudly. When he opened the door he saw some hot girl he didn’t recognize

“Who the hell are you, bitch?”

“I’m Jessica, i’m new to the group. Who are you?”

“I’m Derek. Nice tits by the way.” Jessica ignored him.

“Lets go to the back, that’s where the pool.”

When they got to the pool, he saw that he was the only guy.

Pool Party 1

Jeff was a nerd. He was very unpopular. Because of this, he was very surprised when he was invited to Emma, the most popular girl’s pool party. He didn’t even consider for a moment that something as up.

The day of, he was very excited. So excited that he forgot to bring his bathing suit. When he got there he realized. He knocked on the door and Emma let him in.

“Hi Jeff!”

“Hi Emma…” said Jeff. He was nervous. Emma was extremely hot and all the popular girls would be here. “I don’t want to be rude, but why did you invite me? It just seems odd to me.”

Complete the Look Part 5

Erica wasn’t sure what to say. “Should I say yes? I kind of like him,” she thought. She kept thinking. At this point Adam turned away in shame.

“You don’t feel the same way, do you?” he said.

“No, I do,” she said, making her decision.

“You’re just saying that because you feel bad. There’s no way you can tell me otherwise.”

“Well maybe I can show you.” She walked up to him and kissed him on the lips. They began making out. The feeling of a strong man’s embrace on her petite body was incredible. A minute or two later, they stopped.

Bat Mitzvah

“I can’t believe it’s coming so soon!” said Jeff’s mom.

“Yeah, the service is tomorrow,” said Jeff.

“Do you think you’re ready for your bat mitzvah?”

“It’s a bar mitzvah, Mom. How do you always get it wrong.”

“I don’t know. Let me think of a way to get it right.”

“Just practice! Seriously how are you this bad!’



written by Dauphin
My neighbour changed everything about me, and I let her
"This is a sad story and once again Dauphin talks about how scociety wants to change people and not accept them" Diana
"Who is the villian in this story" Dauphin

Thoughts of Thots

Nate was eating dinner with his sister, and began complaining about the girls in his school. “They’re all thots,” he said. “They all post like borderline nudes on their instagrams and vscos.”
“Why are you making such a broad generalization?” asked his sister Jessica. “It’s honestly very rude.” They argued for a while before Jessica said something that completely put Nate off guard. “Why are you so obsessed?” she asked.

“I don’t know, it just pisses me off I guess.”

“OMG, are you jealous of them?! Do you want to be a slutty girl?”

Chapter 1: the new town

Young girly boy max and his mother Cynthia, a tycoon worth untold amounts of money move to the town of alisonvile where things seemed perfect, but strange, for instance there were no boys or even tomboys every girl seemed the picture of femininity. However there was a secret to the town.

(Based on the Stepford wives)

The Unconventional, Unsuspecting Princess

2018-04 Melanie E.'s Fairy Kiss-and-Tale Contest Entry

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The Unconventional, Unsuspecting Princess

If you can’t find a good fairytale, can't find a good setting, or even just a string of child-friendly characters... sometimes you just have to make do with what you’ve got, right?

2018-04 Melanie E.'s Fairy Kiss-and-Tale Contest Entry


The Outlander - Birth Of A Princess - Part 1

The Outlander - Birth of a Princess
Part 1

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"The company is your family, your family is the company. If you believe a member of your unit may harbour sympathies towards the outlanders or confederates to other company’s then you will report them."

It Started At High Noon

When Mad Murdock, legendary outlaw, challenges a young lad to a duel, little does he know that he will set off events that influence generations to come. When gunslingers shot curses instead of normal lead everything becomes possible.

Adventures of Kim Possible: The Amazon Women 22

22 New Secretary and Opreration Girls School

Inside the interrogation room Drew was sitting Shego was asking him questions Drew was not being co-operative towards the Amazon princess then Drew heard a knock at the door the guard open the door and the guard said “welcome officer Sianna”. Sianna came in and said “your majesty and your highness”.


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