
Just Like Auntie - ep5

Just Like Auntie - ep4

Just Like Auntie- ep4

DISCLAIMER: these events are not real, just stories

Looking back ep 1 will need a lot of editing.


I got to the office and tried opening the door. It was locked. I go to look through the office glass but instead find a note saying she had to go home because she was ill and to keep the uniform she gave me. Just my luck.
I was being picked up by my aunt and going back to her house again. So that saved me explaining everything to mum.

TG Techie: Chapter 38: [XXX] Blowee


It was later. The world was a long way away from wherever I was at that second. It was like looking at everything through a wide angle lens. Even my hands were several feet away from me. Only they were right there too.

Just Like Auntie - ep3

Just Like Auntie- ep3

DISCLAIMER: None of the events are real, just stories.

This is my frav ep so far. Let me know what u think. Still only my 3rd piece of writing tho


I roll over as I'm being nudged by my cousin. "Hurry up, we overslept".
I hopped out of bed and quickly put my school uniform on. I look in the mirror and quickly take my hair out of whatever she did to it yesterday.

Just Like Auntie - ep2

Just Like Auntie- Ep2

DISCLAMER: These are not real events, just stories


It was alright for my cousin Jen and aunt Tanya because you know, they had girls stuff in common. I on the other hand was the odd one out. So we went for a wacky truth or dare. It started out very normal, truths like who likes who and silly dares like try and lick your elbow. It wasn't long before we tired from the boring stuff and the dares go out of hand.

Just Like Auntie - ep1

DISCLAIMER: These are not real events, these are indeed story's

This is also my first time publishing so have at it and feel let me know how I'm doing.

Ep2/3 is where things get interesting


Santa Babe

Cover Image
Santa Babe
By Daniela A. Wolfe

Santa is no longer the merrymaker we all remember. After his wife has left him, Santa turns to alcohol to fill the void in his heart. It’s Samson the elf’s job to keep him from doing anything that would get him into trouble, but when the old man accidentally consumes a mysterious potion, Samson finds his job has gotten a whole lot more difficult.

TG Techie: Chapter 37: Drinks


“Then she stabs his hand with a pen and says ‘Trade you, gun for pen!’” Autumn was explaining her costume. It was leather (well, vinyl) and purple and pink. She’d had Rachel’s help adapting it from a motorcycle jacket, a ski mask, and a one piece swimsuit. She was unhappy that she hadn’t got the boots done in time for Halloween, but was looking forward to finishing them over winter break. Or spring break. In time for Comic Con anyway.

TG Techie: Chapter 36: Penis



It was a week later. I had sucked 5 dicks. I had been eaten out 4 times. One of those times Bree had put her thumb just over my pucker and I had squirmed until she took it away. Then at night I still thought about it. I had been finger banged once. It occupied the majority of my fantasies now.

Then I woke up with a penis in my hand.

It was mine.

TG Techie: Chapter 35: Post Mortem

Post Mortem


This seems as good a time as any for a feelings check, Aisling. I was laying—Bree in my arms—in a dazed stupor. Around 90% was feeling of afterglow like the trinity site. 10% of me was trying not to panic.

I counted the ways one could experience oral sex, and decided that, of 8, I had experienced 3 in one day. The oppourtunity to cross of “as female, recieving male,” was present all around me. If I hadn’t orgasmed so hard my tonails hurt still, I might try to get an even 50%.

TG Techie: Chapter 34: [XXX] Blowjob



Bree was waiting for us when we got back to the stage. She caught my eye and put a finger to her lips. Everyone was looking over Autumn’s drawings on the wall.

“So is that everything we need?” Susan was asking.

I put the tapes and the square back where I found them, while Autumn went over and looked at the list Susan had in her hand. Her cheeks were still a little flushed, and there was dust in her hair and on the seat of her pants. “Are these the miscellaneous flats?”

Susan mmm-hm’d.

Exemplar Universe


Audience Rating: 


On an Earth very like our own where people, known as Exemplars, who have extraordinary abilities fight their villainous counterparts, called Aberrants, to keep Earth and its people safe, it is the government agency known as AEGIS' duty to protect the general population and keep heroes from stepping over the line. When a series of growing threats rise out of the shadows will AEGIS and it's exemplar allies be able to keep the darkness at bay or will humanity fall before the onslaught of this new threat?


Why the ranger was addressing me “hon” and “miss”? According to my survival rule I didn’t question a person in the uniform no matter how much I wanted to know what was so girly in my appearance. When I left my home yesterday I looked like someone in between of Robert Englund and Dolph Lundgren, sixty-seven years old and hair in a regular cut. I was never in my life mistaken for a female.

Out Centre


Audience Rating: 


TG Universes & Series: 

Fourteen-year-old Douglas often feels his twin gets the better of him in their deals. The latest has him trying to ensure he doesn't lose his twin's U15 soccer teams good birth into their playoffs. Their step-mum caught them trying to swap, where Douglas would do his twin's detention. So now he is playing soccer for the first time this year. Of course neither his step-mum or step-dad know this, because they thought it was Douglas's U15 soccer team. Breanne is on the girl's field hockey team.

Out Centre 7

A rolling boil...


CAUTION - This chapter contains flashback to a traumatic event. There is no graphic description of the event but it is referenced by a character's words while they are having a flashback and reliving it. This is the most traumatic section of this story, and as it is my first I might be being overly cautious in flagging it.

Out Centre 5

While Breanne/Mark is upset with not getting too much information, Douglas/Bree is stuck learning more than he ever wanted about being a girl. He might argue that he is getting the too much information his twin is cursing not getting.


Out Centre 2

Out Centre 2
By Fallen Leaf - Playing in Lilith Langtree’s The Center

Douglas need's to enlist the help of his twin as she knows how to make herself look like him. Now he needs to learn how to do so to.


Out Centre 1

Fourteen-year-old Douglas often feels his twin gets the better of him in their deals. The latest has him trying to ensure he doesn't lose his twin's U15 soccer teams good birth into their playoffs. Their step-mum caught them trying to swap, where Douglas would do his twin's detention. So now he is playing soccer for the first time this year. Of course neither his step-mum or step-dad know this, because they thought it was Douglas's U15 soccer team. Breanne is on the girl's field hockey team.

Out Centre
By Fallen Leaf - Playing in Lilith Langtree’s The Center

Achievement Unlocked 09

Jane's cell was made of living wood. It was a small circular space, just wide enough for her to sit against the wall with her legs straight. The floor was spongy and slightly damp when she pressed down on it. The walls where angled outwards, making a comfortable backrest. Light came in through several narrow gaps high above her head.

The villagers had seized her hours ago and brought her here, She'd been too shocked to resist at the time, besides that Hanna girl looked like she knew how to use a spear, and was willing to do her serious harm.

Waisting my life – why I love corsets.

Waisting my life – why I love corsets.

“That’s how it began – Just an injury – then a corset but now …...

You don’t get life-changing injuries in Tennis! Not unless you’re very unlucky. T’was so for me.

An AP-500 story

The Monster Mash -- a TG Mixed Tape

When a coven's spell to spice up their Halloween party goes wrong, it affects everyone in costume for thousands of miles, instead of just the people at their party. See how it affects people from Tokyo to Boston in seven stories by MrSimple, Rellawing, Roberta J. Cabot, and Trismegistus Shandy.

Tight Knit - Volume 1: Part 10

In the conclusion to Volume 1
Jesse comes to terms
with her destiny, but
will it help at all
in her current situation?

Tight Knit

Volume 1

Part 10

By Taylor Ryan
Copyright© 2018 Taylor Ryan
All Rights Reserved.

Achievement Unlocked 08

Jane's jaw dropped, she looked from the floating notification to Mr Brewster sitting at the table, "You're a quest giver?"

The man deflated, his shoulders drooping. "I'm an Innkeeper ain't I? Of course I'm a quest giver."

He slapped the table, making his confection wobble on its plate. "Damn! Quests can take a long time. By the time you are back, I probably won't have a use for the cherries. You best go armed, it's not a proper quest if there are no monsters to fight."

Doctor Who? 3 - There's a Cat In My TARDIS!

Doctor Who? - There’s a Cat In My TARDIS!

~~by Bobbie Cabot~~

The Doctor has disappeared, but he left his newest apprentice in 21st century Earth to help the humans while he was away – this was Dr. Quinn Valentine.

But she’s having some problems with her TARDIS…

Doctor Who? 2 - Bigger On The Inside

Doctor Who? - Bigger on the Inside
(or “Trapped in a Phone Booth in a Space Station”)

~~by Bobbie Cabot~~

The Doctor has disappeared, but he left his newest apprentice on 21st century Earth to help the humans while he was away, Dr. Quinn Valentine.

This is the story of Quinn’s first mission as the Doctor’s pinch-hitter. And she comes with her new sonic screwdriver, her own companion (best friend Mary Elizabeth “Binky” Kristensen), and even her own TARDIS, except Quinn’s TARDIS looks like a red London Phone Box.


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