Space Battleship TEXAS - Part 5


Space Battleship TEXAS
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2019 Melanie Brown

Tyler becomes a target

Part 5



*          *          *

I waved to Blake as I entered the mess hall. Because of the differing times we had duty, I hadn’t seen him in almost a week, so he hadn’t seen me since I started wearing a woman’s uniform and make-up. Blake looked up and almost choked. I ran up to him. “Are you okay?”

He stood up and waved me off. “I’m fine. I’m fine. You took me by surprise is all.”

I sat down across from him. “I’m sorry. I guess I should have warned you about how I look.”

Blake sat down and shook his head. “I noticed. That’s what took me by surprise. Look at you! You’re looking really sharp in your new uniform. And make-up now?”

I shrugged. “It’s actually a regulation. Can you believe it?”

Blake seemed to relax. “That does seem kind of out of place on a warship.”

I giggled. “At least I don’t have to wear high heels or some such.”

Blake nodded. “That would be crazy alright. So, how are the other women in your unit accepting you?”

“Just fine, as far as I can tell,” I said with a shrug. “Everyone seems to accept me now. People have been asking me if I’m your girlfriend. I keep telling them no. And then they ask me out.” Of course there’s no real dating on the ship. Just going together to the mess hall or to watch a movie in the rec hall. Sex is definitely forbidden, but I’m sure it happens in broom closets around the ship.

Blake smiled. “That’s great you’re being accepted. But it must be really annoying to have guys come on to you. I’m sorry about that, but you are pretty cute. But anyway, I wanted to talk to you about some things to get your thoughts.”

I leaned forward, excited he wanted my opinion. “Thoughts on what?”

He lowered his voice and leaned in so his face was close to mine. “We’re worried we have a spy onboard.”

I frowned. “A spy? Cloak and dagger stuff?”

Blake shrugged. “Maybe not like that exactly, but somehow the Gahjin know our every move. They’re always there when we come out of a jump. We’re a sitting duck for almost a hour until the jump coils recharge. How do they know?”

I shrugged too. “Maybe we’re just too easy to predict. They know where we’re headed. Our jumps were pretty much pre-planned.”

Blake nodded. “We thought of that. That’s why we started randomizing our jumps. Long jumps, short jumps, changing vectors. Nothing seems to work. They always know where we are. The only person who knows in advance where the next jump sequence is taking us is the navigator. I really doubt she’s a spy.”

I smirked. “Just because you have a crush on her?”

Blake looked hurt. “I do not! And that’s not why. I asked her. She said she’s not a spy.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m sure she’d be honest if she was an actual spy.

I leaned back in my seat and started thinking. Thinking aloud, I said under my breath. “I wonder. It’s always there after the Gahjin fighters make their small jumps to get out of the range of our weapons so they can recharge their jump coils. Hmmm.”

Blake looked at me curiously. “What are you talking about?”

My eyes unfocused for a moment. “Yeah. It’s always there.”

“What!?” Blake almost shouted.

“I see it on my communications board,” I said quietly. “I bet there’s a connection. After the Gahjin jump out, I detect the tiniest trace of a signal in the sub either.” I slapped the table top. “That’s how they’re doing it! If we re-calibrate the deep space RADAR, I’ll bet we’ll see a tiny little thread of energy in the sub-either. We use the same technology, so dollars to donuts, we’re leaving the same type of trail!”

Blake’s eyes brightened. “You just might be on to something! I have a staff meeting with the admiral in half an hour. I’ll bring up your brilliant idea. We might not be able to stop it, but we’ll know what to expect now. And we’ll be able to trace back to an outpost or a mother ship.”

He stood up slightly, so he could lean closer to me. Before I could anticipate what he was doing, he gave me a quick kiss.

I frowned at Blake and almost wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. Then I realized what a mess it’d make of my lipstick. I never had to worry about that before.

“What the hell are you doing?!” I exclaimed as I backed away from Blake.

Blake touched his lips. “Oh. Sorry Tyler. You’re so pretty, I forgot you’re not a girl. I just wanted to thank you for your observations.”

I pulled a mirror from my purse and checked my make-up. “You can thank me by taking me to dinner.”

Blake grinned. “Deal.”

Feeling flustered, I said, “Not like a date! I meant just so we can chat. We never see each other anymore.”

Blake nodded. “I’ll try to see you more often. But I need to get to that meeting.”

I shrugged. “I have duty later in the day. Maybe I’ll see you on the bridge.”

“Maybe.” Blake stood up. “See ya round.” He then hurried off.

I stayed seated. I looked at my hands with nail polish. I’d never worn nail polish in my life. Even if I’d been a girl all my life, it just seemed a frivolous thing to do. But I have to admit I kind of like wearing it.

Someone suddenly sat across from me. I looked up to see a guy just a bit older than me smiling at me. It embarrassed me to have him looking. Not sure of what to do, I just smiled weakly and said, “Hello.”

His grin got wider as he said, “Hi! My name’s Jeremy. I hope you don’t mind. I saw you sitting here all alone. I just wanted to introduce myself.”

I nodded. “Nice to meet you, Jeremy. I’m…”

Cutting me off, Jeremy said, “You’re Tyler. I know. The new communications tech.”

I smiled nervously. “That would be me alright.”

Jeremy leaned across the table towards me. “I was wanting to ask you, if you’re not busy or anything if you’d like to go with me to the rec hall. They’re showing some movies and they’re actually making popcorn. Can you believe it?”

Oh my God. I just got asked out. On a warship of all things. I looked at my hands and smiled again. “That sounds great and thank you for the invitation, but I have duty shortly.”

Looking disappointed, Jeremy shrugged. “That’s the problem when trying to date on a military vessel. Another time maybe?”

I thought to myself, it’s also a problem trying to date someone who doesn’t want to go out with you. I continued to smile. “Sure. Some other time, maybe.”

A few minutes after Jeremy left the mess hall, another guy sat down across from me. “I thought that guy would never leave, did you?”

Feeling confused, I said, “Excuse me?”

“I know you’d love to go to the poetry reading they’re having on Deck 3. Girls just love poetry readings.” The guy just stared at me with a dopey grin.

I smiled at the guy. “That sounds wonderful and all. But I have to go on duty soon.” In fact, I want to go on duty now!

The guy wasn’t bothered at all. “Not a problem. There’s another reading tomorrow at the same time if you’d like for me to find you.”

I started to stand up. “Thanks anyway. But I have duty every day at the same time as the poetry reading. See ya around.” He nodded and I quickly left the mess hall. It was a lie, but what can I say if I don’t to just say ‘get lost’? Sheesh! What is going on? It’s not like there’s not a lot of nice, single women on this ship.

I started to head back to the women’s berthing area when the 1MC crackled and then announced, “Attention. All off-duty personnel report to the auditorium immediately for an important announcement from the admiral.” It then went on to repeat the message two more times.

I stopped and sighed. I guess I’ll head to the auditorium.

When I got there, the room was already packed and all the seats were taken. I could see Blake standing next to the admiral at a lectern at one end of the room. I worked my way along the wall so I could get a closer view.

The admiral rapped his knuckles on the lectern. “I have a short announcement that all of us need to be aware of. I know that many of you have heard rumors that there’s a spy on the ship, telling the enemy our every move. How else could they always know where we’ve jumped to, even when we make crazy, non-sense jumps? Rumors such as this weaken unit cohesion as you start to suspect your fellow crewmembers. Well, thanks to Lieutenant Andrews, we can dispel that rumor. Lieutenant?” The admiral stepped away from the lectern and Blake stepped up.

Looking a bit nervous, Blake cleared his throat. “Thank you admiral. I’ll get straight to the point. Our own ship is telling on us. By monitoring minute energy signatures in the sub-ether when the Gahjin vessels make a jump, and recalibrating the deep RADAR system, we found we can trace these threads of energy to their destinations. We’re using the exact same jump technology as the Gahjin so they’re just following our own energy thread.”

Blake paused a moment. I scowled at him as I folded my arms. He’s taking credit for my discovery! Blake looked in my direction and saw me. He suddenly looked sheepish and shrugged.

“I would like to note that this energy signature was first discovered by Ensign McAdams.” He pointed at me and every one turned to look at me. I was so embarrassed.

The admiral took a step towards me and grinned. “Outstanding, ensign!” He stepped back to the lectern. “We’ve made the strategic decision to not show our hand by following Gahjin vessels to their destinations until the situation warrants it. Now that we’re aware, we’ll plan our jumps accordingly. That is all. Dismissed.”

*          *          *

I punched Blake in the shoulder as we entered the bridge elevator. “Going to steal all the credit were you?”

Blake rubbed his shoulder as if he’d even felt my punch. “I didn’t steal anything. I was going to mention you helped. Eventually.”

“Helped?” I exclaimed. “I discovered the stupid energy signature!”

Blake nodded as we stepped off the elevator. “Good thing, too. They were serious about thinking we had a spy or saboteur. They suspected you as you were the last to board before we launched. They were going to start ship-wide interrogations. Imagine what would have happened if they got to interrogate you?”

I frowned. “You and Dr. Lujan would be up shit creek.”

Blake shook his head. “We’d *all* be in the brig for sure.”

My shift on the bridge was pretty standard. It was getting boring, actually. We performed two jumps, were attacked twice by Gahjin warships. The second jump brought us at the two-thirds point of our trip. We were almost there! Estimate was two more weeks.

After my shift, I headed back to my berthing area. I never thought I’d be so relieved to be someplace where men were restricted. I stopped by Dr. Lujan’s office for my next shot.

“Good to see you again, ensign, said Dr. Lujan cheerfully. “How are you feeling lately? Are the injections helping?”

I nodded. “They must be having some effect on me, doctor. I find myself crying for no reason, I’m starting to find some guys attractive and my color perception has changed. Not much in a physical way though. Not yet anyway.”

The doctor locked the door after I came in and she filled a small glass with Tequila and downed a shot. “Our mission will probably be over before you start growing breasts and become more rounded. That’s a good thing, unless you decide to stay a girl.”

I looked at my feet. “I don’t think I do. It’s hard to say for sure since my feelings are changing. The other day Blake kissed me.”

Doctor Lujan raised an eyebrow. “Oh? How did you feel about that?”

I didn’t answer for a second or two. I shrugged and then looked at the doc. “I um… I liked it.”

Doctor Lujan smiled. “Nothing wrong with a little kiss.”

I looked at my feet again. “Maybe. We’ve been buds for years and now he gives me a kiss?”

Looking concerned, Dr. Lujan said, “If you don’t want him to kiss you, then tell him. Tyler, look. You seem for all the world as a cute, sweet girl and Blake is reacting to that.”

I shrugged. “I guess so. But I need to go.” Dr. Lujan unlocked the office door and waved as I exited.

*          *          *

“Tyler, why not?”

I folded my arms against me. “I told you. It just seems weird to say it.” We were in a wide passageway next to the gym.

Blake held my arm. “You don’t like me?”

I pulled my arm from his grasp. “Of course I like you, Blake. Probably more than I should. It’s just unnatural to me to say I’m someone’s girlfriend.”

Blake touched my hair. “You’ve said yourself you’re tired of guys hitting on you. This would be one way to make them stop.”

I barked a short laugh. “Maybe. What would you expect from me?”

Blake looked shocked. “Nothing, baby. We’d just go on like we do now. Only everyone will know we’re a couple and leave you alone.”

I frowned at Blake. “You just called me ‘baby’.”

“I’m sorry. But what do you say?” Blake asked earnestly. “Do we make it official?”

I sighed heavily. “Okay. Let’s make it official.”

Blake grinned and then his face took on a stern expression. He pointed his finger into my chest and almost shouted, “Don’t forget, babe. You’re my girl! I better not see you with other men!”

I angrily pushed his hand from my chest. Scowling, I said, “What the fuck are you doing?”

Blake grinned. “I’m claiming you.”

Still scowling, I said, “I just thought we’d shake on it.”

Blake put a finger under my chin. “Seriously, Tyler. You are my girl.” Before I could react, he bent down and gave me a quick, against regulations kiss.

I was about to say something in protest when the 1MC announced, “Proximity alert! Proximity alert starboard. Collision imminent.”

I wondered what was going on. We were on the port side of the ship. We tried to brace ourselves for a collision with something.

The 1MC announced “Cancel proximity alert.”

Blake sighed. “That’s good. There’s always a serious risk of a structural failure in a collision.”

I nodded and looked back at Blake. “Now about kissing…”

The 1MC announced, “Proximity alert! Port side. Collision imminent.”

Blake furrowed his brow. “What the hell is going on?”

We were then all knocked to the deck as the bow of a smaller vessel burst through the bulkhead. The shrieking of tortured air screamed through the breach in the bulkhead. Papers, dust, and just any loose object rushed through the breach. A hatch opened and a half dozen Gahjins jumped out, wearing environment suits as they breathed methane instead of oxygen.

I saw one of them point at me and shout in his language. Several others raised the call and they charged at me. Blake was just starting to get to his feet. Someone from the gym grabbed him and started pulling him inside the gym. Blake tried to fight the guy off.

Above the roar of the air rushing out, Blake cried out, “I have to get Tyler!”

The man holding him shouted, "The doors are sealing. You’ll die out here!” He and another guy jerked Blake back inside the gym just as the door sealed hermetically.

I was grabbed roughly by the Gahjins. An oxygen mask was pushed onto my face. The Gahjins shouted several orders to each other and I was dragged towards their ship. I saw Blake watch in horror through the window on the gym door. He pounded on the glass.

Once I was inside, more orders were shouted and the hatch closed. A terrible grinding of metal as the small ship pulled out of the breach. A moment later, I felt the nausea that comes from making a jump. My hands and feet where quickly tired and I was dumped on the floor of the ship.

Why the hell did they take me? They must have been looking for me. They first probed the starboard side of the ship and then scanned the port side. What could they want with me? They all took off their pressure helmets and holy shit these guys are ugly. They were bipeds with two eyes and a mouth full of flat teeth. Their skin was rough and dark gray like stone. And oh my God did they stink. Or maybe it was the methane that stank. Either way, it smelled pretty rank inside that ship.

I was tossed unceremoniously into a metal cage with an oxygen supply and my mask was taken way. A short time later, I could tell we landed. A hatch opened and my cage was carried into a building by a forklift looking machine.

After a short period of time, a larger Gahjin, dressed ornately, walked into the room where I was being held and he stepped up to my cage.

He yelled so I could hear. “Stoopid hoomans! Yrrrh mine now! Yrrrh my oracle now! Yooo dooo what I say and I might let yooo live.” He then made guttural chortling sound like he was laughing.

He turned and said something to a Gahjin guarding me. He then left the room.

Talk about being in deep shit. This was definitely the deepest, bleakest shit I’ve ever been in. I started to cry.

*          *          *

End Part 5

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