Short-short < 500 words

I don't understand.

I don't understand.

Why are mommy and daddy so mad at me?

I did nothing wrong all I did was dress up in pretty clothes like all the other girls do. I even feel pretty.

All the other girls and myself had so much fun today prancing and dancing in our skirts. Even our teacher thought we were all so pretty.

But why was Daddy so mad? Why did he yell at me for dressing like the girl I am? I just don't understand.

I can hear him and mommy arguing in their bedroom. I do not understand what freak means.

Past made Perfect

Past made perfect

“So lets assume I wanted to make a man dress and act like a woman. How could I do it?”

“Against his will?”


“Well, if you were being crude, you could kidnap him, drug him, and use threats of rape or other bodily harm.”

“I would rather something more subtle.”

“LIke what?”


“Not terribly effective, or so I’ve heard.”

“It depends on how they’re used. For example, did you know it was possible to plant a memory? To make a man remember spending his childhood dressing up?”

“Like I did? Sounds far-fetched.”

Fooled Again

Fooled Again
By Stanman63
April Fool's Day Story
Synopsis: This Genie just can't help falling for the same trick every time. Tommy and Sarah help Jesse to realize her dream by once again calling upon the Genie.

Tears from a Bottle

Tears in a Bottle

One night, as I lay weeping in my bed, I fell asleep, and began to dream. In my dream, I was lifted up and passed through the gates beyond this life. Once there, I was attended by beings so vast and powerful I felt such shame just being in their presence I could hardly stand it.

But then He came, and I felt much worse.

It wasnt any particular sin that gave me pause, but everything about me was just so small and petty I expected Him to look at me with disgust.

But he didnt.

Reckoning - New Universe.

This is the prequel for the new universe. Timeline: Today, Feb 8 2012


You humans go about your daily lives, dealing with each crisis as it comes up as best you can. Sometimes though an event that can and will change everything about your lives, your planet, your entire existence are destined to occur and, without help from somewhere, your race will vanish completely and utterly.



Ever been scared of something?

Not just a little scared, but turn-white-and-faint, heart-caught-in-your-chest and soil-your-pants scared?

I had something I was that scared of as a kid. Something that made The Monster In The Closet or The Thing Under The Bed minor inconveniences in comparison.

It was a girl.

It was THE GIRL.

Not that SHE looked scary, or creepy, but just the fact SHE existed at all.

Because SHE was inside my head, always after me to let HER out.

Stormy Night

It was dark:30 and raining pretty hard and I was, headed home while going around a corner I noticed this person standing along side the road, so I pulled over and asked if they wanted a ride, turns out to be a young lady crying and Really upset. So she got in,while asking her where she was going, so she said East of Johnsburg, So I said I was going that way and would take her home. would of anyway for it was stormy night, not fit for any living thing, besides it was against the code not to help someone in need.

A cry in the dark

A Cry in the Dark

Author's note. This is a sequel to "You", and has some tough emotional moments, including the allusion to a sexual assault. Read with care.

It was quiet in the hospital, with only the soft sounds of the machines to keep the girl in the bed company. Once in a while a nurse would come in, but otherwise, the girl had no visitors. This gave the girl a chance to think, especially about how she ended up here.

It started with one tragic fact. Although she knew she was a girl, to the people around her, she appeared to be a boy.

Last Entry

This one is pretty intense. Reader discretion is advised.

Last Entry

Well, it looks like this is it. Nobody is coming, or at least not in time to save me. The end of the line, as they say.

I’m gonna die.

Dont know why I’m writing this down. Nobody will find it, even if there is anybody left. But I want to, because that’s what I did my whole life - write.

Off to Seek a Wizard -2- Tweet On You

Off to Seek a Wizard...
Tweet On You

by Erin Halfelven


I went back to the lounge and sat down in one of those hard plastic seats. Then I got up again and looked, it felt like I was sitting on something squishy but there wasn't anything there, so I sat back down.

Off to Seek a Wizard

Off to Seek a Wizard...

by Erin Halfelven


My name is supposed to be Dale Steffani. Yeah, yeah, no relation. They had a contest back in my home town, a little place you may have heard of? Los Angeles, California?

Ten Years Gone

Ten Years Gone

Author's note. This is the counterpoint to my last story, "Five years Gone." Its a little bit more hopeful, I hope you like it.

Well, well, well. I just looked at the membership file, and I can’t believe its been a decade since I became a member of this site. Boy, has a lot changed in that time, huh? Especially for me. Who would have believed the scared person who still believed she could “cure” herself of wanting to be a woman would be where I am now?

Five Years Gone

Five Years Gone

Author’s note: this is a story of a possible future, and a bleak one at that. Take care reading it.

Hey guys, its Dot. Sorry its been so long since I’ve been on, but I’ve only just recently been allowed Internet privileges, and it took me a while to convince the Powers That Be to let me have the time away from therapy to post this update.

I look around at this place, and I can’t help wondering how the heck I ended up in here. How did things go so bad, so quickly?



Here I am again, sitting in the kitchen with a glass of milk, staring into space and wishing I was anywhere or anyone else. It’s an odd night that I’m not sitting here awake at 3am. I know I should go back to bed and take another stab at sleep, but it wouldn’t matter anyway.

Today is Christmas day, and in a few hours, children all over town will be waking up to colorful boxes under a lit tree, but not in my house.

The Gift

The Gift

By Anon Allsop

I sat alone on the little park bench and contemplated the chance that had been offered to me. Slowly rolling the golden wish coin between my fingers. It had passed into my hands earlier that week but I really had nothing I wanted, I was pretty successful, and fairly wealthy... even in my advanced age.

The only thing I could have ever improved upon is my utter loneliness, up until about 10 years ago that too would have been far beyond my needs. The day that I lost my beautiful wife of 63 years was the day that I died as well. I frowned and looked at the remarkable coin, If only it would have come sooner... maybe I could have saved my dear wife.

An Old Trope Revisited

An Old Trope Revisited

I was in the change room, getting angrier by the moment. My own mother was pushing girl clothes on me! She’d dragged me into this shop, made me strip, and now had thrown skirts and dresses and girl’s underthings over the top of the door, and was demanding I put them on!

I really couldn’t believe my own mother would be doing something like this. Why would she want to turn me into a girl? Didn’t she love me just as I was? And what could I possibly do but go along with her plan?

Finally, an idea came to me, how I could end this torture.

My Journey Through Life, So Far Part 6

My Journey Through Life, So Far
Part 6
by Lesley Renee Charles

I have highlighted the major bits of my college years, but I have to back track a little and tell of some of my experiences when I lived in the college dorms.

To begin with I had to fight my whole Senior year of High School to be able to live in the dorms. I lived within the 10 mile radius and the college was denying me the right to live on campus because of that. Meanwhile they also guaranteed Freshmen housing. See the conundrum.

There was a point ...

There was a Point …

Once upon a time, a little girl fell under the spell of an evil man. We don’t need to record the details, but suffice it to say he broke her, until she no longer acted, or even thought and felt for herself, but just did what she was told.

Then one day, by luck, the evil man went away, and she was free, but there was a problem. She hadn’t acted or thought or felt for herself in so long, she no longer knew how.

On and Over

On and Over (1st draft preview)
by Cleo Kraft


Small soft hands opened the door and a cute little blonde girl's head peeked in the room. She bit her lower lip as she looked around for any sign of people around. Her breathing was hurried and panting a bit as she had just ran from the park all the way up Forest Avenue to Dr. Jenning's place.

Looking for peace

copy right yada yada may be posted on any free site as long as i get the credit for it. Must be of age in your area to read
This just some thing i did late one night hope you all like it , comments welcome

The tears were coming fast as I placed the nail tip on my finger.
Here I am.How has it come to this?My struggles for most of my life,
being an outsider,being different.
The compulsions and desires to be a woman.Always there under the surface,in the shadows and the realm of dreams.

Lost In The 50s Tonight

This is a bit melancholy, but it wanted to be written and I just tried to keep up with what my muse was dictating. I hope you like it.

Song Credit to Ronnie Milsap: Lost In The 50s Tonight.
Lost In The Fifties Tonight, by Catherine Linda Michel

Oh yes, I remember... so, so well that night, the music, the feeling of being held in your arms, swaying together and hoping the moment would never end.

Close your eyes babyӬFollow my hear-eartӬ
Call on the mem'rie-ie-ies, ӬHere in the dar-ark
ӬWe'll let the magic Ӭ

Fade To Black

Fade To Black

A girl's reflections as she prepares to end the last chapter.

And so she stood on the edge of the cliff, tears burning her cheeks and blurring her vision. She was empty now … empty of love … empty of fear … empty of hope … empty of the faith that had carried her through the darkness for so long.

Near the Threshold

Near the Threshold

Ever had an “ah ha!” moment? Where everything you think about changes? I had one. It started in an very odd place - my local swimming pool. I had just finished my swim, and I headed for the change areas when I made a simple mistake. I turned left instead of right, and walked into the woman’s change area. In my defense, I can’t see well without my glasses, and I was tired from my swim, so I missed the sign, and just went in.





We walked into the Lingerie and Foundation Garment store, the owner came over and greeted mum like an old friend, I didn`t know they had gone to school together and hadn`t seen each other for 14 years.

After a couple of minutes she asked if she could help mum.

"I need a Bra fitting" said mum

"If you`ll go into the changing booth I`ll measure you" said the woman

"Oh it`s not for me, it`s for my son" said mum

Just Swimmingly

Just Swimmingly

Mary reached the door of the change room, and hesitated. She stood there, rocking back and forth from one foot to the other for several minutes before Alice came up and took her hand.

"What's wrong, hon?" Alice asked.

"I can't. They'll all see ...." Mary said.

"They wont notice a thing. Come on. "

Finally, Alice took Mary's hand, and led her into the change room. Once inside, Alice began taking of her street clothes, while Mary watched. Alice looked at her, and said, "what, hon?"

Broken down Angel....

Broken Down Angel…


Shadira sighed just like any other woman whose patience was at that point where they’re about to throw their ands up in the air or cross their arms across their chest just under their breasts in that “Stop being an idiot.” kind of way.

Dorian looked over at her from the driver’s seat and stared at her. “Shadira…beloved.” Which he said in that aggravated accentuated V on the beloved. “You do realize that I can sense your thoughts.”

Life is for Living - Another short verse

Life is for Living
by Julie D. Cole


Life is for living, for fun and for joy,
So we shouldn’t feel sad if born as a boy,
But some of us do ‘cos our feelings aren’t right,
Not all of us boys play football and fight,

Some are just gentle and quiet, like a mouse,
And others like dolls and to join girls to play house,
So why can’t it be that when we get to eight,
We just visit the doc before it’s too late’

Extra Unordinary Girl

Extra Unordinary Girl
By Erin Amelia Fletcher

Idea came from the song ordinary girl by Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus

Don’t get me wrong its not that I don’t love who I am
I am not ungrateful, just a little strange
I just go day by day, fixating on the roles I play
I’m not a con artist or a devil in disguise

I’m just an extra unordinary girl
I have wishes I have dreams
That far from realm exceed the extreme
To many they are as careless as they seem for an extra unordinary girl

Could I have this dance?

I had this story kicking around in my head for the past couple of days. It's short, but sweet. Enjoy


She was a beauty. Sure there were other women in that room at the time, but none had the beauty and happiness that radiated on her face. Her dress was a sight to behold. The lace that run up the sides was exquisite. Her hair was done up with flowers on one side. And that smile never left her lips.

A little note.

Please see notes at end

It’s another sad day for the sky is filled with dark clouds.
It’s been like this for many days, and the rain just never seems to go away.
Oh how I wish I could go out and play, but what fun would it be anyway.
I no longer laugh and I can’t smile, why must I live a life of denial.
Ashamed of what others might think, the pills still in my hand ready to swallow.
Some people told me to pray, but why bother, god hates me anyway.
Some wish I was dead, others want me to move ahead.
As the pain becomes too much to bear, I find there is no end to the fear.


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