The Kissing Booth (2)

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So I was thirty minutes into my one hour shift of the kissing booth. And so far I had handed out no kisses. I thought the whole thing was a bust like the rest of the fair. I mean, when you think about it, it was nothing more than a thrown together event. Thirty minutes in and the cake-walk had run out of cake, the bobbing for apple's thing had run out of apples. And only the food booths seemed to be thriving, I guess when you consider the quality of the cafeteria food. Okay let me tell you about the cafeteria food, most of the time it was decent. Bland, poorly seasoned and often overcooked and sometimes even raw or still frozen.

The milk was often warm and watery, the hamburgers often soggy and poorly seasoned, the meatloaf.. often moved and sometimes growled at you if you poked it with your fork or spoon. The chicken, often baked and seasoned with lemon and a bit of butter was often raw and still bleed when you poked it. Your main sides were either rice, that was not really rice but a clump of something that looked like rice, butter beans that were okay, peas, those were a treat because they were seasoned with tiny strips of bacon. And sometimes you had boiled okra that was slimy and slithered down your throat or gushed a clear liquid when you cut into it.

Bread was, we'll have two choices when it came to bread. A dinner roll that was hard as a stone and often had to be soaked in the milk to make it soft enough for you to chew on it, then you had to chew a good while before you could swallow it. Then it felt like a stone when you tried to pass it. Beside the dinner roll you had a small, square slice of yellow cornbread. The cornbread tasted okay and was only served thrice a year, the first one was before Thanksgiving break, the second time was before the Christmas Holiday and the last time was before Easter Break or Spring Break.

Anyway, with food like that being served on a daily basis, it's no wonder that students are flocking to drop their dollars on hot dogs and popcorn, and heck I think they're even starting to sell pizza by the slice, one slice of pizza like a dollar seventy five or two dollars. Jesus, talk about milking the cow till the tit runs out of milk.

I was about to abandon my post when from the shadows a shy freshman appeared. He had short blonde hair and pretty blue eyes. He was on the short side, blushing he reached into his pocket and dropped a dollar into the jar. I smiled and then leaned over and kissed him on the cheeks. I had applied an extra thick coating of lipstick a few moments ago so my lips were still wet, wet enough to leave a mark.

The boy blushed, and quickly started to retreat. I giggled, it was something cute about watching the boy retreat into the shadows. A moment later another boy appeared, he too was on the short side, he was dressed in a pair of khaki colored trousers, brown dress shoes, a white button down long sleeve shirt and blue blazer. His brown hair was just long enough to be kind of shaggy.

He too was blushing as he neared the booth and dropped his dollar into the jar. Smirking a little I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. It was my turn to blush, as his cheeks were smooth as silk and I could smell some tropical aftershave floating around him. That scent drove me wild! If I had not already promised myself to Matthew, I would totally love to have a tumble with him in the hayloft or roll with him in the clover. Now it was my turn to flush! Before I could catch myself I found myself mentally undressing him, starting with his shirt and peeling away the layers like one would peel an orange. And oh what a juicy orange that would be!

It took me a moment to regain myself. But I soon did, even though I was still riding a pretty big wave. A few more boys showed up and I duly kissed them. None of them really sparked the excitement the second boy had.

And so I thought the highlight of the day had passed. Things were starting to wind down now. The crowds were starting to melt away, I'm not sure what wisdom possessed our school to hold the fair in the middle of the school day, putting a time limit on these things always seemed to be dooming them from the start.

And so with the last few minutes of the little celebration ticking down. I counted myself lucky to escape as clean as I did. I mean the Kissing booth had been fun, and it might have been a bit more embarrassing than the dunking booth. But it was another item I could check off my bucket list. Seeing the crowd starting, I decided to close up shop early. My jar had only four or maybe five lonely one dollars bills in it.

Then much to my chagrin, the whole football team seemed to start to line up by the booth. All twenty of them, they were quite a sight to see too. All of them dressed in button down shirts and slacks, complete with ties. Once more I felt my cheeks starting to flush as they lined up in front of the booth. And then one by one they dropped their dollars into the jar.

And one by one I kissed them on the cheeks, leaving my 'Mark' upon each of their cheeks. I know this is going to sound rude, but I could not help laugh the whole time. I mean at this point I felt like I was really living in a high school movie? I mean it's a classic trope, the shy girl volunteers for the kissing booth and has the time of her life, at least I think it is. And the football team lining up to be kissed by the sky girl, that has to be a classic cliche.

Looking back I think I did something most high school girls dream about doing. I kissed the whole football time! Kind of odd yes, but then again you only pass through high school once. And in one more year, I'll be walking across the stage, shaking hands with some shot caller, I would then receive my diploma and all of this would be forgotten? I mean nobody is going to remember this in five or six years? So why not live it up a little, make a few waves and try to make something of it.

Anyway, one by one I worked my way down the line, kissing each football player as they dropped the dollars into my little jar. Till at last the last one had gone on his merry little way. About that time, I was about to close up the booth. Everything else had at this point shut down. And the student's who had volunteered to clean up the gym were starting to flood in.

A teacher, an older woman with her auburn hair pulled back in a tight bun passed by the booth and collected the jar. She took one look at me and shook her head. She had a very sour expression on her face, a kind of granny look. Very dole.

“I trust you had fun Ms. Brewer?” She said as she screwed the lid on the jar and tucked the jar under the crook of her arm.

“I had a blast.” I said blushing as I stepped from behind the booth.

“In my day, a girl who would have volunteered for such a booth would have been considered.. of low breeding and of low morals. She would have been considered no better than the street walkers of grease row and bar queens that hang out in the dusty, musty, fifthly roadside bars that you see up country.”
I blinked and blinked again. At that moment I felt like I had been smashed with a ton of bricks. The weight of the words were bone crushing. I saw red, my nostrils flared and my hands started to tremble. I wanted to scream something, but I did not trust myself to speak and so I kept my mouth firmly shut.

“Furthermore, We would have never considered having such an attraction in my day. That booth, along with its cousin the dunking booth are designs that lure out the devil. They feast upon man's lustful nature and are staffed by low moral women, who flaunt their bodies around like some whore. I just can't bring myself to approve of it. Even if it is for charity. Furthermore, I can not approve of that upcoming holiday, it's the devil's birthday.”

And with her little speech done, she climbed down from her soap box and left. And once she maid through those two double doors, the air in the room became so much lighter. I did however feel a little crestfallen. I had volunteered for the booth to raise money for the children's hospital, the same hospital I had spent three weeks in following the wreck that had killed my mother and left me adrift. I was just about to lash out and vent on the wooden booth, when I felt somebody touching me on the shoulder.

I quickly spun around and then I blink, their standing only a few inches from was Matthew, I felt my cheeks fill with color as smiled at me, that smiled cause me to lose all my anger, and was like a fresh ray of sunshine busting through the darken clouds that had just surrounded my heart.

“Is the kissing booth still open?” He asked, smiling a little.

“Its always open for you babe.” I said returning his smirk with a little impish smile of my own. I then tossed my arms around him and kissed him, and unlike the others, I kissed him full on the mouth. Our lips touched and passion flooded through are bodies. A second later, are lips touched and I felt his arms fall down around me, embracing me, I lost myself in his firm grip and gave into the passion. It felt so good to give into the passion, I don't know how long we kissed because time seem to stand still, and the whole world seemed to empty.

To me, that was the best way to end my adventure in the kissing booth, getting to kiss the one boy who matters, the one boy I hope to call my husband, the one boy I hoped to start a family with, that one very special boy that I hope to grow old with. And I did, and another chapter in my life drew to a close.

The End.

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I'm a little confused.

Is this a transgender story? I'm sorta half asleep, so I may have missed it. Still, it was a cute story. Thank you for sharing it. :)

Edit: Don't mind me. I just found the first part of this story. Thanks again for sharing it! :D