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Me and My Mus
The other day I was loafing in front of the TV when Andrea, my muse visited me. It had been some time since last. We had spent our vacations at different locations. Don’t get me wrong, I like Andrea but we have no need to crowd each other. However, I like chatting with Andrea even when I’m not going to write a story. That is what happened the other day. I like female companionship. As everyone knows all muses are female.
As we were talking Andrea happened to mention “when I was a little boy …”. Ooops!
Andrea coloured up. The cutest pink imaginable.
- But aren’t all muses girls?
- It’s true that in mus/muse society, gender roles are very strict. Only muses inspire writers. If you are a mus (that is a male and thus without the female e at the end) you don’t. You have a choice of other important tasks to do instead. Big manly things.
- So, you are a transgender muse? Isn’t that unusual?
- No and no. No as in there are many transgender muses. If a mus discovers that she is female she eventually transforms into a fully functional muse, inspiring writers and all that. You have no idea how many transgender muses there are here at BCTS! No, because I’m not transgender. I’m a mus (sob, sob). I like all things girly but I’m NOT a girl. Had I been human you’d called me a femboy. I’m definitely male but all things girly appeal to me, the clothes the way I keep my hair, inspiring you … And now I can’t be your muse any longer because I’m just a girly mus (heavy sobbing).
I admit I was shocked by Andrea’s revelation. By the way, Andrea? Isn’t that a girl’s name?
- Do you remember when you picked me up?
- Yes, I remember very well when I picked you up, or rather you firmly attached yourself to me. That was when I was on a language course in ….Italy.
- I see you get it. I never used a fake name. You just assumed. People always assume. Like the snobbish muses who despise me for wanting to inspire you even if I’m only a lowly mus. Of course a mus can’t do that. You have no idea how they belittle me. They keep saying that I never have given you even ONE straight idea. Only crocked and twisted ones. And what’s worse, they are right.
I couldn’t help it. Andrea was so unhappy and at the same time so incredibly CUTE. I slowly moved my head towards him and kissed him gently. And then I started to sing. If I had wanted any further proof of Andrea’s devotion to me, this was it. He didn’t flee screaming despite the fact that I’m an absolutely awful singer.
- I wanna be inspired by you, just you
Nobody else but you
I wanna be inspired by you, alone!
That was absolutely true. My stories may be twisted. Andrea may be despised by the muses. All that didn’t matter. We were made for each other. Looking at him with his smile and still some tears in his eyes there was no doubt. Andrea was the cutest little femmus imaginable and I was his and he was mine forever, for twisted story after twisted story.
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That Is a Cut Story
Just the thing for a day like today.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Something for a rainy day?
Of course I have no idea what the weather is like where you are.
Something for a rainy day?
Something for irony day.
Iron-y day
is problably somthing to get out all the wrinkles after a rainy day.
Even the “Autobiographical” tag is in place… So where is the twist?
How to get out of this?
I have two possibilities
1. This is not really a story but a relation of my relation with my femmus
2. The twist is that there is no twist.
Now to decide which one to choose.
Decisions, decisions.
For your story to have no twist, is a real twist.
As everyone knows all muses are female.
Click on the picture to read the article about the nine muses.
I'm sure that they've figured a way to breed, or in some way to multiply.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Bring in the clones
Otherwise they just have to find a mus.
Bring in the clones
There ought to be clones
Well maybe next year
Like fusion
eternally only ten years away.
I always thought...
... that fusion was eternally only a quarter century away.
-- Daphne Xu
Hey, I'm an optimist
Mus musculus
I enjoyed the story but couldn't help thinking of the male mus(e) as a rather timid creature, very similar behaviourally to the house mouse whose scientific name is Mus musculus..
I'm not contradicting you
To be honest I'm not familiar with any mus apart from the rather atypical Andrea.
your mus is a sweetie
and so are you!
huggles to both of you!
Not the only ones (wink, wink)
Your stories never fail
To put a smile on my face no matter how low I am feeling.
It appears that I DO have
a purpose in life.
As we have come to expect from Bru. And the twist is there, but it's at the beginning.
I may have mentioned this before
A class-mate of mine had a father who owned the biggest chocoloate factory in the country (no he wasn't called Charlie). One of the brands they had was "Twist".
That's a nail
hit sharply on the head!
Better than the other way around.
Hitting your head on the nail may cause headaches.
Mind and Memory
They're going. I initially winced hard at the nail hit sharply on the head.
-- Daphne Xu
So that's why
I've often wondered why my Muse only inspired transgender stories. I never suspected she might be trans herself. How could I have missed that?
My wife has occasionally asked why I don't write traditional stuff, as trans stories are not her thing. Maybe I have an answer now.
Thanks, Bru.
Happy to have given you this insight
So if you want to write non-TG stories find a non-TG muse. Wait, are muses territorial and resent any other muse muscling in?
Yes, A-Mus-ing
Joanne said it best.
>>> Kay
Degrees of --------
I wonder how many degrees exist of -------- for men and boys.
Just a notion brought to mind.
-- Daphne Xu
50 shades?
I don't believe you can work with discrete steps.
Are you really sure?
About discrete steps? Coming back to Achilles and the turtle paradox?
Since we are not talking about death or taxes