For the last several weeks, I've been here, but not really here. I have fallen behind on responding to comments and giving comments to those wonderful ladies who stories bring me so much joy and happyness. I feel like I owe the whole community an apology and I must explain why. Well to start I was sick on Easter Sunday, and so I went to the local clinic and tested postived for streph throat. Again. So that was ten more days on the antibotic train. I was barely over strep when my father woke up one morning peeing blood. It was bad, went to anyway and was told I would be called if I was needed. Five hours later, I'm standing in the middle of a overcrowed E.R on the phone to the parish priest, both Catholic and Episcopal and calling all family cause I have no idea what going on, other than there going to take him to Jackson.
Last rites, blessing of the sick, prayers, and stuff were said. Madness followed, got into the big hospital in Jackson around five that evening, left around nine, went to work at five. Three days of stress, and we learn that he's going to have his kidney taken out. Day of operation everything goes to pot. Operation pushed back several hours, spent the day in the waiting room. Went to work the next day.
In short between caring for my dad and mom, and work I'm stuck. I'm doing my best to stay as active as I can write when I can and respond/comment when I can. So please bear with me as I struggle to regain my footing and push ahead. Balancing a full time job and a side writting career as a writer was hard enough. Now tossing being my dads temp. Full time care taker is the log that might break the horses back.
Thank you lovely ladies. And thank you all for the wonderful comments you've showered me with since I'd been a member of this lovely community. Each and every one of you gals are a treasure.
No Apology Needed
Life throws us all curveballs. Your first obligation is with your family and your dad must take priority. We will still be here when you can return to us and we will welcome you with open arms.
One of the reasons for that is that you are such a compassionate girl and your heart is there for all of us to see. Look after your dad and we will be waiting for you.
What Joanne said
Dearest Rebecca, I’m so very sorry! Your father’s condition sounds extremely serious. I hope and pray that all of you will be alright. In the meantime, be where you need to be and don’t feel a moment’s guilt about it. We’re here if you need a respite.
Sending lots of love,
— Emma
no apology needed
life happens take care of your family and your self first .sorry about your dad i hope he gets better
sending Hugs Love and prayers your way
you have had a lot on your plate it seems!
take care of your family, and especially take care of yourself. We'll still be here when you have the time! Huggles!
Take time to be good to yourself when you can, even if it's just an ice cream cone and the freedom to eat it. We'll be here when your obligations are taken care of.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Double YIKES!
Like others have said
- no apologies needed.
- take care of self and family first.
Sending you and your Dad a boat-load of Huggles, via the Aether. Delivery is at the speed of thought.
Next step is to take the load off your Dad's remaining kidney.
Start today - no, not when he gets home. Today.
It turns out that animal proteins are stressful to the kidneys. This is because of their bad amino acid (protein) mix.
Animal foods have additional "whammies" - the fats clog up our arteries everywhere, which raises blood pressure, which stresses out the kidneys. The fats also push us towards pre- and actual Type-II Diabetes (and screw up control of T-I.) Did I mention kidney stones & gout?
Very first thing to get rid of - all dairy. In addition to the bad amino acids and fats, dairy has at least three ways to start and promote cancers. Good news is that there are any number of replacements for milk, coffee creamers, cheeses and yogurts. (Watch out for the dairy contaminant 'casein')
Get control of his in-hospital diet. My most recent hospital encounter offered a menu, where the default choices would Sicken and Kill one-half the people eating the defaults.
Next stop: Sign up for (There is a UK version.) While it says "Vegan+January, hence 'veganuary' we can start anytime. Today is good.
Wishing your Dad a speedy recovery, no complications, and, using the info I've sent, improved health and longer life.
Huggles, dear
Sending love and prayers your way.
Oh Honey, just NO
Even if you didn't have all this grim stressful stuff going on
you wouldn't need to apologize; and especially not now!
Your value as a much loved member of this community
isn't dependent on how much/how little you comment.
When you do it's always so positive and supportive
it brings smiles to they who read them.
But I do apologize for flaking out on your fun charming stories.
I'm barely reading any transgender fiction at all these days
& spending way too much time vegging out with Youtube
cats-playing-in-boxes videos + dumb movies on Netflix...
~BIG HUGS! Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Take good care
Take good care of yourself and your family! No need whatsoever to apologize!! Priorities!
Best wishes and prayers for your dad and also for you. <3
- Erisian