My broadband is back and finally working OK, (Wooohoo!)No more having to speak Outer Mongolianese to sort out my internet woes.
Anyway, I was going to start a new chapter of Working Girl. To refresh my poor memory, I went back over the previous chapter and saw that I had made a lot of silly mistakes in formatting and spelling.
This kind of annoyed me as I had gone over the thing a couple of times before posting, for once.
The problem is that I have dyslexia and because of this, I miss things that normal people can pick up easily.
I use spell checker and stuff like that but still, stuff gets through.
So, I apologise in advance for any whoppers that I might make and hope that it doesn’t detract from the enjoyment too much!
I have used the kind services of Kristina and Gabi in the past to sort out my mistakes in spelling and grammar. They were brilliant and long suffering but I hate imposing on busy people and I also like the immediacy of free flow writing.
Are there any other writers out there who have a similar problem?
Worried Sue from flat Lincolnshire, UK
Thankfully I'm not dyslexic
But I am minded of the dyslexic, insomniac agnostic who lay awake all night wondering if there was a dog!
waiting for the next kidnapped!
Dyspeptic, agnostic, insomniac
Of course there's a dog; she's lying on my pillow, wondering why I'm not in bed.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Sue, Glad your back online as I'm looking forward to your next chapter(s) of Working Girl.
Here's the offer, If you need a proof reader drop me a line, As I spend nearly all my free time reading BC anyway you wouldn't be putting me out in anyway.
Keep up the good work.
Hear about the dyslexic who went to a toga party. He dressed as a goat!
I know a dyslexic magician
He pulled a hat out of a rabbit.
The rabbit now bounces funny.
A dyslexic man walked into a bra...
Well ...
That would be yes Sue. I have the flavor that includes numbers and words. Yes it can be a quite the pain can it not? If I'm alert the little 'tricks' I use generally keeps me out of trouble. If I'm not, well that's another problem all together. It gets pretty bad. Just ask anyone whom has edited for me. :)
Totally normal.
I believe it is totally normal to miss things like that in writing. That is why people have editors. If you can get all the cooties out of your work in just a couple readings, you are wayyyyy ahead of me. Good job!
Gwen Brown
I'm not lysdexic, I'm lazy
If I was dislexic I'd have an excuse for my hiddeous typing skills.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Lesdyxia and fumble fingers
I have a touch of lesdyxia and 2 of my 3 kids do too. Added into that was Adobe Flash Player causing key strokes to be dropped or lost when typing (fixed now). It was faster to go over to my lappy top and type something up save it to the network and post it from this machine. I'm always doing the 'teh' or RObi or thru through threw and effect affect defect or 'or' 'of'. Thier Their There They're mix ups.
However as long as all the right letters are in the word and the first and last letetrs are ceocrrt, the human mnid straightens it out with no proelbms.
I've been working last several days on the upcoming Same Sex Marriage thing in California starting on Jun 17th. My problem with it is the name change sections for AB102 don't kick in until 1/1/09. I'm going to be discriminated against!
Hi Hun

you are not alone I have dyslexia as well. I skip read living out the small words so I can read fast but as far as editing its really bad. Its funny when I read stores from england I start talking like....Oh bugger.
Love and Hugs
Ps I am determined to read all you work...I love it
Love and Hugs
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be