Here I am sitting in sunny, if very blowy Lincolnshire, that's in the UK for those, like me who never paid attention in geography lessons.
I have lost count of the amount of times I have had to let Ellie Mae and Biscuit (our cats) in and out of the house today. As soon as they go out, they realise that it's windy and they want to come in again!
Now, I hear you say that I should get a cat flap. No...not a good idea, Biscuit likes catching things and bringing them home to Mummy and Daddy. We found a live frog on the living room carpet last year, staring at us balefully and no doubt wondering if it was about to be someones lunch.
Also, we quite often find bits of mice, voles and other things lying outside the back door. It's Biscuits fault, he is a natural born, mini tiger.
Ellie Mae, bless her... hasn't a tigerish bone in her little body, she tries to catch blowing leaves, but that's the limit...even then she rarely catches anything, as A. she's too slow or B. she takes her eye off the ball to lick herself.
Mind you, it's funny, if we have visitors, Biscuit goes and hides somewhere, not to be seen until the intruders leave and Ellie just comes up and plonks herself on any willing who's the brave one here?
I had better go now as the cat's want to come in and I no doubt will have to give them some food...I don't know why I bother...yes I do...I love the little devils, that's why.
Cats are great
I'm a cat person myself. Unfortunatly I don't have one right now. The last cat I had was pretty smart. She figured out )how to open the door to my bedroom and the door to the bathroom. I had to be very carefull with that cat. Talk about awkward.
are here for their pleasure, it's our duty to see they enjoy it.
I live with a couple of cats. They really love acrylic nail extensions.
They're fairly nonjudgemental, but I have gotten weird looks when asking them for story advice. They did convince me to give cats to the leads of one of my pieces, and inspired a story of mine over at Stardust about a man and his cat.
Mean Cats
I used to have two very mean cats. One Siamese and one Manx. The only dog allowed in the yard was our St. Bernard and he was afraid of the Siamese, she could get between him and his dinner dish and he would whine and jump back and forth, but wouldn't approach the cat. He weighed 225 lbs more than the cat!
The Manx would regularly fight raccoons and win! There were no mice, moles, birds or squirrels in ours or our neighbor's yards.
They both lived into their early 20's out of shear meanness.
Both were outside cats, only coming in for supper and really cold weather. The Manx loved attention, but after a minute of scratching and petting it was too much of a good thing for him and he would run outside, there was no stopping him!
Mr. Ram
Cats? <shudder>
hmm, can't say I'm a cat person. I don't have any problems with them if they leave me alone. But they always want to mess with me somehow. That's why I have a dog. She'll protect me from those horrid little beasties! You know the ones: they come up and act like they love you and want to be your bestest and biggestest friend in the world and then they turn around and piss on you... Literally! I have had that happen to me so many times in my life that I have come to detest the creatures. A dog is much more forgiving and is so happy to see you and really be your best friend without judgment. But those of you who have them, you can have them. Sorry to sound so negative about them. I'm sure there are ones out there that are real dears but I have yet to ever find one...
I love cats
My cat was a bit of a psycho cat. For the most part she was loving and affectionate but occasionally she would just go a bit mad and try to rip your hand to pieces, but I loved her anyway. Sadly when she was 14 she developed a tumour on her neck and had to be put to sleep. I love cats and it's been very lonely without her, but I don't think I could go through that anguish again, so I haven't got another.
Cats usually allow us to live in their domicile
I used to be a dog person all the way..until I was hornswaggled into "rescuing" a cat. Turned out Zoe was the best thing, besides Grover, to happen to me.
Zoe absolute LOVES men. While Grover is napping, she will curl up in his arms and give me stink eye if I ever come around to check on them. Heh..who knew cats could be possessive of their people.
Paula Young
A life lived in fear is a life half-lived
Cats- possessive? Very.
I had an oldish female cat who would drive my other female cat away if she sat on my lap. On one occasion, she Squinks, the older one, settled on a visitor's lap making sure I saw her do it. A few minutes later, Pru my other cat came in and jumped up on my lap, which in itself was unusual.
Two minutes later Squinks looked up and did a double take, quite literally, she looked and then looked again, saw Pru and a moment later drove her off my lap, then curled up and went to sleep.
She also sat on my hip in bed glaring at a boyfriend I had at the time and also then forced herself between us. It was quite funny how protective or possessive she was. Sadly she died about three years ago and Pru died about 18 months ago. All I have now is Bonzi, who owns both my aunt and me.
I am NOT a cat person.
Some 20 years ago one nearly killed me and in any case paralysed me for some time (I still suffer the after effects); another broke SWMBO collar bone and it looks very strange now. Cats don't like cyclists it seems. Oh and other people's cats shit all over our garden too. You could say neither of us would miss cats.
However when we visited the USA a few years ago we couldn't resist buying a CD called 'Songs of the Cat' featuring Garrison Keillor (the main reason we bought it) and Frederika von Stade. In fact one of the songs is called 'The In and Out Song' which exactly illustrates the behaviour of Sue's cats. Having tried to cycle in the very strong winds we experienced in the UK at the weekend (well in Yorkshire, and evidently in Lincs, at least) I can't blame the cats for seeking shelter. Anyway, despite the subject matter, it's a very amusing CD and recommended to both cat lovers and haters.
A great album
My sister and I have it and that particular song is cats to a tee.
Killer cats? Was it thru the miricle of atomic mutation?
Now dogs I can believe as menaces to cyclists.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa