I have to apologise for not posting the next chapter of Football Girl - unfortunately work commitments have got in the way.
It seems unlikely, unless I win the lottery or find that I have a previously unknown rich aunt who passes away leaving me her fortune, that I will be able to post again until towards the end of the month.
Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.
Worth the wait
Sue, life comes first. I'd rather you write out of love than duty. I'm sure the wait will be worth it :)
You should inform your employers ...
... in no uncertain terms that you have more important commitments than merely earning a crust. You have stories to write, readers to satisfy and adulation to receive. They should be grateful you turn up at all let alone do any work whilst there. Put your foot down and be assertive ... you can manage without food and shelter for a while can't you?
Geoff ;)
Life committments
Unfortunately these darn things have an annoying habit of intruding on the outpouring of your muse. We, the readers, will just have to patient with you as we are with our other favourite authors who also seem to be experiencing similar issues. Quality and not quantity is a phrase that comes to mind.
I too, dream of the day when I don't go to work because I have to but because I want to. Dreams don't cost anything and I often muse over the things I would like to do that do not involve earning a crust.
Robyn B
Robyn B