My Super Secret Life-34.

My Super Secret Life-34.


Steve passes the rhino off to the police. “Lock him in a max cell. Titan you’re with me.”

“Right.” I walk with him but get a SWAT utility belt from one of the officers and two headsets and I pass one to Steve. He nods. We head to where the hole is and he moves the truck from the hole and we both drop down well it’s different he flies down and I jump but we do this combination of me grabbing his shoulder and him my arm and we don’t touch the ground or the sparking rails.

We’re looking for sign and I can…I can see this sort of trail of foot prints leading east.
“I think, I think I’m seeing heat…? Two on foot one’s another gorilla.”

“Okay, are you ready?”

“Yeah they killed a guy in cold blood. Let’s bring them down.”

*And Now…

Champion gets us to where I can set down and not get fried and I jog following the heat trail as best as I can follow. The gorilla’s leaving a bigger trail and I pick up the speed more and more. They have a pretty good head start on us and I want to catch up with these too.

They’re killers they need to go down.

Five minutes maybe and we’ve caught up with them and they’re at the subway platform This huge nine foot high gorilla with regular black fur only he’s wearing a custom looking web gear harness with lots of pouches and stuff he has a leather shoulder bag that he slings behind him as he turns to face us and people on the platform are screaming and running.

And the other guy…

Para-military gear but he’s wearing this mask over the head that looks like it’s some kind of red velvet fur with cat ears on his head and the rest of his gear is black.

Champion yells at them. “Mongo! Halt in the name of the law!”

Oh he actually sneers at us and talks with this UK accent. “Really how droll and you think that I will observe human laws while you are the strong-arms of our oppressors?”

“You want to have this out monkey man then let the civilians clear out.” Champion says hovering in place. The red cat guy tilts his head and he moves really fast pulling a gun and he starts to shoot into the crowd!

Champion flies into the path of as many bullets as he can but he doesn’t get them all and I grab a pair of girls and turn and take two rounds in my back. They don’t break skin but they really hit hard, there’ll be bruises. I take one of the girl’s purses it looks heavy. “Miss sorry but if you please?”

She’s shaking but nods and I get a good grip on the bulk of the bag and I throw it at red-cat full strength and he dodges it and in doing that he gets a shot from Champion with his energy beams from his eyes and it send Red-cat back on his butt and lights his tactical vest on fire.

I give the girls a bit of a shove towards the exit. “Go and call the emergency number tell them we’ve had shootings.”

I full strength shove off from them using my power to slide across the floor at this Mongo character. I turn around mid-slide so I’m facing him and he looks at me and I’m not an expert on Anthro’s but is he amused?

I go for a tackle since I know how to do that pretty well and he counters by slapping his hand on my back as I’m almost connecting and drives me into the concrete.

Ow…Then he kicks me in the head sliding me away from him.

That stung but I get up and come at him more measured and he…Mongo goes into this…stance? It’s like he’s half crouched and stuff but sideways to me and he’s smiling. “Boy, don’t trifle with things you can’t handle.”

I swing but instead of a hit I go for a grab and he does some hand slap knocking my arm off then he grabs it and yanks me in and his huge hand comes out with the other arm and he palm strikes me.

Three times in rapid succession and I can’t breathe and he knocked the wind right out of me and things feel busted. Shit…and then he turns and does this massively powerful hip throw slamming me into the concrete and bouncing me off of it and I bounce off the floor and into the wall.

“…cough…” Ow, ow…breathe…dammit Tyler breathe!


Tyler’s down and hopefully he’ll recover. I’ve got my hands full with this red masked pyscho and I can see where Nick has a problem with his family. There’s a distinct resemblance between this one and the way that Damian dresses and the outfits of course are all a variation after the master hit man himself. Trask, The Taskmaster one of NH’s super elite criminals.

It just seems lately there’s been more activity from them all. This one’s new as well but we’ve seen this before.

All his little bastards all come out of the woodwork whenever their father’s on planet.

Which doesn’t bode well for anyone is he is. He takes big jobs and prominent people get killed but there’s also collateral damage from him being here.

When Nick was a kid he was raised in a lab, stolen DNA and he was cloned from his father’s DNA and that melded with his mother’s. One of those super soldier things that some of the worst bio-techs used to be really into under the radar.

Trask found out and in a fit of vengeance he stormed the facility in the dead of night and he murdered and killed everyone Nick ever knew and everyone that got in his way or had to do with the project and by the time he was done close to three hundred Chimera Corp personnel security and lab tech’s were killed and Nick had somehow escaped and by the time the police had gotten there Trask was long gone.

In Rio-Argo he nerve gassed an entire city court house to kill one heavy witness against the Syndicate.

And I’m trying to hold my own with this kid of his and they’re incredibly fast and it’s like they can read most of my moves and while I can’t hit him he can’t hurt me and he knows it which is why he’s been shooting at people in the crowd that was down here and I’m intercepting them as best as I can but as fast as I can fly I’m not Superman. I can’t fly faster than a speeding bullet.

And he’s trap-shot them into the end of the platform too…some are doing the insane thing and jumping down to the rails and they were doing okay until he snapped off a round and took out a knee and they fell on the live rails.

He’s too good! Too off baseline in that Trask family way that will lead to further death if I don’t take him out. I don’t like fighting for the whole lethal stakes I just don’t. Super-humans and metas have a hard enough time as it is without me using my powers to kill.

No choice though I move between him and the crowd and I open up my powers and my eyes as wide as I can and I go full power and wide angle instead of the narrow stared beams. It doesn’t have the range and it doesn’t have the power but it’s actually powerful enough.

I flattened the cabin I was in when it manifested the first time.

Everything gets this blue flare flash to it in my sight and I see this one light up their clothes and costume lighting up and setting on fire. Also so does everything else in my field of vision except for Titan who gets like bright white and iridescent as my energy doesn’t really affect him.

It’s really just me reversing the way my eyes take in light by pushing out the energy inside of me. It should be impossible but it is what it is and that’s this silvery blue light that’s like a laser weapon. And Tyler’s mostly and thankfully immune to those with his powers.

Red-cat goes rolling on fire and I blink and switch the way I’m using my beams and I go fully focused and I shoot them through their shoulder in their gun arm. I hear a scream a female one and I grit my teeth and I shoot out her knee on the other side of her body.
I head for her fast before she can recover and do something nasty and do my heavy tap to her mask’s forehead.

It’s a shot to someone’s head with all four fingers and like a quick tap to the head but pulled. I’ve trained lots with this and with my strength the heavy tap’s like getting hit by a heavy weight boxer.

It reels her and as hurt as she is she takes the heavy tap and I have to hit her again with one to knock her out and she busts a dagger to bits as she gets a shank attack in out of desperation before I knock her lights out.

She’s tough, all of that to take her out.

But at least I didn’t kill her.

I look to Titan. “You okay!?”

He coughs and nods.

“Get her tied up I’m going after Mongo!” I head after him to the only place he could go and that’s up the stair and back up to the streets.


Oh…I’ve never ever seen or heard of Champion doing something like that and there was this whole cone of bright blue white or silvery laser light covering our area and there was this huge wash of heat with it.

Red-cat went up clothes and gear and everything like tissues to a match and I could smell the air cook and the concrete and ceramic tiles get hot and all the posters and stuff on the walls lit up instantly and the wire mesh garbage can melted from the heat and the plastic coating lit on fire.

Then the sprinklers went off and I saw him hit using his laser eyes Red-cat and they took the first shot to the shoulder…right through…ouch and then the second to the knee too and that’s when I heard her scream.

A girl!?

Mongo’s gone the big gorilla beat the feet as soon as he was open too and I cough and nod to Champion when he asks me it I can take care of the girl.

He takes off flying and I wave people off and I start to cuff her and for good measure I use some of the rescue cord from my utility belt to really tie her up good. I get out my first aid stuff like what I have of it and I start trying to treat the wounded.

I shoot her the occasional glare even though she’s out of it she still shot over a dozen people despite my and Champion’s best efforts.

I didn’t realize how hard I was holding my breath and clenching my jaw until the EMT’s got here.

Sunny kind of surges a bit inside of me because there’s a lot of blood and then I see the cover some people up…like fully up.

I want to cry somewhere…for what? For money?

Everyone there looks at me as I scream and boot one of the garbage cans all the way across the tracks and imbed it into the wall.

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