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Others Know Best
Part Fourteen
The Final Chapter
Angel O’Hare
This is the continuing Story of Carol’s life. Is this the final Chapter? Chris W.
Part 14
“You sees Dr. Cindy, the peoples that loves me have helpted me and I didn’t asks for nothings, nothings at all, just like my special angel askded of me to do. After you fixded me, and I’m a real girl, maybe I can have a soul! Do you think my special angel can give me a soul when I am a real girl Dr. Cindy?”
Dr. Cindy and Nurse Pat couldn’t hold back their tears any longer. I got double cuddles then! I think they were happy tears because they were smiling, and weren’t sad. I was so happy my heart hurt again, but I just kept smiling because I’m used to things hurting me alls the times.
Anyways, they told me what a pretty story it was and they thought the angel would give me a soul for sure now! Dr. Cindy told me that was what Father Kowalski was going to talk to me about tomorrow and it was a real important thing to be given a soul.
I’m so happies now, I’ve never been this happies befores! My family really does loves mees, and I’m going to be a real girl and maybe get a soul and be able to get into Heavens! I won’t have to go to the kid’s dump! I hope so, I don’t wants to go to the kids dump no mores. I’m real tireds again and ask them if I can take a nap. I get tucked in and I have real happy dreams!
I wake up, Nurse Pat is there with a big breakfast for me, and she says.
“Right after you finish breakfast I’m going to get you into a bathtub filled with bubbles and then, guess what Sweetheart?”
I ask her what and she wiggles a pair of big girl panties hanging off of her fingers! I squeal and giggle, I’m so happy! No more baby diapers and rubber pants, I get to wear big girl panties!
I eat triple fast and Nurse Pat laughs and laughs. She puts me in a wheelchair and I sees other nurses coming out of the big bathroom with the tubs and showers in it.
I get wheeled inside and I see bunches of flowers and cards and balloons! Pretty pictures peoples have drawns and a lot of pretty-little angel pictures! The tub is filled with bubbles and they smell like flowers! Nurse Pat takes my nightie off and then says.
“Now remember Carol, you aren’t going to be wearing diapers anymore so let someone know if you have to use the potty okay?
I say okays right away and she sets me in the middle of the bubbles. I squeal again and giggle because the bubbles tickle me. Nurse Pat does a real good job of washing me and Nurse Karen comes in, washes, and then even conditions my hair! She says conditioning is real important for girls to do and I should do it every time I wash my hair from now ons!
Wow, Auntie Harriet is here and she’s brought her hair stuffs! She says.
“Carol I can’t give you a perm yet, but I can get your hair nice and curly and even pierce your ears this morning. Then all your nurse friends are going to help you get dressed in your new things, but first, lets get you rinsed off and dried.”
Nurse Pat and Auntie do just that and then I get to step into my big girl panties! I’m so happies nows!
Auntie combs out my hair in little sections and rolls the sections on curlers, but she uses this paper too and pink goop stuff. It goes like this. Goop, paper, curler, lots, and lots of times! Then she ties a pretty-pink hairnet over the curlers real tight and then the hair dryer bonnet.
My hair is dry now, but Auntie says I need to get all dressed first. I get wheeled back to my room once I have my robe on. Once I’m in my room the nurse’s start coming in each carrying something that’s all covered up. Nurse Beth smiles real big and says.
“Little Angel, big girl panties are nice, but if you wear big girl panties you need one of these too.”
She holds up a pretty-pink training bra, all shiny with little yellow flowers printed all over it and it has a pink satin bow in the middle with a little yellow flower in the middle.
I squeal!
“A bras, a big girl bras, just for mees!”
Everyone is laughing and I’m giggling as Nurse Beth fastens and adjusts it just right. Nurse Karen holds up the petticoat my daddy gaves mees and I slip into that. Nurse Holly walks in all smiles and she laughing as she says.
“Wait for me; she needs these before the dress!”
WOW, she has pretty-pink socks with yellow ribbon lace trim above the ankles! She slips them on my feet and then everything happens so fast, shoes are put on my feet and Nurse Pat holds my head and looks into my eyes. This stops me from my bouncing around and I feel a sting in both my earlobes at the same time! OUCH! Nurse Holly hands my Auntie my earrings! I just got my ears pierced!
My necklace is put back on me and then Dr. Cindy walks in and says.
“Surprise Angel, no little angel can go around without pretty nails!”
I get my fingernails painted, just like the big girls!
I’m so happies!
Auntie takes out all the curlers and then squeezes the curls because they are hards. I hear them crackle as she squeezes them. She brushes my hair out and everyone is making noises and saying how beautiful I am. The dress is lowered over my head and then buttoned up my back. A pretty-pink satin sash is tied into a big bow at my back and I’m ready! I wants to sees myselfs in the mirrors, but I have to waits for one more things. LIPSTICK! I get big girl’s lipstick!
Now I’m ready they say, but then I ask.
“Um, what am I ready for?”
Everyone laughs and they say.
WOW, Mommy, Daddy, Patty, Jimmy, Dianna, Sister Anne, and Father Kowalski walk in! They all say at the same time.
Mommy says.
“Punkin you can’t be wearing a party dress without having a party!”
I’m bouncing up and down and squeal.
We have a great party and it’s my being an official girl party! Father Kowalski and Sister Anne tell me I can get an official and real big girl soul now!
I ask.
“But I haven’t been fixded by Dr. Cindy yets!”
Dr. Cindy says.
“Carol you’re all girl where it counts Honey. That’s in your heart and in your mind. That’s what makes it official, not what your body has, but what’s inside you that makes you, you.”
Wows, I’m a real girl rights nows! Even befores I’m fixded! I’m so happy my heart hurts and it really hurts bads this times.
I can’t hides it, but I keep smiling I’m so happies! It’s so hards to breathes now, I has to lies downs. Dr. Cindy and Nurse Pat and Nurse Holly run and catch me before I falls on the floors. I’m back in bed ands I tells thems.
“I’m so happies, my heart hurts. I’m tireds, cans I naps now?”
Nurse Holly grabs me and shakes me as she says.
“NO ANGEL! No Naps Yet! You have to stay awake!”
Dr. Cindy hollers down the hall.
Nurse Pat presses a red button on the wall and the lights all blink on and off and that makes me giggle. Then I hear my mommy scream! She screams.
I see everyone’s crying, even daddy my sister Dianna, and Jimmy are cryings! I can’t talks, I can’t say anythings but I smile!
Nurse Pat says while crying big tears.
“Keep smiling Angel, keep smiling Honey. You have to much love to give away yet to go on any trips like this!”
Sister Anne and Father Kowalski are on their knees praying. My family is sent out of the room, as a lot of doctors and nurses come running into my room and start hurting me. They stab me with needles and run IVs in my arms. I get a tube shoved down my throat, and I feel the breathing machine start and push air into my lungs and it hurts bads!
Angel! My specials angel is here and he’s smiling real bigs! The bright light is getting brighter and brighter, the angel’s are singing and the beautiful music is playing and I don’t hurts no mores! I smile and smile!
My special angel just puts his hand on my chest as he keeps smiling. My mommy comes in with Sister Anne and Father Kowalski. He has that cloth around his neck like last time my angel was here. Mommy and everyone are crying real hard, but I smile and try to let them know every things really okays! My daddy comes in and he’s crying harder than anyone else! He hollers out.
My sisters and brother are crying real hards too. Now everyone’s kneeling around my bed and each lay one of their hands on me as Father Kowalski says his special prayers. I look at everyone one at a time as I smile trying to let them knows its okays. I look at mommy and my angel says.
“Are you ready to go to Heaven little angel?”
I CAN go to Heavens! I can, I can! I’m so happies I can go to Heavens like a real girl can!
WOWS, I can fly with my angel! I look down and Dr. Cindy is closing my eyes with her fingers, but I’m up here now, not down theres! I’m up heres and I’m going to Heavens like a real girl in big girl panties and a big girls bras, and I’m in my party dress looking real pretties! I giggle real loud I’m so happy and I see everyone look up like they’re surprised, I giggle again and I see Sister Anne crying, but she waves to me! I wave back, giggle one more time and…
The End…
© 2007 by Angel O'Hare. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of The BigCloset-TopShelf and the copyright holder.

Others Know Best
Part Fifteen
Angel O’Hare
This is the continuing Story of Carol’s life, Surprise! Chris W.
Part 15
WOWS, I can fly with my angel! I look down and Dr. Cindy is closing my eyes with her fingers, but I’m up here now, not down there! I’m up here and I’m going to Heavens like a real girl in big girl panties and a big girls bras, and I’m in my party dress looking real pretties! I giggle real loud I’m so happy and I see everyone look up like there surprised, I giggle again and I see Sister Anne crying, but she waves to me! I wave back, giggle one more time and…
Heavens is beautifuls! The closer I get the better it is! I sees so many pretty angels! They are all different ages and colors! Boy angels, girl angels, and angels that looks likes mees too! I knows that because some of them are flying around without anything ons!
I now knows it’s what’s in your hearts, in your minds, and in your soul that countsted. Not what your body looks likes. My specials angel lets goes of mees and I fly! I fly all on my own and with no wings! I’m flying with all the other angels and its fun! I giggle and giggle, they are giggling and laughing and my special angel takes my hand again and we land on this beautiful mountain of glittery colors and a rainbow shoots out of it and goes on forevers and forevers!
My special angel says.
“Little Angel, will you sing to Elohim?”
Oh do I want to sing! I don’t have to close my eyes anymore, all the colors and the music and the pretty sounding voices, and the brightest light of all is shining rights on mees!
I sing a song I didn’t think I knew, but I know it now and a lot more than that! I sing and sing and it feels so wonderful just to give and give and give! The more I sing and give of myself from myself, I feel better and better, fuller and fuller, I feel so good that I have to sing and giggle!
And then…
I’m in the light! I’m almost part and parcel of the light, but something is keeping me from becoming one with the light and I hear in my soul.
“Little Angel, you have yet much to do! Rejoice in this gift you have received, few others have received such a gift and yet returned to those that love them.
“Tell your Mommy, tell Father Kowalski, tell Sister Anne, tell Dr. Cindy, Most importantly, tell Mrs. Brooks. Tell no others!
“Little angel your family needs you, the world needs you. You understand the truth of the true self. Bodies are a tool to use to serve, as needed nothing else. It is what is within that body that counts for everything little angel. To give from within ones own heart, to dwell within ones soul and live that life, that identity is the secret humankind has shunned.
“Carol, seek out those in between, those that are caught between body and soul. For they are closer to Me than those that claim they proclaim My Word!
“Go back to your family that now loves you more than they love themselves. You have done well Little Angel; My gifts to you will be shown to you as they are needed. First, go see Mrs. Brooks. She’s waiting for you. You will understand, and be happy Little Angel; your place with Me is assured.”
I’m happy, but I’m sads too. I know what though, I’m really needed and wanted back home with my family now. Mrs. Brooks needs me bads! I sing my song of thanks to Elohim and I can sings betters than evers befores!
My special angel takes my hand and as we float, not fly, but float down back towards my hospital room, he says.
“You are a gift from Elohim to those you give of yourself to help Little Angel. Remember it is He who does these things through you. Never loose that thought Little Angel, it is He who does these things through you!”
WOWS, I’m not in my room, I’m in Mrs. Brooks room! There she is and she’s real unhappy and sad. She’s crying and her eyes are closed. I float down and she opens her eyes as I float to the floor and I feel my feet touch. I feel weight now and I’m heavy again. I feel! I breathe on my own! That first breath as I touch the floor with my feet feels wonderful!
I giggle and she smiles! She smiles real big and says.
“Angel, they told me you had died and had gone to Heaven! I heard you giggle as you left us. I knew you were my angel, I just knew it, but then you were gone and I was all alone again. I did a bad thing when I was younger angel. It was a selfish thing and I hurt a lot of people to save myself. I made myself whole by losing those I loved and now I know I am who I look like, but was it worth it?”
I giggle because I can’t help it and say.
“It’s never too late to try and change things by giving of yourself Mrs. Brooks. Use what you know, use your experiences and help others by sharing you with them. The true you, not your body, but what is within that body. That’s who you really are! Bodies are to look at and use as tools. We give them too much importance and use them as mirrors because we want the world to see us without saying anything. We can’t do that Mrs. Brooks. It would be like buying books because the covers are pretty and never reading them.
“A lot of people look at another person and instantly judge them by what they see. They are so wrong to do that Mrs. Brooks, and they cheat themselves and hurt others by doing that. Be who you really are Mrs. Brooks, give to others from your heart and you can’t ever be wrong! They might not understand, but you’re not wrong to give of yourself. They will understand eventually and then they will smile and be glad of your efforts whenever you gave them part of you.
“Um, oh yeah, I’m just a little girl and I can’t talk like this. I have a story to tell you because He said I could tell you. So…”
I told Mrs. Brooks the storys and she was the happiest she has ever beesn and promiseded Gods she woulds do what He askeded her to doos. (Whatever that is) That’s when we sang our song to Hims, and that’s when all sorts of crazy stuffs happened just like befores, GEEZE! Right in the middle of our song toos, I sees a lot of happy tears though, especially from Dr. Cindy, Nurse Holly, and Nurse Pat!
I can’t help but giggle and giggle because I’m being pushed real fast down the hall and I waves to the nurses and they are just standings with their mouths hangings opens! They look real funny!
As I’m being pushed into the big room with the bright light and all the peoples in it waiting for mees, I hear Dr. Cindy say.
“Angel, your family is on there way Sweetheart. They’ll be here real soon and so will your Auntie, Sister Anne, and Father Kowalski.”
I’m so happies, my heart doesn’t hurts no mores, and I feels better than I ever feels befores!
Everyone is crying, but now I know, they are all happy tears!
I hope you like my story, I told it to you so you could be just as happy as mees is! I loves you alls OODLES and SCOODLES! (that means lots, and lots!)

The End…or is it?
© 2007 by Angel O'Hare. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of The BigCloset-TopShelf and the copyright holder.
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And Angel wasn't sure if she wanted to post part 15.
I feel it gives me closure!
I'm a sucker for a happy ending story!
Threw all of Carols' trials she always showed love and support of others around her. I wish I could do that in Real life....
I guess I am a selfish human? And Carol really is a true Angel.
I do believe, I do believe, I do believe in Angels!
If only wishes where this easy!
You're right Chris, I debated with myself for...
a while about adding part 15. When I finished 14, I had to continue, my muse wouldn't let me leave the story with Carol ending up in Heaven. I wrote chapter 15, and even added more just before posting it. So, those that received a sneak peak of part 15, don't have all of 15. Part 15, the finished version is only here online at the Big Closet.
Thank you Little Brother
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
Why me!
Angel I liked parts 14 and 15. To me it seemed to give more a sense of closure. Carol is such a little sweet heart she steals your heart! I was half suspecting she might return again since she'd done it before. Beautiful story Angel!
Grover, thank you...
...closure is what I was wanting for the ending to this story.
Huggles Grover
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
Once the paint is on the canvas
Oh sure, it was an unusual ending but so what. Some people think they know how things should be done but have not even wet their pen. I wonder about your doubts about Ch 15. Why?
I loved the ending as it is.
Hi Gwenellen, my doubts were based on the...
...meaning of Heaven. Heaven is our reward, it isn't an ending, but a beginning, a fulfilment of our lives if we just lived them as we should have. Carol did that and more, but we are instructed to "Know, Love, and Serve" God with 'OUR' whole "mind, body, and soul."
Carol did not believe herself to be whole, nor did she believe she had a soul until she was moments away from death. She had heart, and she had her belief that she was an 'IT' not a girl or a boy.
Part 15 was a rare gift granted to a special person who can now believe with her whole mind, body, and soul, because she now truly believes she has these.
Part 14 and 15 made it clear that she is now a girl, no matter what her body looks like! Her mind is a girl's mind, and her body is a girls body. Her soul is the only thing that has remained unchanged because she is who she is no matter what her body and mind declare. They are her tools and through her God's tools to use if she so chooses.
She does choose, and she does so freely, and with an open heart.
We are humans and we are different from all the other creatures because of our free will. Our freedom to choose no matter what those choices are we end up making.
All Carol ever wanted was to make others happy. She chose to do this even when she felt to do so she had to die. She hated no one, not even the people who were mean to her.
It was just that most people wouldn't listen to her at all. Once they did, things changed for the better.
Yes, I agree with you all now. Carol deserves part 15 and to live on making people happy, and in turn making her happy.
Huggles Gwenellen, I hope this answers your question. It answered my doubts!
Huggles and thank you!
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
Really nice
I think, you've made a really nice story, and although I don't believe in god, I've really like it and it so positive, but at the end it left me a little confused. I hope that Carol reall lives, at the end. May I don't quite believe, that people's personality could turn by 180 degrees, but is also true, that wonders happen. And this story was a little wonder.
Hi Robin, you may not belive in God, but you do have...
...beliefs. A belief is usually based on truths that you believe in. As you said,
"...I don't quite believe, that people's personality could turn by 180 degrees,..."
The truth is that they can, but not easily, and it doesn't happen often. A person must realize a deep truth to make a change that dramatic. A truth that goes directly to the heart and back to the mind. A realization so profound that it changes their life by what they thought they had previously believed and now realize was profoundly wrong.
In Carol's daddy's case, he truly believed all his so-called misfortune was caused by Carol. His attitude and spoken words convinced Carol's brother Jimmy and sister Dianna that Carol was to blame for all their woes and why they didn't have the 'nice' things that other people had.
It took them each a moment of time to look into their hearts and see what was actually there and what Carol really meant to their lives. They finally saw the 'truth' by looking within and seeing themselves as they truly were.
Once you do that, I can guarantee profound changes in anyone's personality! That is, if they choose to believe what they see, and act on that.
One thing we humans do so well is deceive, and the ones we deceive the easiest is ourselves!
Huggles Robin, I hope this explains the 180 degree personality shifts in the story. Don't confuse someones personality as the real person, because it isn't!
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
Scoodles of love for my big sis
Huggles Angel sis
Oh wow...oh double wow and then some. I really didn't think she would die and then once she did, I didn't think she was coming back. You took me to heaven and back, just like Michael took Carol.
It's all so beautiful, so full of love, and light and hope and truth and wisdom beyond truth.
I know its the've given me and all of us the answer just as Carol gave it to Mrs. Brooks.
I dont know if I can walk that path, but your beautiful story has lit the way to it.
You've created something really wonderful here Angel, thanks for thinking of me and thanks for sharing your magic with all of us.
And da little angel sis, holds the new story book that her big angel sis has given her, close to her heart. She then sits in her big sis's lap and opens the book and together they read.
all my love to you Angel, you truly are a gift from heaven
Hi Kitten, this is a story I wrote from my heart to yours...
...I felt it had to be shared because it's just one of those stories that need to be shared with others. A good heartfelt story is one people 'feel' not just read.
It's the pebble being dropped in the pond. The ripples that pebble causes will reach far and wide. The one thing we can hope is that others will look and see the ripple, reach into their hearts and touch it. Once they do that, they create their own ripple in their heart.
Look within, because that is where the true you resides! The real you is all ready whole and ready to reach out in a giving way. Why do we insist others see us as we truly are and feel? An impossible task for us to ask others, especially when the others don't realize who they truly are!
We've become lost in the world of visual reality. "What you see with your eyes is what you get" is not a truth, it is the biggest lie in the entire universe!
We are human beings and we are much more than our physical bodies and our looks! We are whole only when we see our true selves and to do that we have to look within! Look into our hearts and see who and what we truly are.
The gift given to us is our free will to choose. You have the choices to make. Now we must make them.
Huggles and love you Ooodles and Scoodles Maggie
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
why me
verry good story i wood love to see a lot more of this all i can say is wow verry good thanks for shareinglike the little gril in the story you gave with all your hart its is so goodand warm it make you feel funny in side to read this please dont stop and please dont lisen to tham who say bad stuff thay meen well but just got off on the wrong foot ,all your storys are all so verry warm and goodyou are so verry loveing ,god bless and happy holladays from [email protected]
mr charlles r purcell
verry good story i wood love to see a lot more of this all i can say is wow verry good thanks for shareing
Wildchild, thank you so much for your...
...kind words, and hope you'll enjoy my other stories as well. Not all of them are like this one, but they each say something if people don't get hung up on little specific events in the story and see the story as a whole.
Abuse is a hard thing to take in a story, especially if it involves children, but that is how my life was shaped. I write what I know and feel in my heart. I know abuse, I know it well, many different types of abuse, and all of it happened when I was a child.
Many authors, experienced authors, will tell you to start writing by writing about things you know well. What I know well is what I felt more than I could explain as a child. A child feels more acutely, a child depends more fully on others, A child needs more than just things, they need love and all that goes with it.
A child has only one thing to give others and that is to give of themselves.
The truth is, that is all we can truly give as well. Oh sure, we can give away money and objects, but when it comes down to giving from yourself, it is from your heart you give. If you do that, then you are truly giving of yourself.
Look into your heart Wildchild, what do you see?
You see the real you!
Huggles Wildchild
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
a Angel sings from on high
Dear Ms. O'Hare thank you for this story to let the light shine forth as
a beacon for all to see and know the power of love.. WILL we ever get to see Angel all grown up as the stunning Woman of light and truth and power she will be ???? or of the souls she saves..SHE is the Atom bomb that burns hate and evil to a cinder. she sends ripples of good ,kindness ,love that
spred like waves on a pond like when a pebble is thown in ????
She is the Angel of GOD that sings from on high .the Angel that sings the song that cleanses earth of hate, evil,and bigotry.and helps set free the people that are known as third type (m2f,f2m,transgen)
bless you my loving sister
Giggle, Christi, I'm so glad you've enjoyed this story...
...but the power of love is nothing without the source of that power. We are the power source of what love we choose to share with others. Love is a much abused and misused word. Even the definitions of love are confusing and as different as each persons individual beliefs.
You live love by being yourself and giving of yourself. Love is as individual as the individual sharing that love. You can't give away love, the best you can do is share it!
You can only share it, because you have to choose to share it with others and in turn you can spark their love that resides in them.
Remember in the story when Carol and Mrs. Brooks held hands? At first, the grief, sadness, and anger Mrs. Brooks had was overwhelming Carol and she tried to push it back, but couldn't. Carol let it flow into her and then, she was able to share her feelings and it flowed between them until the happiness and joy filled them both.
A simple heartfelt hug freely given to a person that is sad, can change things dramatically. We've all seen this happen, but we don't think anything about it, or try and ask ourselves why it works that way.
It only works if the hug was heartfelt and freely given from you to another in need. That's the big secret!
Huggles Christi, and thank you so much for your powerful heartfelt comments!
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
Why me 15
Wow what a story loved it very much, I have parts of this before and like it then now that it's finnished wow. I loved the last chapter very much she comes back and it ends happy. I am a sucker for a happy ending, what kin I say lass. Keep up the good work oh great one, looking forward to others that follow.
Hugs and Kisses
Melissa Ann
Hugs and Kisses
Melissa Ann
Thanks Melissa Ann...
The stories that follow will be continuations of existing stories and the endings for some of them. I do have a few new ones, but must finish what I started as well.
Huggles Melissa
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
I almost burst into tears at the end of chapter 14, it seemed so sad, everyone had realized about Carol, had loved her, and then well read on and you'll see. But then 15 changed everything, it was so beautiful :D
I just got to be me :D
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Thank You Princess Chelsea...
...I'm so glad you liked part 15. I guess it was needed after all.
Huggles PC
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
Angel My Friend, I Have Just Read Why Me? And
It is a winner. You have once again touched my heart with this special story. Thank you .
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Why Me
A truly heartrending story.
I have seen the death and destruction caused by man and religion, I have felt the pain ,abuse and suffering of being transgendered.
I know how it feels to have childhood were because you are different your family and society abuses you both mentally and physically.
I gave up believing in a God a long time ago due to abuses by the church.
What gives a so called preacher of any religion the right to tell anyone that they are wrong? If we are supposedly made in Gods image, do we know what that image is ? I know I don`t,
Maybe this is reason that I believe mankind is a lost cause
Angel has written were God is both Male and Female in at least one of stories.
To me bible is no better than reading Lord of Rings,It is full of contradictions and was written by man not God.
Maybe it`s me but I have always found that the transgendered are better people for what we go through in live.
Stories like this one and others should make people sit and think and blindly follow what the various religions think.
I hope you will continue with other chapters in this story and continue to such stories.
Thank you
Jacquimac, I agree with your sentiments about religion...
You can blame anything on anyone, but to blame mankinds follies on God? Well, I cant do that. It's easy to blame God and easier still to blame mankind for the worlds ills.
I believe that there are exceptions to every rule and being TG is one of those big exceptions!
It boils down to you and your choices and your decisions you make every day of your life. It doesn't matter if you believe or not, all that matters is that you believe in yourself and live your life according to what you really, truly believe in.
Who knows what tomorrow will bring and what beliefs you will hold and those you will change over time. Real life is the true teacher, now what we learn from our life as it matures and grows ever longer and fuller is the true measure.
Huggles Jacquimac
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
Thanks Angel,
Your the first person that has ever agreed me when it comes to Religion.
I don`t demean people for their beliefs as that is their choice.
Life is all about the choices we make ourselves.
I love reading your stories and am still waiting for further additions to some on this site and others, stories like the "The Misadventures of Kim" for example. I can feel and relate with a lot of characters and can see the humour as well as the humilitation they suffer.
I do have one question though, what happens to Richie in "A Life Ever Changing"? it seems the story is in limbo unless I`ve misread it.I`d dearly love to know how He/She finished up.
Thanks for all the enjoyable reading you have given me
Love and hugs Jackie
A heart warming story full of mericals
Angle this was a great story espicaly for the perspective of the Roman Cathlioc Church like me. It IS hard to belave in god when your are TG espicaly with the hatraed from your parents who don't understand & don't want to listen eather (espicaly if your moter who WAS a nun at one time). This story is VERY powerful one. Being Trans Gendered espicaly in the day this story was protrayed I'd say probly 60's (angle please corect me if I am wrong).
Mericals are sometime hard to explain this girl has had 2 one more she could be cannized. Her life has been a living herll & she finly found love form her family through god's mercy & in no little part due the the oldest sister thea auing & mom, Espicaly mom tellng dad off & her realized what her had been doing.
Love Samantha Renee Heart
Love Samantha Renee Heart
Why Me! Parts 14 and 15 Now Complete
Wonder about Carol and family.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Love makes us all whole
I loved this story; just as I love all your stories.
Your story reminds me a bit of my life. I've never really died, but I've cheated death multiple times. The first wben I was born--I was denied a blood transfusion to keep me alive; again at age two when I contracted polio (2 yrs before the vaccine); & just recently when I contracted pneumonia. If not for the love of my family I wouldn't be here to enjoy and love life. Unlike Carol, who was always looked at as being too girly & beautiful and tormented for it, my problem was the aftermath of the polio-I had to use full leg braces and crutches to walk which frightened most of the children due to lack of understanding. Their parents weren't much better. As you so eloquently stated in your story people can be cruel without realizing they are doing it.
I have faith in every higher being(s) from all religions and beliefs. They all have the underlining belief that love makes us all whole.
Love & hugs,
a great ending to nothe great
a great ending to nothe great story.
in case no one said so, you have a beautiful mind. please keep writing.
a great ending to another
a great ending to another great story.
in case no one said so, you have a beautiful mind.
To Angel,
I have always loved your stories, and it has broken my heart to learn of your passing on. I truly hope that you are now a true Angel in heaven and have earned your wings for helping so many of us to heal, and to be happy with whom we are.
All My Love to my Friend and My Angel..
Happy endings are what we all need. Thanks!
Cheryl pinkwestch
What a great story! I have never shed so many tears as I did in this story. Thank you so much for sharing. The story and your comments/insight at the end were very helpful and just what I need to hear at this point In my life.