The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 4 Honeymoon Trips Ch. 54

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The Honeymoon Trips
Chapter 54

Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman


The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.


During the night, we all experience another flying dream. My fairies are flying with us as well.

“Where are we father?”

“I don’t know, Tiger. Let’s fly below this cloud cover.”

We make our descent and fly through the clouds. Then all of a sudden it dawns on us where we are. We see the sword in the stone in the middle of the lake. There is a raised foot path in the water to the small island. We see the twelve stone slabs set around it. We fly around and see tents on three separate hill tops over looking the lake. We fly in closer to take a look. In each one, we find a man talking to someone on his cell phone.


“He hasn’t shown up, sir.”

“You stay there until he comes. I am paying you double. Remember that.”

“I hear you, sir. I have the perfect missile to cook them. It is napalm.”

“That’s fine. The fire blast will take out the innocent bystanders as well.”

“Sir, I need to report there are two other tents looking over the site. I think they have their own agenda. I’m very sure one of them is from Windsor.”

“I’m not surprised by that move. You will have to be faster to recover the prize before they do. Especially if you want to get paid.”

“I hear you on that, sir.” He closes his cell phone and gets some shut eye in his sleeping bag. He murmurs to himself, “Mordred better come through on this deal. If he doesn’t, I’ll charge him for time and food spent out here.”


We fly over to another tent. We listen to him speaking to someone on his cell phone.

“Now you stay there until he shows up.”

“I know, constable. I’m your best sharp shooter. The bullets are armor piercing.”

“That’s good. Whom else is out there watching?”

“There are two other tents out here sir. I don’t recognize their faces when they peer out once in awhile. The only time I see them are if they go into town to buy some more food. However, they keep their faces covered when they do come into town.”

“Well, find out discretely who the competitors are.”

“I’ll do that, sir.” He closes his cell phone and puts it on his belt clip. The man mutters to himself, “Pompous jackass. He thinks he will be the next king of England. It takes more than military training to be a King And it takes more than a sword to rule England. For once I would like to see a King who knows how to run a business and has the chutzpah to stand up to the House of Lords.”


We fly over to the last tent. I immediately recognize him as one of the Eleven I met in New York City. He is one the Eleven I met in New York City.

They all respond together. Yes.

He is talking to someone on his cell phone. “You won’t believe who is out here, Thrashtin.”

“Whom is out there with you?”

“One of Mordred’s lackeys and a sharp shooter hired by the prince.”

“Well, you will have to be faster than all of them to get the sword.”

“I will, Thrashtin. I will appear in a blink of an eye and put a freeze spell on his armor, take the sword and disappear in a blink of an eye.”

“That sounds like a good plan. We’ll be watching from our rooms in London.”

“I’ll meet you there with the sword.”

“That sounds like a good plan. Good night.”

“Good night, Thrashtin.” He closes his cell phone. “Huh? I think there is someone out there.”

We quickly back away from the tent.

He peers out through the tent flaps. “I’ve could have sworn I heard something out here. Hmmm . . . it was probably the wind blowing across the landscape.” He gets back inside and gets under his blankets as he puts his head on the pillow. Soon, he is fast asleep.

We then find ourselves flying over Europe toward Greece. As we approach Romania, we see a magical field set around a valley. We fly toward it. Then we get stopped by the magical field. We look very hard until we find the opening into the valley. We fly to it when we find a small river flowing from the valley. We estimate the small river to be about two feet deep. Outside the valley, we find several cottages with smoke coming out of the chimneys. When we look closer, we find two dragons just inside the magical field. They are keeping vigil at the front entrance to the valley.

Then all of a sudden they both look up in our direction.

Then Croin flies out of me and gets in front of us. One of the dragons flies up to meet us. He hovers in front of Croin.

You are all asleep with magic around you. What is your name, dragon?

My name is Croin. I am a memory for the man behind me.

I sense he is a dragon and a Unicorn. Explain this paradox.

His name is Richard Moore. He has been chosen to be the Omega Unicorn Dragon for this Earth.

You said ‘this Earth.’ How many Earths are there?

There are nine Earths for the nine multi-verses. There is a total of twelve-multi-verses.

That is correct, Croin. We need help. Someone is trying to take down our magical protection field. We fear they will try to kill all of us. How? We don’t know at this time.

We have been warned by the Creator that you will need our help. We should be here about a week from now.

Then I will tell our dragon clans that help is on the way. I would like to talk to the Omega Unicorn Dragon, Croin.

Croin slightly moves to his left so we can be seen.

Greetings, Omega Unicorn Dragon. I sense you are well on your way to be a Shaolin Dragon Master.

That is correct, young dragon. I know the first two elements of air and water. I can produce the dragon or feathered wings.

When you enter the valley, you must have your dragon wings extended. I sense your wife and fairy family are also part dragon as well.

That is correct, young dragon. I have been given a drop of Eingana’s blood. We all have been breathed upon by Leviathan.

Ah, that explains the connection to our Great Father and Great Mother. Well, I must return to the sentinel post. The sun is coming up. We look forward to meeting you and your family next week.

The young dragon returns to his post just inside the magical field barrier. He relays the good news to the other dragon. Then two more dragons fly in to relieve the first two dragons. They retell what was just told to them. Then the original two dragons fly into the valley.

We continue to fly toward Greece. We quickly make our descent to our hotel room in Athens. We enter our bodies.

Then we hear the buzzer sound off on the alarm clock at 6 AM. “BZZZZZZZ . . . .!”

We all slowly wake up and try to recall what we did last night. I turn off the alarm as soon as possible.

“We had to be in Wales, father.”

“We were, Tiger. We were given a special eavesdrop on the situation there. We will need a plan when I pull out the sword.”

“Yes we will, father. We will all come up with a great plan to confound them.”

“What do you think is happening in Romania, Richard?”

“I was told there is a special valley in Romania where the dragons live, Brianna. They use the magical barrier to keep themselves safe. But, there are also dragons in the British Isles as well. I don’t know where they are located yet. I would think it is somewhere in the Forbidden Forest.”

“It appears a lot of events are happening next week, mother.”

“You are definitely right about that, Tigress. Well, let’s get ready for the day. We’ll be visiting the Acropolis today.”

We get ourselves cleaned up as quickly as possible. We get done in about a half hour. The fairies stay in the room while we go downstairs to have breakfast. All four of us eat in a smaller café in the Ledra Marriott. I look on the shelves to see if there are any unsalted nuts for sale. I find two bags without salt. They are mixed differently. I purchase two of each before we leave.

We walk back to the elevators and return to the fifth floor. We enter our rooms to get ready for the trip to the Acropolis.

“I bought some unsalted nuts, my fairies. Try them out.”

“Sure thing, father.”

Tiger tears off the top portion of the bag. Then two of them open the sealed strip. They each take out a different nut.

Bianca and Lavan nibble on the pistachio, “This pistachio has a different taste, but it is good.”

“This macadamia nut is huge. Splitting it into two pieces is easy.” Emeril gives one half to his sister. They both take a bite. “This nut does taste good.”
“It looks like they have nuts here that we have back home, mother. There are the walnut, the hazelnut, the chestnut and the almond. It is all very good.”

They all respond together in one voice with smiles, “Thank you, father, mother, Omega!”

I smile as well, “You’re welcome, my fairies.”

The fairies reseal the bags and put them in their satchel. I make sure the crystals and the digital video camera are there as well, including extra batteries and memory cards. They all fly into our coat pockets and quickly get comfortable. Brianna puts the satchel onto her shoulders. We make sure we have the door key card in our wallets before we leave the room. As soon as we are in the hallway, we see Duris and Mr. Pierre exiting their room.

We get into the elevators to reach the first floor. The valet gets the car and drives it to the front entrance. We all get inside quickly. Duris takes a thirty minute ride to the parking lot for the Acropolis. We see it looming high above us.

“The only way to get there is hiking to the top. It is not as bad as you think it is. Be sure to have plenty of water with you. I am glad to see everyone has comfortable shoes on. We’ll have to stop and pay a fee. The fee is used for the maintenance of the gardens, the trails and such. The crane you are seeing up there is from the government. They are slowly rebuilding the temple. At one time during World War Two, there was ammunition stored there. The Germans blew it up. Surprisingly, the design of the pillars kept the temple mostly intact. I’ll explain more as we tour the site.”

We make sure we have several bottles of water with us. I know with the water skin in the satchel, we will never run out for the fairies and us. But for appearances sake, we each have two water bottles clipped to our belts.

After paying the admission fee, we start making the hike to the top. Along the way we see flowers in bloom along the trail. Quickly our fairies flutter out in butterfly mode to drink the nectar from the flowers. They keep up with us as we make the ascent. As we near the top, the grass and flowers become less and less. By the time we reach the top, they all flutter into our coat pockets and change into fairies. Brianna opens their food bags in the satchel. She takes out a piece of fruit for each of them. She places the pieces in the pockets discretely.

Thank you, mother.

Brianna smiles. You’re welcome, fairies.

They nibble on the fruit pieces without making a mess in the pockets.

Duris explain to us the history of the Acropolis, from the sixth century before the Common Era to the present. It covered invasions and wars over the centuries. I use the video camera to record what we are seeing and hearing from Duris.

I walk up to Duris and speak to him quietly. “Duris, this is just an observation.”

“Go ahead, Richard.”

“I noticed you speak with pride of the Greek influence in the Mediterranean region.”

“That’s right, Richard. Our Greek culture influenced a lot of countries for thousands of years. We influenced mathematics, politics, theater, architectural styles, the sciences and so on. We know some cultures excelled in their own way far from us, like in the Americas and the Far East. Eventually, we became interconnected through the Great Library in Alexandria. If it wasn’t for the great network of knowledge we laid the foundation for, Europe would be lost during the next thousand years. The Romans built their great roads to interconnect all of us in Europe. The Romans were so impressed with our culture, they copied our Greek Gods into their culture by giving them Roman names. So we consider it an insult if we hear people saying they are two different god groups. They are one and the same.”

I smile at Duris, “I thought so.”

Duris smiles and chuckles at my comment.

“We found the reason why the pillars stayed erect. We found iron rods inside the length of the entire column pieces. So, when the earthquakes happened, the vibrations were easily absorbed.”

We walk around the rocky barren top for about three hours. We then hike our way down the trail for an afternoon lunch in a nearby café. The fairies flutter out quickly in butterfly mode when they see the potted flowers nearby.

We have a typical Greek lunch like we had yesterday. Once we get done eating and paid the bills, we start walking down the streets to a nearby museum. Our fairies quickly follow us from flower stand to flower stand drinking nectar from the flowers along the way. Just before we enter the museum, Brianna and I walk over to a nearby alley. The fairies quickly flutter into our coat pockets and change into fairies.

We enter the museum and pay the admission fee to get inside. I use my video camera to record what we are seeing. We see marble statues and carved busts of the various Greek gods. We even see pieces of the Acropolis buildings on display as well.

“These original pieces have been copied and used in the restoration of the Acropolis.”

At about 3 PM, we start walking back to the car. This time our fairies stay in our coat pockets to conserve energy. Duris takes us to the Olympic Stadium in Athens.

“This stadium is modeled after the original in Olympia. That is located on Corinth. We’ll be seeing that one tomorrow.”


Robert the reporter shows up at the office on the northeast side of Athens. He walks down the hallways until he gets to his boss’ office. He opens the door and walks in.

“I’m glad you’re here, Robert.”

“So, what is this video I should see, Mark?”

“Sit down over there, Robert. I’ll play my DVD copy of the trial.” Mark takes a remote and presses the button for ‘Play.’

They watch the entire trial on the TV monitor. Robert has his mouth open for a while. Then he squirms in his seat as he sees me take down Brent and his three friends. Then he becomes really quiet when I do the ‘final roar’.

“Gulp . . . Now I know why you didn’t want me to mess with him.”

“That’s right, Robert. He did a good thing in eliminating the world wide debt. But, from that fight we saw, you don’t want to get on the bad side of him either.”

“All, right. Now what?”

“Eliminate those photos you took of Richard.”

“Sigh . . . Yes, sir.” Robert takes out his camera and turns it on. He then deletes the photos from memory. “It is done, Mark.”

“That’s good.”

Robert hands his camera to Mark. Mark makes sure all of the photos of me are deleted. He then hands the camera back to Robert.


We tour the site for about an hour. After that, we get back into the car. Duris takes us back to the hotel. We all get cleaned up with showers. Brianna and I get dressed for another fine dining experience. The fairies stay inside the room while we have our dinner in the hotel. After the dinner, we witness another sunset in Athens. We return to our rooms and get ready for bed.

We all fall asleep quickly. We have another great night of sleep. Again, we have the alarm set for 6 AM. It is a long drive to Olympia on Corinth.

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Wondering why Richard

and company did not meet up wit those Romanian/Transylvanian creatures Dracula, Wolfman, and Frankenstein's creature along with the meeting of the dragons.

May Your Light Forever Shine