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Sweet Dreams-25...Holy F#*K, Did I just get A Life?
Chapter 25
I run to go get Alex and almost bounce into his arms because…well I think there might be something of this sort of weird truce, respect, like dislike thing with me and Adam.
And while that’s really cool.
He might just actually let Alex go to art school. I’m more happy about that than anything.
I mean if he really meant it.
But me, a lawyer?
Actually, makes sense. I’m pretty mouthy.
Alex smiles that Alex half smile. “Hey…S’up beautiful?”
“We gotta go rent a moving van or u-haul or something. I…I kinda had a moment with Jennifer’s Mom because she was having a major bitch attack.”
“She’s kicking Jennifer out we’re pretty sure and your dad and I want to head things off before she does something that’ll take her from being a douche-canoe to being the USS-Mega-Cunt.”
Alex laughs and rests his head on my shoulder.
“Have I told you just how awesome you are Hunter?”
“Yes…..but I’ll take more wanton self esteem boosting comments like that if you’re dishing them out.”
He lifts his head and starts kissing me and walking me backwards to his car. “You’re awesome. And brave (Kiss) And funny (Kiss) And smart (Kiss) And sexy (Kiss) And beautiful….” He pins me sort of to the side of the car while he kisses me and holds me in his hands and there’s what I can only call a girly thrill that feels so good as his hands slide over me.
I mean it’s just arms, shoulders, ribs, waist, hips…..
It’s the way I feel because I’m so thin and small compared to Alex and his huge hands are so big and so warm running over me that not only does it feel great but I’m getting that whole small girly dainty waif thing going on and getting romantically kissed… Sigh…Big Sigh.
He grins breaking the kiss and opens my door for me and he starts to drive to this rental place. I know there’s that whole accident-not-accident thing with his mom as part of this but I like how Alex drives; He drives carefully.
The step-shit when we had a car drove like an idiot. But then again he was always lit when he drove. Alex drives the speed limit but his eyes are always on the road and everything going on around us. It’s soothing really because I’m not used to cars that much. I’m a city bus girl and the town train too.
The guy at the rental place knows Alex and there’s no problem getting a big cube van. “The firm uses this place for its rental cars all the time.” We leave his car there and take the van to Jen’s house…oh this is one of those gated communities and we’re stopped at the gate and Alex is recognized and the guy calls him Mr. Donovan, which has him frowning and sets me off giggling and he starts heading to Jen’s house and he’s mad-mock scowling at me as we drive and I’m grinning until we really hit the neighborhood. Okay Alex’s place was me going to live on the moon. This, this was being in a shuttle and going to Jupiter. I mean you hear about these crazy people and multi-million dollar homes. But this is just…You could put my old apartment building in some of these yards, they have fountains and tennis courts. I’m staring just kind of stunned as Alex drives through this place. Okay Adam lives well but compared to these people he’s just living a pretty simple life. I mean the sidewalks here must be like seven feet wide.
We pull into this small urban palace and there’s a few cars there. Adam’s and there two cars from the local security force and the city’s sheriff’s office and I see Jen on her knees beside this swimming pool quietly fishing her things out with Cynthia and April while that bitch of a mother of her’s is yelling at the sheriff.
“This is my fucking house; I can do whatever I want!”
“Ma’am you can’t, there’s a TRO against you right now and you can’t go near your daughter or her belongings while she is in process of leaving the premises.”
He’s trying to show her this tablet and she’s pushing it out of her face. Saying like she’s still queen of the world. “I don’t care about your silly video game; I want all of you off of my property including that failure over there.”
She points at Jennifer and as she does she see’s me. If looks could kill I’d be a pile of smoldering ashes. Her finger goes from pointing at Jennifer to me.
“I want that little whore off of my property.” Her voice is loud but cold.
“Hunter you go right along and help Jennifer with her things.” Adam says as he walks over to her and the fellow from the Sheriff’s office. “You can’t order her off of the premises Mrs. Hardy, Hunter works for me and I am your daughter’s legal counsel.”
“We’ll see about that Adam.”
She looks all triumphant as this other guy comes over after getting out of a Lexus.
I go over to help Jennifer. “Jezzus Jen, I’m sorry. I never thought that this was going to happen and everything I was just trying to have her mad at me rather than making your life a living hell.”
(Sniffle.) “No…Hunter it’s okay. This has been coming a long long time I guess. Mom only wanted me around so dad had to pay out more money in the divorce and the settlement. Most of my life was this whole series of her and him fighting and then her using me to milk him dry and then him using me to make her jealous.”
“Yeah…Dad would have me on his days and he’d take me on these big shopping trips and to places like these expensive restaurants and spas and stuff. She’d…she’d be on a total tear for days after that.”
Cynthia brings some stuff over all wrung out. “There’d be jewelry missing too.”
I shake my head. “And here I thought that it was only junkie parents like mine that stole from their kids.”
Jen’s frowning and nearly crying. “I never found any of the stuff that went missing, and she’d just tell me that I should be more careful with my things.”
“Fucking nice, ripping you off because she wasn’t the center of attention and wanting you to go-go-go and be little miss perfect at the same time as an ego stroke.”
“I though that this was kind a shitty sort of way to live Hunter but at the same time I know I’ve been lucky but I just want to get out of here. I can’t hack this place and her bullshit or his…”
Jen’s looking at another car that just pulled up some big high end Beamer. And this guy gets out and he’s all buff and blonde in his mid forties with the khakis on and the polo shirt and this girl with him dressed in stuff that looks very high end like designer everything comes with him and right into the fray that’s going on between the adults.
Oh this has to be her dad and the new little woman. I’m seeing her looking at Jen’s mom like she’s a bug and gave the same look to me and Jen and Cynthia all the while holding her shoulder bag with one of those little toy dogs in it. “Wow…” I start to say and Cynthia finishes with. “He married Paris Hilton.”
April adds in. “With double E’s, those are so implants and she’s definitely got a nose job.”
“Hey don’t knock the boob job…I might just be getting one.” I say, and sort of feel like the little girl of the group for a moment. Everyone here including Jen’s mom is at least a good heavy C-cup.
“You’re just having a slow puberty Hunter.” April says.
“Yeah it’s likely all the crap you lived through.” Jen says.
“I’d worry less about your boobs Hunter and more about the nosebleeds.” Cynthia says.
April looks at me. “You’ve had more of those?”
“Yeah, they’ve stopped though pretty much since Alex.” I shrug. “Stress related?”
“Hunter stress related or not these might be something else. You’re going to see my doctor as soon as we can get an appointment.” April says.
“I don’t have health insurance, I can’t afford it.”
“I’ll put you on mine Hunter, It’s okay.” She says.
I look at her in the eyes and I’m so not used to open and honest caring. I’m not used to seeing than in someone’s eyes when they look at me. I mean who am I really? Why wasn’t I ever good enough for this before.
It hurts like it did but this time it’s a good hurt with this.
“Hunter?” Jen asks looking at me.
“Huh… Yeah?”
“You’re crying.”
“I am?” I raise my hands to my cheeks and there’s tears there. “I’m….sorry guy it’s….”
Jen hugs me then Cynthia and April too. I let out a long choky sob laugh. “Oh this is so bad…I’m the one that supposed to be helping out…not…dammit.”
Cynthia runs her fingers through my hair with this look there that’s her own sort of empathy. I can really guess at how hard she has it hiding, feel the way he does, being who she is…here…in this place where the people here are just….
Jen looks at me too. “Hunter…you don’t have to keep being the tough chick anymore, you don’t have to hold all that stuff back.”
“But I’m the one who’s supposed to be helping you… (Sniffle.)…dammit I hate crying.”
April kisses my forehead. “You’re allowed to cry honey it’s healthy.”
“It doesn’t solve anything.”
Cynthia sniffles a bit too now. “Hunter it’s not meant to solve shit, it keeps us from going crazy.”
“It’s a little late for that.” I make a crazy face and that starts us laughing. And that gets us these glares from the girlfriend and from Jen’s mom and then they notice they’re both doing the same thing and get even more pissed and start glaring at each other again. This of course set us off a little more. I mean it’s funny and not but sort of like laughing at a funeral all the shit from my little emo episode and the drama with all of this and Jen it’s just all coming out as a bad case of the giggles but with the four of us.
And it is sort of funny that us laughing is getting to them.
Jen let’s go first then she sniffles and wipes at her eyes. She must have gotten rid of her make up at some point. “I’m so done with this shit, lets get the fuck out of here.”
………………………………................... It takes a few hours and a few trips. It turns out that while Alex and I got the cube van her mother had come home and went on a rampage throwing out things and taking a pair of clothing sheers to the rest of the stuff.
She was throwing things out Jen’s window into the pool. Not everything made the pool and there was a lot of stuff smashed poolside. She was doing it as Adam, April, Cynthia and Jen had pulled up in the car.
Adam got her in action recorded on his phone and that was e-mailed with the TRO request.
Turns out that there’s always a judge on. And there’s nothing like a clear cut bunch of evidence like video to get the papers signed off on. It also turns out if you open the e-mail they send you about the TRO you’ve been served.
Jen’s mom thought that if she just deleted it the order didn’t count. Stupid cow.
Alex got some of the guys over to help move some of Jen’s furniture. And Adam had gotten into a three way discussion with Jen’s mom’s lawyer and her dad’s lawyer. Until he got it sorted out that Jen’s mom would have to pay restitution and they settled on some amount and her father offered the pool house and Jen was right double E girl pitched a fix say this was Jen helping her mom play her games and she wasn’t going to have Jennifer spying on them.
That led to a near screaming match between the two women I guess.
Well Adam got Jen’s dad to apparently agree to take care of Jen’s rent when she’s settled and the utilities and stuff. I sort of heard Adam told him that supporting Jen would mean less money that he had to pay her mom.
But the bitch wrecked so much of Jen’s things and she even cut up her stuffies. Why? Because she wasn’t going to bask in Jen’s glory, that Jen wasn’t going to be her meal ticket…marry Alex and live off of him going pro or being a big named lawyer?
Reminds me of my mom losing her shit when she didn’t get her drug fix. Jen’s mom’s hooked on status and money. It makes me so fucking sick the amount of parents out there that just don’t love their children.
We’re you’re fucking kids! Just love us! Just….
We never found Jen’s jewelry box. God what a bitch.
Adam’s didn’t say a word as we moved Jen for now into the bedroom in the main house and parked both the cars outside so we could fit Jen’s stuff into the garage. April’s more there than any adult woman I know. She takes care of Jen along with Cynthia while Alex and I went and took back the van and got his car.
We picked up some stuff to eat at this place that has stuff ready made in the supermarket and we all ended up in our apartment except Adam who said he had things to do and get ready for just in case.
I took a shower and got into my Pajama bottoms and one of Alex’s jerseys while Jen was in her cheer sweats and an over sized t-shirt as was Cynthia and April was in these cute cotton but black trimmed pink Pj’s.
We get some movies ordered up on the Netflicks while Alex cooks for all of us making us this roast beef that’s been pre-cooked but he makes fresh fries and onion rings and he makes this great gravy that he dumped the beef into. It’s nothing fancy but he cooked for all of us and it was really, really good because he did it for us.
It felt heart deep better than good when him and I sit on the floor wrapped up in a blanket with his arms around me as we watched some movies. I’ve never seen either “Serendipity” or “A walk to remember.” The last one had all of us girls crying and I got wrapped up even tighter in Alex’s arms and the blanket and he kissed me like I was one of those movie girls…better than if I was one of those movie girls.
Ow………..My heart.
Jen and Cindy, yeah we started to use Cindy there tonight. They headed down stairs and Alex made a hot sandwich for his dad.
I close the door and Alex pulls me into his Arms and he turns me around and leans me against the wall/door jam and kisses me until my brain shuts off everything else and turns to goo. I never knew turning to goo would feel so good.
I jump a little as he picks me up so I can wrap my legs around him and he carries me to our bed….I love this, I love when we’re together and being intimate more and more but there’s just…
I want more, I want to be right for him as much as I guess for myself. I really, really want to be Alex’s girl. Maybe the doctor can help me? I need to try, I need to get started…I want more of this…I want my life.
I want Alex inside, I want him…. “Make love to me Alex…please…I need you…” I’m crying again dammit, choking up…
He kisses me and touches me in those certain ways, those special ways and sinks into me and pulls me off the bed into this loving embrace as he is…and he’s holding me…hugging me to him and…says. “It’s okay Hunter, It’s okay…I’ve got you…I Love You.”
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such a great story, Bailey!
I love the line, "Crying isn't meant to solve shit, it keeps us from going crazy"
Soo true!

Thanks Cindilee:)
It's true, there's nothing wrong with a good cry. Sometimes it's the only way to get your soul clean.
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
I so love Hunter.
So abused, so vulnerable, and so strong. What a woman she is.
Other people would have just caved in at what she went through.
She is a very remarkable person.
Who hasn't started crying without knowing it?
Hunter's a great character in that way as she's getting to feeling safer in how she feels some of those defensive walls are starting to come down and stuff'd starting to come out.
Thanks so much Maggie:)
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
"We’re you’re fucking kids!"
Wonderful chapter.
Dorothycolleen, member of Bailey's Angels
Exactly Dorothy:)
It's not rocket science. You have kids...You just love them...nothing fancy just love them no matter what.
Why is that too hard for some people?
*Big Angel Hugs*
Bailey...a proud supporter of Team Dorothy.
Bailey Summers
i'm sure Jen's dad can produce records for every jewel he bought his daughter, those people don't miss the tax break or insurance item. glad to see them getting her out of that mess.
great chapter, thanks
Oh likely but insurance won't pay out theft unless
the police agree on it and most pawn shops pop the stones and melt down the metal once they have enough to make it worth it. Jen'll never see any of that again most likely. I knew some really well off kids growing up and at least half of them were more messed up than us poor kids.
I'm glad you liked the chapter.
Thanks LoneWolf.
*Hugs and Howls.*
Bailey Summers
I was thinking
ammo to go after Jen's mom not actually getting any of it back, although that might be nice for her too.
Bailey you have such a way of presenting your characters that makes me want to hug them tight. I know they're not real but they sure FEEL like they are. That's talent!
That's the best way I've heard of to describe Bailey's amazing stories. They DO feel like real folks, and you just want to reach out to them. Another great story, Bailey! You always impress me!
Thanks so much Grover & Wren!
That's a huge compliment and honestly it's a lot to do with comments and responses like this that make me want to keep the vibe and the heart still the way it is.
Thank you both so very much:)
*Great Big Huge Smiles and Hugs*
Bailey Summers
I'm crying. Again.
You need to stop making me cry Bailey. Hunter and Alex are just so wonderfully special. Those "ow my heart" moments are beautiful.
I can read a superhero or a fantasy character kill someone without shedding a tear but put it in an ordinary setting like this and even something small like Jen's mother's actions towards her daughters stuffed toys makes me upset.
Another excellent chapter Bailey.
"Just once I want my life to be like an 80's movie, preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason. But no, no, John Hughes did not direct my life."
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
I can completely respect that Jemima:)
There's things getting wrecked and then there's cutting up things like a girls stuffed animals. Most girls stop playing with them and collecting then and stuff in their teens but so often these are the ones you turn to in those early years to hug and to keep your secrets and dreams and to cut them up...
I love Hunter and Alex, I love how they are together and who they're starting to become together.
Great comment Jemima:)
Always a great boost for me.
Thank you.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Oh, the Humanity!
Yeah, the senseless deaths of the stuffed animals had me bawling...
But I gotta admit, this had me laughing:
“She’s kicking Jennifer out we’re pretty sure and your dad and I want to head things off before she does something that’ll take her from being a douche-canoe to being the USS-Mega-Cunt.â€
Loved the girly bonding moment between Hunter, April, Jen and Cynthia, re: boobs, nosebleeds, insurance and crying.
But holy shit, what a spoiled bitch Jen's mom is. And her dad's new wife too, for that matter. Although she's younger and acting closer to her age.
Dang, I love this series.
*sleepy hugs*
When you put it like that...
I guess a lot of stuff did happen didn't it? The thing is there really are people out there just like that. I'm sorry for the tragic deaths of the poor defenseless stuffies.
Thanks So much Lees:)
*Great Big Angel Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Jen's mom is a complete A
Jen's mom is a complete A hole, for that matter so her dad's new Paris Hilton doll.
"Introducing the new Paris Hilton doll, complete with miniture dog, she walks, talks and acts like the real Paris, she's also made of 100% non-biodegradable plastic - just like the real thing, buy today and get the complete experience as she runs your credit card dry."
I still wanna see Jen play with her Cindy doll hopefully they will play house :P
As always love this story hon, lookin forward to more.
The Godmother ;)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
" tea..."
I was reading this and unfortunately was trying to have a swallow of tea. Ended up choking for like five minutes trying to cough, breathe and laugh at the same time.
Thanks Lizzie:)
Jen doesn't know about Cindy yet and the whole best friend in love with her thing.
That'll be interesting to write.
*Great but Angel Hugs*
Bailey Summers
silly me
Silly lil ol me also shed some tears over the poor innocent stuffies.
And plenty over other stuff too, Sad Tears! & Happy Tears!
*makes note to buy more tissues next shoppin run*
Thanks again Hypatia:)
Tissues are sometimes a must with this story:)
*More Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Queen bitch so boinked
Jen's mom really put herself in a world of hurt by ignoring that TRO and destroying Jen's belongings. And because her jewelry box is missing, and mommy queerest was the only one at home when it went missing, they could charge her with theft if the jewelry in that box has any real value.
When the courts get through with mommy queerest, because of her actions against Jen, she might learn how the other half have to live. She may even have to do her own housework, shopping and cooking. She might even have to take city transportation. What else could befall such a large deposit of excrement?
Others have feelings too.
You have a knack for taking a story in a direction I could never have predicted,and I love it.