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Chapter 39
Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman
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The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.
We wake up in the morning when the alarm sounds out loudly when it reaches 5 AM.
We are all groaning a bit. “Nnnnhh . . . ”
“We need to get up, everyone. It is time. We’ll get caught up on our sleep along the way.”
The fairies fly over to their shower setup to freshen up. They just splash the water onto their faces. They change into the clothes they are going to be wearing for the day. They pack up their things and put them in the satchel. They take down the shower setup and stow it away in the satchel. Then they fly into the kitchen to get their morning meal.
Brianna and I get out of bed and take off our night clothes. We take a quick shower to wake ourselves up. I look at my face. I use the razor to trim any stray beard hair off. We get ourselves dressed quickly. Brianna does a quick clean spell on the night clothes and keeps them in the drawer.
We walk out to the kitchen to get our morning meal. It is another bowl of cereal and fresh fruit. We finish off the milk for the cereal. I wash the milk container out. Then I throw the container into the trash can.
We sit down. I give the morning Thanks to the Creator. “Creator, keep us safe as we fly to Israel and the other countries on the travel plan. We pray for receptive ears when we visit the Pantheon Gods. Give us the strength if some of them have hard hearts to hear. Zeus said they are expecting us. Let this food give us the strength we need for the morning. Brianna and I will be having lunch on the flight over to Tel Aviv. Thank you, Creator for all of your wonderful blessings.”
Everyone else responds in one voice, “Thank you, Creator.”
“Richard, are we going to be with a tour group?”
“We won’t be, Brianna. We’ll be assigned a private tour guide. The Wizard told me it is set up through the High King in Israel.”
“You do realize that my dad and mom will join us in Heathrow.”
“I know, it is through them that he will introduce us to one of the hidden groups he knows.”
“We don’t want to attract any attention for them.”
“I know, Brianna.”
We get done eating in another fifteen minutes. We then clean up the dishes and dry them. We put them back into the cupboard. We walk back into the bedrooms and the bathroom. We brush our teeth and put the toiletry bags into the suitcases. Brianna puts an E-tablet in her satchel with several books downloaded. I see the video camera with the bag is still there. I check the pockets to make sure there are extra batteries. The recharge unit and the electric outlet adapter are there as well for both of our electronic devices. I also check to make sure there is a quartz crystal in each of our satchels. The peridot crystal is in my satchel. The fairies make sure everything is put away in their satchel. I set up the armor in the closet and close the closet door. We take the suitcases and the satchels to the living room. Then all of a sudden the Wizard appears in our midst in a blink of an eye.
“So, are you all ready?”
“We are, Wizard.”
“That’s good. It is time to go, fairies.”
“Thank you for delivering us to Israel, Wizard.”
“It is no problem, Tiger. I think when Richard has earned the tenth black sash he will be able to do this on his own.”
“Now, that we would like to see happen.”
The Wizard creates the misty sphere in front of him. The fairies fly into it quickly. Then the Wizard puts the misty sphere into his pocket. “I’ll see you both there the day after tomorrow, Richard and Brianna.”
“We’ll see you then, Wizard. Croin it is time to go.”
“I’m coming, Richard.” Croin flies out of the cave carving and flies into me.
The Wizard recites a transportation spell and disappears in a blink of an eye. I check to make sure we have our passports and travel tickets. I give them to Brianna. She puts them into her satchel. I carry the suitcases out to the car and put them in the back seat. Brianna then puts the three satchels on top of them. I lock the door and put my hand on the door. “Keep the cabin safe from harm, Creator. The Cherokee and King Oren’s fairy troop are allowed here on the property if they need to.”
Then we see Crouching Bear, Shaman Red Fox and Raven Claw come walking up to us.
“We have come to bid you safe travels and a prosperous encounter with the Pantheon Gods.”
“Thank you, my Cherokee friends.”
We hug each other and clasp hands quickly.
Then we see King Oren and Queen White Dove flying up to us. They hover in front of us. King Oren speaks up, “Let your breaths wake up the fairies of our brethren and sisters, Omega and Brianna. It will be good to join with them again.”
“Thank you, King Oren and Queen White Dove.”
They come up closer to us and get in front of our faces. We exchange tears with each other. We remember their scent and the taste of their tears.
We get into the car. I turn on the engine and rev it up. I back up out of the driveway and enter the road. We see them waving to us one more time. Then I drive down the roads to the Peaceful Dragon. It takes a little over an hour to get there. We arrive at about six-thirty. We pull in the driveway and see Qiang’s car there as well. Qiang and Sensei Chou get out of the car. Qiang opens the trunk of the car. We find that we are able to fit the suitcases in the trunk. I lock the door and hand the car keys to Sensei Chou. We have the satchels on our laps in the back seat of the car.
“The keys will be kept in the office here, Richard.”
“That’s fine, Sensei Chou.” I hand the keys to Sensei Chou.
Qiang turns on the engine. He revs it up and backs up. He exits the driveway and drives down the roads to the Charlotte international airport. It is called Douglas International Airport. We get there by 7 AM. We get unloaded on the curb. A steward comes up to take our baggage and put it on a cart. We put our satchels onto our shoulders.
We hug Sensei Chou and Qiang one more time.
“Be successful during your honeymoon trip. Let’s hope it is more peaceful and relaxing this time.”
“We hope so too, Sensei Chou. We’ll tell you all about it when we get back.”
“We expect nothing less, Richard.”
They get into the car and drive back to the Peaceful Dragon. Brianna takes out the flight tickets and shows them to the steward. “Follow me, please.”
We follow the steward through the airport. He walks up to the El Al ticket booth. We get in line with the others. We take the suitcases off the cart. I hand the steward a ten-dollar bill. He thanks me and returns back to his station. In another twenty-five minutes we are at the ticket booth. Brianna hands our tickets and passport to the agent. They verify everything is okay with the paperwork. I put the suitcases on the scale. It gets x-rayed. They see nothing out of the ordinary. They take a hydrocarbon scanner and wand the suitcases. There is no indication on the scanner. They attach the tags to the suitcases. It gets weighed and put on the conveyor belt behind them.
The agent hands the passports and the tickets back to Brianna. “Everything checks out. Have a safe flight to Israel. Your satchels will be opened up at the metal detectors.”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
We walk down the concourse to our gate. We encounter the metal detectors before we get there. We see there is a line of twenty people in front of us. It takes about another thirty minutes for our turn. We put the satchels on the conveyor belt. We open them up for a visual check. We walk through the scanners. The scanners sense us for any hydrocarbons on us. We walk through cleanly. Then we get greeted by a German Shepherd dog. He sniffs around us. Just do your job, friend.
It’s an honor to meet you. Thank you, Omega. He sniffs us some more. He backs away without whimpering or barking out loud.
The inspectors look inside our satchels. “Can you explain what is in these bags?”
“I sure can sir. I’ll open them for you.” I open the bags to show them the nuts, dried fruit, honey container, the water bag, and the small shower set up.
“What is that small curtain set up for?” He looks at me intently to see if I am lying to him.
I look at him sincerely, “Obviously I don’t have any animals with me.”
“That’s right, sir.”
“It will be given to a family friend when I arrive in Israel.”
“That’s good, sir.” He turns to his assistant. “They are clear to get on board.”
“Yes, sir.”
The one I spoke to shakes his head from side to side quickly. Brrr . . . what just happened, Creator? As far as I can tell, he told the truth.
He did tell you the truth, Robert.
Thank you, Creator.
You’re welcome, Robert.
I close up the satchels. We put them on our shoulders and walk down the concourse to our gate. We walk up to the agent booth. Brianna shows our passports and tickets to verify against the list. She checks us off on the list. She hands it back to Brianna.
“Have a safe flight. Don’t forget to sleep along the way. We’ll be serving breakfast, lunch and dinner on the flight. Are there any food requests?”
“Fruit bowls are fine for the morning meal. Fish and chicken will do just fine the later meals.”
She smiles, “Then fruit, fish and chicken it is.” She writes the notes next to our names on the list.
Brianna puts the passport and the tickets into her satchel. We sit on the hard chairs. I put my right arm around her. She leans her head onto my right shoulder.
We talk to each other with our minds.
I miss having Bianca, Lavan, White Rose and White Acacia near to me.”
Imagine how I feel with all of them not near to me.
We hug each other tightly. I look at my watch, I see it is 8:30 AM. Then I sense a familiar spirit here. Sauron is here, Brianna.
Get rid of him. I think he is trying to follow us.
I will, Brianna. I get up and look around, I sense he is about to possess a passenger. I look above the passenger sternly. Follow me, Sauron.
Yes, Richard.
I walk around to stretch my legs. Are you following me, Sauron?
I am, Richard. I want to know what you are up to.
Look, I don’t want to create a scene here. If you must know, we are going on a honeymoon trip to Europe.
Ah . . . Then you will probably be in the British Isles eventually.
That’s right, Sauron.
You realize I must tell the Eleven where you are going.
Go ahead and do that, Sauron. But, I am thinking you have a hidden agenda the Eleven don’t know about. Well, keep your secret. I will eventually find out what it is later.
That’s true, Richard. Then we’ll see you in the British Isles.
See you then, Sauron.
Sauron flies away from the airport to New York City.
I walk back to Brianna. Then we hear the flight attendant speak up.
“It is time to board El Al, ladies and gentlemen.”
I bring my hand toward Brianna and help lift her up. We get in line with the others. Brianna takes out the passports and tickets. She shows them to the attendants when it’s our turn. The flight attendant tears off their portion of the stub. She puts them back into her satchel. We walk down the gate ramp to the door of the plane. We walk down the aisles until we find our seats. We are in the middle group of four of the plane seats. There are three more seats on either side of the aisles. We put our satchels into the compartments above us. We sit down and put the seatbelts in place around us. We hold our hands together as we interlock our arms.
Once everyone has settled in, we are given the usual instructions from the flight attendants about the air masks, the exit doors and the location of the bathrooms. We are told the monitors and earphones in front of us will be turned on once we are in the air.
After another half hour, we are given the all clear from the tower for take off. The jet backs up once the doors are sealed shut. The jet taxis down the tarmac to get in line with the other jets. It is another ten minutes before take off is imminent. The pilots rev the engines and we are rolling down the runway for take off. The nose tilts up once the jet is at the correct speed. We feel the air pressure change in our ears as we ascend higher and higher. We yawn and gulp some air to equalize the air pressure in our ears.
Once we see the all clear on the marquee sign in front of us. We start to relax some more and undo our belts.
So, what did Sauron want, Richard?
He did try to follow us. He is going to report to the Eleven in New York City. I think we are going to meet them there in the British Isles.
Ugh . . . We better be on guard then. You will be drawing out the famed sword. They will probably confront us once that happens.
We’ll be ready for them.
The Wizard appears in an alley way in Jerusalem. He is dressed like an Israeli businessman. He has a large black coat on. He steps out of the alley way onto the nearby sidewalk. He finds himself near the Knesset. He walks down the streets. People nod at him while they walk past him. The Wizard nods his head in like response. He walks up to the main front doors of the Knesset. He gets stopped by the guards at the doors.
“What is your name? What is your destination?”
“I go by the name of Doctor Russell Spellman. My current residence is in the USA.”
They check the list on their electronic notebook. They see it on the list. “You’re on the list, sir. A thumb print will verify you.” They turn the notebook. The Doctor puts his thumb print in the black box. A green check mark quickly appears next to it. “You are good to go inside. What is your destination?”
He comes forward and whispers to them. “I am here to see the High King. I’ll meet him in the garden if you don’t mind.”
“That’s fine, sir. I’ll inform him that you have arrived. He will meet you in the garden. You do remember the way to the garden?”
“I do, soldier. I have no intention of entering any other room here but the garden.”
“That’s fine, Doctor.”
The soldier opens the door. The Wizard walks inside the Knesset. He walks down the hallways and makes several right and left-hand turns. He opens another door to exit the building. He walks across the street to the gardens. He then sees the High King being escorted by several soldiers from the Knesset building. He follows the Wizard to a secluded area of the garden. They turn to face each other. The soldiers are within twenty-five feet from them.
“Hello Doctor, it is good to see you again.”
“It is good to see you again, High King.”
“Are Richard and Brianna on their way to Israel?”
“They are in flight right now. It is a direct flight from Charlotte, North Carolina. They left at 9 AM this morning.”
“That’s good. I think you better release your traveling group now.”
“Yes, they can stay here in the gardens.” The Doctor takes out the misty sphere from his coat pocket. He makes the sphere bigger. “Please come out in butterfly mode.”
The butterflies come out of the misty sphere. They hover around quickly. They don’t see Richard around anywhere. They come back and hover around the wizard. They whisper to him.
“The Omega is not here, Wizard.”
“He is not here, my friends. He will be here tomorrow morning. He will be coming in late tonight.”
“That’s fine.” They turn their attention to the other gentleman. “You seem familiar. Who are you?”
“I am the High King here, Traphel.”
“You know my name. When did we meet, sir?”
“I was visiting the British Isles a long time ago before Caliber was killed for his horn. I made sure part of his horn survived and is built into the pommel of the famed sword.”
“Ah, now I remember you.”
“That’s good, Traphel. I suggest you stay here in the gardens. There are some of your kin here in the gardens. When Richard comes here tomorrow, we’ll have another talk together. But this time it will be official business in my office here. You will know which window to fly into.”
“That’s fine, High King. We’ll wait here in the gardens for Richard.”
“There will be a musical gathering here tomorrow, Mr. Spellman. I look forward to hearing some of Richard’s music from another world.”
“Yes, it is very different, High King. See you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow. Oops, here come your kin now.”
They see ten more butterflies fluttering to them. They land on the branches. They fly to them and greet them.
The Doctor and the High King look at each other quickly.
“You know it is time for the sword to be drawn.”
“I know High King.”
“I also know there will be a confrontation when he returns with the sword. Be ready for it.”
“Thank you for the warning, High King. We’ll be ready for it.”
They nod their heads to each other. The High King gets escorted back to the Knesset building. The Doctor walks behind some tall bushes. He disappears in a blink of an eye.
“Traphel! White Rose it is good to see you!!”
“It is good to see you, Claris.”
“Who are these others with you?”
“They are fairies from the Omega Unicorn Dragon.”
“You mean to tell us he is coming to us right now?”
“Yes, my name is Tiger. From what I just over heard from the High King, it will be tomorrow. He will be here with his wife Brianna. They will blow their breath upon you. Then you can change back into fairies.”
“That’s great, Tiger. We can wait until tomorrow. Come with us. Let us show you the garden. We are protected here. Don’t fly from the gardens. There are some people who trap butterflies for their collection. You will be put into their private gardens.”
They are shown the garden and where they can sleep for the night. They find some hollowed out holes in several trees. They are also shown the many flowers they can drink the nectar from to restore their energy.
It is noon time in Wales. A robed man and a robed lady are walking toward a large pond. There are brambles of bushes around the edge of the pond. They stop to look at the pond.
“It is time, Rhiannon.”
“Sigh . . . I know, Wizard. Many people will come to try and draw out the sword. What can we do so to make it more difficult? If they can’t draw out the sword they will try for the scabbard to protect themselves.”
“We can’t allow that to happen again, Rhiannon. Hmm . . . how about if we put twelve paved stones in a circle around it? The ones who tries to draw it out must have six male and six female friends standing on it.”
“Yes, that can work. Should Richard show the twelve unicorn images or the men and women?”
“Let it be for the men and women. No one will be able to bring forth unicorns. The only ones we know about are in the Forbidden Forest.”
“Yes, they must stay there for their protection. They should receive a mark on their hand. This is to let them know they are not the chosen one. Also, Brianna should put her hand on top of his Richard’s hands.”
“Yes, they should be in armor when they draw it out. The mark will appear on the man’s hand despite his efforts to use a gauntlet to protect themselves.”
“I like that very much, Wizard.”
“Look, here comes another tour group.”
The tour group approaches the pond. It is a group of people from several parts of the world and locally.
“Here, we have another body of water. It is said, the Caledfwlch was returned here to Rhiannon after King Arthur passed away. It is said it will be returned when we need it the most.”
They see the two robed people across the pond. The Wizard and Rhiannon bring their hands forward as they concentrate on the large pond. They recite several spells quietly. Then bubbles appear in the middle of the pond. Then the famed sword appears. It is thrust into a large stone. Around the stone is a circular stone area used as a platform. There are twelve paved stones around it.
“Behold!! It is time for the true son of King Arthur to claim the Caledfwlch. Only it is much harder this time. He must bring twelve trusted friends with him and his wife. His twelve friends must be six men and six women. He must be in full armor to remove the famed sword. His wife will place her hand on top of his hand as the sword is drawn out. The wife will be a descendant of Queen Guinevere. “
”But be forewarned, people. If the wrong one tries to draw the sword out, a mark will be left on the man’s right hand. It will be in the form of a black ‘X’ tattoo!! It will fade slightly after twenty years, but it will be permanent. The other people with him will get pushed back by a sudden gust of wind and fall into the water of the pond to get wet.”
Everyone claps their hands. They take pictures and send them on the internet quickly. Word arrives in London quickly and the rest of the British Isles. People quickly discuss who is worthy to draw the sword out of the stone. Word gets around the world quickly.
A medium sized stage is set up in the gardens near the Knesset. This includes some electronics such as microphones and speakers. Signs are put up near the entrances to the garden. “Original Music Festival.”
Once it is set up, the director of the event gets up on the stage. About fifty people gather around to listen to him.
“This is a special music festival. It is for new music that is original and never heard before. It can be solos or groups. It can be acoustic, electronic and mixed. This festival will last four days and end on the fourth day of the week.”
People of all ages come up one by one. Some play musical instruments and sing at the same time. The instruments are varied. Electric pianos, guitars, flutes, violins, bass guitars to name just a few. Everyone gives praise to the Creator for the new music being played.
In a secluded building in London, a man is watching the latest news on the internet. “Mom!!! You better get here quick!”
“I’m coming, Mordred.” Morgana Le Fey enters the room. “What are you yelling about?”
“Look at the monitor. We are in big trouble!!”
“Oh my . it’s Rhiannon and Merlin!!! No! No! No! This can’t be happening!! What are we going to do, Mordred?”
“This means they are expecting the true son of Arthur and the true daughter of Guinevere to show up. I thought we killed them off in Exeter.”
“Well, you better send another assassination squad to Wales, Mordred.”
“I will mother. I will. This time I will make sure Merlin is dead as well. Rhiannon will be difficult to kill. She is too elusive in the forests.” Mordred gets on the phone to place a call. He punches in the numbers. “Ring . . .ring . . .ring . . . click!”
“What’s the next assignment, boss?”
“Have you seen the internet within the last five minutes?”
“We have, sir. Do you want us do away these upstarts?”
“Once the sword is drawn out, all of them are to be cooked. Deliver the sword to me. It should have come to me in the first place.”
“I understand, sir. We expect the usual fee.”
“I understand. It will be doubled for both of them.”
“That’s an even better incentive. Click!!”
“Hmm . . . It should be really easy, mother.”
“It better be, Mordred. We have invested too much money and time to keep the current monarchy we created on the throne.”
We watch the news on the monitors of the seats in front of us. All of a sudden, we see a rapid update concerning the Caledfwlch in Wales. I speak to Brianna with my mind.
Well, it has started, Brianna.
Yes it has, Richard. You know there will be people who think it is theirs by right.
But, there is only one destined to draw it out.
I touch the button with my finger for the live TV broadcast. Commentators are commenting on it the best they can. Then we see a prince of the current monarchy in London and his girlfriend approach the stone. Behind them are six men and six women. They stand on the twelve paved stones. The girlfriend places her hand on top of the prince’s hand.
As soon as he tries to lift the sword out, a small flash of light appears on the pommel of the sword Then a huge gust of wind blows all of them into the water. They have a look of dismay on their faces. The prince takes off his gauntlet and sees a black ‘X’ on his right hand.
“NOOOOooooo!!! This can’t be happening!!! I am a prince of the realm!!!” He shows his hand to everyone. It gets shown on TV really quick.
The people are astonished the prince has the tattoo on his hand. “GAAAaaasssPPPP!!” They murmur through the crowd quickly. They wonder who is really the true son of King Arthur and the true daughter of Guinevere. Or for that matter could the line still be intact after all these years.
The royal court quickly search the records. They go back as far as they can. They discover it only goes back to William the Conqueror.
“We must send a reception group in Wales, my Queen.”
“Go ahead and make plans, Albert. We must defeat this upstart and claim the sword for the survival of our rulership.”
“I understand, my Queen. We will be camping on a hill overlooking the site. No one will be able to detect that we are there.”
The Eleven Magi and Sauron are watching the events on TV.
“Who do you think will claim it, Sauron?”
“I don’t know, Magi. You sent me to kill the last unicorn on Earth. If I remember right, his name was Caliber.”
“We remember, Sauron. We must get there to confront the one destined to draw out the sword, my friends. We must claim the sword for ourselves.”
“We agree, Thrashtin.”
One of the lady magi gets on the phone to call their travel agent. They book a flight to Wales.
We have a relaxed flight to Israel. Brianna reads a book on her E-tablet. I search the internet for any information about the Caledfwlch. I find a lot of entries indicating King Arthur and Queen Guinevere were just myths. The main reason, there was very little written about them at the time.
We have the meals as planned. At about 9 PM in Israel, the jet starts to make its descent to Ben Gurion Airport outside of Tel Aviv. We make the landing smoothly and roll up to the gate for our departure. We get up and take our satchels out from the compartment above us. We put them on our shoulders. We exit the plane via the ramp tubes attached to the terminal. We walk down the gated area. We get escorted to the area where the suitcases are picked up. It takes another fifteen to twenty-five minutes before we see them on the conveyor belt. I take them and carry them as I follow Brianna. We arrive at customs to have our suitcases and satchels opened and inspected. They inspectors see nothing out of the ordinary. They don’t detect any bomb materials in our suitcases. We zip them up and the lock the suitcases back up. Just before we leave the inspectors. I am handed a sealed envelope from the leader of the inspection group.
I open it and see two tickets inside the envelope. “You are cordially invited to attend the Original Music Festival in the Gardens near the Knesset.” Then I read the hand written note. “The High King would love to hear some new music that is out of this world.”
I show it to Brianna. Brianna smiles once she reads the note. “I would love to hear it too, Richard.”
We walk through the customs gates and enter the common area. We see two men standing there. One of them has a sign in front of him. “Moores.” It is written with 3D lettering.
I look at him intently. “Are you looking for the Moores?”
He answers truthfully. “I am.”
“What other information were you given so that we know you are speaking the truth and looking for us?”
He answers carefully and whispers to us, “You are Richard Moore, the inventor of the 3d-Server. You and Brianna will be staying at our best hotel, the King David Hotel.”
“I have heard of it, sir.” I snap my fingers, “Snap!!”
He shakes his head from side to side. He smiles, “Thank you, Richard. My name is Yosef ben Yehuda. I am the driver of the limo. I was warned by the High King you could get the truth from anyone. How did I do?”
“You did fine, Yosef.”
“Thank you again, sir. What you did to save our money was fantastic. But, we’ll talk about that tomorrow. Right now you need to get some sleep and catch up on your jet lag from the Americas.” He turns and snaps his fingers. “Snap!!” A steward comes up with a dolly. He puts our suitcases and satchels on the dolly. We get escorted by two soldiers to the limo parked outside the terminal.
The suitcases and the satchels are put into the trunk. Then the soldiers and the steward shakes my hand. They thank me for saving their hard earned money.
“You’re welcome.”
Then two motorcycle cops come up in front of the limo. We also see there are two more motorcycle cops behind us. We get into the limo with the other man who greeted us in the first place.
“My name is Shlomo ben Nahum. I am one of the aides to the Prime Minister here. We’ll let you sleep in until 8 AM tomorrow morning. Someone will knock on your door and bring in the morning meal for you. You must be ready and dressed to leave by 9 A.M.. We will then take you to the Gardens near the Knesset for the Original Music Festival. The tickets you received have microchips interwoven in them. This Festival is actually free and open to the public. The tickets will track you wherever you go. So, please keep them in your satchels.”
“I understand the importance of security, Shlomo. It is my expertise.”
“Yes it is, Richard. You will both be treated like Ambassadors here. We have arranged a private tour with several sites for the next three days. However, you need to be here for a month to get a full taste of Israel here. We hope you make plans in the future for that.”
“Well, considering who we are, we just might find the time after things have settled down after a hundred years.”
“Heh, Heh, . . . that’s right. You are both blessed by the Creator to live a long life until the Ultimate Last Battle. Then we will look forward to that day when you do make those plans.”
The limo arrives at the King David Hotel. The doors are opened for us. Several people get our suitcases and satchels out of the trunk and onto a dolly. We are escorted into the main lobby. We get checked in at the main desk. We are given two keys for our use. We see big smiles from everyone around us. The staff shakes our hands and thank me for saving their life savings.
We get into the elevator. The aide speaks up again. “We are arriving on the fifth floor. It has a balcony for you to use. There are potted flowers to help add the beauty of Israel while you stay here.”
The doors open on the fifth floor. We are escorted down the hallway to our room. I unlock the door, the aide opens the door and we walk inside the room. We see there is a separate bedroom attached to the living room. We walk to the balcony. We see the lights on the Temple Mount. Our suitcases and satchel are put in the bedroom. The people leave us quickly. We open our suitcases and satchels. We get undressed quickly and take a quick shower to get ourselves cleaned up from the flight. We then get into our nightclothes and turn down the bed covers.
“The fairies are going to need a place to sleep, Brianna.”
She looks around. “Hmm . . . they will have to sleep on the cushions of the seats, Richard.”
“Yes, I didn’t request a third bed to be installed here. I am expecting it will be $1000 per night with meals for the both of us.”
“That’s okay, Richard. At lease we are not in the Presidential or Royalty suites.”
We turn off the lights and get under the covers. I set the alarm for seven forty-five in the morning.
We get a great night of sleep from the Creator. We get no nightmares, no warnings at all. It seems we are totally protected by the Creator and his Emissaries. We did find out later from the Creator, he did send his guardian angels to protect us during the honeymoon trip.
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The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 4 Honeymoon Trips Ch. 39
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May Your Light Forever Shine
New characters being introduced
Hello BC Sci-Fans!!
I have been asked what or which characters we might be seeing during this second part of the Honeymoon Trips.
I do remember the movie from 2010, the Sorcerer's Apprentice. I went to the theaters to watch it. I really liked it. So, there will be a follow up with the key players in that movie. I will have them aged a bit, but not too much.
Then there is the movie, The Lightning Thief. I bought the DVD to refresh my memory. I really like it. So, there will be a follow up with that one too. It is about the Greek Pantheon Gods. Yes, there will be a visit to Camp Half-Blood. I have some scenes building in my mind on those characters. Besides, it will provide a more intense training regimen for everyone there, including Richard himself.
When it comes to Hogwarts and the Forbidden Forest, I am going to have it set as out of phase. That means its there, but you don't realize that it is there. There will be some characters from other books there. If you ask me, the Forbidden Forest was not delved into deep enough in the Harry Potter movies. Who else lives there for protection? Feanor from Tolkien, some elves, dwarfs, centaurs, dragons and the last three unicorns from Caliber and Rachel. I will tie up the loose ends with the Basilisk egg under Hogwarts. It will tie in with the Romanian Dragons that I have been hinting at in the last two books. The question there is where did the Basilisk come from? It was hinted at in the Harry Potter movies.
I know there are a lot more characters from the Harry Potter movies. I will try to touch upon them as best I can. If I miss one, please let me know.
When they visit the Egyptian gods, will there be an encounter with Yami from the Yu-gi-oh cartoons? Yes. It makes sense if you really think about it.
Also, I am planning a scene with Will Turner from the Pirates of the Carribean movies. Some how, Richard and Brianna will need a boat trip to the hidden back door entrance to the Undying West of Middle Earth. There is an actual underwater paved road in the Bahamas.
Don't forget, there will be a future book called - Then and Now. It will be a historical book covering details that I hinted at in the previous books.
I do intend to have several scenes with Doctor Who. That won't happen until the next book. So, will the Dalek problem ever be solved? How about the Cybermen? I have some ideas there that should blow you away.
Don't forget, there will be some more sub-scenes within the chapters.
As far as what is Sauron's hidden agenda. Go back to Book 3, The Rescue Mission. Read Chapter 14. There it states what is Sauron's hidden agenda at the end of the chapter.
Have a great week everyone. I look forward to your comments here or in the messages here at Big Closet.