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Chapter 7
Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman
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The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.
When we finally fall asleep during the night, the Creator takes me to another world in my dream. I see a world that is very beautiful to behold. As I get lower, I start to see the familiar Air Temples from Aang’s world. Then I enter the spirit realm of their world. I land on the ground before a large cave. I wait for what will happen next.
Soon, I see a subtle movement inside the cave. I see a blue dragon snaking out toward me. Then I see a red dragon snaking out as well. They look down at me.
“Brother, we have a most unusual visitor with us.”
“Yes, we do brother. What should we do with him?”
“Let’s ask him some questions. From that we can tell if he is worthy to stay here.”
“That’s a good idea, brother. Here is the first question, visitor. What are our names?”
“Besides stating the obvious that you are red and blue dragons. I am guessing your names are Ran and Shaw.” Both dragons narrow their eyes down at me the same time. “However, from what I have read and seen about you on my world, I don’t know which name belongs to whom.”
“That is correct, visitor. The next question we have pertains to what we sense about you. You have some dragon blood in you and the smell of unicorns upon you. Explain this paradox.”
“I come from the world called Earth. My name is Richard Moore. Your story, along with Aang, Zuko and the others here are told on my world. Plus, there are many other stories told on my world. The dragon blood you are sensing comes from your Great Mother, Eingana. Your Great Father, Leviathan breathed upon me to activate the drop of her blood within me. I was chosen by the Creator to be the Omega Unicorn Dragon. Here is my proof, that I’m speaking the truth.”
I then quickly project out the twelve unicorn images. I quickly produce my feathered wings, retract them and produce the dragon wings. My eyes have a golden glow. Then Croin comes out of me. He hovers above my head. Then Croin speaks.
“He speaks the truth, dragons. For me, I am a memory for Richard here. He came to our world, the planet Twainor. He was chosen by the Creator to be one of twelve ambassadors to their world. I will now pass through you quickly. You will then get a memory update that I’m speaking the truth.
Croin flies through the two dragons. Then he flies back and hovers above me.
“Here is a demonstration of the air bending abilities I have learned.” I fold my wings back. I go through the basic movements. When I do an upper arm slash, a gust of wind flies out. When I do a horizontal wing slash, both dragons feel air brushed against their faces. Then I twist my hand quickly to produce a mini tornado. I move it about with my hands. I make it small or larger, before I disperse it in the air. Then I take aim at a nearby leaf. I do a crane wing slash, I slash a small ‘x’ on the leaf and yet it doesn’t slice into pieces. I then fly around quickly and do some maneuvers. After that, I hover before them. I flap my wings to create a wall of wind. Ran blows out some fire. I easily repel the flames and direct them away from us. Ran and Shaw smile slightly.
I come down and do the traditional bow and hand clasp. Then I rise up and put my hands down by my side. “I am hoping to arrive here to learn the water bending element from Aang. With each step I learn, I will earn the ten black slashes that leads to the title of Shaolin Dragon Master. Even right now, I am learning how to walk like a dragon. There are about forty masters on my world that have achieved this rank at any given time.
“You speak the truth, Croin. It is an honor to meet you, Omega Unicorn Dragon. When you come to visit our world, young dragon, you will need to find Iroh. He is Zuko’s uncle, he operates a tea shop. Once you find him there, he will take you to Zuko. Then Zuko will take you to Aang’s temple which is nearby.”
“You have proved yourself worthy to learn the next level. We will meet in the spirit realm as needed. But you won’t meet us until you are ready to learn the fire bending method.”
“We can also sense that when you learn the fifth element of spirit, it will be different for you. You will not be able to remove one’s element bending ability, that is reserved for the Avatar alone. You will use the spirit bending like how the Saiyans learned how to use it. But, with your abilities, you will be able to do more than them.”
“That’s right, my brother. You are more connected to the animals because of your unicorn abilities. For that, we will gladly welcome you here.”
“Yes, it seems our Great Mother and Great Father has indeed chosen the champion that will represent all of us at the Ultimate Last Battle.”
“We thank the Creator of the Universe that the Omega Unicorn Dragon is indeed the champion for all animals. He will bring harmony back to the worlds so that the animals and the two legged beings will finally be at peace. The two legged beings will no longer have to kill the animal for food. They will become vegetarians as it was meant to be.”
“So, that means, when I learn the water element, the eating of fish will become abhorrent to me.”
“That’s right, Richard.”
“Sigh . . . so be it. My wife will have to make a decision on how far she will go. At least I know that our children won’t be like me. They can eat meat if they want to.”
“Have no worries, Richard. She might be a lot more understanding than you think. Your fairies are already vegetarians.”
“Yes, that’s right, Ran and Shaw. Okay, I will wait patiently and take each step one at a time. I know I have been given a great responsibility. I will do it with honor and the best of my abilities. I won’t do it in anger. It must be done with a clear and calm mind.”
“That is all we ask of anyone who learns the elemental bending techniques. If it is done in anger, then you will never achieve the maximum results the Creator wants. We await your arrival here. You have our permission to come to this world.”
“Thank you, Ran and Shaw. You have made your Great Mother and Great Father proud.” I give them a formal bow and rise up. I then fade from view.
I wake up in the morning at day break. I open my eyes and see the top of the wigwam. Brianna slowly wakes up as well. We look at each other as we smile.
“So, what do you think of my thank you present to you?”
“It was breath taking, Brianna. You took me to another level.”
“Hmm . . . You are expressing it with a half of your heart. What happened last night?”
“I had another dream from the Creator. This time I flew to the world where we’ll be going to next. I met two dragons there in the spirit realm. They are welcoming us to their world. That’s not the issue. The issue is I’m learning the next element. To learn the water bending element, I must give respect to the wild life in the water. That means, I will become a vegetarian.”
“I see. That means no more fish and bird for you. I need to know everything about it. I need to see recipes for vegetarians. I need to find other sources of protein to help keep your muscles strong.”
“What about you and our children? I would think the children will still want meat once in awhile. Once they leave the household, they can do what they want.”
“That’s true. At least there is one thing about food preparation that is needed. All foods need some sort of spice and herb combination to help it. I have seen both sides of the issue with soy products. It is not the only bean that has protein.”
“All right, I give. I’ll leave it with you.” We take the covers and get ready for our trip to Aang’s world.
The fairies wake up in Pixie Hollow. After they have their morning breakfast, they all fly to the home tree. The fairies all gather around on the tree branches while my own fairies, King Oren and Queen White Dove walk down to the center. The Four Season fairies and Queen Clarion are there as well. Everyone gets quiet as Queen Clarion steps up to speak to everyone.
“Good morning, fairies of Pixie Hollow. It is now time to say good bye to our special guests. This is not a permanent farewell. We’ll see them from time to time over the years. Their tasks as fairies on their Earth are not finished. We must now send them on their way. I hope we have made a good impression on them to remember us always. We will count them as friends as they will for us.”
“It has come to my attention that Richard will come back some day to face Kyto the dragon. We pray that he is successful to find out why the dragon came here to destroy our world.”
“Now, let’s give them a Pixie Hollow send off.”
Then all of the fairies fly off the tree branches. They form two long columns from the home tree. The fairies from Earth get escorted by Pixie leadership and fly between the two columns. Some of the fairies fly toward the Earth fairies to hug them. Each of the Earth fairies receive a small gift from the fairies, a bag of pixie dust.
“Use the pixie dust wisely, King Oren and Queen White Dove.”
“We will Queen Clarion. Once Richard gets some Ethereal Space ore, we’ll compare it and see what happens. We’ll let you know how the dust reacts with the ore.”
“Yes, we are curious about what will happen.”
The Earth fairies are then escorted by the Pixie fairies to the Indian campground.
The Indians get the morning meal put together. It is another round of fish and vegetables.
I look at the cooked fish on the woven mat. “Sigh. . . “
Brianna sees my reaction. She knows exactly what is going through my mind. She whispers in my ear, “You need to tell them what happened last night.”
“You’re right, Bri.” I look up at my hosts. “Friends, something new happened last night.”
“What happened, Omega?”
“While I slept last night, I was given another dream from the Creator. I went to the next world that we’ll be visiting. I met two dragons in the spirit realm there. The next element that I’ll be learning there is the water bending element. The two dragons have come to the conclusion that I’m the champion for the animals. I’ll be representing them at the Ultimate Last Battle. If I’m representing the animals, that also includes the fish and sea life as well.”
“So, what you’re trying to tell us, Omega. You can’t eat that fish.”
“That’s right, “Chieftain Hileni. My wife and I will have to become vegetarians. However, our children can eat meat if they want to.”
“Then you must, Omega. That is the honorable thing to do.”
“Thank you, my friends.”
An Indian comes up and removes our fish from the woven mats. He places another vegetable and a fruit on the woven mat. We then give thanks to the Creator for all of his wonderful blessings. We then proceed to eat the morning meal. We get done in about thirty minutes. When we get done, we see Peter Pan and the fairies flying toward us.
The Never Land fairies land on the branches nearby. Peter Pan, the Earth fairies and the Pixie fairy leadership come closer to us. My own fairies fly toward us. They land on our shoulders and head. King Oren and Queen White Dove fly over to the Grand Elder and land on his shoulders.
“So, how did it go, my fairies?”
Tiger speaks up first, “It was great father, mother. They agreed to visit us now and then. They also gave us a special gift. Each of us have a bag of pixie dust.”
“That’s highly prized gift.”
“Yes it is, father, mother. We are curious how it will react with the Ethereal Space ore.”
“Well then, let’s find out. Grand Elder, if you please?”
The Grand Elder smiles, “Yes, let’s find out what happens.”
The Grand Elder walks up to me. I take off the belt and hand it to him. He turns around and faces everyone.
“Each of the small ornaments on this belt contains some Ethereal Space ore. This ore is from Twainor. There is Ethereal Space ore on Earth, but it is mixed in with the magnetic rocks. However, before the Great Flood, it was very abundant on Earth. The Creator removed the Ethereal Space ore from the people because they abused its power. I did found out the Eleven Magi on Earth were able to secure the last of the pure ore before it sank into the Atlantic Ocean. This special belt will allow Richard to do magic when he needs the armor on. Let’s see what happens.”
King Oren flies around and uses his bag. He opens it up. He takes a small handful from the bag. He let’s it pour onto the belt. All of a sudden the belt starts to glow with a golden color. Then the belt floats in the air. It becomes a circle. Then the space within the circle begin to get very bright. Then all of a sudden it starts to rain more pixie dust than what King Oren used.
Everyone “gasps” when they see the reaction. Then they all start to cheer out loud!
Queen Clarion flies up closer to see the reaction. Everyone gets quiet to her speak, “Well, it seems to me, that the Creator has other ideas about magic. It will be renewed when the time is right.”
“Yes, it will be, Queen Clarion.”
Then the Grand Elder steps forward and reaches for the belt. Once he opens the belt, the pixie dust stops falling. Pixie dust fairies quickly come forward with bags to gather up the fallen pixie dust. They will take it back to their shop for storage. They inspect the belt for any reaction or to find any pixie dust on it. An elderly male pixie inspects it closely.
“My name is Fairy Gary. We can’t find any pixie dust. It must have been absorbed into the ore. Put the belt on, Richard.”
“Yes, sir.”
I take the belt from the Grand Elder and put it on. This time, the belt glows with a golden color. The armor quickly gains a golden hue then it fades. “I think it got absorbed into the armor.”
“I think you’re right, Richard. Your magic should be a lot stronger now.”
“Yes, it will be. How does it feel, Croin?”
Croin flies out of me quickly. He hovers above us. “I feel much stronger now. It feels like Twainor.”
The Croin flies back into me.
“If we set up a ring of Ethereal Space ore in the woods, King Oren. It will be your souce of pixie dust.”
“That may be true, Richard. The problem will be the people. If they discover it, it might cause a lot of problems we don’t need right now.”
“You’re probably right, King Oren. But it does provide hope for the future.”
Peter Pan speaks up, “Richard, before you leave. Is it possible that Captain Hook and I can each have another crystal? We liked what you did in shutting down the star ships capabilities.”
I smile at Peter Pan. “I understand.” I turn to face the Grand Elder. “Do you have another pair of crystals, Grand Elder?”
“Of course, Richard.” He reaches into his pocket and takes out two yellow quartz crystals. “Touch your finger to each one, Richard. I will then copy the program that your wrote on that star ship. It can be used on any star ship. All you have to do, Peter, is touch the crystal on a display screen or a control panel.”
I put my index finger from my right hand and touch the crystal. The Grand Elder then hands the yellow crystals to Peter Pan. “Don’t worry, Peter. It will work on any star ship.”
“Thank you, Grand Elder.” Peter Pan takes the crystals and puts them in his pocket.
“It is time to go my friends. Richard and Brianna will be back one day to confront Kyto the dragon. If you decide to visit our Earth, you know there will be good hospitality for you there. Peter will let you know where Richard and his fairies are. They do travel to several locations. The best hidden area is where King Oren and his fairies stay near Richard’s cabin in Mt. Blanc, North Carolina.”
Brianna and I put on our satchels. My fairies fly into the coat pockets that I have on. Bianca and Lavan fly into Brianna’s coat pocket. Then the Grand Elder gets between Brianna and I. Then a light beam appears on top of us. It is from the Emissaries’ star ship. We disappear in a blink of an eye.
Kyto the dragon looks up at the sky and grumbles to himself. “Hmm . . I could have sworn I sensed another dragon here. Now he is gone. If that dragon ever comes back, I hope he breaks me out of this prison. We then can destroy this world together! Hah, hah, hah . . .!” Sauron would be pleased if I were to do that. He promised me that I can have all of the gold and treasure this world provides for my first dragon hoard. My older brother, Smaug, would be proud if I were able to do that.
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The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 4 Honeymoon Trips Ch. 07
Smaug was killed by a very special arrow. Does Richard have it or the sword that Turin used?
May Your Light Forever Shine
This is a time problem
Hello Stanman,
I am setting up an unique discovery for Richard. When Richard meets Kyto, he will discover something hidden deep inside Kyto's memory. It was passed down from dragon to dragon since the first dragon came to Middle-Earth. Remember the little short story I wrote awhile back in Book 3. Go to the chapter that has everyone meeting together in heaven to celebrate the re-union of the four ancient houses. There were two dragons with some other people that came to Middle-Earth during one of those early 'crossings' with the bluestones. I haven't given their names yet. One of the dragons is well known in Middle-Earth history.
Kyto doesn't know what happened to Smaug. There is a time problem here. Remember that Never Land has a time problem. I will expound that 'crossing' in the book "Then and Now". What did happen when they showed up on Middle-Earth? How did Kyto end up on Never Land?
I just love mysteries!!! Hah, hah, hah . . . .!