My Super Secret Life-16.

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My Super Secret Life-16.

Chapter 16

I made a coffee trying to pick one of those mini packs that Alexis might like. I settle for a full fat latte and set the machine. I look over at her/Matt. She’s got her back to the headboard, wearing the blankets like a girl but knees up, hugging her knees and she looks…good?

Not even upset, her hair’s a mess and hanging everywhere and the vocal modulator choker’s still on her throat. And her eyes are just doing that dreamy not dreamy off in though stare.

A boy…that’s so much a girl,…he’s beautiful.

I’m pure shit as an artist, but right now? I’d love to paint or sketch them…I..hmm. I go looking for a camera if it’s included in my team swag basket. Yeah you get a welcome gift basket once you’re here. Sure enough there’s a decent little digital camera. I look through it a few time and take a few nice pictures even some black and whites and artist ones at that or me trying to.

I set the camera aside and bring Matt/Alexis her latte which she takes and smiles at me and does the come hither to me with her finger. I sit on the bed beside her and she kisses me. She/he’s a great kisser.

She breaks it and just sips at her coffee and I shift down to myself as Sunny and slip in behind her and gently wrap my arms around her and sink my breasts into her back.

I don’t really say much, I don’t say anything really I just hold then and let them think.

I get that now.

Women we often process stuff verbally, talk shit out, talk everything out and it’s part of everything as we run all the angles off of our friends and anyone that’ll listen to us. There’s nothing wrong with that.

Guy’s tend to like to really look at something, quietly, and they like to have the time to think it over in their own way. Like using a magnifying glass to look at something. Once we make a decision though it’s set in stone.

Girls…push guys into making a decision sometimes when he’s not ready so he eyeballs it and makes a snap call. But being a guy it’s just as final, even if it’s stupid it’s final. Yeah there’s exceptions, there’s always exceptions.

I could go on about this stuff but right now, it’s basically Matt/Alexis doing that guy sit and think things over really intensely. This was them I think trying to make a decision about who they were and who they were going to be.

I didn’t even object to her/him pulling me down and cuddling and snuggling up with me and sleeping on it.

I certainly didn’t mind waking up cumming with them between my legs mouth deep into my sex making me wake moaning and writhing as fingers touch me and slide and glide over my delicate bits with devilish glee. I love the gentleness too as Matt/Alexis makes me cum three times before licking, love biting and kissing her way up my body and to lavish a worship my breasts…oh being Titan’s great but there’s nothing like being a woman when someone is really making love to you.

We’re kissing kissing as they sink into me and I can’t help but sort of sigh in relief and just the feeling. “Matt?”


“Not Alexis?”

“She’s kinda decided that she’s Ty’s girl…if that’s cool with you…?”




“Matt, stop…” He stops and looks at me.

“Ty was with someone….I was with some one.”

“Who?” He’s staring at me really intensely.

“Her name’s Sonya…she’s a fire fighter…we hooked up the night where I ended up with The Champions.”

“How’d it happen?”

“Hurting, with all the shit we’d seen and been through that night, adrenaline…attraction.”

“Have you seen her since?”


“Written?, Called?”

“No…I didn’t want to lead her on or stuff…god I’m sor…ow!”

He smacked my arm.

“What was that for?”

“Being a dick, I can’t believe my girlfriend’s a dick.” He actually pulls out of me and gets up taking one of the sheets.


“Oh no buts Sunny…I’ve been on the receiving end of you making love to me and as much as I loved it you do things to a girl…Jesus, you’re a fucking superhuman when you have sex it’s superhuman…add all the stuff she was feeling…”

He might be Matt but the hair still on the sheet and the fact that they’re pacing and chewing on their thumbnail. Alexis is still really present.

“I didn’t want to mess things up with us.” I start to cover up and kinda sound scared and hurt.

“Well…” he’s pacing more.

“Matt….?” Oh god I really fucked up.

“Well…..I don’t know Sunny, I just don’t know…”

“Know what?”

“I don’t know where we go from here. I love you, I care about you but this…and last night…”

“Last night…?”

“I really don’t know if I want to go back to just being Matt, hiding who I really am and everything…now this…you and this woman? She’s a firefighter, you’re going to be working with her again you gotta make sure the two of you are good and everything.”

“But we’re together?”

“But for how long? You’re going to be going places and doing things that aren’t going to be part of my life…and I want to be myself…sometime Sunny…”

“We’re breaking up aren’t we?” I’m crying now. Ugly crying too.

“Yeah….” He’s crying, she’s crying sobs shaking them.

“God I’m sorry Matt…I’m so sorry….”

“I know…I know….I’ve gotta go….” they grab their things and I’m in shock…we went from making love to…I break up bawling as the door closes and I’m not sure for how long I’m there either.

I wake up and Mrs. Champions there in my apartment with Mom too.

“What are you guys doing here?”

“The girl thing, break ups are hard.” Mom says and comes over to cuddle me and I cry on her.

“I thought he lov..lov…loved!”

Mrs. Champion rubs my back. “He was broken up too, Steven took over the debriefing and everything and he signed the confidentiality agreement.”

“What happened honey? What’s going on?” Mom asks.

………………………………................. It took all night and Parvati joined us and we sat up together and ate a lot of junk food as I told them about Mattie and Alexis and the night and the party and then Sonya and things with her and the feelings that I’ve been having about Shane and just everything…Oh and Mrs. Champion’s real name is Savannah. It fits her even though she can’t do a southern accent to save her life.

They share their own stories of bad relationships and It’s hard being a super, hard finding someone who get’s it or who you won’t injure. And there’s the life and how hard that it can be on a relationship just like a fire fighter or a cop.

And it helped, even if I did mope and cry that day and slept…like take the valium Mom left me and just crawl under the covers and cry, sleep, and listen to depressing love songs.

I missed the whole thing with Damian going after Terry and only caught that when I checked my E-Mail messages.

“Fucking Shroud!, Jesus….He…he did it again?”

I get dressed and storm through the halls, I haven’t been here that long but enough to know it’s daytime and Shroud’s just too much of a boogey-man asshole to be out in the daylight. I look in dispatch first he’s not there being a busy body so that leaves the training levels. I find him there of course training to be even more of a harass. He even has his mask on in here.

I storm in. “What the fuck is your damage!”

He stops lifting weights to look at me. He just stares, no…he’s got to be the tough guy.

“This is the second time that you’ve use Terry as bait. We don’t do that! We’re the good guys!”

He lays back down on the weight bench. “I heard the same lecture from someone a lot more qualified to be self righteous than you kid.”

“It’s not a lecture asshole it’s a lesson.” I grab his ankle and yank him off the bench. I’m still really wicked strong just as Sunny.

He hits girls.

He sat right up as I was yanking me off the bench and punched me hard in the face. It sends me back staggering and falling on my ass.

I get right back up. You know that thing as a girl where you get mad and cry then when you’re done crying the mad is really mad? I bypassed the crying stage.

“You arrogant using self righteous fuck! Where do you get off playing chess with an innocent persons life, the lives of their family?!”

I lunge and swing at him only to get a series of hard trained martial art strikes. Two of which I do block. I have had self defense training. Still though he sends me flying to the floor and tasting my own blood.

“It’s none of you’re concern.” he’s in a sideways stance.

“Like fuck it’s not! What you do reflects on me since I signed on.”

“Tough shit.”

“You haven’t seen tough yet bucko.” I shift to Titan. I lunge lashing out to belt him one. He ducks and rolls past me. I can tell he’s going for the leg sweep, he’s used that before. I tense my feet get a grip and with my strength it’s just a swat to my legs.

I turn and he’s coming at me and I swing and he phases. I pivot on one foot. I knew he was going to do that. He doesn’t have a lot that can really hurt me without his winnable Batman suit of stuff. I slam both my hands together doing the shockwave attack again like the other night with the missile. The thing about phasing you’re in a state where you can pass through matter. It requires some stability. My concussion wave creates pressure through the release of the kinetic force that happens when both my palms meet at full strength.

That creates an unstable wave front and air molecules are still molecules and the force wave still slams him. He has some substance otherwise he wouldn’t have a form. My wave knocks his ass to the ground. He wasn’t suspecting that. I grab his ankle while stunned and I swing him into the heavy workout bag and it explodes.

Then I’m tackled by Overdrive and Champion’s in front of Shroud and I didn’t see what but there’s a sound like knives on a chalkboard with a boosting sound microphone.

I try to outwrestle Drive but you try that with a cop who’s used to handling perps and can done like seven moves to your one.

“Ty! Titan chill the hell out!” He yells at me.

“Drive, get the hell offa me, he needs to be taught a lesson since no one else has taken the bother to do that!”

“Tell the kid to stay out of this Steven.” Shroud says to Champion.

“I told you this was wrong Nickolas.” Champion says to Shroud.

The bristle he has in his body language shows he’s seriously not amused at them using his first name.

“It’s family business…none of his…or hers.”

“I told you it became mine when I signed on, or aren’t we supposed to be the higher standard?” I glare at him but stop fighting Overdrive who lets go and looks over at them.

“Titan’s right, we don’t use bait that hasn’t volunteered.”

“They’re fine.”

“Terry was nearly murdered, changed into something that we’re still trying to figure out and then Damian comes after the with a hit team to get rid of the witness and they’re fine? You’re a fucking sociopath!” I’m mad because…because…this just isn’t right.

“Titan’s right, Nick you’ve got to make this right. You’re off duty until then. I want you to see Liberty too.”

“Fuck you…you have no idea what the hell this is…it’s not your business, none of yours. I’ll do whatever I think needs to be doing to…I’m not seeing the shrink either.”

“Nick…you’re on suspension…don’t go off on your own…I will come after you if you do.”

He stares at Champion who’s staring back. Then at Drive then at me. Then there’s this really icy. “Fine.”

Shroud stalks out limping.

Fucking good.

Both of them look at me. Champion looks more like he wants to squeeze the bridge of his nose than yell at me.

“Sunny…you’re suspended for a week too. I know you’re pissed but going at one of the team is just going to cause problems.”

“I know but Shroud’s not part of the team is he? He certainly doesn’t act like it.”

“He’s got a blind spot when it comes to this.”


“You don’t have clearance for that yet.”

“Bullshit Steve, we just came to blows over his shit. Either I’m on the team or I’m not.”

“You’re on the team just you’re a junior member, we just can’t turn over information like that to people that just make the team.”

“A Week Fine, maybe then I’ll decide if I want to be here at all!”

I shift back to myself and stalk to my quarters crying. I get about five minutes of packing done before all of the hurts start to add up. I stagger to the bathroom and get sick from the sheer pain.

......................................It’s about two AM when I get home from The Tower. I crawl into bed and curl into a tight little ball of physical and emotional pain…Three years…There’s an awful lot of Matt and me in this room.

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oh hell no!

K...shroud needed that ass kicking... considering he was gonna let people die at the hospital with Diamond... and now hes using people as bait? what is a male skunt called?
Dammit Bailey, stop drop kicking Sunny's heart around... the kid need stability... enough kicks to the emotions and you could germinate the seeds of really dangerous Superhuman i don't give a rat's ass... remember Vic Von Doom was an ok guy once...

It was a needed confrontation.

Shroud needed by Sunny's reckoning. She see's being a hero a whole lot differently but there is a whole lot more behind the scenes with things. Sunny's going to go through a rough patch but her keeping the whole Sonya thing hidden.

Well I guess it's called My Super Secret Life for a reason huh.
*Great Big Angel Hugs*

Bailey Summers

What the hell is up with

What the hell is up with Mat? First he pulls that I'm a girl too thing, then they have sex and then they break up. If I was Sunny I'd feel used. I don't get it, it's not like Sunny pressured him into anything. Or her, or whatever.

I don't know, but this feels either planned or like a total girlish "I'm pissed, so you will suffer" snap shot decision.

Well I guess now she's free for another relationship...

Thank you for writing this interesting story,


Hehe... there certainly were

Hehe... there certainly were answers.

I'm glad you like my comments.


Aww, C'mon!

Sunny and Matt/Alexis seemed great together-but you never really know someone's heart, I guess. Damn!

Shroud needs his ass kicked much more frequently. He's almost a bad as a super villain (and much worse than Villain). You're hinting at some issues Shroud has. Heck, Doctor Doom has issues, too. Doesn't excuse him from being wrong. Sunny's right to be angry. Who will he use next? Sunny? Her Mom? Alexis?

As usual, you pull me right into the story. I can just feel Sunny's hurt. C'mon, be nice! I really think Sunny could accept Alexis full time. Matt/Alexis needs to forgive Sunny for doing something stupid-but then again, we don't know your plans, do we?


Hugz Back Wren:)

You're right of course but there's sometimes the enemy of my enemy is my friend on some super teams. But Sunny and the issues with Shroud and the way that they allow him to do what he does really, really is getting to Sunny.

There will be more on Matt/Alexis soon.
Thanks so Much Wren!
*Great Big Hugs*

Bailey Summers

Well Sunny is playing it fast and loose

... with that incident with Sonya.

That should not have happened and whether s/he should be forgiven is up to Matt so I have no problem with what happened with Matt. Sorry but I think Sunny has to be the one to prove herself. I think the problem is that she as Titan has a lot less control as a guy so s/he strayed. I do not think that is an excuse though. I think the best way to prevent it from happening is to spend more time as a guy so he can master the sexual feel being Titan.


Agreed and it bit her in the ass.

Sunny would agree with that if she were to get another chance that she's got a lot to make up for. Though to spent more time as Titan wouldn't occur to her. But maybe it'll get suggested to her.

Thanks Kimmie you've seriously got the whole devil's advocate thing down girl:)
*Very Big Hugs*

Bailey Summers

well you sure stirred up a ...

Sh.. storm this time. I think Matt over reacted big time, but time will tell. Ty does need to talk to Sonia and at least clear the air. with Matt just walking out like that he could push Ty back to her.
looking forward to what you do next. thanks

I agree, Titan does need to talk to/see Sonya.

I've been thinking about what that'll be like so it'll likely happen.
Thanks LoneWolf:)
*Hugs and Howls*

Bailey Summers

bad Bailey!

breaking them up, bad! Come on, get them back together!

Dorothycolleen, member of Bailey's Angels


It might happen it might not.

There's a lot of teenaged angst going on and hormones and stuff that's all part and parcel with being that age in this world.
*Great Big Angel Hugs*

Bailey Summers