Sweet Dreams-17...Cinderella? Hey Aren't Glass Shoes for Hookers?

Sweet dreams-17...Cinderella? Hey Aren’t Glass Shoes for Hookers?

Chapter 17

I’m standing waiting at the front door and I can’t help it I’m nervously leaning back and forth from foot to foot and trying not to be nervous, try to do something with my arms which for some reason seem to be in my way until I end up sort of crossing then and kind of hugging myself. The door opens and I’m looking at this stunningly beautiful blonde.

Yes beautiful, super model like even. I’ve no idea if she’s had work done or not but she’s in work out gear and slightly sweaty and I feel a stirring that I seldom feel below since being with Alex. April is five eight, maybe a hundred and forty pounds, most of that is these firm big perky DD’s and the rest seems to be legs. Blonde hair and these striking blue eyes blue with grey in them that’s so light that her eyes pop with this blue sky and clouds on a sunny day king of thing.

If April was a trophy wife then she’s the academy award of them.

“Hello, Mrs. Donovan….I’m Hunter, I’m Alex’s girlfriend…I need your help.”

She’s looking me up and down then her head tilts to one side than the other.

“You need my help? How can I help you then?”

“I…I…I don’t have the slightest clue to what I’m doing with this fancy dinner thing that we have to go to. I don’t know how to dress or how to act and … and you do…this has never been my world ma’am…”

Yeah I used, ma’am I can use some of the manners that I picked up along the way.

“Hmm, you’re interesting child I’ll give you that. You’re the first one of Alex’s girls that’s ever had the guts to do this.”

“Guts…oh no I’m plenty scared ma’am.”

“Honest too. Well come in and we’ll talk.”

It’s the first time I’ve actually been into the main house…holy crow, I’m almost afraid to look at things. But I do, I can’t help it. The place is huge, I’m actually in a house that has a foyer and the stairs that go upstairs curve and it’s small but it is a chandelier that’s there.

There’s this feeling following her that’s a lot like the way I feel with the cheergirls, that actually feeling attraction to them a little but more than that wondering, wishing even that I could be that way. I’m seriously not a dummy and I know I’ve got gender and sexuality issues all tied up with my PTSD stuff. I’m kind of scared to be a girl, I mean if I could be a real girl…I mean look how my mother had turned out.

There’s a hand on my shoulder and she’s looking at me. “Hunter? You still with me? You were a thousand miles away there.”

“Y..Yeah, I’m sorry I was just thinking about something.”

“Well you look like what you were thinking didn’t agree with you. Come into the kitchen and we’ll talk. Do you like coffee?”

“Oh yes please I practically live on the stuff.”

“I think that’s one thing in the list of stuff we have in common thing.”

I give her a bit of a weak smile at that. God have you ever been in the company of a girl or a woman so beautifully female that you can almost feel the light she’s giving off showing up every single flaw that you have? April’s like that she’s not bubbly but she was one of those bubbly happy naturally beautiful people.

“Alex says you’re not a real fan of the kitchen.”

“He’s right; I’m so not a domestic. I had to take Home economics when I was in school and I said that’s the last time I’d do stuff like that. But who care’s right? I don’t need to cook and all that stuff when I can afford not to.”

That being said she takes me into this very cheffy looking kitchen that’s actually bigger than the Apartment that Alex and I have over the garage. It’s all hardwood and glass and wrought iron with those high end black enameled appliances to match.

There’s some thing about all this black and Adam that kind of makes this feel like Darth Vader’s kitchen.

We got to this part of the counter that got these machines on it and she takes out this coffee packet that looks like it’s a mini ice cream cup and drops one in two machines and puts these black big round bowl styled coffee cups underneath.

I’ve never seen such a fancy home coffee making thingy. I’m feeling right out of my depth here. The coffee is really good though. But April looking at me is still freaking me out.

She finally say’s. “Get up Hunter and let me take a look at what I’m working with.”

“Okay.” I get up. She motion’s at me go and walk around the kitchen and back again. I do and she’s sipping her coffee and watching me.

“You’re really skinny, not a bad thing you certainly have that waif thing going on. You’ve got a really nice little butt though and not bad hips for your size, nothing really going on up top but that’s not unusual for skinny girls like you. I think that we can work with this.”

“Okay…I really have a cute butt? And my hips are okay?” I’m asking because that’s news to me.

“Mmm, definitely and you’ve got great hair too, long and blonde and straight you can do a lot with that and great legs too.”

I’m blushing because…Well I don’t know I guess because I’ve really never had the chance to get used to praise before. And April’s not as bad as I thought, yeah she’s a little superficial but I guess not really as bad as I thought she’d be.

“So you will help me?”

“Sure! It’ll be fun and maybe it’ll score me a few points with Alex.”

“He doesn’t really seem like your biggest fan sometimes.”

“Oh I know but I can live with that even if it still kind of hurts. His Mom had really messed him up and Adam has all his issues too and he was really messing Alex up even more until him and I got married but both of them are a ton of work.”

“How so?” I sit and finish my coffee. It’s kind of weird being one of two women sitting and talking about their guys. But it’s still kind of intimidating sitting and trying to be on an even female state with April who just kind of radiates her sex. Early to mid thirties and she still must attract a huge amount of attention and she’s still in what looks like morning work out wear.

“Well take Adam he was this up and coming driven young lawyer who married his high school sweetheart and she just didn’t get into the drugs and the alcohol but she tried to kill his son. Then there’s the fact she was wiping out their accounts with her habits and he was trying to pay for the house and everything else that they had though that he could afford he still had to prove himself to his family who told him that he was turning his back on the family because he chose to become a “Scum-sucking Lawyer.” Rather than a cop or get a “Decent, honest job.” Like the rest of the family at one of the auto-plants.

“But he’s doing the same thing with Alex. Alex doesn’t want to be a football player; he doesn’t want the same things for his life as his father does.”

“Yeah, I know and I’ve tried to tell them both that but Alex barely stays in the same room as me and Adam say’s it’s none of my business and it’s been that way for a long time. Eight years.”

“Eight years?”

“Yuh-huh, I married Adam when Alex was about eight and between the times between the “accident” and the time he was in recovery and the nannies after that they both had fallen into this rut-slash-war between the each other.”

“It just seems like his dad takes it too far, he had him followed and his computer bugged and who knows what else?”

“He’s trying to protect Alex in his own way. He doesn’t think Alex really has any idea of what he wants other that getting lost in his dreamworld.”

“Dreamworld, Alex is an artist and he’s a damned good one too.”

“Yeah he is but Adam doesn’t call that real work.”

“But that’s…that’s just like what his folks told him about being a lawyer.”

“Yeah but for all of Adam going against the family he’s still raised by Detroit blue and I don’t think his family would think of Alex being an artist as work either.”

That’s making a bit of sense; people around here can be sort of generationally valued. Your family were cops then you’re gonna be a cop, the same thing with the auto-trades and steel workers and stuff like that, the tough guy jobs…even the gangers like Cliff and them have this whole bringing in family as the next generation thing. Don’t get me wrong if you want to be part of something like that…well the cop or family trade thing that’s great but go too far out of the norm and you’re making the family look bad.

We’re raised in our prejudices, we might not follow them but those little reactions and voices are still there. Adam’s deal with Alex is likely part of that. I know that it was a bad marriage now and I’ve lived in enough shitty places that I’ve seen simple family arguments spin out of control. If Alex’s mom was messed up that bad and just about destroyed Adam’s life then almost taking Alex with her…that can mess someone up. Especially if under all the pain and fighting and bullshit he still loved her.

“I’m thinking that, I’m starting to get a picture of what’s going on. God we’re in quite a mess with these two.” I run my fingers through my hair and tuck it back. Aprils looking at me.

“You know Hunter; you’re the first girl who seems like she’s given a shit about Alex and the family. Come on, we’ve got a lot of work to do before the party tonight. You’re really clueless about all of this stuff.”

I look her in the eyes. “My Mom was a hooker April and she turned tricks to support her drug habit, I grew up in a really bad part of town and I’ve never even been to this side of town before Alex rescued me.”

Yeah I looked her in the eyes and opened up and told her some of my shit. April’s looking at me as she’s taking our cups. “Rescued?”

I help taking the stuff from her and washing them or rather rinsing them off and putting them into the dishwasher. “I met Alex when I had to hide from some thugs in my old school, I ended up falling asleep and when I woke up the bus company had switched the one I was on to pick up Alex and them from their field trip. I helped Alex out and he gave me some cash and we sort of clicked, sort of not…we actually had a fight or rather I did and yelled at him.”

“Over what?”

“He kissed me a few times to throw Jennifer off and stuff; I had some serious issues with someone like Alex liking me…”

I almost actually get upset; I’m not used to this…opening up. Not to some one like April, Hali’s different, she’s more my kind of people. April’s one of the big scary better than me types…this is like that baring your throat to the wolf thing. She puts her hand on my shoulder.


“No…no…I’m okay, it’s just meeting someone like Alex really put back into place who I was and where I came from….” I take a big breath. “Anyway Alex gave me a bunch of money and it lasted a bit with me buying a bit of groceries and stuff but they found out and things went south and…..Alex got me…out of there when I didn’t have anyone else to call. I’ve never….mom didn’t know anything like this and ……”

I shake a bit like a mix of anger and fear and “God I hate this…I’m so scared…”

“Hunter…Hunter relax, take it easy. I’m going to help; I’m going to get you through this.”

Okay, I’m getting that headache again, that wanting to cry, needing to cry but I can’t. I stomp my foot….I can feel the stick pins…hear Cliff’s whisper… “Crying ain’t gonna make me stop…it ain’t gonna bring no one, crying’s nuthin but useless ya little faggit.”

I sink to the floor and she’s helping me breathe. Yup, hyperventilating. “Why…why are you helping me…? (pant…pant…)…I’m not like you…”

“No, no you’re definitely not like me Hunter but that’s not a bad thing. I was a total self serving bitch when I was your age and it took a few lessons with some real users and it made me rethink my life a lot Hunter, It’s why I ended up marrying a widower with a traumatized eight year old boy.”

“You weren’t in it for the money?” (Sniffle, weak laugh.)

“Oh, I knew Adam was heading places but he wasn’t this flush when we got together. And well he was getting to that point where being single again wasn’t going over well with the firm and my parents had money enough to get us started in setting up his own firm so we just sort of happened too. I was looking for a guy that I knew could take care of me don’t get me wrong on that, I’m a spoiled Daddy’s girl and I know it but I wanted a guy that could stand up for himself too.”

I run my fingers through my hair again. “But taking on a widower and a kid like that. That’s a lot of stuff on your plate.”

“Yeah it was but as much as I wanted what I wanted in life, it was just something I couldn’t walk away from. Both Adam and Alex are totally different people when you get to peek past all the walls and defenses.”

“Yeah I saw that in Alex. You’re not as bad as I was dreading. I was expecting an older version of Jennifer.”

“Oh well I guess we’re both cut from the same cloth but different designers. I was Jennifer when I was her age only not as aggressive but that’s got to be the generation or something. It’s likely why I didn’t like her. I knew what was going on in that head of hers.”

“You didn’t like her but she told me that you too got along and went shopping and stuff like that.”

“Keep your friends close and enemies closer Hunter.”

“So what am I?”

“You’re a friend, and a kid who needs some help I’ll be your fairy step-mother there Cinderella.”


She’s looking at me. “You’ve never seen Cinderella? The fairy tale? With Prince Charming and the glass slipper and the fairy godmother?”

“No…the Step-shit didn’t allow stuff like that around it was a waste of money him and mom could blow on other things.”

I’m getting up and she’s helping me to my feet. “Well, that’s just wrong, go get changed something easy to slip in and out of because we’ll be trying on clothes and stuff. I can’t believe you’ve never heard of Cinderella.”

“April…the only people I know who wear glass shoes are hookers.”

She looks at me a few minutes and she starts laughing. It’s a tension breaker and I join in a little bit to and she smiles at me then gives me a push. “Go on, I need to get changed too.”

I head out through the garage and up into the apartment and get into the shower. I’m just drying off and slipping into some new clothes an undershirt and a sweater with a skirt and my plain-Jane shoes and making sure I’ve got my money and stuff in my purse. Alex comes in and he’s drinking one of his shake things right out of the blender. “What’s up you’re changing again?”

“I’m going out with April.” I look at him and he stopped drinking his shake.

“My Step-Mother April?” His voice got all somber and serious.

“Yeah, it was kind of Jen’s idea.” He starting to look pissed off. “Wait, Alex wait, Jen was right. If I went about it the right way then she can show me the stuff that I’ll need to know to get ready for this and she might even know where we’re going and stuff so I can prepare in advance.”

He stops and he blinks. “Are you sure, April’s….”

“She’s not that bad as all things go Alex, she is a lot like an older version of Jen, she could be a hell of a lot worse and we both know it.”

“Yeah…I guess you’re right. It’s just …..”

“Her and you never connected and there’s lots of good reasons for that, heck she even knows that Alex. She’s spoiled and rich Alex and she admits to that she’s not really looking at getting in good with you Alex she just kind of wants a truce more than anything.”

“Huh, I didn’t even get her that much credit.”

“Well you were looking for reasons not to like her after your mom and stuff.”

He’s stopped drinking his shake again and he’s staring at me but I’m not going to let him getting upset get to me this time. Alex needs to hear some of this stuff and face some of the stuff in his life.

“Not pulling any punches are you?”

“No, I love you too much for that.”



“So…what do I do?” He moves and takes a seat on the corner of the bed. He’s looking at me.

“Just let the stuff with your mom go with her, she’s not her, she’s not trying to replace her she’s just kind of trying to do something at least decent with the hand she was dealt.”


I go over and run my fingers through his hair and lean down and kiss him and put my forehead to his. “Alex, she came into this marriage with a husband who’s a widower and a child who had been through hell and back.”

“Yeah but she was looking for the money…”

“She was but Alex, she could’ve made off with half of everything a long time ago, but she didn’t she stayed.”


“Because she’s not that bad as you’d made her out to be in your head Alex, she’s still what she’s like but there’s some good stuff there too. Part of her honestly gives a shit about both of you Alex and that’s why she stayed.”

“So what do I do?”

“Play their game with our plays? Is that the right football thing?” Alex nods and there’s that ghost of a smile there. “Go to where your Dad’s playing golf and have a game with him or shoot some balls with the bucket thing…”

“Driving range, you’re such a girl.” He’s smiling a little more.

“Shut up, You pay for the balls or whatever.” I slap his arm/shoulder.

“Why would I want to spend time with him?”

“Alex he’s your Dad, you two should try to get along…shit look, just tell him that I’m going shopping with April and that I told you to go and spend time with him.”

“And I’d do that because you asked me?”

He’s got that little smirky smile on his face now and that makes him just so damned cute…he looks like that Tim Riggins guy from that show Friday Night Lights but with about another forty pounds of pure hard muscle on him.

“No……….You’d do that because you love me?” I smile, Blink, blink, blink…I give him my best innocent girl charm exaggerated look.

He get’s up and kisses me. Okay we kiss for awhile; it actually gets into that whole making out stage of things and everything when the apartment phone rings. He picks it up. “Hello? Oh hi April, yeah she’s ready…uhm…thanks for this, I’ll send her right down.”

“She’s ready huh?”

“Yeah. Hunter here, I want you to take this with you.” He passes me a wad of cash.

“Alex…this, this is too much…”

“No…I used my company expense card, I took it out of the ATM but just bring the change back and the receipts. I don’t want him to have an excuse to bitch and moan.”

“Okay…and Alex.”


“That was nice, thanking her. I’m proud of you.” I smile and I take both my hands and touch his face and give him a long passionate kiss. He kisses me back and he’s blushing after I break the kiss. “I’ll see you later Alex.”

I leave and I’m smiling and heading down the stairs and April’s waiting for me at the door to go outside and she’s staring at me. Her eyes are a little red and shiny. I rub her shoulder and she hugs me.

“What did you say to Alex? He hasn’t talked to me like that in a long time.”

“The truth, I told him that it wasn’t just the money, and that He and his Dad mean something to you…I mean you didn’t leave. A lot of people would have bailed.”

She hugs me again and we step outside and there’s a limousine there waiting for us.

“A limo?”

“Yup, Adam’s booked it for the entire day so I figured the best way to get you started is to get you used to being in one of these things first.”

“Oh, well that makes sense.”

We get into the limo, with April showing me how to and we take off leisurely cruising while she puts in a video into the DVD player. This thing is huge and so very, very posh. I really sort of am feeling out of place yet kind of blown away by the experience. I actually settle down with her as the flat screen TV lowers from the ceiling and I get to watch Disney’s Cinderella for the first time in my life. Okay it’s dated and old even if it’s been redone but my biggest thoughts were….Holy shit, that’s kind of me…

We even sit in the parking lot outside of this mall way out on Michigan Ave called the Fairlane Town center until we’re done the movie and we both head inside after the driver get’s out and opens the door for us and helps us out. April shows me how to do that too and we actually do it three times just to be sure that I’ve got it down.

He comes with us our shadow to carry things. I’m a little Huh and wow do rich people really live in their own universe kind of thing.

Then we start shopping…me I’m mostly looking but so’s April, apparently when you have a lot of stuff you can be picky and don’t have the need to spend money like a drunken sailor.

We check out places like Bath & Beauty Works and The Body Shop and I get a few scented candles at the first one and then we head to a bewildering amount of clothing stores and places and I get two extended hem tops at Forever 21 for a really good price Like seven bucks each and they’re a nice neutral grey color that I can just wear with just about everything. I get a textured grey and black striped one there too for like twenty dollars and a silvery and black striped sequined tank for like another Twenty dollars oh yeah I spent like sixty bucks already and stuff but it’s worth it because I...I’ve never had new clothes before even Hali’s stuff is new.

It feels really good to buy stuff with my own money. We’re there awhile trying on dresses well I’m trying out dresses that we think will look good for a nice night out but a business night out. I get myself their lace back double knit dress it’s sexy, it’s short and great looks great with my legs and I got it for eighteen bucks. It’s not for the party but it could be but I have my very first little black dress.

I’m a little freaked with April just sort of barging in with stuff and either she just hasn’t said anything yet or just hasn’t noticed it becomes a sort of non issue after like the fifth time that she does it.

She buy’s me two nice tank dresses I was looking at one in blue and another one in this brown they call faun and I try to protest.

“I can’t that really too generous, I should pay for my own things.”

“Nonsense, you barely own a thing and if you had your mother would have pawned it off or something, I’d hand you down some things of mine Hunter but anything I own would just hand on you. Think of some of this as housewarming presents okay”

“I don’t know…”

“Please…do you know how long it’s been since I was shopping for clothes like this, in a store like this, not since I was a teenager too. You lose track of the people who you used to hang around with, I really don’t have a whole lot of people to shop with and have a good time like I used to when I was you’re age.”

“Okay…okay… as long as you’re getting something out of this too.”

I end up blowing a hundred dollars there once I buy some new underwear. It was a pretty good deal on the panties and I got three pair of the cheeky kind in just black with lacy trim and two of these black sheer lace bralettes given my lack of anything up top. They look good on my too in that Hunter’s a real girl kind of way.

Okay one ten, I buy myself these Gel Posies basically boob inserts in a flesh tone and they end up giving me more that a little something….okay I’m in the A cup ranges with them but with them in the bralette and the panties…I really don’t look like me and all that awkward body movement and trying to find the right ways to pose or to stand just goes away….no matter which way I turn or move it all screams… Hunter is a Girl!

I’m not even wearing make up right now. April convinces me to wear them out of the store.

I think I’m catching the shopping disease. There’s so many things that I like, that I’d like to have that I feel just mixed up. I hate materialistic people but it’s almost like I’m becoming one. But I know that I don’t really own sweet fuck all really and I can still stuff everything I own into my old army duffle. And I’m hurt and mad at Mom and at Cliff for doing this to me. And I want to not spend a damned cent on my dress for this diner tonight and Adam can see the fact that I don’t give a shit about his money.

Once we’re out of there April comes to my rescue with the suggestion of coffee. I love coffee it’s good to me…But the bad thing about coffee is the fact that if you’re a smoker than coffee goes really well with a smoke. My craving kicks in too, I fidgeting as she’s ordering. “Hunter you okay?”

“I quit smoking for Alex just a couple of days ago; I’m right in the middle of a nic-fit.”

“Oh well here.” She orders me a square a brownie but with this dark chocolate on the top and drizzled caramel and salt? She get’s one too. “I remember when I quit, dark chocolate helps as well as cinnamon and chilies. There’s all three in this.”

I bite into something that I’m pretty sure made my brain burst into a puddle of goo and slid down to tickle my toes and make me giggle. Oh…oh…if you’ve never had salt and chocolate you must…must…must…it’s actually so good it almost gave me the shakes.

Dark chocolate molle caramel brownie….with hazel nuts instead of walnuts.

We’re at it for quite awhile going though Macy’s, Sears, JC Penney, Hot Topic…god I’m in lust with some of the stuff there and a few other places in a bewildering shopping thing. I end up spending another thirty dollars at payless and April gets me two pairs of shoes to go with the dresses she got me. I’m blushing when she does.

“Hunter stop, while it’s really nice getting a dress if you don’t have the shoes to go with it then it’s just not right. It’s like I didn’t get you all of the present besides, I’ve never had a daughter or even a kid sister and you’re kind of both. I’ve never had this much fun with any of Alex’s girlfriends before.”

It’s at Charlotte Russe where we find my dress. It’s a black lightly runched tank dress that’s sleek and clingy and sexy and short but it’s a more elegant sort of little black dress. Yeah short about three quarters of the way above my knees and yet once I’m in it…oh dammit mom…why couldn’t you just not have been so…

And Again… I’m trying to fight tears or maybe it’s fighting to cry and fighting those shadow hurts, Cliff’s voice in my head…it takes awhile before I can get a hold of myself in the changing room.

It’s going to haunt me the rest of my life isn’t it?

Too bad for them, I’m starting a new life, I’m Hunter Williams now not William Hunter. Will died back there in my old apartment when the beat me and then took off leaving him for dead…Alex hauled Hunter out of there.

Fuck you Mom, fuck you Cliff. You couldn’t kill me.

I look in the mirror and take a deep breath and step out to show April. The way she gushes and goes on makes me blush and actually wipes some of the crap away. She’s only met me really today and she’s not really the kind of person that I’d have associated with before but she’s also treated me better than most people have ever treated me.

Out of my pay and the commission I have just enough to buy my dinner dress at a steal being only thirty nine dollars, and after another pair of shoes to go with them these cheap but nice high heels I’ve six dollars left to my name and I feel so good.

I’m broke all over again but I paid for it myself. It feels like I’m standing a little taller and it’s not just the four inch heels.

After that though it’s training time and for my girl lessons April has me in my “for me” little black dress and my heels as we move through the mall. She gets me to stop and sit, get up, move, go up the stairs to the next level and back down but combines it all with our shopping and we even go to one of the better restaurants to have dinner around two in the afternoon and there she shows me all the fancy manners and stuff.

Its fun and it’s not fun at the same time. Its work and more than that. It’s more distance between who I used to be and who I am now. This is me getting a chance to learn something that normally I’d never have a chance to learn. You know when you’re learning about something totally new but it just speaks to you? Yeah I’m having one of those moments coupled with the fact that every time I look at my reflection its Hunter, me, the girl in the picture.

I’m so not used to the attention that I’m getting either, some older guys but most of those are scoping April out and she’s not shy about showing the world she’s smoking hot but at the same time there’s this vibe she’s giving off that she’s in a whole other leaguer than most of the drooling guys.

But I’m getting it too, getting stares and checked out by most of the guys probably from twenty five on down. Heh, if they only knew right? Well for one I’d likely be dead. It’s a heady feeling to catching some of those glances and stuff. It makes me wonder about me in the other dress and Alex’s reaction.

We end the shopping and get back into the limo and there a few more stops for some more coffee which is us going into Starbucks so I can practice more and so we can get refueled.

We ended up at this place some swanky salon place called Eternia. I’m really careful to keep my panties on but it’s not a huge problem but this…this is like you see in the movies, massage and those hot stones, getting slathered in creams and hairs removed and plucked and a manicure with a lot better fake nails and my eye brows done and then some kind of special soap in the shower before I’m put through the tanning machine…I fell asleep in there, it was so toasty warm and stuff.

The final bit was a dress rehearsal in our outfits after they did our hair and our make up. It’s never felt like this to be me. Seriously, I’ve never felt, pretty, or beautiful or even worthwhile for so much of my life and in my diner dress and my heels all made up. It honestly feels like there’s this rusty and crusty stuff on my heart that’s cracking and falling away.

I wasn’t expecting Adam and Alex to be waiting for us outside the salon when we are at our best and spiffiest but I walk outside and they’re there and Alex is wearing this black cotton dress shirt with one of those really sharp looking collarless suit jackets and really nice dress pants and dress shoes he looks so…

………………………...Ow my Heart.

And the way that he’s looking at me right now is the best and purest thing I’ve ever felt in my life except for when we made love.

………………………...Ow my Heart.

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