A Loving Family Pt7

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A Loving family

Pt Seven

A new Beginning

Sarah and Marjory visited a couple of days of my panic attack, after greeting each other we chatted for a while, I still had no idea how or why i came to be in hospital.The two women looked at each other in surprise, they were shocked that nobody had me about the accident.Sarah whispered something to Marjory that I didn`t catch and left to find the doctor who handling my case.I asked Marjory what was going on and she said to wait till the doctor arrived which he did about 30 mins later.He was accompanied my another much older doctor and a nurse carrying a covered tray.He asked the girls to wait in the office for a while,so Sarah & Marjory left the room.

The 2 doctors moved into a corner with the medical notes provided by the nurse, a short time later another pair of doctors arrived and they went outside the room for a conferance.I asked the nurse what was going on and she just shrugged her shoulders.When the doctors returned they asked the nurse to removed all my dressings, then started examining my injuries,they still acted as if I was lump a meat on a butchers slab.Once they had finished the Oldest of them introduced himself and his collegues, he was shrink, there were 2 specialist surgeons and a medical physician and they with a team of nurses and other specialist were responsible for my treatment and after care.Apparently I was in private hospital and all medical bills were being met by parties unknown to them.I was informed that due to nature of my injuries I would be under they`re care for many months to come with prolonged after care.

The nurse gave me and injection and told me that they were preparing me for further surgery, I still had no idea what the extent of my injuries were or what injuries I had recieved.I tried asking the nurse but my mouth didn`t want to work as the anaesthetic took affect.
I don`t know how long I was in surgery in fact I didn`t even know how long ago I had been injured and nobody saw fit to inform me.
Over the next few weeks I had been operated on several times I had been told that my condition had been stabalised during the first few days and that all major surgery was completed but that some surgeries were likely.

Every time I recovered an operation the shrink was there asking question after question but not giving me any answers to any of my questions.All he would say was that all my questions would be answered in time.Every day was the same, a nurse would come in and feed me,I would be given a daily bed bath,dressing would be removed while the surgeons examined, dressing replaced,fed again at the meal, watch TV for while, and fed again.I would be given whatever medication I was prescribed at intervals and slept quite a bit.
I was ready to go insane with all the inactivity,I was no visitors for some time and was still starpped to the bed, so that i didn`t undo the surgeons work.

Weeks went by and after another morning of examinations the case doctors decided that I was fit to start Physiotherapy.They finally answered my questions.My injuries hadn`t been caused by the falling concrete but bu the rods that held it in position. they had penetrated my body in various places but thankfully missed any major organs.The trauma form the injuries had caused severe tissue and nerve damage, which is why I had so much surgery done.The shrink asked the other doctors to leave, then he pulled up a chair,sat down and told me I would have to be strong as one injury couldn`t be repaired.He told me that the restraints would remain in place until he could be sure I wouldn`t hurt either myself or others.He then informed that my genitalia had been damaged beyond repair, I was stunned, I asked him to repeat what he said and he confirmwd what I had heard the first time. I could`nt believe I was so calm, at least I was still alive even if was as I thought sexless.

I was left with thoughts seeing no one except for meals and medication for the rest of the day, I still couldn`t understand why I was so calm.The next morning thr restraints were removed and after a light breakfast (if you haven`t eaten Hospital food your not missing much) I had a visit from one of physiotherapists, who told me what my recovery program as far her department consisted of,I new that with being inactive for so long it would be a while before I was fit again and that even more hardship was ahead.
All I could do was keeping going and deal with problems as they arose

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A nice little story


'that will improve with some proper editing.Don't worry,everyone has to learn.


A Loving Family Pt7

Who paid for surgeries? Why treated as he was?

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine


At a rough guess, the company responsible for that poorly maintained lump of concrete. The deal is they'll do all they can to patch him up and restore him to full health...

...on condition he doesn't sue them (their reckoning being the cost of care would probably be significantly less than what they'd have to pay in a lawsuit).

It would also explain why the donor wishes to remain anonymous - if he knew his treatment was being paid for by the same company that caused the accident in the first place, he'd get just a little suspicious...


Bike Resources

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!


I don't know applicable laws, but e has been held incommunicado; it sounds like kidnapping. E needs a lawyer! What's with not telling him anything? Doesn't e need to sign permission for the hospital to do the surgeries after e came out of er coma? I suppose e was admitted in a coma and someone else had to sign er in. Where is this other persyn?

We should demand an investigation! :-D

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

Ready for work, 1992. Renee_3.jpg

Hugs and Bright Blessings,