A Loving Family Pt14

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A Loving Family

Pt Fourteen

After the Ball was over

I didn`t sleep very well that night and got up around 6 am, after having a bath I decide to have breakfast before dressing for work. I was listening to local news on the radio and I heard that a there was a power cut in the area I worked in, I tried phoning in but couldn`t get an answer so got a taxi to work. On arrival I could see that there was a problem as the staff couldn`t get access into the building, Jeanette who me walking towards the entrance came over and asked if there was a problem with the company. It seemed that nodody had listened to news that morning so I told them that there was a power cut in the area. I asked everyone to sit in their cars out of the wind why I attempted to find out remedy the problem, as I was dialing the number for the other building Richard pulled up in his car and informed me that we were shut down for the week as the power transformer for the area had gone into melt down and needed to be replaced.

The CEO phoned me before I left home and told me to take the week off and that the rest of my staff were at that moment being given the same instructions by the switchboard if they were able to be contacted or at reception when they checked in. I had just changed into something more comfortable when the doorbell rang,on answering the door I found Richard with a large bouquet of flowers which he handed me, I invited him in and he told me that he knew I usually walked to work if the decent was decent and just in case I was contacted at home he thought he drive along the roads and intercept me to tell me the news.

We were having a coffee and he invited over to his house to meet his family, which I accepted. As we sat in the lounge a young woman who I thought was his wife entered with 4 boys aged from 14 to 10, the young woman he introduced as his younger sister. He explained that his wife had been killed in a car accident 5 years earlier and his sister looked after his children whenever he was at work. The boys had gone playing in the large garden at the rear of the house so the three of chatted a while, when he drove me home he asked that I spend the weekend with them and I agreed. The rest of week I looked at some files I had brought home, it contained improvement suggestions from the dept managers.

On friday afternoon Richard collected me from home and after collecting his sons left for a country estate that he owned. After dinner and with the children in bed Richard told me that he needed some advice from me. He knew my background and it seems that he had a problem with one of sons, the only thing I could suggest was that he talked to a specialist and gave him the telephone number of the shrink I had been seeing.
The weekend went well with us taking long walks, visiting some of sights in the area, meeting the locals,I didn`t know it at the time but he was one of the biggest landowners and the richest in the area.

Richard appeared more and more in the building and eventually moved his office there. He was seen more often around the department and some of the staff seemed to be worried, were jobs in danger, had something been done in a manner that required an investigation? Marjory came to see me and asked if I knew what was going on, I had to tell her I knew nothing. I went to see Richard and told him that the staff were getting worried by his presence and he told me that he felt it about time he took a more active part in the business and was impressed by the way the staff worked together and that on friday he wanted to meet each one of personally.

It wasn`t long before before he started to ask me to accompany him to various functions that he had to attend and eventually we started dating.
I got to know his children well and found out that the two younger boys (twins) had gender problems one of them was intersex and the other wanted to be a girl while the two eldest boys didn`t understand they were supportive of their younger siblings..Richard told me that they all seeing a gender specialist and could use my help, while his sister taught the boys about being girls he felt that if they knew I was once a man it might give them something to relate to, so I agreed to give what help I could.

We sat down and started to discuss how we could deal with the problems that the 2 boys would have, schooling was the first problem that reared it`s ugly head, I knew from previous experience the pain and suffering that these children would suffer from their peers so it was decided that home schooling with private tutors would be best. As the boys were known quite well in the local area something had to done about peoples attitude towards the Transgendered, we got the local priest and vicar to come to a meeting which also included the parish council.
We had over the course of several weeks quite a few meeting, the priest at first was reluctant to even discuss the matter ranting about it being a sin, the vicar on the hand simply said that we as we are all gods children, we shouldn`t judge or condemn people and that these were special people made in gods own image. I was taken by surprise at this attitude especially after my own past experience with the clergy.

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