A Loving Family Pt4

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A Loving family

Pt Four
Childhood and Schooldays Continued

When the laughter and jeering died down, the class teacher told me take my seat,when I went to my usual desk the teacher asked were I was going, when I told him to my desk,he sneered and told me to sit on the other side of the class with rest of girls.
This carried on for the rest of day,when school finally ended for the day I went to the office to retrieve my hopefully dry clothing, when I had changed i returned to the office to hand back the uniform I had been forced to wear that day and was told to keep it my longer, that I would more than likely end up wearing it again.On exiting the building I ran into a group of boys who started the usual name calling but I just kept on walking,one of them punched me in the shoulder and I turned to face him. Even though he towered above me I wasn`t afraid of him and before I realised what was going on I had let my anger explode from me and ended fighting and him getting the worse of it.
My problem lay with my gallic temper, once I started to see red I couldn`t stop and sometimes my opponent could be seriously hurt.
Eventually we forced apart with two of teacher holding me down, my opponent was being taken into the school to be cleaned up.

When I calmed down I was dragged to headmasters office and the police and my parents were called, my parents weren`t pleased to be called out work and one thing led to another and i was taken into custody by the police.At 12yrs old this is frightning,but from the police and legal system you expect justice.I ended up being sent to facility for pschyciatic evaluation.when we attended court six weeks laterit was stated that I was emotionally unstable a habitual liar and a danger to those around me, this resulted in me be sent to home for the mentally unstable.It was like everything that I told the shrinks was totally ignored,nobody cared what had happened to me over the years and it looked like I had been abandoned my my parents.During the next year I was subject to test after test and went along with doctors and nurses not like I really any choice,about a year later i was moved to another home were I eventually managed to run away.
Once out of the gates I ran like the hounds of hell were chasing me till I was well out sight that the home. I might have seemed stupid running away in the middle of December but the way I figured it was that it being late in the afternoon and it would be dark by around 5pm it would be harder to find me. There was large wood about 10miles away from the home so I headed there to think out what to do next.Yes I really plan ahead, heres me 13yrs in the middle of winter with just the clothes on my back, no food, no money and nowhere to go,my former jailers only 10 miles away,most probably the police were looking for me,but there was no way I going to go back at least not with a fight or dead.It was a bitterly cold night with temperatures below zero I was in real trouble, as soon as I had rested for about 20minutes I carried on through the woods.
I don`t remember how long I walked or how far before I found shelter, it was an Old hut miles from nowhere.I entered the hut and finding a load of empty sacks contrived to make myself as comfortable as I could.The cold had taken it`s toll and I fell into unconsciousness,I was discovered the next day and taken to hospital and on awakening found myself handcuffed to the bed.I was eventually returned to the mental home and transferred to a more secure facility were I was subjected to more interviews with a different bunch of shrinks,i found out later that some of older ones wanted me to be Lobotomised in order to control me instead I was given a regime of pshycotherapy and more pacifying drugs. Eventually I learned it was useless to resist and if I was ever going to get out of here I needed to control my temper.

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A Loving Family Pt4

Some love! What a travesty of justice!

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine