A Loving Family Pt6

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A Loving family

Pt Six

A new Beginning

I arrive at my new place of work at 8 am as I wanted to make sure I got to the right place, to check in with security and to see about my new ID.The security guard took my Old ID card of me and handed me a temporary on, he told me that the card were also swipe cards to enter the building and showed me how to use it.At the reception desk I introduced myself and was told to take a seat, a few minutes later a young lady arrived and after handing me a booklet took me on a tour of the building and explained procedures for getting into secured areas. Eventually we arrived on the top floor and I taken to the Personnel Office and asked to wait,I thanked the young lady and she left.

At Exactly 9am the personnel officer asked me to enter his office and have a seat,we talked for about an hour and 10am Marjory entered the office,after greetings all round she asked me to follow her to her office.Marjory explained to me that she hadn`t forgot her promise to talk to Sarah about me and the position she offered, but after her last managers meeting had been told not to say anything to me.I thanked her and told her that I thought she being too busy with the increased work load she might not have had time to talk to Sarah.In reality I had no trust in other people no matter how trusting and sincere they appeared, too many times i had been fooled into thinking I was safe.

The rest of day I spent setting the new office I was assigned to, there was a desk for secretary just outside the door and I supposed that it was were I was to work from, I still hadn`t been told what my new position was to be.Everybody was setting furniture and other things into place, we had to up and running ready for the new clients in four weeks and boy were we pushed everybody from the top to the cleaners were doing 12 hour shifts 7 days a week for 2 weeks, but we finally got everything in place the next 2 weeks assigning staff as teams and for training.Midway through the final week the new CEO started to meet with all the office staff on an individual basis.

When I met the CEO Philip Andrews I got one hell of a shock,I had thought that I would end up doing secretarial work instead I was going to an assistant to the senior accounts manager with a very large increase in wages.Before were my pay left me  £2 or  £3 a week spare my wage were going to more than double and after 6 months my performance would be look at with the possibllity of further promotion.Mr Philips stated he had a doctor examine all the medical reports and that a further investigation was to held as the Psychiatric reports form various doctors conflicted with each other so much other that they had been thrown into doubt.
After I left the meeting I felt as though a great weight had been lifted from my shoulders and hopefully I would have a much a better future,I knew however that it depended on me how my new career either advanced or ended.

That night I called into the local fish & chip shop rather can cook something out of tin or a packet as I usually did then went home to my dreary one room bedsit,Hopefully after my next performance revue I would be able to look for a better place to live hopefully somewhere nearer the office and quieter with no gangs of thugs roaming the area at night.First thing I had to do what get some clothing for work but I`d ask for advice on that tomorrow when I met my new boss who I was to meet at the personnel office in the morning.

The next few months were a time of learning for me and after my revue I met with CEO again after which I took over the department completely, my boss had retired and the company was branching out again. I managed to get a few multimillion accounts by listening to team , listening to heads of the other departments and studying the options I soon found out which contracts to take and which to reject.This earned me a huge bonus with which I bought a small house in a respectable area about 2 miles away,I now had a company car and even better I had a few friends.I still met Sarah and Marjory every weekend, although I did`nt smake or drink alcohol Iwould go to they`re houses for meals and I would entertain them at my home.

I was 30 yrs old when everything started to wrong in my life,It wasn`t anything to do with work.
It was nice warm day in June and I decided to have lunch outside in the local garden area with a few of my departmental managers,we had bit of laugh and enjoyed the weather.As we were entering the building I notice a slab of concrete crack of a couple of women were underneath it and I pushed them out of the way and tripped.I came to in hospital a few weeks later and immediatley panicked,I tried to get out bed and pulled out most of the tubing that had been stuck into me.This set of alarms at the nurses station and they found me lying on the floor still trying to get out of the room,as soon the doctor arrived he sedated me and sometime later I came round and found myself secured to the bed with tubes once again sticking out of me.

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A Loving Family Pt6

Can't seem to get a break.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine


Things start looking up, he gets a decent position, then ends up on long term sick leave.

Hopefully statements from work will ensure he doesn't have a repeat trip to a psychiatric ward, but even if not, presumably the amount of time he'll have to have off work will cause a serious dent in his career.


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