A Loving Family Pt15

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A Loving Family

Pt Fifteen

A Fresh Start for All

After a couple of months of meeting it was discovered that there were a couple of other transgendered children in the village as well as a couple of adults, overall the village turned out to be quite accepting for these people. A new school was to built financed by Richard as well as other projects that would help the local economy. The work force would if it was possible be mainly the locals with specialists being brought in were needed.

I was now 33 and had been seeing Richard for well over a year. It was at this point in my life that my parents and siblings started to plague me again, it was about 20 years since I had last seen or heard from them I had all but forgotten about them. I didn`t know it but they had somehow found out that I was doing OK for myself and also had a very large bank account. I stopped seeing Richard , quit my job although I kept in touch with my friends, sold everything and moved away from the area. I went into hiding hoping against all odds that I could somehow get rid of them, but no such luck.

After about 6 months of continually moving I quite by accident bumped into Richard again, he demanded to know what was happening, so I told him. I had been living in the back of an old van I had bought and must have looked like something the cat dragged in.
Oh I was clean as was my clothing even it did look shabby and torn. I wasn`t the well groomed professional I once was and I had lost a lot weight. Richard took me back to his home and brought his lawyer to see me, after making a statement to the lawyer I was told to leave everything in his hands.Three months went by when I heard from Richards solicitor and was informed that I would have no further problems with my family, it turned out that somehow they managed to find out I was quite wealthy and were attempting to gain control of eveything.

After a year Richard proposed me and to my astonishment I accepted, I always figured I would remain alone in life and had accepted that I would die alone. I mean okay I have a few friends but friends come and go over the years no matter how loyal they they are,It`s just the way things happen. Even when people don`t mean to lose contact they do due to reasons outside their control.
A church wedding was planned which meant that I had 3 months to get everything everything done, I told the girls at work and they were overjoyed and straight away took control of everything, Marjory told me that a girl shouldn`t have to plan her own wedding, but what do I know ? I hadn`t been a girl all that long, and wedding were a mystery to me I had never attended a wedding in my life.

I planned to quit work after the wedding and concentrate on 2 things, a) My new family, b) our new projects in the village.
I called my accountant and asked for a complete statement of all my assets which arrived a week later , I was know worth in the region of  £20 million, don`t ask me how I let him invest my money and do the deals. One thing I do know a large chuck of money was made through buying and selling land. Richard and I decided to set up a trust and would provide  £5 million each to get it up and running, the money would be used for the benefit of the village with around 3/4 of the money being invested to provide future finance.

I won`t go into details of the wedding but will say there was a large turnout and everyone enjoyed themselves, we decide not to have a honeymoon because we didn`t want to leave the children alone, they had go used to me and were calling mum, I loved them as much as they loved me, they knew that they could talk to me about any problem they had and I would help were I could. Unless it something serious they knew I wouldn`t tell their dad, and if I had to tell Richard then it would end up with everyone in a family conference unless it some personal then it would be dealt with by the 3 of us.

The eldest boys didn`t understand what was wrong with the twins so Richard feeling I was the best person to help them understand left it my hands. Sheesh what did I know ? my life wasn`t exactly wine and roses, I contacted my old therapist and set up a meeting with the whole family attending, I did tell the boys what had happened to me expecting to see them change towards me. There was no reaction form the boys as Richard had already told them and as far they were concerned I was the mum that they loved and could confide in.
The therapist arrived at the time we agreed and explained in laymans terms what was happening to the twins, she answered all the questions put to her by Richard and the boys. She took the twins on as patients and we asked if she could set a weekly clinic in the village after we told her about our plans, she readily agreed and set aside one day week for the task providing she could include a few other patients to fill the days appointments.

Richard found out about smallish compamies that were looking for a location for expansion and after talking with them got a few of them to set up saying that he would build what ever they needed. So things were getting of the ground at last. I gave Richard a Bankers draft for the agreed amount and he handed it over along with a matching draft from his account to the new village co-operative. I didn`t realise until a few years later he would end up using over  £100million and it wouldn`t even make a dent in his finances thats how rich he was. I didn`t believe in wasting money but then again for a lot of years I had lived hand to mouth barely managing to survive, so I was cautious about spending and would scrutinise every bill.

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