A Loving Family Pt8

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A Loving family

Pt Eight

A new Beginning

The next day found me being tortured by the physiotherapist until lunch time,then I had my first visitors for over a week.Sarah and Marjory entered the room accompanied by the Philip Andrews the CEO.After the usual greetings and enquiries on how I was feeling.The CEO informed that as I was going to unable to work for the unseeable future,I had been replaced at work.he did assure me that I would still receive my pay and that a position would be found for me on my return to work.The company were in the process of suing the contractors the worked on the buildings facade on my behalf,we chatted for a while longer and after apologising for not being to spend more time talking he left.

The girls hadn`t uttered a word while the CEO was present,but as soon as he left they opened up.The people who had been present at the time of accident sent they`re best wishes and were sorting out who would come and visit and when since visiting restrictions had been lifted.Marjory asked what injuries I had received and they both went white with shock when I told them,I explained that the surgeons were unable to replace my male sex organs and had given me option of remaining as I was sexless or having a surgically made vagina and becoming female,a decision I had yet to make.Sarah asked if the company had been notified and I told her that the company medical officer was being sent a full report when I made my choice.

Both girls stated that whatever choice I made they give me they`re full support,at this point I burst out laughing and the girls seemed upset.I apologised and explained that I wasn`t laughing at them.I told them about my childhood, and how people punished me by forcing me to dress as a girl.Now it seems that life hasn`t left me much choice,I would have urinate sitting down as a woman would,male underwear wouldn`t fit me anymore as they were made in such a way to accomodate one`s manhood, which I no longer possessed, so It looks like I will end up as the shrink and surgeon suggested becoming female.

I knew a decision had to made and soon,my body no longer testosterone and blood tests showed that my adapting by producing more eostrogen.Depending on the decision I made I would have to take some sort of hormone replacement for life or eventually die.Death didn`t frighten me, some times had been so badly that I actually wished for death to take me.I had always found it harder to live and I had never had a normal life,always even by those who were supposed to love and protect I was mistreated and abused both mentally and physically. After a couple of hours talking with the girls they left and said they would return the next day,I asked them not to return until the following monday as I had some serious thinking to do and they agreed.They asked for the keys to my home so they could check on things for me,so I gave them the keys and they left.

3 months have gone by and I have finished with physiotherapy,I made ny decision under went the neccessary surgery to make me female.Everyday Sarah and Marjory visited, they seemed happy with my decision and are being supportive later on today when they get sometime from work they are picking me up and taking me home.I`ll be glad to see get away from here after 5 months.
I will take a couple of weeks off before I contact work and see about starting back doing what I haven`t a clue.I know it`s going to be difficult not least because of my new gender.

The 2 girls picked me up at the hospital but we didn`t go my place as I expected, I was taken to a friend of Sarah`s who lived near me.I had rough idea were we ended up, but not knowing the area very well even though I had lived here for 2yrs.Except for work i didn`t mix with people so it was case of going to work and coming home,I didn`t even know who my neighbours were as I had trouble with trusting people and those I did trust i was still skeptical of at times.

Sarah introduced me to Beverly who Sarah informed me would be helping me to adapt to my new life during the next few weeks.Beverly made a pot of coffee and one of tea so we could all talk while relaxing,I was asked if there was anything at home that I wanted,when I asked why Marjory said that they were getting rid of everything as I wouldn`t need it anymore and the house was to sold in order for me to move to a newer property.This surprised me and I asked on who`s authority they were doing this,they all looked startled.admittedly there was nothing in house that was any use to me.All the clothing was male and no longer required, all the furniture what there was of it was second hand and not in the best condition it did it`s job but that was all,the only thing I had bought when I moved in was a new bed.The house itself still needed some minor repairs to it, repairs that were due to be started but for the accident.

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A Loving Family Pt8

Once again, others have acted without any input from him/her.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

The house

As (s)he says, the house was in need of some repair work and the furniture was second hand, but as (s)he was still getting paid, I'd assume the mortgage would have still been paid on time (I wouldn't have thought he would have had enough savings to buy a house outright). As far as we're aware, (s)he hasn't signed power of attorney to anyone, so nobody else should have the authority to sell the house - or its belongings. The colleagues were only provided with a key to collect mail and presumably make it look more lived in, so as to deter burglars.

The mystery medical donor is also puzzling - if the contractors responsible for the dodgy facade are being sued, then my original hypothesis that it was they who were paying the medical bills to prevent a lawsuit breaks down. Unless it's the building owner, who doesn't want to be sued for hiring cowboys.

Another hypothesis blown - the loving family in question evidently can't be biological descendents - adopted?


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