Images 16


Chapter 16

The thing about sharing the loving and tender moments when afterwards you should be making love to your other half is that sometimes there’s just the fact you have to get back to your real life. Taylor and I hug and kiss and very passionate neck for about an hour or the rest of the hour before we hold hands back into the diner and get back to work.

I’m still excited by the fact that there is news to be had about Taylor’s condition. It and the love and the way we’ve been physical today so far has me in a really good mood. Dad even stays and works with us for a little while helping out. He’s taking his repayment out in the way of cooking for the date…he cancelled this afternoon for me and Taylor.

“Dad, you didn’t have to do that for us.”

“You’re my daughter; this is one of those things that parents do for their kids.”

“Yeah, but you shouldn’t I mean your life’s been tossed on hold ever since you found out about me and came up here.”

“Jenna, enough I’ve already done it and I’d do it again.”

“But we should make it up to you.”

“You are, I’m cooking her supper.”

“Can I ask who?”


“The ER nurse?”

“Yup, we kind of got close since I got up here and you were in the hospital, plus the other night here.”

“Oh…Are you taking this to her work?”

“No she get’s off at six.”

“You guys need a baby sitter?”

“No, or not yet. If this is going anywhere it’s going to involve Hunter too.”

“Okay but the offer’s open.”

“Even if we’re not going out and she just needs someone to watch Hunter for awhile?”

“Of course!”

“Good to know, I’ll mention it to Angie.”

We got back to work and soon dad was off to see Angie and Hunter armed with a tray of homemade lasagna and garlic bread and a salad. I think he was picking up a dessert at a bakery or something. I’m happy because it might give him an extra reason to stick around.

Work goes like it did in the earlier shift and we had to make another batch of Wedding soup because it went so well at lunch we had run out. I’m back in the zone treating the action like I would have if I was on the field. But in between that, Taylor and I sneak PDA’s with lover’s touches and even kiss right out in the open. I blush when some of the guys who are the older regulars start telling Taylor off about making free with their girl. If they only knew right? I still enjoy it, the fact that’s what I am to them. Just one of the girls.

By the end of shift though as great as the day has been it’s a fast paced place and there’s a lot of stuff even afterward like scrubbing the floors and bathrooms and washing down the tables and booths as well as cleaning all the glass.

There’s a lot of places that don’t but Mavericks is a really clean place. Tay’s very OCD about it, especially the windows and even the outsides get cleaned. To fingerprints at the start of the day here.

Actually the girls do all of that while Tay hauls me into the kitchen to start on the prep-work for tomorrows stuff. There’s a lot of stuff to get ready so we can just do things tomorrow. I learn a few new things, really cool things like Tay teaching me how to make pasta from scratch. We even make bread but not just our usual. I had the idea that we could make good sized buns of small loaves of bread just for our sandwiches like really big rolls. We try it and it’s nice and we make a couple of different ones for different sandwiches and even bake up a bread bowl loaf for our soups and chili. Now that I know how to make bread and after I put away my tips ($133.73 for the day 6am-8pm yeah 14hrs shifts.) I mix up some more and dig out spices and butter and raisins and make trays and trays of cinnamon rolls and hot crossed buns and let then proof overnight.

Yeah…I can see myself going to culinary school actually. I like doing this. I like cooking and waiting on people and seeing them love my stuff. I make a small pan of cinnamon rolls and take them hot with a cup of coffee to Taylor as he’s going over what we need and what to order and the books and stuff. There’s like sic really big rolls in the dish and I can’t help but smiles as he bites into the first one bouncing a bit in his chair.

He pulls me over and gives me a buttery, cinnamon sugary kiss. There a huge smile on his face.

“God Jenna these are amazing, I haven’t had one of these in years. My mom used to make them for me. None of the ones after the accident ever tasted right so I stopped eating them. What’d you put in them?”

“The same thing your mom did.”

“What’s, How there wasn’t a recipe?”

I roll my eyes at him.

“We both baked them with love silly.”


Taylor pulls me in for a few more lovely kisses on his lap. Okay if Tay’s dad acted like this when she baked for him, I’m getting why she did. I can’t help but glance at her ring though as the thoughts run through my head. I feel like there’s a kind of connection between us. We both love the same guy. I kiss him back a few times before getting up. “I’m going to go and check everything before going upstairs honey.”

“Mmn, Thanks for the snack Jenna.”

“Love you.”

“Thank you.”

I love that about him, I mean I love lots of things about him. But you always hear from people and S.O.’s that they love you too. Tay…Taylor doesn’t. I know some one’ll say that’s wrong but it isn’t. Taylor tells me he loves me all the time. But when I tell him I love him he thanks me. I don’t know anyone else who does that.

I putter around a few minutes just tidying things, putting out a few new bottles of ketchup and Tabasco. I load the coffee for the first pots and set up several others setting the filled filters between cereal bowls. Yeah, that’s it and then I head upstairs pausing into peek at Taylor. The pan is empty, he ate all six cinnamon rolls. I smile at the feeling that he ate all of my rolls. I love that he liked them.

I slip up and into our apartment and head to the bathroom and use certain things to uhm clean myself (Blush) and do my regular things before running myself a really hot bath with rose oil in it and I even light myself a few scented candles and put my Dido downloads to playing as I relax. I like her music, I like her voice. I’m in there soaking for awhile before I start using the Nair gel I’ve bought. It’s a lot more gentle and I take my time and clean myself of my body hair even down below.

I lotion up all over and a bit of powder here and there and I slip into a sexy pair of panties and listen to music on our bed topless and actually playing with a few sketch ideas. I think we should get a uniform for the diner. Already an ex-sporty I’m drawing out a button up baseball styled jersey I’m thinking a logo on the right breast pocket and the staff member’s name in big brick like looking letters. Maybe black with pinstripes? It’d be hard to stain. We could do a black tool belt like carpenters use but made of cloth. I’m sketching still when Taylor comes into the bedroom after he’s showered. I set aside my drawings and pull him into bed by his boxers before pulling them down and helping myself to a “nightcap.” I’ve been aroused and wanting him in different ways all day and part of it was getting some resolution about myself as Jaimes being Jenna and me being one person not two. It’s let something loose in me. But tonight, It’s been building, feeling loved, and relaxed and silky smooth and smelling pretty and in just an pair of sexy nylon and lace panties with being topless…I feel pretty and sexy and loved so this is something I’m wanting and craving and Taylor smells so good, like such a guy…I love him but there’s times I filled by my lust of him. I might be Trans but I’m still a teenaged girl.

Then I’m on top, then on the bottom, then in the front…you can guess where this went. By the time we’re done we’re both panting and sweating and smiling and laughing together. We kiss for awhile and curl up spooning together as we drift off to sleep.

Morning comes early with Taylor waking me up with his morning “Good cheer.” I never had really woke up like that but him kissing my neck, and pushed up against me, hugging me and playing with my girls and I’m right there with him, turned on like my skin’s on fire. It doesn’t take long before I’m on my back and Taylor’s inside of me. I’m moved to crying these good tears as he’s making feel so good so complete, my legs around him like they’re supposed to be. His mouth on my breasts then kissing me. His touch all over my body helping me get there. And I do, twice and each is loud and I make sounds and cries that no “Male” could. Tay, Tay is very, very male like an animal at times, my animal, I’m taming him. I really, really am so much in love with him. I love the loving but feral way he looks down at me after he’s gotten there and his long hair messy and wild and sweaty, his face made even more manly and raw by his stubble. He passionately kisses me and the way he looks has me kissing in desperation, breaking the kisses me biting on his lower lip. “Tay..”



We do it again, twice more.

I end up paying for it a little with the most profound and perfect soreness. We rush around and shower because we’re late to get started and even this is good as we dance and dodge around each other doing our morning routines. I take my meds and my vitamins and while Tay’s gone on ahead I get “clean” I though at one point that this would freak me out but even after surgery I’ll still be doing this so it’s I guess going to be a good habit to have.

I get dressed into a pair of black Capri’s and a button up pink short sleeved top and my ballet shoe like sneakers. You pull them on and they look like low cut sneakers but have these gel-elastic laces. I wear my lace under things because I love the way it makes me feel and with a smile I spike my hair and put on a touch of make up. I nearly leave to go downstairs when I stop and strip the bed gingerly, wow; we made a mess. I toss everything in the wash and go down and start helping out.

I’m in that good a mood I’m dancing as I wait tables and take orders. We’ve kept ahead of the coffee use, and the sandwich rolls are being well received and saving us a lot of time. We even made a new one up on the fly and it’s just corn beef hash off the grill in a bun with mustard and coleslaw. Everything is going great and Tay’s in a good mood and my hot crossed bus and cinnamon rolls are selling out. It doesn’t help Tay’s eating them too as he cooks, and bragging them up as something that I baked. I’m asked four times if I can have a dozen ready by supper rush for them to take home. I get this ogm-yay-squee feeling at watching customers biting into my cinnamon rolls and have their own foodgasms as they have that while having their morning coffee. It’s the cinnamon rolls that are selling really well. We run out because so many people want to take one to go after having one or two while having breakfast. My hot crossed buns were a replacement for them but they weren’t as popular. Taylor slips in behind me and kisses my neck in public and holds me with his arms around my waist the rocks me a little bit. “You are awesome you know that right?” He tells me.

“I am?”

“Yeah, Jenna…you’re the most amazing girl in the world.”

“Mmm, tell me more.”

He tells me more as he romances me at work and there’s a lot of comments ranging from eyes being rolled at our PDA’s, a few looks like that’s so sweet and of course those comments from the old guys of “Hey! Winters! Get yer hands offa our girl.” I love that affirmation. I don’t feel it in me to go to that I’m not really a girl place, not after the way the last few days have been. Instead I proudly hold up my hand with the engagement ring and beam at them. “Sorry guy’s I’m taken.” This leads to a few questions from the people who didn’t hear the first time around especially from some of the office girls that’ve been coming in from the various offices and places around here. I gush about it. The way he asked me, the fact it’s his mothers ring. The fact that he was so respectful to my family in asking them. Holly and Nin get in on the act and we really get to see Taylor get embarrassed and blush a lot and look actually bashful about it. Yeah he’s such a tough guy with all his checkered past and everything blushing like a boy from junior high talking to a girl for the first time. He’s so adorable I could just eat him up.

Of course I’m so in love with him and so…It’s…He’s looks like that so adorable and handsome and not afraid to love me the thought sticks in my head and I haul him back to the storeroom at the first big slowdown and literally fulfill my little dirty fantasy. I know there’s those who are going eewww, but to me this is an act of love. And I enjoy it. I like receiving it as Jaimes but now…yes, yes, yes, it’s far better to give than receive.

The middle of the day goes fast and pretty much like normal. Dad shows up smiling and kissing me. I get my “Hey baby girl.’ from him as he orders stuff to go. Wedding soup and chicken salad and a corned beef on our new rolls. “Dinner for Angie daddy?”

“Yeah, I’m going to bring her some lunch and eat with her.”

“That’s awesome daddy, really nice and romantic.”

“Good, I thought so.”

“Can you wait a bit?”

“Yeah sure her breaks not till later anyway. I figured on the rush and then traffic.”

“Just give me a few minutes daddy.”

“Okay, but we need to talk soon.”


“It’s about you’re wedding.”


Alright I’m a bit rushed by just being scared, nervous, and excited. I do notice Taylor talking to dad as I take some of the proofing dough Taylor had made during the slow down and after we got back from the store room. I roll out the bread dough into a big rectangle and slather it with butter mixed with cream cheese two blocks of each blended. Then I sprinkle a lot of cinnamon on it and then mix brown sugar with a little nutmeg and some allspice you just want a tablespoon of each in a kilogram~2.2lbs of brown sugar it’s a hint and most importantly a nice sprinkle of sea salt. The sugar melts with the butter and the cream cheese making this cinnamon caramel when you cook it. The salt is key because the salt sets off the sweet and the caramels like it does with chocolate. I use a pizza cutter and cut then into 3inch wide and 7inch long sections that I roll up and pan on their sides. They’ll swell as I bake them. The icing is just vanilla and butter with icing sugar and cream cheese. As they’re baking off I slip out to the front again and get a coffee and sit by daddy at the counter.

I look at him. “You were talking about my wedding…?”

“Actually yes, Taylor?”

Taylor joins us and kisses me. “I want to get married this week.” he tells me.

“Tthis week?!” I stutter.

“Yes, Jenna we’ve got that appointment to see my oncologist. I want my wife with me there. I want you to have that say you should have.”

“Okay…I mean Yes, I’m going to marry you but where?, how? Are we going to city hall? If we do we need an appointment or something don’t we to see the justice of the peace.”

I know I’m kind of running off at the mouth but I’m nervous and I mean this is a really big deal. Taylor wraps his arms around me. “Jen, Relax, It’s okay honey.”

“Okay? What do you mean okay?”

Dad coughs to interrupt. “I’ve got most of the details worked out already. You know it’s a tradition for the father of the bride to pay for the wedding.”

“No…I didn’t but..” daddy takes my hand. “I’ve already gone and gotten the wedding license for you two. I’ve rented a ranch up in the mountains to have the wedding and reception at.”

“You…you did? Uhm who’s going to uhm marry us?”

“Your grandparents flew home last night and they had some stuff to arrange about selling the house but Mom called me this morning and she said she got reverend Jaye Holland from there to come out here and marry you.”

“She…she…did?, he said he would…oh, …oh does he know about me?”

“Actually she said that she told him and the whole story and he said he was more than happy to come and marry you two. He said the chapel was just lovely when he saw the pictures last night.”

“He will!, He knows and he will!, ….A chapel?”

My daddy smiles at me like…like I’m so loved.

“Yes baby girl. We know that being close to god is important to you so I looked for someplace beautiful and with a chapel we could use so you could have the wedding my little girl should’ve had the chance to dream of.”

I’m instantly in tears and I attack my daddy in a squealing hugs and about a hundred kisses. I kind of…I act my age, I’m a seventeen and a half year old girl who got the best and most…second most exciting news in her life. I’m bouncing like a little girl and overdosing on the happy.

“Jenna, Jenna calm down honey…” Dad tries to chill me out and so does daddy and it’s Holly who hauls me away off to the side and after another three way girly freak-out by me and her and Nin she puts both hands on the sides of my head. “Breathe Jen, breathe, breathe.” I eventually start to get a hold of myself. I start tearing up again and hold her and Njinda’s hands. “Yyy, You’ll be my bridesmaids right?”

They both nod and they’re crying too. But Holly turns me towards my daddy. He looks happy and amused and has been recording this all on his little video recorder. He set’s it aside but where he can still capture us on film. He smiles at me and takes my hands. “Jenna we’ve got the place rented for Sunday I hope that’s okay?”

“God daddy, it’s more than okay!, This is more than I ever expected I’d ever have happen for me.”

“Your Grams wanted me to ask you something.”

“Okay…what, anything?”

“Okay honey, Mom wanted to know if she could stand in as mother of the bride.”

“Oh, oh god yes. I’d love that daddy.” just to be sure though I look over to Taylor. He smiles and says. “She’s more than welcome hon, there’s no one on my side of this except for a few friends but if you want we can see if your dad can spring Natalie.”

“Oh fuck no!” I shout and hit him. “No way, She gave up her rights to being in my life ever again.”

Of course he’s laughing because he though he be smart, but that wasn’t funny so I hit him a few more times before sticking my tongue out at him. He pulls me into a kiss. I hit him twice more and kiss him back while I’m doing it. I look at daddy who’s on his cell phone. He passes it to me. “It’s your Grams.”

“Hi Grams, I love you.”

“I love you too sweetie.”

“Of course you can be the..uhm…my mother of the bride.”

“Jenna honey, I was wondering…”

“Wondering what Grams?”

“Would you wear my wedding dress for your wedding? It’s my mothers and I was going to give it to Katie to carry on the tradition.”

I lose it all over again as I burst into huge tears at this…this huge, amazing, honor and fantasy.

“Yes…Oh..oh..God Grams I’d be sooo honored to wear you dress for my wedding!”

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