Teenage or High School

Sara, Becka, and me. - Chapter 4


Sara, Becka, and me.
by Teddie S.


Chapter IV
The First Week
Sunday - Hi Daddy


Well I’ve done it now! I’ve agreed to be one of Vicki’s bride’s maids. And, to live the next two weeks as a girl. And, we, actually Sara’s mother, has spent a small fortune. Lets see what happens next . . .

Sara, Becka, and me. - Chapter 3


Sara, Becka, and me.
by Teddie S.


Chapter III
You want me to what?


We’ve found out that I’m a cross-dresser, and that both of our mothers understand it and instead of trying to stop it, are supporting me. Also, we’ve found out some interesting things about Sara and me. Anyway, on with my story . . .

Gaby Book 11 Chapter *38* Vierwaldstattersee

Chapter 38*


“Nite Dad, nite everyone.”

“G'nite Drew, Amanda.” Dave replied.

“Don't be late in the morning.” Caro added.

“We won't.” Drew chirped before following Manda inside.

“Someone's happy.” Chris suggested.

“Indeed,” Dave agreed thoughtfully, ‘indeed.'

The Platinum Chef : A Tale of Delacroix Part XXIX(b)

Amber had her jeans on just so, while the green top’s scoop neck showed just enough to let the imagination fill in the rest.

She was off with Kurt, he had excitedly told her about tickets he had gotten to a local acoustic set played by local artists. The town center was lined with local businesses. Taking a lap to sample wares, Kurt and Amber split a huge Shawarma and laughed at the unusual sights.

“So, how’d you get the tickets?” Amber asked.

“I…umm…” Kurt looked down. “I used to sell to them.”

Sara, Becka, and me. - Chapter 1


Sara, Becka, and me.
by Teddie S.


Chapter I
How it all started.

Hi. My name is Peter Carter. And, my girlfriend, Sara, has returned after a year in Germany, and it brings Becka back into our lives. Before she went to Germany, we were very close. And, in the two years that she’s been back our souls have become completely intertwined again. This is the story of how thing became very interesting for Sara, Becka, and me.

The Platinum Chef : A Tale of Delacroix Part XXIX(a)

Chapter 87

Rach had an ache in her side, like she had laid down wrong on something. Uhh, what a…

The pain in her side was explained away as the misshapen lump of blue clay, Rach looked at it and…

Wait a minute, that dream. Her eyes fluttered open to a beautiful shade of blue; when she moved to get up, the blue moved with her. A quick glance at the mirror over her dresser confirmed her suspicions.

Fucking magic shit. Rach sighed as she remembered everything else.

Nikki, part 12

“Seventeen!” The assembled guests yell. “Sixteen! Fifteen! Fourteen!” I stare over at Sarah, who is smiling happily, much to my relief.

“Thirteen!” The guests continue. “Twelve! Eleven! Ten!” I look to my left at Katie and Lauren, who are both excitedly bouncing up and down in chairs.

“Nine!” The crowd yells, working itself into a near frenzy. “Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One!” Dannii- the most excited person of any in the packed restaurant- takes a deep breath and, in one go, blows out the seventeen candles on the rich chocolate cake placed in front of her.

Here Comes the Sun - 6

Here Comes the Sun
a series of Vignettes celebrating transgender romance
through the songs of George Harrison*

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio

Little darling
It's been a long, cold lonely winter
Little darling
It feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun,
and I say, It's all right

Shocking Developments - Part 2

Terrael grew up in paradise, until the Fomorians showed up. Now Humans, Hypers, and Fae all face extinction and Terrael is their only hope. Can he get used to his own changes and make the one change that can save them all?


Shocking Developments
Part 2 of 3
Strange New World


Bailey stared at me for a moment before grinning. “Let me guess, you need to throw that ring your cousin is wearing into the heart of Mount Doom. I should warn you though; One does not simply walk into Mordor. Ow hey!” he turned to glare at Becca who had slapped him upside the head.

Caught in the Act - 5 More to It

Caught in the Act – 5
More to It

You do realize Tami and April might be looking for some signs of Jessie… Suzie was complimentary, “Jeff, I can even see your resemblance to your Mom who is very attractive. “would you kiss me with lipstick on, I’m wanting to be your best girlfriend.” I take half a step back to ponder what she’s saying, and I smile as Tami holds up a stick of lip gloss. It is way too tempting… Max noticed, “That’s kind of embarrassing when it happened, but I lived.”

Secondhand Life - Part 27

I headed back to L.A. the next morning. I was beginning to feel comfortable traveling unescorted. I was about to say alone but Katherine was never really without 'people' ...handlers, aides, assistants of one kind or another. I began to realize how many 'little people' the celebrity industry employed and found myself wondering what these people would be doing for a living otherwise. I even began to think of the paparazzi and their role in the ...ecosystem.

Somewhere Else Entirely -128-

After the evening meal Garia has the difficult task of telling a select few about the Beings and what they have proposed. This results in further revelations for all concerned.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

128 - The Impossible Choice

Scott Free, Part 5 of 5

Scott Free, Part 5 of 5

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: The year is 2076, not that is extremely important. The story takes place at the same time as Five Love Stories en Brochette; much of it at the same time as the last chapter of that story. It has been almost six years since that story was published here. In that story, Scott Adams is briefly mentioned in a couple of sentences near the beginning, and once again in the epilogue. Wren Phoenix thought it might be nice to know a bit more about Scotty Adams. I’m sorry, Wren, that it took so damn long to get around to it.

Jake Adams is dead, and he won’t be missed by anyone. This tale is not over by a long shot. Finally, Scott is free to be who she really is. It isn’t quite that easy. There are many loose ends that must be tied up and hurdles that must be cleared before that can start. What happened to her mother?

Scott Free, Part 4 of 5

Scott Free, Part 4 of 5

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: The year is 2076, not that is extremely important. The story takes place at the same time as Five Love Stories en Brochette; much of it at the same time as the last chapter of that story. It has been almost six years since that story was published here. In that story, Scott Adams is briefly mentioned in a couple of sentences near the beginning, and once again in the epilogue. Wren Phoenix thought it might be nice to know a bit more about Scotty Adams. I’m sorry Wren that it took so damn long to get around to it.

Phil and Joe Esterházy take charge. More and more evidence points to Elaine’s murder; however, the police are reluctant to do anything due to the evidence being only circumstantial. Then, Joe takes Scott to the school nurse.

A House Divided, part 1 of 7

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------
We used the men’s room — I felt vaguely guilty about that, but I was too embarrassed to use the ladies' room, and we both still looked male, as long as we had clothes on.

A House Divided

by Trismegistus Shandy

Part 1 of 7

Admin Note: This story is one of the rarer forms of tg fiction we have on the site involving species transformation, or half transformations and have come across really strong and hold their own despite the technique. I hope those of you who do not normally read this type of tg story would give this one a try. You will be pleasantly surprised. ~Sephrena.

Camp Shoni - Part 1

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

Denied the opportunity to enroll in Camp Dan as one of the older campers,
Lorin figures out another way of attending the summer ending cotillion
with the girls of Camp Shoni!

Camp Shoni
Part 1

by Pamela

Copyright © 2004,2011,2013 Pamela
All Rights Reserved.


Gaby Book 11 Chapter *37* Mixed Feelings


Chapter *37*

Mixed Feelings

I cautiously made my way outside, good the others have gone. Dad and the coaching team were another matter, I have to go right past where they're sat talking to get to the beach path. Hmm, what to do? Disguise, that's what I need. I glanced around reception for looking for inspiration, my reflection caught my attention then it struck me – hair.

Caught in the Act - 4 Caught being Jeff

Caught in the Act – 4Caught being Jeff

By Jessica C

Previously… I called over to my sister in the changing rooms, “Rachel would it be okay if I told them it fits and I like this outfit? I don't want to go out there in it."

Scott Free, Part 3 of 5

Scott Free, Part 3 of 5

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: The year is 2076, not that is extremely important. The story takes place at the same time as Five Love Stories en Brochette; much of it at the same time as the last chapter of that story. It has been almost six years since that story was published here. In that story, Scott Adams is briefly mentioned in a couple of sentences near the beginning, and once again in the epilogue. Wren Phoenix thought it might be nice to know a bit more about Scotty Adams. I’m sorry, Wren, that it took so damn long to get around to it.

Scott meets Mr. Joe, and Joe Esterházy becomes very concerned very quickly. He knows who Scott’s parents are, and he doesn’t think much of Jake. There is a major family get together that weekend and they come up with a solution to put a stop to Scott’s hitchhiking. The oldest of his three sisters, Persi, suggests that Jake Adams probably killed Scott’s mother. He had a history of beating up prostitutes.

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 2

“All good things must come to an end.” I guess that’s a cliché, but it fit my situation. Summer vacation was soon to be ending. With that, I assumed that my life as a girl was also drawing to a close. The happy days and cozy nights became almost overshadowed by the dread of what was to follow at home.

One morning, Amie was up early and waiting for me. “Jamie, I have something to tell you.”

The Mystery of the Water in the Dock - Part 4 - The End

When Abigail's Aunt Harriet told her she could bring along a friend with her to stay for Easter, she didn't stipulate until later it had to be a girl. But what was going on in the little village, cut-off from the rest of the world? This is a story set partly at Seacombe Independent Girls' High School, commonly known as SIGHS and involves young people involved in such things as humour, adventure, crossdressing and growing-up.

Part Four: The mystery solved

Motwitd house.jpg

Author's Note: This story is complete and will be published in four parts at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



Scott Free, Part 2 of 5

Scott Free, Part 2 of 5

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: The year is 2076, not that is extremely important. The story takes place at the same time as Five Love Stories en Brochette; much of it at the same time as the last chapter of that story. It has been almost six years since that story was published here. In that story, Scott Adams is briefly mentioned in a couple of sentences near the beginning, and once again in the epilogue. Wren Phoenix thought it might be nice to know a bit more about Scotty Adams. I’m sorry, Wren, that it took so damn long to get around to it.

Scott’s mother disappears when Scott enters seventh grade. He no longer has the buffer of his mother to protect him from his father. He also discovers the comfort of dressing in his mother’s clothing. That does not turn out well when he is discovered. Scott has figured out how to get away from his father for most of the day, Monday through Friday, during the summer. Still, he has to deal with him on the weekends.

Ragnarok Shorts: Tales From The Spellbinder Universe

In a world where magic reigns
supreme, identity and
gender can be as fluid as the
forces of nature. A mad
scientist, a transgender
woman who has become
involved with a radical
revolutionist group, a goddess
of mischief, a supplicant to an
inexperienced goddess, and a
young apprentice; each
person's life takes a strange
and unexpected twist as
elemental forces reshape
their existence.

The Mystery of the Water in the Dock - Part 3 of 4

When Abigail's Aunt Harriet told her she could bring along a friend with her to stay for Easter, she didn't stipulate until later it had to be a girl. But what was going on in the little village, cut-off from the rest of the world? This is a story set partly at Seacombe Independent Girls' High School, commonly known as SIGHS and involves young people involved in such things as humour, adventure, crossdressing and growing-up.

Part Three: In which I become a Mata Hari!

Motwitd house.jpg

Author's Note: This story is complete and will be published in four parts at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



Scott Free, Part 1 of 5

Scott Free, Part 1 of 5

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: The year is 2076, not that is extremely important. The story takes place at the same time as Five Love Stories en Brochette; much of it at the same time as the last chapter of that story. It has been almost six years since that story was published here. In that story, Scott Adams is briefly mentioned in a couple of sentences near the beginning, and once again in the epilogue. Wren Phoenix thought it might be nice to know a bit more about Scotty Adams. I’m sorry Wren that it took so damn long to get around to it.

This starts out as a very dark tale. There is physical abuse, and there is a murder. That won’t be any secret when it happens. The murderer is pretty obvious. Scotty Adams is a resourceful child caught in a very nasty situation. If you read Five Love Stories en Brochette you know that things work out, so that’s not a big secret. However, how did things work out? That’s where this little tale in five parts takes us.

Nikki, part 11

I take a deep breath to steady my nerves and wring my hands together to stop them from shaking.

“Remember,” the studio researcher says, placing a calming hand on my hands. “Just stay calm, answer each question you’re asked clearly. Everyone out there WILL be on your side. And don’t forget to smile!” I nod and take another deep breath, returning the young woman’s comforting smile. I take one final second to prepare myself before hearing the words that tell me that preparation time is over.

The Mystery of the Water in the Dock - Part 2 of 4

When Abigail's Aunt Harriet told her she could bring along a friend with her to stay for Easter, she didn't stipulate until later it had to be a girl. But what was going on in the little village, cut-off from the rest of the world? This is a story set partly at Seacombe Independent Girls' High School, commonly known as SIGHS and involves young people involved in such things as humour, adventure, crossdressing and growing-up.

Part Two: Boys! Even when they're pretending to be girls, they can still make mysteries over the most stupid things. Or could there possibly be any basis to Ben's - oops, I mean Stevie's - suggestions?

Motwitd house.jpg

Author's Note: This story is complete and will be published in four parts at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



Once A Boy Now A Girl Chapter 7: The Final Chapter/in inceptum finis est

"...Bella" Lucifer said and a blinding light irradiated from the coin before flying into my chest and making my whole body glow.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed as what could be described as a ghostly version of my male self was ripped from my chest and sucked into a glass vial.

Once A Boy Now A Girl Chapter 6: To Be Male Or To Be Female

I woke up the next morning to see Bellatrix directly above me,grinning.
"Why are you so happy?" I asked.

"I saw what you were dreaming about, big strong Tyler. His long arms cradling you, His large c-"She said giggling before I cut her off with a deathly stare."Sorry"

The door swung open and Sarah and Angela ran in, my sister jumping up and down in excitement "Can i come shopping with you two, please,please,please,please" she said, clearly on a sugar rush from a few too many bottles of Irn-Bru.

Masks Chapter 43


I’m like… “Guys…boo, I’m not a guy.”

And she’s like…. “I know. It’s like just a figure of speech y’know.”

Mary Jane snerks… “Like y’know…totally just a saying.”

We all burst out laughing and giggling and we sort of kick our legs and shout. “Toa..tal..ly!”

Then we hear Becky’s dad. “What the fuck was that?”

Not like angry like but like he’s got no clue.

And we were silent for a second before we all burst out laughing.

It was such this whole cool space of time because the lights, the three of us, this whole tight girls together thing and it’s us so close together and holding hands and just being three girls.

And it feels good.

It feels weightless.

Gaby Book 11 Chapter *36* Pasta Master


Chapter *36*

Pasta Master

“Hmm, that thigh's a bit weepy.” Jemma noted.

“But it's scabbing up.”

“It needs a bit of air to dry it up.”

“I am not wearing a skirt again!”

“Whoa, calm down, I wasn't even going to suggest that, just go commando in bed tonight?”

“Er sure.” I sighed.

“Let's get some antiseptic on there for now.”

The Mystery of the Water in the Dock - Part 1 of 4

When Abigail's Aunt Harriet told her she could bring along a friend with her to stay for Easter, she didn't stipulate until later it had to be a girl. But what was going on in the little village, cut-off from the rest of the world? This is a story set partly at Seacombe Independent Girls' High School, commonly known as SIGHS and involves young people involved in such things as humour, adventure, crossdressing and growing-up.

Motwitd house.jpg

Author's Note: This story is complete and will be published in four parts at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



Amie and Jamie - Chapter 1 - I make a new friend

I met Amie in 10th grade. She was beautiful. She was tall with brown hair and big brown eyes…and smart. She was in all advanced classes, like me. I was short, skinny and my looks were only average. Also, I was still prepubescent. So I had no reason to think she would have much to do with me. But, thanks to detention one Thursday, we became friends.

She was there ahead of me, so I walked in and sat across the table from her. I couldn’t help but notice her earrings.
So, I spoke up. “Nice earrings”.

“Yeah,” She said, “want to borrow them sometime.

Caught In the Act – 3 Where from Here?

Home Alone sick, Jeff thought it safe to get into his sister’s stuff…
Rachel home early catches Jeff in her clothes and makeup…
Instead of angry, Rachel helps her young brother to look better as a girl…
Getting caught was the best thing that could happen.

Somewhere Else Entirely -127-

Garia needs to find out if the Beings will allow her to let Maralin in on the secret, but when she attempts to consult them she finds they have something much more complex to discuss. She receives a proposition which turns her entire existence upside down.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

127 - An Unexpected Proposal

Winter's Child: Chapter 10

Mitsuo is a promising martial artist and dating the most popular girl in school. Life seems perfect until his sixteenth birthday when he comes into his mother's heritage and his father's curse.


Winter's Child
Chapter 10

“It’s…” I paused to take a deep breath and to try to find the words to explain it. “It’s like if I do that I’ll lose the last little bit of Mitsuo that’s left. I… don’t want to lose who I am.”


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