Patricia Marie Allen's blog


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Reflecting on yesterday, I've decided I'm jealous. Twice a month my wife and I volunteer at the food bank sponsored by our church. It's a great opportunity to give back. About fifty percent of the volunteers there come from our church and it seems like I've known them forever. I know the spouses and all their kids.

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Mastercard True Name cards


I was browsing another site that has some active forms when I came across this link.

Mastercard launches True Name cards to make paying with credit cards easier for trans and non-binary communities
Published Mon, Jun 17 2019 3:49 PM EDT

Mastercard announced on Monday, June 17, its True Name™ card initiative, which will allow for chosen names to appear on the front of consumers’ cards.

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A couple of interesting things this last weekend.


First at church: Increasingly I've adopted many practices that I perceive ad feminine. One of them is sitting to do my business in the bathroom, which means that I always use the stall in public restrooms. At church, where I've been attending since long before I came out to anyone but my wife, this last Sunday I needed to use the restroom before service. In the stall, there was a new roll of TP and the left over small portion of the previous roll on top of it. So I used the part roll to wipe in front. I'm sure that I flushed.

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They were an ordinary couple

Ran across this again. The last time was several years ago. I'm sure some of you have seen it. This couples story, less the full time coming out and resulting full transition, could be mine. Makes me wonder just where my journey will end.

My husband became a woman

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You have pretty eyes

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Our church sponsors a food bank twice a month. My wife and I volunteer there. There are about 30 volunteers there on any given day. One of the regulars is an older, I say older because she's older than me and I'm pretty old, older Hispanic lady who doesn't speak very much English. Because of the language barrier, I really don't know her enough to more than say hi to her. I don't even know her name.

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Write Your Novel Step by Step By Melanie Anne Phillips

I'm on a mailing list that has some really great writer stuff. If you haven't seen this before, it's looks like a great book for authors. It's a free online book.

Write Your Novel Step by Step, By Melanie Anne Phillips

You can also "Browse Our (their) Library" of writing articles.

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Review: "Homesick" by Trismegistus Shandy

I just finished reading "Homesick" by Trismegistus Shandy. I'm surprised at the few reads this story attracted. While it's a bit different from other stories here, it's a well written tale in a "Twilight Zone" kind of way. I almost expected Rod Serling type epilogue.

All three parts are posted, so if you like to wait for stories to be complete, this one is. If you haven't read it, I'd highly recommend it.

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Just a moment to be thankful

I just got out of bed this Thankgiving morning. We've had a busy week, and today will be no exception. It would be easy to complain about all the work and all the fuss, the traffic everything else that this season brings. But you know, I'm here in a warm house that I co-own with the bank; out front there's a reliable car, my refrigerator is full of food, so much so it was a chore to find room for the Thanksgiving turkey prior to roasting.

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My day off

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I sit here in my recliner on a peaceful Monday morning secure in my home surrounded by family as I ponder why it is I'm not at work.

I grew up in the Vietnam era. My one and only brush with the law happened when I was 17 and I was still on probation when I registered for the draft. As a result, I was classified 1Y. I was never called to serve, as a matter of fact, when I tried to enlist, first in the Navy and then the Army, they both decided to give me a pass for the same reason.

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Something to ponder as we celebrate Independence Day

As I make my plans to celebrate Independence Day I remember the men who signed the revered document known as the Declaration of Independence. They were great men with a great vision. Their greatness was in their willingness to risk all they had. A testament to the fact they knew just what was at stake is contained in the final paragraph of that document.

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Missing Without a Trace Review

I've read Missing Without a Trace (Book 1) and love it. (See actual review below) I'm closely following book two.


Packed with action, this story grips your attention right from the start. The disappearance of a research team on a remote island presents a mystery that can’t be ignored. Our heroine finds herself in over her head while she, the local sheriff and her prospective boyfriend attempt to unravel it.

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Code for the bathroom

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Went to go shopping at my local Safeway after my electrolysis today. When I got out of the car, I realized I should have used the bathroom before I left electrolysis. I was wearing a knit white top, a blue print skirt and some light tan sandals. I had my usual make up for electrolysis; mascara and a light pink lipstick. In the electrolysis building they are used to seeing trans folk in the restrooms. At Safeway not so much.

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Need help from Julie Jordon, Sapphire Stevens, Monica Rose, Beth Moody and Joyce Melton.

Help needed from Julie Jordon, Sapphire Stevens, Monica Rose, Beth Moody and Joyce Melton. I'm currently locked out of my Facebook account and need to "Call or talk to my Facebook friends and ask them to go to and get me a code to prove who I am.

Since I don't ever see any of you and don't have your phone numbers I can't do that. I don't know if I can get it done this way or not but it's the only way I can think of to do it.

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Disappearing Blog

OK, I was reading a blog about Althea Garrison. I was intrigued by it and opened other tabs in my browser to find out more. I came back to the tab with the blog entry in it and attempted to comment. When I clicked on the "comment" link the "comment page could not be found."

I then loaded a fresh BCTS home page and the blog entry was no longer there.

At any rate, I was only going to add a link to the Boston Herald story.

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Connecting with main stream authors

I'm hooked up with a thing called "Instant Freebie" and get a lot of free eBooks through that. One of the authors sends out a news letter sent out an invitation to get to know you. She gave a little information about herself and then invited me to contact her via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. She included her email address.

I emailed her, explaining that I didn't really use social media all that much, so I was emailing. I'll insert come excerpts from the exchange. After giving some (very little) information about me and my family, I wrote:

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Size Of Your Pointer And Ring

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I've just read an interesting web site that reverses what I've always thought. My ring finger is longer than my index (pointer) finger. WIN_20180130_21_37_54_Pro.jpgI was raised under the impression that was a masculine trait. However, I was reading an article entitled, "How to Tell If You Are Transgendered," by Melanie Anne Phillips, which said ring finger and index finger same length (men have a noticeably longer index finger)

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I've been a bad girl and even a bad husband

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I've been less than forthright with my wife. While I've bragged a lot about the strides my wife has made in accepting my feminine nature, I still have problems making myself be upfront with everything that is going on with me.

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Change in meds

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I had been on spironolactone at 300 Mg per day. Unfortunately, my kidneys objected to that high a dose. I spent three week sans meds and tried again. Even at the low dosage of 50 mg my kidneys showed signs of reacting. The doctor changed me to finasteride at 5 mg per day.

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Happy New Year

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Well, 2018 is officially upon us here on the West coast of the USA. So I wish all here on BCTS a happy new year.

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White Christmas

Well, my wife has always said she wished she lived somewhere where it snowed. And I've always been fond of a white Christmas. Well we move to a small town in the foot hills of the Oregon Coast range. So here it is, Christmas Eve and we have snow on the ground.

Looks like a white Christmas this year.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

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OK, I'm confused. The front page seems to have undergone a major reformatting? Is this intentional? Or is it some sort of glitch.

It's extremely (IMNSHO) more difficult to find the content you want. And the sidebar listing of blog postings is gone, but not the comments. I much prefer the recent blog post in the sidebar.

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Gotta love the complements

I was in town for my usual weekly electrolysis treatment. Since we live 40 miles out of town we try take care of multiple errands when ever we're there. As a result, I stopped by the grocery store to pick up a few things to save a trip into town later. While I stopped to sample some new brand of chili, a lady stopped to tell me how much she liked my blouse. :o)


Gotta love the compliment.

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Interesting couple of weeks

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Well, the last weekend of September we had our house painted. We moved in last March and have been waiting on weather to paint. First it was too wet, then too hot. Finally we got a spell of weather that was dry and moderate temperature. My pastor and his son have had a painting business in the past and had all the equipment to spray it. I was an amazing day. I've only painted with roller and brush. If I had done it that way, it would have been two weeks worth of work. As it was they showed up at ten minutes after eight in the morning.

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Attention Erin and BCTS crew


I've just posted The Mystery of the Girl in the Garden, By Andrea. This one includes art work. I some how had forgotten that I posted the story before, sans art work. I thought had only posted links to my defunct web site. Is there anyway you guys can delete the older version. While you're at it you may as well delete all the other old Petticoat Detective Adventure series as I will be posting the full versions.

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A Petticoat Detective Squad Adventure


Today I've posted the first of the Petticoat Detective Squad Adventure series. When I first posted these on my now defunct web site, I Americanized the spelling, but here I have left them exactly as written. I intend this as a kind of memorial for Andrea.

I will endeavor to format and post one story a week. I hope you enjoy them.

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