Patricia Marie Allen's blog

New Story posted

Hi All,

The story I asked for help from a British native speaker has been published. I want to thank those who looked at it and made suggestion as to the changes needed to keep the Brits in my story sounding like Brits.

A Yank in fancy dress.png

You can read it here:

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Well, I've done it. Written a story that takes place in london... native speaker needed.

My muse went crazy and decided that I could write a story that takes place in London England. A challenge I've been avoiding due to the differences in the King's English and what we speak on this side of the pond. But I guess like cross-dress, suppressing your muse's desire to write, makes it grow stronger. So I've given in to the pressure. Not only have I completed one, but I have another in the pipe line and one that I've only sketched the premise in a few paragraphs for.

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Women wearing pants (trousers )

I was doing a little research on just when women started wearing trousers (pants on this side of the pond) and came across this article at

The last paragraph is precious. "Today in the US, the question of whether women can wear pants in public isn't a question at all, which means we're free to move on to the next frontier of gendered fashion, making it socially acceptable for men to wear dresses. Fair's fair, right?"

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My "Take Your Daughter to Work Day" entry

I just posted my entry for the "Take Your Daughter to Work Day" challenge. It weighs in at 21010 words. That's just about what I can read in a single setting. I hope you all are comfortable with that.

If I Could.jpg
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Has the site been hacked?

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Sinemet: Can I Buy

Submitted by stubbornnessflush on Sun, 2023/01/15 - 3:47pm

Has the site been hacked? The "Enter Site" link takes you to is external)
The "want to buy sinemet" link takes you to is external)

Sinemet is a drug used to treat the symptoms of Parkinson's.


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1 week 2 days

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Looking for a story

The story is about a cross-dresser who goes out for an evening drive all dressed up. Stops in a remote place and is abducted by aliens. There is a discussion with the aliens that concludes with them "helping" him by correcting an anomaly in him. They release him and he finds out that he is now a she. The final line in the story is him/her wondering how he/she will explain it to his/her wife...

I think the author may be Valentina Michelle Smith, but I can't be sure.

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Need help setting up and organizational page

I'm finally going to post all the Petticoat Detective stories by Andrea and Daphne and it occurs to me that they really should be read in order. So they should be set up on their own organizational page. I've seen plenty of these other authors have on their story page, but I've not even a clue as to how to set one up.

Can anyone out there walk me through the process?

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Looking for a story

The name of the story is "In Plain Sight" Not the one by Tanya Allen on Kindle. I don't know the author or have any idea of where it was posted.

The story is about an Army Ranger team who served in Afghanistan. Sniper and spotter. They were in DC to receive a Medal of Honor and while out on the town, witnessed a drive by shooting of a powerful drug lord. They were able to ID the perps and the drug cartel has a contract out on them plus the Taliban has issued a Jihad on them, so they are going into the Federal Witness Protection Program.

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Career Day -- review

While the site was down, I reread Grover's "Career Day". (I had downloaded it on my hard drive; an old habit from my dial-up days). I found it a fine piece of Sci-Fi/Fantasy. Usually I don't like Sci-Fi/Fantasy because it takes the decision regarding gender away from the protagonist.

Grover, however starts with an older trans person who through some unknown quirk of time/space finds himself in an alternate past and is given a second chance and doesn't waste it.

If you've never read it, or even if you have, give it a read. It well worth the time.

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Any one remember Phil Donahue hosting cross-dressers?

I'm writing a story that references Phil Donahue having cross-dressers on his show and I want to get the time frame correct. I need to know just how old one of my characters needs to be to have seen the show.

I can find them on YouTube, but can't find out when they aired.

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February 2022 BCTS "Magic of The Heart" Story Contest

I wasn't going to enter this contest. I have a pretty large bone pile of unfinished stories that I've been trying to wade through and see about finishing some of them. I've tried several and not been able to get more than a few hundred words going.

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Patty or Pat

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As many of you who follow my blog know, I'm retired and drive school bus (about 20 hours a week) to combat the boredom of retirement. I'm sure that I've also mentioned that when I drive the bus I dress very butch. My usual fair is androgynous tennis shoes, dark grey jeans, polo shirt and an equally androgynous vest issued by the company with the company name on it. The jeans, BTW, aren't skinny jeans. The only thing feminine about my appearance would be the way I wear my hair; pulled back at the sides and held with a small barrette that is nearly the same color as my hair.

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Need an IT professional's input on a story I'm writing.

OK, I'm writing a story in which an IT troubleshooter needs to locate an unknown virus and irradicate it without destroying the data.

The fictional device has a 1 gig solid state C drive and a Terabyte drive D. I'm presuming that the virus would have compromised something on the boot drive.

C drive is using 79.6 of 97.8 available
D drive is only using 4.75 of 931 available.

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Need help from a Samsung phone guru

I have a Samsung Galaxy J3 smart phone model SM-J337U. Up until recently, I've been able to access the internet while out and about on the phone. However, a while back, I was in Home Depot trying to use their app to locate something in the store and it said I didn't have an internet connection. Then last week same thing happened at Safeway and just today, I was at Best Buy and wanted to do a curbside pickup.

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Count down to Christmas

Well here it is December 24th, Christmas Eve. As usual, we're all in a tizzy (mistyped that one as tissy. I almost left it. If you don't know the meaning, look it up and you'll see why.) Tomorrow we are headed in to town (that is the nearest big city, we live in a small town of about 2K population) to my daughters house for dinner and exchange of gifts. This is their first Christmas in their new house. My oldest will be going with us, my grandson (age 20) will be there as will my granddaughter (age 23) she has invited her first boyfriend. Yes, she didn't date in high school...

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My ignore list

Scanning the recent offerings here on BCTS I came across this on the front page.

Jacinta, part 20

Submitted by Debbie V on Thu, 2021/07/22 - 11:18pm

Debbie V

Mature Subjects (pg15)

7,500 < Novelette < 17,500 words


Real WorldRomanticSweet / Sentimental

College / Twenties

Posted by author(s)

Debbie V is on your ignore list. Click here to view this post

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Crisis averted

OK, false alarm.

I check a graphic heavy story (One Dozen Roses) and found all the graphics in place. That means they were still where they were supposed to be. So I poked around in the insert picture routine and found that some how Drupal had sent my search to the wrong folder. Sorry for crying wolf. Who knew there was more than one folder.????

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HELP!!!! BCTS Techies; My pictures have disappeared.

HELP! Just now I was trying to insert a picture in a PM. When I tried to preview the message, the message disappeared and when I tried to reconstruct it, all but three of my pictures have disappeared.

Is there any way to get them back? There are a lot of them that need to appear in current stories, both mine and other authors.

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