Patricia Marie Allen's blog


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I know that many of you here are on Spironolactone. I've just been prescribed Spironolactone and I see it's primarily used to reduce high blood pressure. This has me concerned because I already take Atenolol for blood pressure. Were any of you on another blood pressure med before going on Spironolactone? If so, did your doctor alter you blood pressure med?

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Thank you ma'am

Well, I've got to give Kaiser top marks again. A while back, I decided I'd like to explore a transition of sorts. While I'm sure I'll never seek bottom surgery, since I've retired, I have no need to wear men's clothes again. So in anticipation of that, I wanted to see just what kind of development I could induce on my chest. To that end, I asked my PCP (primary care physician) for an estrogen prescription. She referred me to the "Gender Pathways" clinic. After an interview with that doctor in charge of the and reviewing the permission documentation I got that prescription.

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I just tried to log onto Fictionmania and got this.

Your connection is not secure

The owner of has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website.

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Report errors like this to help Mozilla identify and block malicious sites

I know that there are other Firefox users here. Have any of you gotten this message?

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Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight.

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Family sharing requires that we have our family Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve this year, so my daughter and son-in-law can visit his parents in Lincoln City on Christmas. So we are busy this morning getting the dinner ready for this afternoon.

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Girly glasses, girly shoes and an expanding ponytail holder.

In a comment to my blog, "Acceptable shoes" someone accused me of pushing the envelope and I freely admitted doing so. The "push the envelope" bug has bitten me again.

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New Glasses


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When I got new glasses last month, I decided to do something I've wanted to for years. I got myself a pair of girly glasses. (Pictured above.) When I go out as me, which I do often, it helps people recognize that I'm feminine.

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Mellowed with age...

Over the past couple of decades, I've been weeding the men's clothes out of my wardrobe. First went the underwear, then little by little the outer wear was replaced with items from the women's rack. At the present time, I only have one outfit that is strictly men's clothes. I'm hanging on to that as I, twice a year, go drab for my wife. Once on her birthday and again on our anniversary.

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Women Love Movies Weekend

I has to work today, a record hot day in the Portland, OR metro area. When I came home, I slipped into a lightweight skirt and cotton blouse to enjoy the cool air conditioned living room. My wife offered to let me choose what TV channel to watch. After a quick scan, the listings showed me that "Sister Act" was just starting on ION so I opted to watch that, since I've always liked the movie. As it got over I saw that "Sister Act Two" was airing. Having never seen it, I decided to watch it.

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How Should Christians Respond to Target’s Bathroom Policy?

My wife had this pop up on her Facebook page.

How Should Christians Respond to Target’s Bathroom Policy?

While the lady isn't in favor of Target's policy, she is very reasonable about her feelings on it and speaks with a clear head, leaving out the knee-jerk response that the other vocal Christians scream with.

I encourage you to read this. If all Christians had this attitude then there would be a lot less angst regarding bathroom use.

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The fun begins

Turned on my computer this afternoon after work and the first newsflash popup was this, US sues North Carolina over transgender bathroom law One of the NC lawmakers seemed to think it was a bluff. I guess it wasn't. So the fun begins.

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REACHit to the rescue

For those of you who deign to read my blog, you may remember how I was having trouble getting to file share between my Laptop and my Desktop computers. I'm not much into cloud services so I passed on that suggestion.

However, poking around on my Lenovo Y700 I discovered a program called "REACHit" It purported give you access to files on all your devices on your local network without using the internet.

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Opinions please... Bathroom debate

This showed up on my wife's Facebook page. She asked my opinion of it and I looked it over and thought, "What would the gang at BCTS think?"

Transgender in Women's Bathroom (Social Experiment)

Let me know if you feel this was a fair experiment or does this guy have an agenda and is he trying to appear sympathetic while joining the anti trans bathroom argument?

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Painted Ladies, by P R Ellis

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I've just finished reading "Painted Ladies" by P R Ellis. Even without a transgender main character, it is a good police/detective story. For those of us in this community, the transgender heroine is frosting on the cake.

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Formating error apology

My apologies to all who had trouble reading "Dumb bet" because of the excessive use of italics. When I went to format the file for posting, I messed up and put an <em> where a </em> should have been. The result was the rest of the story pretty much was in italics. Sorry. I use italics to denote a persons thoughts and only sparingly to add emphasis to a word. The only other time I use italics is if I insert an authors note.

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I've finished another one

OK, I've managed to finish, and thanks to Alys9, have edited another offering for BCTS.

"Dumb Bet" is finally up. I started this story some three years ago and thanks to some gentle prodding, I picked it up again and managed to finish it. Then, I got lucky and found an editor who managed to persuade me to correct some of the errors. I'm afraid, that I did reject a few of her suggestions, so if you see anything amiss, it's all my fault.

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Playing with my new laptop -- HELP needed from techno-geeks

OK, so my wife and I are looking forward to my retirement in just over a year. We are already having computer sharing issues evenings and weekends. When I retire, this will only compound so while we can still afford it, we decided to get a laptop. Something I never envisioned I'd ever need. Wanting to get something that wouldn't be obsolete by the time I retire, I decided to go big.

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Twice a year

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Twice a year, I give my wife some time with the man she thought she married. On our anniversary and on her birthday. By that, I mean that I dress, from the skin out, in men's clothes. It's amazing to me that I still have some that fit well enough to be seen in public in.

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OMG: RE The Crush

119 kudos; I've never gotten over 100 kudos before. Here on a whim, I broke off from my other efforts to try something new and whipped out a story with no research, mostly just coming off the top of my head. I didn't really have any time to edit it beyond running spell checker over it at the end. And for that I break 100 kudos.

Who'd have thunk it? The best I'd done before was 90. I suppose though that beings it was a contest entry I garnered a few more readers than I might have otherwise.

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I'm in-- The Crush: Patty’s Dilemma

Well I did it. I finally managed to get a story done in time for a contest entry. I've just posted "The Crush: Patty’s Dilemma" For better or worse, 6,337 words of my attempt at TG romance, written from the GGs point of view. Something new for me.

Hope you all like it.

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Acceptable shoes

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My wife has long been the policewoman looking out for fashion no-nos. By that I mean seeing to it that I don't get too feminine for the situation. These could be a simple as seeing to it that I'm dressed masculine enough to be seen with her, to seeing to it that I'm dressed masculine enough to be seen by our friends and family that don't know I'm T.

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Kasier comes through again.

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I went in for cataract surgery on my left eye yesterday. I was instructed to wear a button up shirt for the procedure. So wore my new pull up pants and a blue blouse with a square cut hem and long sleeves. Masculine enough that my wife is OK with me wearing it anywhere. A must because a guy from church was my ride to and from. However, while it may have the cut of a man's shirt, it has no breast pocket, buttons are on the distaff side and it has darts to accommodate my bustline. Inadvertently, i wore a pair of flats rather then my usual penny loafers. More on that in another blog.

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Happy Thanksgiving to all

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my sisters (and brothers) here at BCTS. I pray that you all have many things to be thankful for. I know I do.

I have a loving wife of 48 years who, though she sometimes struggles with it, accepts me as I am. I have two daughters who know and still love me. I have two grandchildren who delight me. I have a job that meets my needs and I have no long term debt.

Life is good and God has surely blessed me.

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The warehouse I work out of sells excess pallets to a Hispanic gentleman. I have often helped him load. The pallets tend to get tippy as they come off the dock plate and I helped steady them. About half way through the loading process, he asked, "What's your name?" I answered, "Pat." He then asked, "Patricia?" Since it was work where I try to maintain a male persona, I corrected, "Patrick." He smiled and nodded and went back to work.

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Sci-fi book with mild TO element

I just finished a book called "Figment" by Marco Guarda. It's a pretty fair piece of science fiction in its own right. Icing on the cake for me was mild TG element. Not so much cross-dressing, per se as feminine emotional reactions and actions as a result on implanted woman's memories. Good book.

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T-man at my local Safeway.

I've suspected for some time that there was trans-person working at my local Safeway. The individual has always looked very androgynous. I guess the age to be about mid to late twenties. If this person was male, the lower age would be my guess. Even more confusing was that early on the name seemed to be Holly, but later, it became apparent that the name was Hollister, which I took to be a male name.

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My day at the Oregon Coast Aquarium

My wife and I were on vacation last week on the Oregon Coast. I love her dearly. She struggles to accept and understand her feminine husband. It is with great effort that she lets herself be seen with me when I'm not masquerading as an average male.

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Wearing men's clothing

Those of you who bother to read my blog on a semi regular basis, are aware that I don't wear men's clothes at all, except at work. That doesn't mean that I don't present a masculine image on occasion, such as church and family events. (Not all my family is aware of my trans nature.)

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Benefits of having a transgender husband

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This morning my wife slipped in the kitchen and fell, bruising her right shoulder. She doesn't deal with pain well. It took a bit to get her off the floor and onto the couch so I could check her over for serious injuries. Thankfully, there were none,but she didn't feel like moving around, so I let her rest while I cleaned the kitchen of the cereal and broken dishes she had been carrying. An hour later she informed me that she thought she should stay home from church because it hurt to much to lift her arm to put on her make-up. As I said she doesn't deal with pain to well.

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Worst nightmare.

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Well, it finally happened. My worst nightmare. As I have proudly proclaimed for a while. I'm quite confident in being out and about in my neighborhood and around town.

Tuesday, week before last, I was sent to get birdseed (and some other things) at Bi-mart after work. This time, I opted to stop by the house and change into appropriate clothing and not appear there in my overly masculine work uniform.

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