Hi Everybody,
I've launched a new Fiverr.com gig. I've decided to go pro creating eBook covers.
Here's a sample of one I've sold recently.
Here's his review.
Fantastic. I hope patrick1945 sticks with Fiverr a while because I plan to use him the next time I need help with a book cover. I am BIG TIME pleased!
I created several possible teaser pics for a story I hope to complete. I realized how difficult it is, and no doubt, I did a very mediocre job.
Oh, and I can't draw.
-- Daphne Xu
Two words, free pictures
For back ground I rely on free pictures from sites like Wiki commons and Pexels. I use Word to create text overlaid over the picture. When I have what I'm looking for, I save it as a PDF, import it to Gimp2. Once there, I crop it and scale it to the dimensions required for eBook covers. While I can draw, I'd need a bit for talent to do a credible job of creating something using my pure art skills. I surely couldn't do it in a timely manor required to make my customers happy.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann