Gwen Brown's blog

Not Pleased With Commenting Off Site.

I am writing this out of frustration and I hope that my ire is not offensive to anyone. With no one to spank me, there is no telling.

So I bought "Accidental Romance" and just finished it. The writing is excellent and it was a great story.
For me, SRS does not enable coitus. My problem, not yours. There does not seem to be a way to comment on it. :(

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Things you don't expect.

Well, since Erin and some of my other favorite authors are starving me, I started watching some YouTube, and when I do that I often do lots of research on the authors, studios, cast and um stuff. I was going to start watching 50 Shades again, but started Twilight instead. Twilight by a Mormon woman, and 50 Shades by a BBC person. Hmmm

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Beer or Wine and what Kind?

Your protagonist has been living as a woman for 20 years and has the tackle to make it real. A man that looks a lot like Sam Elliott has taken her to dinner. He's gotten her a very nice Rib Eye, done barely legal with Asparagus, and Mushrooms done just right. What kind of Wine? All I can remember is Gevurtz Antramer 1972.

She's expecting some action.


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Goodness !!! What a delightful story

I thought I had done this entry earlier but once again my ineptitude with the Computer is confirmed.

I've been reading "Butterscotch" and believe it is perhaps the most delightful and funny TG stories I have ever encountered. I would say it is an intersex story but it remains for the author to confirm that. It is also on Patreon.



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Lead, Don't be Led.

In these days, the spirit of a mean selfishness has drawn us into being less than we once were. People are saying and doing things in public that their scruples once prevented. I'm not afraid to say that the stories and fellowship at this site have given me the courage to keep on, and to not end it. Yes, they saved my life and I have worked so hard to make my own life worth living by being an encouragement to others.

The stories I have loved range from soul tearing to so funny that at times I thought I might just split open from heart felt mirth.

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Computer and Role Playing Games

I am really, solidly unimpressed with Computer and Role playing games. YET the other night I saw Horizon Zero Dawn (The Movie) on YouTube and watched all 6 hours of it in one setting. I sat down to watch it at 9:00 PM, figuring that I would stop at Midnight. I was completely surprised to find the cake all gone, and my beer glass empty when the movie finished. It is brutal to try to get up after so little sleep. It felt like I had the Flu.

The Movie is soooo good.


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The Hell of Solitude.

I didn't know it, didn't realize, was unaware that perhaps the majority of my stories include the protagonist being romanced by a strong, commanding man who is handsome, strong, and regal beyond all reasonability. In the reality of my own life, I am often frightened of men I encounter to the point of paralysis. Once in a while, a man will be gentle and shepherd like with me, and a flip occurs. I am left completely stricken with the need to be obedient and held affectionately, not allowed to flee in terror. Those encounters are in my dreams and upon awakening, bereft sadness floods over me.

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Demanding I resume Psychotropic Drugs.

Into full on whining tonight, sorry. It's been 13 weeks of Quarantine and it seems a bit excessive. If I do go out for groceries, or to take a break, it is strict face covering, goggles, and head cover. Yikes, I look like a Saudi Arabian Niqab wearing woman. As it is for all of us, being isolated in my apartment can be quite wearing, but overall I have been doing rather well, aside from frequent Ocular Migraine Headaches. These are not painful but a bit incapacitating, they are.


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Bicycles with Fangs

Having shopped for groceries, I put them in my Paniers, and attempted to mount my steed when she shrugged and disbalanced me, causing me to fall to the pavement. To further emphasise her displeasure with me, she sank her fangs into my right ankle causing it to hurt just awfully. So humiliated was I that the pain caused me to mount her once again, this time with considerable vigor and I sped off down the street. God, my ankle hurt so much!


Completely Despondent

I am drained, absolutely, but am not going to use the word.

Stupidly got myself involved with yet another Mental Health person, and I thought it was going really well. Then she also began to involve a second year Medical Student. I've been feeling some frustration and over the weekend, and later, hours after a phone session with the Med. Student I became tearful, and have remained that way for days.


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Plausibility in stories

In many/most of the stories I read, even the so called, historical ones, the burden of proof is often not satisfied. But if the tale is reasonably well written, we can like it as entertainment. That goes for written work, and movies.

A point of confusion for me, the movie, "The Good Shepherd" by EM Forster was very good, rivetingly so. I thought that he was a veteran of the Navy. Much to my surprise, he was simply a good writer. He also wrote, "A Room With A View", one of my favorite stories ever.

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Even After All These Years...

Dedicated to the One I love.

Reading Admiral Krunch's, "Being Christina Chase" once again after all these years is so very thrilling! In some parts I find myself bouncing in my seat like a child. I wonder what has happened to him and I do hope that he is doing well. I think his skills are great enough that he could easily have moved into writing his own published works in another venue, and I do hope that the years have treated him well.

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The Geek that becomes a woman

I'm looking for a story about a long haired, Computer Geek who starts to drive his car over the mountains and wrecks in a storm. Kind, helpful Russian Immigrants pick him up, and mistake him for a distant female Cousin. They get him cleaned up and all the mud off him and get him into girl's clothes and all that. Later she meets a Lawyer who falls in love with her, and you know where it goes from there.

I thought it was AA that wrote it but it appears not. Oh, it was Christina Chase!!! but who wrote it?


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Internet Down, Disturbance In The Force?

Without warning, Google, You Tube and some others are just gone. I tried a hard reboot and nothing. Much to my surprise, I have been able to get on line using MS EDGE. I think I saw a snipet about this but I ignored it at the time.

Is this permanent? Does anyone know what is happening?



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Writing an honest Female Character

For over 10 years I had a Phd Psychologist at the VA who I thought at first was a help. Then I realized that she seemed to suck my brains out at each session, and then to sift my consciousness and finally put it back in. One day, I finally understood that and on my way home decided that I'd had my last session with her. I went almost a year without a counselor, then one afternoon, walking up the street realized that there was no reason to live.

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Stories That I Like.

I've spent 99% of my time in my apartment since the last week in February, and when I do go out I look like a Niqabi with my mask, helmet and long sleeves. There is no idle conversation on the street. My expeditions to the street on my bike are to make an effort to prevent blood clots in my legs, and the resultant Pulmonary Embolisms that I've been warned about. Most Doctors don't talk to me because of my refusal to take their drugs.

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The Good Old Days

I just finished "Emily", and before that "Boy's School" by Sarah Lynn Morgan. I'm saving "The Gift of The Unicorn" until last. I love sweet, romantic stories, perhaps because there so little of that in lives. I've been pleased to sigh with longing, to giggle with mirth, and to nearly swoon at sweet moments.

The last I heard from Sarah is that she'd missed out on a job with NASA, and was heartbroken. I wish her well and hope that she is pleased with life and that there were bright spots.

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Nez Perce care

I've followed "Trials and Tribulations of a Girl" for quite a while. A while back, I was talking with the wife of a Nez Perce Native who works here in Portland. I mentioned to her that I'd been doing research on my own Heritage and think it is Apache, or Navajo, but could be Cherokee. Oklahoma where my GrandParents were from, has 39 different Native American groups in it. My Spirit favors Navajo, but none of us know for sure. I told her that I thought I was Two Spirit and when she talked to her husband, he told her that I would be seen as totally normal in Nez Perce culture.


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Please Take Care Of Yourself.


I urge you all to be very proactive about your own Medical Selfcare. Drink lots of water. If you smoke, perhaps cut back a little? Avoid crowds. If you see a NIOSH 45 mask, buy it. If you can, wash your hands a lot. Weak Coffee rather than Iced Drinks.

So far, I am "well" for me. I am COPD, and a bunch of stuff. I have good inhalers and use them. I live very close to two Hospitals and have been self isolating for over a week. Please be careful. I love you all.


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Malwarebytes Issues

Malwarebytes, I've used to protect my Computer for at least a year. Now it is saying that BCTS is a not secure site, and telling me not to come here. I've had a similar issue with BBC but it has never caused a problem.'

I have written to Malwarebytes to complain. Now what?


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Too Much For You?

I've had a dream, a very vivid, and erotic, and at times, impossibly lewd one. It was so clear that when I wakened, I was not sure I was awake, and not sure that it had not really happened. For me, the dream was impossibly powerful, realistic yet so very improbable to me. I'm frightened to write it down and publish it here.

In working on it, the story keeps changing shape in front of me. It is a mix of things I've experienced and heard, and perhaps things that I hope no one ever must experience.


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Google Announcement this Morning, 2/26/2020

Not sure I interpreted their lengthy announcement correctly, but from what I saw, I doubt that I'll have an issue with them. I just try to be doubly sure that I haven't copied anything I have "seen".

There is an outfit that collects Photos for Facebook, and I think it is clear that if you have put a picture on the Internet, or anywhere on any Computer, this company will deem that it belongs to them. I do have a half dozen picture of my badly bruised hindquarters that got that way when a man, who was texting, rear ended me. No one is going to pay to see my butt. LOL

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Making Sense Of It.

Early on, in childhood, I suffered enough physical violence that continued for 14 years, from my Stepfather to now have severe PTSD, to include dissociative episodes and panic attacks. I'm 72, divorced, and actually had surgery to change from male to female as much as possible. I was not "transgender", but did not know it then, and am Celibate now. I just wanted sexual feelings and lust to end, to be over, to be gone from my life. Forever.

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Peckish Tonight

We've all been together here for just yonks, so you know that I'm not going to harm myself, so I think it is safe to say that I am feeling so low tonight that I can't see out of my shoe tops. The weather here is awful, about 6 degrees and fairly pissing down. I would bundle up and go out for a walk about, but my lungs hurt so I feel trapped inside.

I was just sat here contemplating calling the crisis line and tell them I just need to talk, no need for drama or the plod.

I took a Dementia test friday and am not pleased with the results.


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I have no idea whatsoever what a VPN is and if I know enough to have one and if I should have one?

Everyone here should know that I am a Computer Dork.

Can someone give me a brief tutorial?



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