dorothycolleen's blog

back from church as Dorothy

Well, I'm back from church, and it was wonderful. They had a choir from Germany was was simply angelic. After the service, I went for coffee with a couple of guys from the welcoming group, and it was pretty good. Makes me wish I could do this every Sunday instead of having to go to my ex's church in male mode. Ah, well.

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Odd Impressions

Sometimes, I get these odd impressions that defy logic and reality. Like sometimes i get an impression of having breasts that is almost real enough to make me cry. But today, I had an impression that went the other way. It was a very masculine impression, of having a sword and shield, and protecting a female from a monster. Make what you will of that.

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Thanks to All who commented on RSM

Well, "Rock Star Makeover" is wrapped up, and I want to thank everyone who took the time to comment or leave a kudo. Thanks to all of you. For those who prefer to read a story in one sitting, the whole story is up on Fictionmania, if you want to check it out there. But I want to give fair warning. Although this story was "sweet/sentimental" and I'm happy with that, dont assume I'll always produce that type from here on. I have some dark corners in my head, and at some point I may go into them through my writing.

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slight delay on part 12 of RSM

Well, after the Linda/Lisa debacle on my last chapter of "Rock star makeover", I've sent part 12 to an editor here. So there will be a slight delay until they have a chance to look over it before it can be published. Hopefully, it wont be so long everybody forgets whats been going on before....

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Going to the Unempolyment office dressed

well, I decided I needed a pick-me-up, so I went to the unemployment office dressed as Dorothy. I was served without a comment or even a blink, so that was fun. But, after I left the office, and went to my car, I was stopped by a man, and told I looked nice. I thanked him, and he confessed he was a cross-dresser. I was going to tell him I'm not, but he recognized me as transitioning. A bit of an odd experience, especially when he ended our conversation by saying he was going to go buy pantyhose. TMI, as far as I'm concerned. Ah, well.

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Well, I managed to do something so stupid and almost impossible that I'm wondering if God is trying to tell me something. I managed to lose my only bra. And since I am a "special" size, it would take somewhere in the range of 50 dollars to replace it, I'm devastated and discouraged. Unless I get a miracle, I wont be going out as Dorothy again any time soon. All this gloom is slowing me down in writing "Rock Star Makeover", so I'll put up part 10 today, but I don't know when any more will be coming. Sorry.

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unusual incident at McDonalds

Well, I had an unusual incident at a local McDonalds. I was taking my ex home from her 2nd job with my daughter in tow, when she asked if she could pick something up. I had no objection, so we went. I was waiting in the car with my daughter while she went in to get her stuff. While I was waiting, this young man came out, and he had a "wet floor" sign under his jacket, and he started to walk away. I did something totally out of character for me. I got out of the car, and asked him what he was doing. I basically shamed him into returning the sign.

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Posting Rock Star Makeover tomorrow

Well, the tribe has spoken, as it were. Everyone who gave me an opinion on the dilemma I was facing with the next two chapters of RSM said post the two chapters together, so that's how it will go. They will be up tomorrow, and I will leave the chapter heading between so you can see where the cliffhanger was. I hope you guys enjoy them.

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changing my attitude

Anybody who has followed my blog here probably can tell that I have, on occasion, struggled with negative self-talk. I'm starting to realize how much this has held me back. It becomes as self-fulfilling prophesy, where I make mistakes because I expect to make mistakes. Its not going to be easy to get rid of a habit that ingrained, but I have to, if I want to make any progress. So I'm asking everyone here to help keep my accountable. If I start whining and feeling sorry for myself, give me a boot in the back of the skirt, okay?

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Interesting job posting

Well, this morning I found an interesting job posting. It was with a retail store that focuses on home repair. On the application I filled out, there was an option to declare yourself a member of the GLBTG community, saying the company is committed to diversity in this area. The world has changed for the better for us, at least here, which is good to know.

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Interesting day

Well, today was an interesting day. First, I got a call from the local TS support group I belong to reminding me that there was a potluck dinner today. Trouble was, my brother and sister-in-law were also supposed to come over. I decided that since the potluck started at 430, and they were not supposed to come until 7, that i could go and still come back. But, I decided to leave a note for my mom that I was going to be coming home dressed as Dorothy, so if they had a problem with that, I could just skip showing up. But she phoned me to say they would not cause problems, so I came home.

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sorry for the delay, part 2

Well, the interview went well, and I will find out on Tuesday if I got the job. On the writing front, I am finding my little story may not end up being as little as I thought. Running at about 10 K right now, and showing no signs of slowing down. I may end up just posting part 1 and letting things get started. What do you guys think?

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Interesting day as Dorothy

If you had the chance to go out as a girl (assuming you don't for the sake of the image) what would you think of doing? Somehow, I doubt it would include what I did yesterday. I went to the bottle depot and turned in my empties. I do this to get "Dot money", but until yesterday, I wouldn't have done that dressed up. But I needed a lift after Monday, and I want to try out being Dorothy in ordinary circumstances I would have to do if I go out full time. Not only did no one comment on me, but when some of my bottles fell out of my bag, the man behind me helped me pick them up.

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things are going sideways, and I cant seem to make them stop

I find myself wondering if there is something in the air. My girlfriend Kylie seems to have gone into a pit of despair, and at least 3 other friends of mine are not far off from that. I wish I could help, but I'm barely functional myself. God, have mercy on us all.

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Shakey, and beyond shakey

Well, today started well, and went downhill. I had my daughter, we had a good day. But my gf Kylie is down, and by the time she went to bed, I was a worried for her. Then, I happened to read the most recent chapter of "you meant it for evil" After I read it, I started shaking and couldn't stop. My brother was committed after my dad died, and after I visited him there, I had nightmares of being committed myself, especially because I thought my gender issues meant I was crazy. Thank God for some online friends who held me together until I got my breath back.

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