dorothycolleen's blog

an apology in advance

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just a quick little apology. I may not comment much on stories for a bit. I'm trying to focus on my "Quest" story, so I may not be as active as I have been. Doesn't mean I'm not enjoying stories, but my brain is elsewhere.

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about "There was a point"

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Well, I'd like to take a second and talk about my latest piece, "There was a point". I had a horrible nightmare in which I replayed a portion of my abuse, except in the nightmare I played both parts - the abuser and the abused. After I woke shaking and crying, I was left with the story, which took about 5 minutes to write. Just goes to show something beautiful can come out of pain, yes?

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looking back, looking forward

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Well, yesterday while I had the day off, I went back over my blog here, and its hard to believe how much has changed for me from the beginning. Then, I was still struggling with accepting myself as a woman inside, still hoping somehow I could be the male person everyone wanted me to be. And even as I started to accept myself internally, I struggled with feeling like there was nothing I could do - no way I could pass dressed as a woman, much less begin a transition, and yet here I am, on my way, able to go out unafraid, accepted at work, and even started hormones.

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a funny moment at work

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I had a bit of a funny moment at work yesterday. I was walking down the main aisle, and I could hear someone bringing a pallet behind me. I glanced behind, and saw one of my co-workers, and for some reason I thought, "Is he looking at my butt?" I had to restrain myself from adding a little extra wiggle to my walk, and I don't know why I felt like that.

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Thanks to you all, and about my boy name.

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Well, thanks to all the loving support I get here, I'm doing better. Now with that crisis behind me (hopefully), I wanted to talk about my boy name. I'm not sure why I've been so reluctant to share it, going so far as to create a pseudonym even in my autobiographical story "night entries". I'm gonna have to mull this one for a bit.

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The forbidden topic

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Well, I had an upsetting moment the other night but because it involves my faith, I'm not giving details publicly. The last time I did that my blog got pulled. So if you want to know, PM me, but otherwise, just know I'm not a happy camper at the moment.

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"D" day

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Well, today I see the endocrinologist and find out if I can start a hormone regimen. Wish me luck, because if I can't I honestly don't know what I can do ....

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Almost took my daughter to work with me

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Well, last night I managed to do something so dumb it scares me - I was driving my daughter to her mom's, and instead I started heading for work. Fortunately, I caught the error in time, so no damage was done, but still, its pretty frightening.

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putting "Its for your own good" to bed

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Just a note on how "Its for your own good" came about. See, I was reading Moongoddess' last chapter of "Magnetic Personality" where they tried to turn Lorna into a straight woman, and the thought came to me, "what if they had succeeded?" So I found myself having a nightmare that basically became the story. Its scary stuff, so I'm glad it was just a dream ....

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had a nasty flashback at work

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Well, last night, things were zooming along great until after the last coffee break. Then the slightly shaky feeling I'd had on and off blossomed into a full blown flashback that left me in tears and gasping for air. One day I would really like to be free of these blessed things ....

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the source of my reluctance to complete a transtition

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I've been thinking hard about why I have such a hard time sometimes with the idea of moving forward. It has a lot of factors - a lot of fear of losing my child, some general anxiety about the necessity of this transition, to name two. But one major factor is the fact that the closer I get to being female, the closer I get to the heart of my abuse. It was the justification my attacker used for his use of me, and it led to me making a connection between being girly and being hurt. I hope I can move past that part, eventually.

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whats coming up from me

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Well, my muse has been a busy girl. This is where things stand for me at the moment: "Notification Service", a look at a future war between the sexes with a focus on a family caught in the crossfire - status, almost done; "Command Performance", a dark story from one of my nastier nightmares - status, being beta tested; "Quest for the Silver Cleric", which will be my D & D story - status, in progress; "Indestructible", a slightly different super-hero story - status - in progress; and story whose title I cannot reveal, because it will give the game away, but it is also in progress.

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had an interesting conversation at work

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Last night, one of the janitors came up to me, and asked me why I have two names, so I told him about transitioning. He asked me which name I prefer, and I told him "Dorothy." He said, "Cool. Nice to meet you, Dorothy." Then he went on his way. Pretty cool, yes?

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Becoming whole

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When I first went online looking for answers for my gender issues, I came across a site called Daily Strength that I found very helpful. (My profile can be found here: ) One of the features is the ability to create a goal, and I decided that mine was to "become whole". I wasn't 100 % clear what I meant by that, and in fact my idea of "wholeness" has radically changed. When I joined that site, I viewed my need to be female or as feminine as possible as a form of addiction, and hoped that somehow I could be cured of it.

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wondering about talking to my ex

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As I mentioned in my last entry, I got a hug from my ex last night. Well, she had also tried to get me to talk to her, and even said, "I'm not your enemy" It made me think that the time may come very soon for me to come clean with her. Too bad I'm such a scardy-cat. Ah, well.

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I am a contact junkie

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Today reminded me of just how much a contact junkie I am. At various times today I curled up beside my mother while she slept on the couch, had my daughter use me a jungle gym, and even managed to get a hug from my ex. I'd been jonesen for this level of contact for a while, so it feels good, but eventually the high will wear off, and I'll go back to craving it again. Ah, well.

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glad to have tonight off

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Wednesdays are like my Saturday - I finish my week of work Tuesday morning, and am back to work Thursday night. I've already gotten my car maintenance done today, and I'm really going to enjoy having the night off tonight.

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a conversation with mother

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I can steal that title, since I wrote a story called that. In any case I really did have a long talk with my mom yesterday about my past, and how my gender stuff played into it. Once again, I'm reminded just how lucky I am to have a mom who supports me.

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my vist to the endochrinology office

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Well, my visit went as well as I could have hoped. The nurse took my BP, my weight, and my height, and then the doctor checked my heart, and my lungs, and took a medical history. He then went over what the hormones should do for me, and the risks involved. Then he gave me a permission slip to sign, and a sheet to take to a lab for my blood work. I'll go get that done in the morning, and hopefully, when I see him again in Oct., I will be given the green light to start the hormones.

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almost passed out at work

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Well, I've been pushing myself too hard, apparently. Just after 3 am last night, my body decided it had enough, and I nearly collapsed. I caught myself at the last moment, but it was a wake-up call in more ways than one. I'm going to take it very easy the next couple of days, and be as good shape as I can for my appointment with the endo doc on Wednesday. Hugs to all.

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