dorothycolleen's blog

back from endo doc

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Well, I just got back from the endocrinology doctor, and he has doubled my prescription of estrogen. Maybe now I'll start seeing some results.

As for the letter I'm writing for my ex, I'm still working on it. I really, really need to find to a way to approach this with her. Right now, I'm struggling with finding the right words. Ah, well, it will come.

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writing a letter to my ex

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Well, last night at work I started working on a letter to my ex. Not to send, since she doesnt read well, but as a way to collect my thoughts. I've been getting a little nudge from my conscience about coming clean, and I think it might be time. Only problem is, I have NO idea what I can say to her that she would be able to hear. If I do this wrong, I could wreck my relationship with not only her but my daughter as well. Pray for me, if you would.

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(some) guys suck

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Had one of my female co-workers come into work with the best excuse for missing time I've heard - She was told by her husband of 10 plus years, a man with whom she has two kids, that he couldn't live with a "incomplete" woman anymore. (She has lost the bottom half of one leg to disease and works with an artificial one.) My immediate gut reaction was "Men suck". Afterward, I chided myself, and remembered I know a number of very good men, and have met some pretty awful women.

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I am so humbled by the amazing gift Bailey just made me

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By making me a character in his story, he took what was a tough day for me (I'll tell you guys later why), and turned into the most amazing day I've ever had in my life. I'm having to sit further away from the keyboard to type this so I dont drown the thing in my happy tears....

Thank you Bailey, thank you.

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I have talked a bit about about my first girlfriend before, but I was talking about her to a co-worker last night, and it occurred to me to account our time together in one post.

I was going to university and being a book person, I explored the many libraries of my campus, looking for new things to read, That's when I saw her, the pretty blonde who sometimes helped me check out my material. I was smitten from the first, and totally out of character for me, I actually managed to do something about that - I asked her to join me for a walk.

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random thoughts

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Some random thoughts:

I was watching the first season of "Heroes" the other day. I'm a lot like Peter from that show - I was the family screw-up while my brother overcame our background to become a success. And yet he would drop everything to help me in any way possible.

I wonder where my poetry muse went? Its been a long time since I've written a new original piece.

My ex hasnt noticed the earrings yet. I wonder how big my front will get before she notices that?

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some more stuff for my journey

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A friend of mine pointed out a couple of things I forgot to mention, that I should DEFINITELY remember to bring along:

A roadmap - as my friend said, sometimes, you need help finding the right pathways, so having a map is a good thing. He recommends a pocket New Testament as a roadmap, and I agree.

another thing he recommends is faith. Without it, I will weaken like I would if I failed to take water. I can only concur.

Lastly, he wished to remind me of one Person who will be with me on this journey - my Lord and my God. Without Him, the journey, and indeed my life, would be a waste.

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stuff for the journey

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In the entry before last, I compared my transition to a journey. Keeping with that theme, here is a list of some stuff I hope I've got packed for my particular journey:

Patience. There are going to be lots of times when I'll feel like I'm standing still, so I'll need this.

Persistence - Its a long trip, and I know I'll be tempted to quit, so I'll really have to have some of this packed.

A sense of humor - I'm going to make mistakes, maybe even make a fool of myself sometimes. Having this will help a lot.

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My own Visa ad

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Okay I know the idea is from "Mastercard" but here would be mine from today:

Leather ladies shoes with a wedge heel - 35 $

my first set of earrings - ruby studs, to be exact - 65 $

Being a couple of small steps closer to being the person I want to be - priceless.

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My Gender journey

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You know, waaaaaay back when I sometimes gave in to my need to be a girl, I would just assume becoming one was pretty much impossible anyway. I could look with envy at the lives of females, but I could never have one. I would look down that path, and see impassible mountains and large guarded gates between me and my desired destination. But now that I'm finally trying to make it happen, I'm finding it almost easy. Those "mountains" are turning into gentle hills, those "gates" are not only unguarded, but unlocked, and open at a touch.

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Amazing gift to start off the new year

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Well, when I got to work last night, I was called into the manager's office. Of course, I started panicking, thinking I must have really done something wrong. Imagine my surprise when all he wanted to do was give me a new ID badge - with the name "Dorothy" on the front. I proudly wore my name on my chest, and I don't think I could have been happier all night long. In fact, looking down at my name helped short-circuit a flashback. I'm so up about this, I may not come down for a week.

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The Club

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There are a lot of clubs in the world. There are dance clubs, and country clubs, athletic clubs and book clubs. And then there is this club. Some famous people are members. Oprah is, for example. Its not exclusive, but it sure can cost to be a member. But once you're in, you belong for life. There isn't a secret handshake, but some members say they can recognize a fellow member without them saying a word.

What is this club?

The sexually abused.

One club nobody ever wants to join, but estimates say 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will become members.

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Is the cat out of the bag?

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Well, last night, as I was talking to my mother, she mentioned that my ex had said that "you treat him like a woman, so that's why he acts like one", referring to me. I did a double take, and asked her when this came up, and she said it happened during their fight the day before. I'm not sure quite what to make of this, but it could mean things are about to come to a head with her on the transition issue. Wish me luck.

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unlearning "learned helplessness"

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I am coming to recognize how I have allowed the events of my past to make me paralyzed in the present. After having my ability to act or think or feel for myself broken, its going to take some doing to learn how to take charge and to no longer be a victim. Its not going to be easy to break this, but break it I must, if I want to be more than a pinball in a pinball machine, as a friend said. I have to learn to trust myself to make decisions, to live with the consequences, and to stop being a deer in the headlights, because we all know how that turns out.

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another stress-filled day left me with a headache

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Well, yesterday was a pretty tough day for me. It went well until I got a phone call from my ex asking me where my mother was with Sam. I knew mom was taking her to a show, so I told the ex they probably are running late, maybe picking up some food for supper. Now, I was supposed to go to my ex's and pick her up and take her to her job at the doctor's office at 6, and she phoned twice more before then, getting more angry that my mom hadn't shown up with every call.

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Who am I?

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think we've all asked that question on occasion. But maybe it has special meaning for trans people like me. More than anything, I feel a need to know if my gender issues were caused by my rape, or would I have them regardless? I believe I was always going to be Dorothy, no matter what, but I don't know that there is any way to be 100 % sure while I'm still alive. The only real proof I have that I am on the right track is that I have made significant progress in dealing with my past, and there's no sign of a decrease in how much I want to be a woman physically.

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bad day at work

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Well, I know I wanted to keep this blog more positive, but today was not a good day at work. I ended the day accidentally slicing through a water bottle, spilling the contents all over me, and the floor. To add insult to injury, I was running so late I ended up having to leave the skid for the day staff to finish. Worst of all, my response to all this stress was to get very angry, and I almost said something nasty to my supervisor, but reined myself in in time. Here's hoping today goes better, I have a headache now.

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If I act like a little girl now, blame Tels

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She and I were talking on the BC chat site, and she made me a pretty little Lolita dress. Since then, my mental age has been about seven or so - I spent the rest of the night on the chat site looking for my teddy and trying to get people to join me for a tea party. Okay, so it was fun to let my inner girl out like that, but now I worry she wont want to go back in ....

Ah, well.

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funny and cute moment at work

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We were on coffee break, and one of my co-workers told me this story: She had tried to explain who I am and what I'm doing to her daughter, who is 11. The girl said, "So he is a boy who wants to be a girl?" Then she paused and said, "Smart." I thought it was kinda cute and funny.

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amazing moment at work

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Had an amazing moment at work last night. I was in a good mood, but then I went from being just happy to something beyond anything I've experienced. I had this feminine energy flowing through me, filling me. I felt so female that if I spontaneously had a sex change I wouldn't been at all surprised. It put an extra wiggle in my walk, that's for sure. I rather hope this happens again. Here's hoping and praying it does.

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Christmas gratitide

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I know I've been a bit of a Negative Nelly lately, and as good as it might be to get those kinds of feelings out on paper (or on computer screen, as the case may be, its past time for me to start focusing on the positive. So, I'm going to list all the things for which I am grateful.

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suvived dinner with my ex

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Well, I've just about survived Christmas dinner with my ex. I'm glad I had Sam, but we also ended up having Jason and Joel, the two boys who are the sons of my ex's best friend. Sam sees them as cousins, so they had to be included, I guess.

It wasn't horrible, but I hated having to hide the present Mom got Dorothy, and I dont feel very well, like I'm coming down with something.

I guess it could be worse. By next year I might be fighting my ex for the right to see my child at all.

Ah, well

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The worst time of the year?

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This can be the worst time of year for people like me, who are trans. Far too many of us are either rejected by our families, or forced into the closet to please them, and that stings even more during this season, which is often seen as "family time." How can we endure it? More specifically, how can I?

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a feeling of impending doom

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Been struggling with a feeling of impending doom the last couple of days, which is why I wrote "Five years gone". Not sure why, but it might have to do with the stress at work and getting some negative feedback over my speed there from my supervisor. I hope I can get through this feeling, but much more importantly, I hope the doom doesnt happen.

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a bit of breast development?

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Yesterday, when I was getting dressed, I noticed I'm getting a little definition in my breasts - they seem slightly more "perky" and I have cleavage. It looks a little different from the "moobs" (Man-boobs) I have had up to now. It might just be my imagination, since I have had no "growing pains" there, but I'll take it.

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