General Audience (pg)

Zoom Doom

Zoom Doom.
Ben Crayshaw's eyes lit up, he was in social isolation, someone in his class had tested positive for Covid and they were all pinged to stay home and use the online app for continuing their education. The school had invested in new technology, so in theory, Ben could do his schoolwork on Zoom. He wasn't sure about the latter but a week or two off school would be good, at least in the short term views of a fourteen- year-old, it was.

A different Angel 07

Helen did a double take when she heard Ginny blurt that out after the conversation she had been having with David and his breakdown, maybe this child had a better insight into her child than she did. Ginny's mother was trying to shush her daughter but David didn't seem to be reacting in a negative manner to what she had said. She looked closely and she could see the feminine in the young man and she wondered if there was something there. Helen and Richard had always seemed to be normal and when she had dealings with David he was a thug.

Friendship and Agony by Maryanne Peters on Kindle


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Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

The first published anthology of our own very prolific short story author, Maryanne Peters, is available on Kindle in a new book.

Friendship and Agony
with 15 other TG romances
by Maryanne Peters
Now on Kindle!

When is a “Friendship” close to being a marriage? Two men discover that being friends is not enough when one of them agrees to be a bride.

What will an estranged father do to keep his family together when they make a “Call for Help?” Break the law and make radical changes? But how will his life be judged?

A man writes an "Agony" column pretending to be a woman, then success demands that SHE step forward into reality…. Can she become a real person?

You Are a Meany Chapter 30

The tension in the car between Lori and Blake was as thick and serious as a Russian novel. Blake was too focused on getting to the final destination of the night. The intense boy was driving as fast as he could to the Lodge at Lafayette but to him it was still taking up too much time. He was so close to his goal of the night, yet he felt that he would never arrive at the destination. The night was a real time example of Zeno’s paradox. No matter how the distance was from Blake being in bed with Lori he would never get there.

Bored and Blackmailed

When the internet goes out, leaving siblings Dennis and Kylie bored out of their skulls, Kylie comes up with a plan to share some of her favorite girly activities with her brother... whether he wants it or not.

Adventures of Lauren Elizabeth Huntington (4)

There's something special about sharing a meal, I think it creates memories, strengths the  bonds and such. So mom and I sat there, enjoying our pizza. I could feel the ice starting to melt away. Mom had ordered a jumbo slice of cheese pizza. I had ordered a jumbo slice of pepperoni pizza. One thing I loved about Sbarro's pizza was it was the style, it was New York Style, meaning the slices were huge, like massive and thin enough for you to fold them in half like a sandwich. A gooey, greasy, cheesy, pepperoni sandwich, a tiny bite of heaven.

We Are Made of Stardust Chapter 2

Ross Herweg was standing by the classroom door in his trademark pink and black. The senior who was waiting on a friend, Jordan Kerr, had always worn those two colors when he could. If those colors were good enough for the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be in wrestling then they had to be good enough for him. Those colors were great on him because they brought out his confidence. He was assured of himself since kindergarten to wear his favorite wrestler's colors that fact made his stardust shine from him.

Life Cycle of a Unicorn Part 2 of 7

Chapter 2

He had some time before dinner and decided that he could finish his homework to give him the weekend off. He usually left it to Sunday morning. When he went down for dinner neither his father nor his brother were at the table and he asked his mother where they were. His mother looked very unhappy and tried to palm him off but he pressed on.

We Are Made of Stardust Chapter 1

"We are not bound by the Earth. We are all radiant beings made of stardust. Once you know this truth you will be forced to reach for your true potential."
Some drunk fool at a bar.

We Are Made of Stardust Chapter 1

"We are not bound by the Earth. We are all radiant beings made of stardust. Once you know this truth you will be forced to reach for your true potential."
Some drunk fool at a bar.

We Are Made of Stardust Chapter 1

"We are not bound by the Earth. We are all radiant beings made of stardust. Once you know this truth you will be forced to reach for your true potential."
Some drunk fool at a bar.

Life Cycle of a Unicorn Part 1 of 7

Chapter 1

Timothy Mark Ibbotson had a problem. At the tender age of ten he had lost the will to live. There just did not seem to be a point to it anymore and his only concept of a future was making it home every evening after school. It was an effort of will that took him away from home in the mornings and he was getting tired of it all.

A different Angel 06

A Different Angel 6

“I can feel your hands Mandy!” Richard crowed............

now we continue....

Back at home David and Helen spent a good while as he finally got his emotions under control. Helen was concerned for how this change in David would be perceived and also how others would treat the family. She was a product of her upbringing, the perceptions of those around her had a larger influence on her behaviours than she realised. There was not a lot of experience with trans individuals and the internet to her and her husband was a distraction.

Adventures of Lauren Elizabeth Huntington (3)

A few days before I was scheduled to play Dotty, my mother had decided to spring a surprise trip to Jackson on me. It seemed daddy had been given an unexpected bonus for the company he works for, Yazoo Chemical Corporation. And since it had been a few years since we've had a proper family vacation daddy had decided to rent a condominium down on the  Alabama gulf coast for a whopping ten days. With that in mind, mommy had decided that my wardrobe needed an upgrade. Since it was clear I was not going back. To be a boy.

The Feminine Queendom 17

Charlie is approaching the stage where he must make choices. The feminista are getting close to realising he is stalling for time while his wife Chloe works to secure Australian citizenship and enable Charlie's escape to antipodean climes.

Reaffirmation 03

“That’s better now I can talk to you on the same level Richard,” her voice was warm and slightly husky,” Let me explain a bit or you might not be able to understand what is going on.” Richard looked at her and couldn’t form the words he needed to say so she went on not as much talking openly but inside his mind.

Carl's Summer School Uniform 6/6

After a relaxing day at the beach, there were three major events that week which drew Carla even further into girlhood, acceptance by the girls, learning more about what it means to be a girl, and a showdown with the Headmistress. All in all, a busy week for Carla.

Headspin Chapter 12 of 12

Chapter 12 And then You Will Rise…

To say the video was a hit was an understatement. The ‘Osaka Bananas’ were written on a lot of lists for when public shows would be opening again. Once we got out from the virus we all had secure futures for a while to come.

The First Decade of a Life Forever Changing

I was born on March 17, 1979, in upstate New York, to Irish Roman Catholic parents. My dad is completely Irish on his mother's side plus Irish and Pakistani on his father's side. My mom's heritage is Irish along with many other nationalities from ranging from the Americas to Asia. She has often said that she is "Heinz 57", and she's not far off.

The First Decade of a Life Forever Changing


Cruel Punishment

‘All Rise for Judge Smethick’ the Bailiff intoned solemnly. I rose beside my solicitor, trembling slightly with the beginnings of a cold sweat. This was when I would hear my sentence for my crimes.

‘Be seated’. The court settled down with a shuffling of feet and some stifled coughs.

‘The defendant shall rise’. I stood again. The Judge shuffled his papers and stared at me over the top of his glasses. It was not a friendly stare.

Adventures of Lauren Elizabeth Huntington (2)

Once I left the library I wanted to go straight home. But like I said before I was craving a milkshake. So I placed the borrowed books into the wire basket of my bike and mounted it and then I started to ride. There was one thing I'd admired about Benton was the historic architecture of the town. The main street of the town was paved in interconnecting cobblestone and running down the center of the street was the trolley line. Now I've ridden the trolley once or twice, but the trolley was not free.


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