General Audience (pg)

Bridesmaid by Miss Jessica



by Miss Jessica

"Ohmigod, it’s beautiful," I squealed, looking at Lisa’s hand, "And it’s huge! What is it, two and a half carats?"

"Two seven-five," said Lisa, "and look at the cut and clarity. Jim does good work."

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This story is 42 words long.

Working Girl -1-


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Character Age: 




Working Girl 1

By Susan Brown.



This story has been migrated from Classic Big Closet.

I was waiting for things to settle down here before continuing this epic tale (sic).

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This story is 29 words long.

Tennyo 2: Another Day - A Whateley Academy Tale

A Whateley Academy Tale

Another Day

(Tennyo 2)

by Starwolf

Billie keeps learning more and more about her strange powers as Tennyo. As she begins to move through the twisted maze of Whateley's Student Services. And that's just to go back to the station to get her luggage.

This is the properly edited and ordered version of the story.

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This story is 58 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -21- Code Pink

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience

McKenzie Rigby

as told to
Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael


Chapter Twenty-One -- Code Pink

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This story is 22 words long.

Whateley 1: Welcome to Poe - A Whateley Academy Tale

A Whateley Academy Tale

Welcome to Poe

(Whateley 1)

by Babs Yerunkle, Bek D. Corvin, ScramblerJ, Starwolf, and Maggie Finson

Well, you've all met the girls, and Hank, plus some rather interesting characters along the way. But how did things go when Team Kimba first met each other?

This story was delayed due to technical problems, but it is advisable to read at least the first stories for Fey, Chaka, Tennyo, Jade, and Ayla to really understand what is going on in this one. Also, It repeats some information already mentioned in other stories. If that bothers you, just skip over the repeated sections, please.

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This story is 104 words long.

Author Collaborations

These are the stories written by a number of authors working in concert. Definitely not ones to miss as a lot of the most exciting happens when everyone gets together.


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This story is 31 words long.

Secret Lives Part 4

It's pretty hard to keep a secret life hidden from your twin.

Secret Lives
Part 4

By Joanne Foxcourt,2004

Homepage: Joanne Foxcourt

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This story is 21 words long.


Synopsis: High school teacher fights for the nonconformist students and gets a wonderful reward.

By Julie O

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This story is 18 words long.

The Slap Ch. 3


Audience Rating: 



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TG Elements: 


The Slap Ch. 3
by Paula Dillon

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This story is 6 words long.

Tammy's Diary #1 - License to Shop

My take on the first entry in Tammy's Diary - characters and situation created by Little Katie

Tammy goes shopping and pays her debt to society. :)

Tammy's Diary #1

License to Shop!

By Jezzi Belle Stewart

(This is a continuation of Little Katie's "Tommy's Christmas Diary" series, now in Tammy's diary.)

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This story is 50 words long.

A Different Plane of Existence - Part 6


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Character Age: 


A Different Plane of Existence

By Karen Page

Edited by Angel O'Hare

Part Six

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This story is 14 words long.

Tennyo 1: Unexpected Consequences - A Whateley Academy Tale

A Whateley Academy Tale

Unexpected Consequences

(Tennyo 1)

by Starwolf


Billy ate the brownie his brother offered. Not a good idea. What followed was a wild mess of transformation, kidnapping, escapes, mass destruction, and hiding out. Also, what's a teenaged boy doing having a period?!

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This story is 44 words long.

Tennyo (by Starwolf)

(still stub page, still no creativity)


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This story is 7 words long.

A Different Plane of Existence - Part 5


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Character Age: 


A Different Plane of Existence

By Karen Page

(revised January 2005)
Edited by Angel O'Hare

Part Five

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This story is 16 words long.

A Different Plane of Existence - Part 4


Audience Rating: 



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Character Age: 


A Different Plane of Existence

By Karen Page

(revised January 2005)
Edited by Angel O'Hare

Part Four

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This story is 16 words long.

A Different Plane of Existence - Part 3


Audience Rating: 



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Character Age: 


A Different Plane of Existence

By Karen Page

(revised January 2005)
Edited by Angel O'Hare


Permission to use of characters from No Half Measures has been kindly given by Jenny Walker. 

Part Three

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This story is 32 words long.

A Different Plane of Existence - Part 2


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Character Age: 



A Different Plane of Existence

By Karen Page

(revised January 2005)
Edited by Angel O'Hare

Part Two

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This story is 16 words long.

A Christmas Diary -12- All Good Things...

"Goodbye, I love you."
Hello, Mrs. Diary, It's Me Again
All Good Things...

Tom's Christmas Diary

By Little Katie

Part Twelve: All Good Things...

When discussing this work, it was designed to go this far. This will be the last installment from me.

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This story is 43 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -20- Tempus Fudges

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience

McKenzie Rigby


as told to Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael


Chapter Twenty (of 21) -- Tempus Fudges

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This story is 24 words long.

A Different Plane of Existence - Part 1


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Character Age: 


A Different Plane of Existence

By Karen Page


(revised January 2005)
Edited by Angel O'Hare

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This story is 14 words long.

Another Ranma 1/2 Story

Another Ranma 1/2 Story

by azgerri


This is an idea that came to me one day. Ranma, for those who don’t know, is the main character in a Japanese comic story. He is a first rate martial artist who has been cursed. While on a ten year long training trip with his father, Ranma accidentally fell (actually was knocked) into the Jusenkyou Spring Nyannichaun, the Spring of the Drown Girl. Now, whenever he gets covered with cold water he turns into a girl, while hot water returns him to his male self.

But, what if Ranma’s father, Genma, was even dumber than we have been told. What if, instead of heating regular water, he managed to heat…

Read on and see. Anyone who wishes to use this idea, feel free to do so.

Standard Disclosure: The characters of Ranma 1⁄2 are not my own creation, they are the exclusive property of Rumiko Takahashi. The story is mine, but the rest is hers.

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This story is 162 words long.

A Christmas Diary -11- Hello, Mrs. Diary, It's Me Again - Tug O'War

Discovering who you really are can be painful.
Hello, Mrs. Diary, It's Me Again
Tug O'War

Tom's Christmas Diary

By Little Katie

Part Eleven: Tug O'War

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This story is 26 words long.

Fey (by Maggie Finson)

(stub page for now, lack of creativity -sheep-)


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This story is 9 words long.

Chaka 1: Enter the Chaka - A Whateley Academy Tale

A Whateley Academy Tale

Enter The Chaka
(Chaka 1)

by Bek D. Corbin

She has the strength of Arnold Schwartzeneggar, the reflexes of Jet Li, the beauty of Halle Berry and the common sense of Lizzie MacGwuire! Toni 'Chaka' Chandler could be a great superhero- IF she can pass High School English!

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This story is 51 words long.

Chaka (by Bek D. Corbin)

Chaka.  Masai for "leopard" but Whateley for a kiai shouting martial arts master (in training). These are the adventures set down by Bek D. Corbin but that is not to say she does not throw her hat (or her feet... or her fists...) in other Whateley stories. She was the inspiration... so you can blame the rest of Whateley on Bek, too. -g-

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This story is 63 words long.

Keep Pushing, Honey!


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Keep Pushing, Honey!

By Silly Sarah

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This story is 6 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -19- McKenzie the Giant Killer

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience

McKenzie Rigby

as told to
Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael


Chapter Nineteen -- McKenzie, the Giant Killer


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This story is 24 words long.



Welcome back to Whateley.

Starting this Sunday and continuing each Sunday (with perhaps occasional unscheduled updates), Whateley Academy will have another episode here as long as a posted backlog exists.

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This story is 32 words long.

A Christmas Diary -10- Hello, Mrs. Diary, It's Me Again - New Endings

Sometimes, it's not over till it's over...
Hello, Mrs. Diary, It's Me Again...
New Endings

Tom's Christmas Diary

By Little Katie

Part Ten: New Endings

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This story is 25 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -18- A Well-Heeled Spy

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience

McKenzie Rigby

as told to Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael


Chapter Eighteen -- A Well Heeled Spy


Igor Batinoff was a small man; small of body, small of stature and small of mind. While he was still a young man, his size was not the result of immaturity.

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This story is 56 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -17- The Mansion and the Madame

The Rigby Narratives:


The Ultimate TG Experience
by McKenzie Rigby

as told to Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael

Chapter Seventeen -- The Mansion and the Madame

The storm raged on as bolts of lightning split the night sky. It was the only light available as McKenzie tried to locate his car before dashing to it through the pouring rain. Power looked to be out everywhere. Yes, McKenzie thought, another freaking Dark and Stormy Night. The wind tore at Mac's umbrella as he pushed off from the warehouse and ran for his car.

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This story is 92 words long.

The Slap Ch. 2


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


My special thanks to Karen Page, Angel O’Hare, Robi, Stacy, Samantha and all the others for their help and encouragement, without which this piece would not have been possible.

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This story is 30 words long.

A Christmas Diary -8- This Kiss...

If someone likes you, no matter how you're dressed, what are you supposed to do?

A Christmas Diary
Part 8
This Kiss...

Tom's Christmas Diary

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This story is 24 words long.

The Slap Ch. 1


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Character Age: 


The Slap

By Paula Dillon

It was about noon Friday early in June, school was out for the summer, and my sister Rebecca was having a very animated conversation on the phone.

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This story is 32 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -15- Resistance is Futile

The Rigby Narratives:

The Ultimate TG Experience
by McKenzie Rigby

as told to Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael

Chapter Fifteen -- Resistance is Futile

A low hum, and bright white light flooding through his basement window, woke McKenzie from a deep sleep. Igor's barking didn't help any either. He blinked against the light for a moment, listened to the throbbing hum outside and then rolled over to go back to sleep. At that point he noticed that the mattress was further away than it should have been. He was floating-about six inches off the bed.

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This story is 95 words long.

The Everchanging Gift


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Character Age: 


The Everchanging Gift
by Andy Hollis

"He could be anything with a thought -- but was he ready for the power?"

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This story is 21 words long.

A Christmas Diary -6- Happy? New Year!

"Hi, cutey!" Now Tammy looks embarrassed...

A Christmas Diary
Part 6: Happy? New Year!

Tom's Christmas Diary

By Little Katie

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This story is 19 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -13- The Writing Life

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate
TG Experience
McKenzie Rigby
as told to
Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael

Chapter Thirteen -- The Writing Life

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This story is 24 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -12- Blonde Like Me

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience
by McKenzie Rigby

as told to Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael

Chapter Twelve -- Blonde Like Me

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This story is 24 words long.

A Christmas Diary -5- Cleaning Day

Who wants to be the best daughter in the world?

A Christmas Diary
Part 5: Cleaning Day

Tom's Christmas Diary

By Little Katie

Part Five: Cleaning Day

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This story is 26 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -11- My Auntie's Panties

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience
by McKenzie Rigby

as told to Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael

Chapter Eleven -- My Auntie's Panties

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This story is 24 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -10- Fangs for the Memories

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience
McKenzie Rigby

as told to
Andy Hollis
Jaye Michael

Chapter Ten -- Fangs for the Memories

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This story is 25 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -09- The Princess Journals

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience
McKenzie Rigby

as told to
Andy Hollis
Jaye Michael

Chapter Nine -- The Princess Journals

"McKenzie Rigby?" The man at the door wore a dark gray suit that screamed money. A red rose resided in the lapel of his suit jacket.

"Yeah?" McKenzie asked scratching at his chest. "That's me. Who are you?"

"I am Count Kristoff von Dachnaney. I represent the government of the Kingdom of Slovarnia. May I come in?" the man asked showing McKenzie his ID and papers.

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This story is 90 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -08- Vector/Victoria

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience
McKenzie Rigby

as told to
Andy Hollis
Jaye Michael

Chapter Eight -- Vector/Victoria

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen. Thank you." Another bow and the applause finally died. Victoria Lane glided off the stage and to her dressing room, or as she preferred to call it, her closet with built in makeup table.

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This story is 62 words long.

A Strange Attraction to Concrete Cows - Chapter 10

A Strange Attraction to Concrete Cows

by Karen Page
Edited by Angel O'Hare

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This story is 13 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -07- SRU to You Too, McKenzie

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience


McKenzie Rigby

as told to

Andy Hollis


Jaye Michael

Chapter Seven -- SRU to You, Too, McKenzie

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This story is 26 words long.



By Tyrone Slothrop

With respect to Twilight Zone, Groundhog Day and Memento

Chapter 1: Zero Point

Gene knew he was going to lose it all. No amount of cramming or prayer would get him past the Math Final. He thought that Finals were aptly named. It would be the end of him.

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This story is 52 words long.

Autumn is the Season of Doom-Chihuahua, Mexico Team - Slothtrop's "I Can See For Miles"

Autumn is the Season of Doom
- Chihuahua, Mexico Team — Slothtrop's “I Can See For Miles”

Valentina Michelle Smith

Tina decided help was needed from a most unlikely source, so Angel finds ‘The Doctor Is In”

Early October - Billings, MT — Munson Apartments

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This story is 45 words long.

A Strange Attraction to Concrete Cows - Chapter 9

A Strange Attraction to Concrete Cows

by Karen Page
Edited by Angel O'Hare

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This story is 13 words long.

A Strange Attraction to Concrete Cows - Chapter 8

A Strange Attraction to Concrete Cows

by Karen Page
Edited by Angel O'Hare

Chapter 8

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This story is 14 words long.


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