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Gaby Book 17 ~ Seasons ~ Chapter *14* A Lot of Crêpe


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*Chapter 14*
A Lot of Crêpe


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This story is 10 words long.

Sacculina 1



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Character Age: 


Yeah! Yeah! I know I haven't finished 'Heir to a Title' but I'll get around to it when time allows and the muse returns.

I saw this scientific article about a parasite called Sacculina that alters several aspects of the infected host's behaviour and anatomy. In the case of this particular parasite it castrates male crabs and makes them behave and look like females. This causes the male crab to carry and hatch the parasite's offspring just as a female crab carries it's own young.
'Ho hum," I concluded, food for thought.

This story should run to about 2 or 3 chapters (I hope)

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This story is 102 words long.

Gaby Book 17 ~ Seasons ~ Chapter *13* Commitment


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This story is 4 words long.

Gun Princess Royale - En Paralelo - Ch1.


Audience Rating: 



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TG Elements: 

Character Age: 

Other Keywords: 


Dear BigCloset readers of the "Gun Princess Royale" series.

I apologize for the lack of news and postings since we posted the last web chapter of Book Three's draft.
Back then, I had said the book would be out in June.
Well, it's now August and still no book.

There are a few reasons why.

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This story is 55 words long.

A Second Chance -- Chapter 67


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Character Age: 



A Second Chance

By Dawn Natelle

Many tears were shed in writing this chapter. Tissue alert. Two boxes may be needed: Dawn

Rachael was sitting in the stands at the arena, watching Bobby play goal at the hockey school when she got a text from Mikki. ‘Can you talk?’ Rachael texted back ‘Yes’ and a second later the phone rang.

“What’s up, girlfriend?” Rachael asked.

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This story is 66 words long.

Time on My Hands Chapter 32 - 298-299 CE: Clan Corvo Goes Norse


Audience Rating: 



Time on My Hands
Chapter 32: 298-299 CE: Clan Corvo Goes Norse

Fiach learned about the Norse pantheon, a variation of the German pantheon but much harsher. She was most intrigued by Odin and his twin companions, the Ravens, Hugin and Munin. Odin was the ‘raven-god’ or ‘the priest of the raven sacrifice’, a poetic way of describing fallen warriors as “sacrifices” to the ravens and other carrion birds, with Odin as a decider of who lives and who dies in battle. In the same vein, ravens were called ‘the greedy hawks of Odin’. The spotting of ravens immediately following a sacrifice to Odin was taken as a sign that the god had accepted the offering. However ravens aren’t only birds of gore and carnage, they’re also exceptionally intellectual birds, and Odin was an exceptionally intellectual god. Hugin comes from the word hugr, thought. Munin comes from the word munr, which encompasses the concepts of thought, desire and emotion. They’re Odin’s intellectual/spiritual capabilities journeying outward in the form of fittingly intelligent and curious birds that resonate with Odin’s roles as battle god and death god. The sending forth of spiritual aspects of oneself to accomplish particular tasks, in the case of Hugin and Munin, the gathering of additional wisdom and knowledge to add to Odin’s already-prodigious store, was a common practice by Norse shamans and sorcerers.

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This story is 232 words long.

Coyote Chapter 11


A Whateley Tale

Written by Nuuan

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This story is 6 words long.

Alexa Chapter 41: We’ve Only Just Begun

The Wedding Day has finally arrived!

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This story is 6 words long.

The Waiting Room

In Heaven, a special child waits her turn to join her special mother in love.

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This story is 15 words long.

Gaby Book 17 ~ Seasons ~ Chapter *12* Sorry Sis


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Character Age: 

TG Universes & Series: 


*Chapter 12*
Sorry Sis


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This story is 7 words long.

Camp Shoni


Audience Rating: 


A classic aummer special repost! Originally from 2013-03-05.

Denied the opportunity to enroll in Camp Dan as one of the older campers,
Lorin figures out another way of attending the summer ending cotillion
with the girls of Camp Shoni!

Camp Shoni

by Pamela

Copyright © 2004,2011,2013 Pamela
All Rights Reserved.


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This story is 49 words long.

Packs & Prides in My Supernatural Stories


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Other Keywords: 


Clan Name, Leader, Pack or Pride, Location Pack House, Members

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This story is 10 words long.

Imp 7: Imp-ervious to Reason part 4


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Character Age: 

TG Universes & Series: 


The beautiful, talented, and fabulous Imp is back to continue her adventures, both on and off the Whateley campus.

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This story is 24 words long.

The Essex Girl


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Character Age: 


“Whose round is it?” asked one of the six women.

The six were celebrating a good Christmas Season for their Company. They all worked in the Offices doing various Admin and Clerical jobs apart from one of then, Elise. Elise was the boss, the Managing Director and principle shareholder in the company. They were at a pub in the market town of Sudbury in Suffolk. The locals were always willing to stress that it wasn’t Essex but the more salubrious and, in their opinion, the frankly superior county of Suffolk. Many of the staff came ‘over the border’ from Essex. As a result, when episodes of TOWIE (The Only Way is Essex) were on TV, there was much talk about the lifestyles of ‘Essex Girls’ the following day.

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This story is 129 words long.

The Riders Of The Waves: Chapter 1

This story is set in the same "world" as LadyDragon623's stories about werefolk, vampires, fae and other supernatural creatures.

I have her express permission to use the "world" and characters she has mentioned in her stories if I feel they would fit into this story.


We're an odd bunch, about thirty of us all told. Most of us were raised somewhere not too far from here, a few from the east coast.

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This story is 73 words long.

Wild And Free


Audience Rating: 


Wild And Free
lion and tiger.jpg

by Crazy Pagan Gurl

This story is set in the same "world" as LadyDragon623's stories about werefolk, vampires, fae and other supernatural creatures.

I have her express permission to use the "world" and characters she has mentioned in her stories if I feel they would fit into this story.

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This story is 53 words long.

Wild And Free: Chapter 2

I'm sorry that I hadn't posted anything new for this for almost two months. To be honest, I've been lucky, in that time frame, if I could focus enough to write anything, largely due to ongoing problems with pollen from grasses (seasonal allergies) and the insane humidity that started about four weeks ago. I hope to post more often, but weed season starts in a few days, and I'm moderately allergic to ragweed pollen.

Note: The various bits of violence mentioned in this chapter are all parts of the history of the relevant characters.

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This story is 94 words long.

Penny's World pt 22


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Character Age: 


“Oh, you want to tie me up, make me a damsel in distress. Do you.” I say grinning.

Penny’s World
Part Twenty Two
Sophie Jones
© 2018

This is the story of Penny. A closet Transwoman thrust into the outside world 24-7 when she would rather go and hide away. Perhaps the title should be Welcome to Penny’s Paranoid World…

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This story is 61 words long.

Rebekah Anne Bettencourt



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Character Age: 


And here, we have my very first attempt at screenwriting.
This was entered into the first year of Project Greenlight where it went to round two but was eliminated.

Unlike the other scripts, you will note the lack of any musical cues, as these were added in a later draft that was lost (along with my other scripts when I erased the wrong memory card).

Please note that the script's ending is NOT the same as the book (Unwritten Rules) will be (the subplot and narrative are entirely different).

and so ,with that, yet another story line about a girl.

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This story is 100 words long.

The Dragon and the Girl

This story is completely different from my usual stories. This time I’ve written a sweet romantic fairy tale. I hope some of those who don’t like my usual stories will like this one and that those who like my usual stories don’t get too disappointed.

Once upon a time in a place beyond our world and time there was a village. The village had had a quiet existence for centuries. The inhabitants were quite happy with that. They only knew all too well that living in interesting times was not something that ordinary peasants enjoyed.

Of course life was not perfect. Sometimes harvests were bad. Three rich farmers had managed to get control of the village. Human weaknesses such as envy, greed, lack of courage, intolerance … were no strangers to the people in the village. However, in general life was good in the village. Then things got interesting!

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This story is 151 words long.

Time on My Hands Chapter 31 - 297-298 CE: The Norse Connection


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Time on My Hands
Chapter 31: 297-298 CE: The Norse Connection

By the end of May he was back in Barmaz. One of the priorities was to find a reliable source of iron, thus he decided to take another scouting trip along the east bank of the Rhine to the North Sea, similar to the one he took sixty years ago. Since all iron sources in Roman territory were locked down by existing organizations, a source that could be secured for the Clan Corvo outside Roman territory needed to be found. The difference from his last Rhine trip was he intended to travel as Fiach. Posing as an itinerant healer riding a horse along with a pack horse she set out. This would be her first trip north since Emperor Probus had abandoned the limes when he retracted the border to the Rhine.

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This story is 142 words long.

To Reap The Wind: Chapter 2


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Character Age: 

Other Keywords: 


Grave plot with several broken and toppled stone crosses near castle once known as Camelot, 877 AD

"Rise, Sir Owain, to do your duty to this world! You may be dead, but your work is not done. Rise, I command thee!"

The large, heavily cloaked figure with the bony hands, very large, razor sharp scythe and eyes of flaming red, had to repeat the call.

"Rise, Sir Owain, I call you forth to walk among the people again, to do a duty that might, over time, calm your troubled soul. Rise!"

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This story is 90 words long.

Stupid Bathroom Bill

Inspired by Bru's "Cheerleader Material?" and Laika's "AFTER THE BIG GAME"

Stupid stupid bathroom bill!!

So our team is traveling back on the bus from our big HS football away game; dirty, tired and beat up without half our roster. And we didn’t even get onto the field.

"WHY?" you ask! I’ll tell you why.

It’s common knowledge a visiting team uses the opposite gender's locker room for away games. Did the stupid state government take that into account with their stupid bathroom bill?!


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This story is 88 words long.

Sitting Down


Audience Rating: 


Character Age: 

Other Keywords: 


I created a new keyword (in the Other Keywords box.) All are welcome to use "Bathroom Foibles."

Martha walked into the lady's room. Red in the face, she immediately left.

"May I help you, ma'am?" the help desk clerk asked.

"Where is the lady's room? I thought I was going into the right one, but there are urinals!" she said while crossing her legs and looking decidedly uncomfortable.

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This story is 68 words long.

It’s Not MY Fault!

FYI: This is NOT a sequel to the story I posted earlier today.

In the dress shop two weeks before Prom.

Mother: It’s a lovely dress and you just look fabulous in it but it’s really expensive, James.

James: Mom! It’s not MY fault we’re here!

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This story is 50 words long.

Rooster Ch3


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Character Age: 


Charli 2.jpg

Chapter Three


When I woke up this morning, I stood up and staggered slightly on my way to the bathroom. My family doctor had warned me long ago. Because of low blood pressure, I need to take my time getting out of bed. I have to be careful standing up too quickly.

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This story is 53 words long.

After the Big Game


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Character Age: 


A 100 word drabble inspired by Bru's short story Cheerleader Material
I'm not sure which State this story takes place in...

by Laika Pupkino ~ 2018


Our defeat at the hands of Middledale High's team was humiliating, the bus ride home was even worse.

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This story is 45 words long.

Gaby Book 17 ~ Seasons ~ Chapter *11* Sunday


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Character Age: 

TG Universes & Series: 


*Chapter 11*

With Mum away in Spain, Mand a terrible cook and Dad, well best kept out of the kitchen, guess who got lamped with dinner?

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This story is 30 words long.

Cheerleader Material?

The first day in my new High School started off well. The buildings were new, teachers actually interesting, the school turned out to have a great football team. I just love football. Not that I’ll ever play for the school being rather a ”petite” boy but you can always watch. I never missed a game at my old High School except that one time we gymnasts had an away competition at the same time. I had spent part of the lunch break looking at the football trophies and pictures of the team.

So everything was great until I had to go to the bathroom.

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This story is 105 words long.

Branded Chapter 4


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Character Age: 


Branded Chapter 4

Author's note: Sorry for the wait, and how short this is.


The next morning started with “normal” classes, but I learned something beyond what my teachers were talking about:

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This story is 32 words long.

More than a working Girl


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Character Age: 


.More than a Working Girl

written by Dauphin
I wanted to help my dad so much, and it was fun! Why do people not understand this
"Dauphin writes another sentimental story, where good intentions are punished" Diana
"The boy in the story can teach us all a lot!" Dauphin

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This story is 49 words long.

The Good Samaritan

Trucker finds runaway boy finds a way to help him.

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This story is 10 words long.

Gaby Book 17 ~ Seasons ~ Chapter *10* Seasoned


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Character Age: 

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This story is 4 words long.

“Thumping Hearts, Broken Hearts, Hearts United"


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TG Elements: 

Character Age: 

TG Universes & Series: 


Having your best friend die is rather unsettling, especially if it quite literally is in your arms.

Mary and I had been talking in the office when she suddenly had a massive heart attack, uttered a few confused words about me and heart and then collapsed. I caught her but before I, or anyone else, could do anything it was too late.

She was a great loss not only to me personally and for her family, her husband Pablo, sixteen year old José Maria and fourteen year old Cory. The publishing company we worked for, “Descartes Publications”, was just as badly hit. Mary had been the “handler” for one of our most profitable authors and she had kept the contacts with the anonymous author very close to her chest. As it turned out she was the only one in the company that knew the true identity of “Corazón Tenderheart” (or as on the books Corazón Tender❤), bestselling author of “Thumping ❤❤, Broken ❤❤, ❤❤United” series of books. In my opinion the soppiest, most braindead romantic drivel ever written, or at least published.

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This story is 182 words long.

Alexa - The Singles: First Contact

The beginning

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This story is 2 words long.

The Power of One


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Character Age: 


And so, in keeping with the scientific theme, another old and horrendously formatted (thank you final draft pro and Pages) script.

This is my “love letter”, so to speak to Japanese anime in the vein of the cut scenes of Final Fantasy 7. “The Power of One” is about a young wonan who had kept after the reactors that power the city of Tal Elib Vee on the Jovin moon of Io.

The Power of One
© 1999-2003
Based on the music of Collective Soul and Sting


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This story is 87 words long.

Obeying the law


Audience Rating: 




I'm having a blockage with my new series "Interesting Times" so I thought I would bring out this little snippet to get something posted. Oh yes, I will also have a new chapter of "A Second Chance" done before the middle of the month: Dawn.

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This story is 45 words long.

Time on My Hands Chapter 30 - 285 CE: The Theological Connection


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Time on My Hands
Chapter 30: 285 CE: The Theological Connection

Everyone was clearly shocked by that weird behavior wondering if perhaps Raben was crazy.

Then from the walls above them the a host of wolf howls answered. Raben howled once more. A dozen wolves loped from the low opening in the wall where the Mauvoisin, the stream coming from the side valley to join the Rhone at Agaunum. The galloping wolves headed for Raben.

People screamed and ran. The provincial troops fell back drawing their weapons. Maximian almost wet himself as his bodyguard nervously moved to surround him. Raben began yipping, the wolves replied as they trotted up to stand protectively on either side of Raben.

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This story is 115 words long.

An early Halloween short

Thirteen is an awkward age, stranded somewhere between ‘just a kid’ and ‘old enough to know better’. At thirteen Halloween costumes are the peak of uncool; trick or treating is something for babies, and high school parties are a long way away. But that wouldn’t stop Grayson from making the most of the holiday.

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This story is 55 words long.

The Voyage of the Visund -11-


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Character Age: 

TG Universes & Series: 


Ursula is pronounced fit, but some of the crew is not, so there will be an enforced delay before the Visund can sail again. Ursula has an unexpected encounter with an unlikely beast before joining a conference about clothing that confuses her even more.

grakh on parchment

The Voyage of the Visund

A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane

11 - The Tailor of Joth

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This story is 61 words long.

Summer Wine

Originally posted 2006-12-08

Summer Wine

Strawberries cherries and an angel ´s kiss in spring
My summer wine is really made from all these things

Mmm-mm summer wine

by Dru

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This story is 31 words long.

Blew Melodiously the Zootibar - A TG Mixed Tape

The Doctor returns, a unique visit to the mall, and a kingdom gets a new monarch. Hit the "play" button and join Bobbie Cabot, TGSparadox, Trismegistus Shandy, Lenal, MrSimple, and Hikaro on their collective journeys.

Blew Melodiously the Zootibar

A TG Mixed Tape

Edited by Trismegistus Shandy and Hikaro

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This story is 49 words long.

Gaby Book 17 ~ Seasons ~ Chapter *9* Examined


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Character Age: 

TG Universes & Series: 


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This story is 4 words long.

Beachy Head and the Brown Liberation Front

Beachy Head and the Brown Liberation Front



The notice board, in keeping with tradition, is tired and worn. With chunks of the cork knocked out, drips of paint from various attempts to liven up the entrance to the community centre, and a small selection of “local happenings”. It kinda shows we’re one of those villages that’s just far enough off the beaten track to be a bit dead.

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This story is 71 words long.

Gibraltar Falls


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Character Age: 


Gibraltar Falls

I love my history class, but as I looked around at my classmates, I realized that I was pretty much the only one paying attention.

Not that I totally blamed my classmates, as it was the last day of school before spring break, so most of them have ... other things on their minds.

So did I, but I tried and focus on our teacher anyway ...

“All right, let’s just do a quick review of what we’ll be covering when you come back before you all run away on me.” Our teacher said.

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This story is 96 words long.

Imp 7: Imp-ervious to Reason part 3


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Character Age: 

TG Universes & Series: 


The beautiful, talented, and fabulous Imp is back to continue her adventures, both on and off the Whateley campus.

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This story is 24 words long.

Coming out from undercover - Part 8


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Character Age: 


ACC Bishop called later in the day with some news. She told us that she’d managed to get a prominent Journalist to agree to interview me on the understanding that no manipulation of my words would be done post interview. We all felt better for this as despite my former colleague being arrested and charged with numerous offenses, the press seemed to be having a feeding frenzy with my past. Many facts were being reported about me, most of which were simply fiction. This made me angry. Mary did her best to calm me down and tell me that my side of the story would be told in due course.

The she asked,
“Did Sergeant Pratt go anywhere in the house apart from the hallway after you dialled ‘999’?”

“No Ma’am. I made sure that no one went anywhere else. I didn’t want to contaminate the crime scene.”

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This story is 150 words long.

Project Lind: Ver C



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I'm posting another script because to write this one out as a book has been hard due to the nature of the main character and that I write in first-person.

Before working on AngelBlue, I had an idea about an android that wanted to be more like a human ( original, eh?) but this machine also embraces Christianity and does not understand how people can be so cruel to each other (even with her limited "feelings" on the matter).

It did pretty well on the original site when it was known as "More Power to Ya"--based on a Petra song.

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This story is 102 words long.

Gaby Book 17 ~ Seasons ~ Chapter *8* Fashionista


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