General Audience (pg)

The Adventures of Cerridwen Circle Whitethorn (6)

I took a deep breath as I peered out the window of my bedroom. Ribbons of pale moonlight streamed through the trees. The moon, high above the treeline was round and full, and glowed like a big fat silver coin. Watching the moonlight stream through the window panes of my room, kind of reminded me of that night. It was a full moon that night too. A sudden knock on the door brought me out of my musing. There in the doorway stood my mother, she was wrapped in her night coat and in her hand she held an old wooden tray that held two extra large mugs.

Suddenly Royal - Chapter 02


Suddenly Royal

Chapter 2
by Tiffany Shar

Edited by Carla Ann


Alan and his best friend Ellie are enjoying being able to hang out on their summer break. Ellie has known about Alan's desire to be Allie for several years, and they plan one of their many shopping trips to the mall while their parents are at work. Little does Allie know that her simple day of secretly being out with her best friend would suddenly spiral into a whole new life!

Suddenly Royal


Audience Rating: 




Suddenly Royal

by Tiffany Shar

Edited by Carla Ann


Alan and his best friend Ellie are enjoying being able to hang out on their summer break. Ellie has known about Alan's desire to be Allie for several years, and they plan one of their many shopping trips to the mall while their parents are at work. Little does Allie know that her simple day of secretly being out with her best friend would suddenly spiral into a whole new life!

Suddenly Royal - Chapter 01


Suddenly Royal

Chapter 1
by Tiffany Shar

Edited by Carla Ann


Alan and his best friend Ellie are enjoying being able to hang out on their summer break. Ellie has known about Alan's desire to be Allie for several years, and they plan one of their many shopping trips to the mall while their parents are at work. Little does Allie know that her simple day of secretly being out with her best friend would suddenly spiral into a whole new life!

Will I be ... glamorous?

Will I be … glamorous?

I’m more of a tank-type T, built big, built rough. Never likely to look neat, pretty, sweet, colourful, … and never going to be glamorous. And I hate this outward me. Will I ever be what I want? Would that I could be …. glamorous.

AP - bit close to the bone some of this. Hope it's worth putting up and reading?

The Adventures of Cerridwen Circle Whitethorn (5)

Being Cerridwen had changed my life, for the better I believe. My mom is now more involved with my life than she was before. She also started teaching me a lot of domestic skills, like how to make up a bed, how to deep clean a house, how to sew and how to handle a broom. She also started teaching me more of the craft, see my mom's a witch, and since the craft is normally passed from mother to daughter, she always figured the craft would die with her. That's not to say she was overjoyed to find me wearing that old skirt and blouse one afternoon. No, quite the opposite.

Castle The Series - 0114 Salt, Haggis and Saught



Struggling with the cutlery was almost as enjoyable as seeing who could suck in a single spaghetti noodle fastest, and in consequence put most sauce on her face as the last span or so wavered berount before disappearing into a very satisfied child.



“I know nothing of die Büstenhalter, proper or otherwise, my Love.”



Iola remembered that Haggis was traditionally maekt of a sheep’s pluck: heart, liver and lungs, all cooked in the stomach: tripe!



“I suspect many were beginning to realise a lot of their old animosities were due to events they no longer recallt and had simply become habit.”

The Trial of Elizabeth

The Trial of Elizabeth

It was that newspaper clipping that shook my foundations. I’d never considered before any idea that men could dress fancy and colourfully.

Telegraph Thursday December 29th 2018 ‘Dressing Up’
A law in the reign of Queen Elizabeth the First declared “None shall wear in his apparel satin, damask, silk, camlet (angora) or taffeta in gown, coat, hose or uppermost garments except that he may dispend £100 by the year.” The article went on about the colours that were allowed - red, purple and so on.

Wow. What an opportunity ….. for anyone born a bit over 400 years ago and had sufficient wealth to dispend. Could it really be true that the male was the flamboyant peacock? I knew some of the words for the materials but I knew nothing about their reality. Once more I looked with disgust and despair into my wardrobe and at the drawers open beside my bed. Drab, dull, grey, black, blue, BORING. Oh to be in Elizabethan times.

I can't get dressed.

I can’t get dressed

I hate this bloody pandemic. I want to get dressed and I can’t. I daren’t. My flatmates might not like it.

Authors note : I haven’t posted for a while now. Back in Dec 2018, I finished my set of 500-word ‘starter stories’ and the only person who took one and added a sequel ….. was me! Then the writing monkey took a break and couldn’t give me any worthwhile stories. Recently, I re-read some of my own stories and got a bit interested again. There may be a few posts in the near future. AP

He shouldn't have teased his sister chapter 10

He shouldn’t had teased his sister

By Jasmine Monica

Chapter 10

The King of the Shattered Isles prepares for a meeting with the American President as he also prepares for Hostilities. Veronica continues to learn more about Magic as she tries to set up her new life, as powers outside of her control turn her to something far more dangerous.

Ghost Stories And Urban Legends of Benton (5)

Tales of the monsters Rougarou have been passed down from one generation to the other. The Rougarou, is something of a werewolf type creature that is said to stalk the underbrush of Big Cypress Swamp, searching for its favorite prey, a careless hunter, trapper or fisherman. It's also said to prey on household pets when the picking is lean. It's said to favor cats more than dogs. Its also said to make the many hidden hollows and vales that dot the thickly covered area the locals call “Haunted Hollow” its home.

Summer's Current: Chapters 5-6

My next shift started out like any other would, on any other day, but as I ‘helped’ clean up the latest Current leak, I felt something… something… Somehow I couldn’t place this new feeling. Something deep within me defined it as ‘dark’. Evil.

You Are a Meany Chapter 17

Luke was standing in the domestic flights arrival area of LAX with his aunt and uncle waiting for his parents and twin sister to come down the steps. It was a little over two months since he saw them so today was a big event in Luke’s life. As the moment of reuniting with his family was coming near, the teenage boy started to feel the entire gamut of basic emotions. These feelings came one by one.

Castle The Series - 0113 Events in the Kitchens



“Your behaviour has to change.”



Milligan asked plaintively, “Has any any idea what they are going to cost us?”



“Gratitude for the offer, Harle, but tirenth and filleting knifes are a bad combination. Get some sleep.”

Rose the Bunny

Rose the Bunny

Rosey Red gave me this idea. Make of it what you will.

His name wasn't Scrooge, but it might as well had been.

His actual name was Richard Rose, and throughout the small town he lived in, there was no one richer, but no one less kind or less generous.

And yet there was one person who wanted nothing more than to see his heart soften.

Her name was Penny, and every night she prayed for him, saying “Somebody must have hurt Mr. Rose, which is why he’s so mean. So God, heal his heart.”

The Adventures of Cerridwen Circle Whitethorn (4)

I took a deep, deep breath as I climbed up the soaking wet ladder. Holding in that breath, I started to slowly climb from the ladder over to the dunking board that was already soaking wet. My heart started to flutter as I inched my way toward the very end of the board. Looking down, I noticed there was a good two feet from where my feet were tangling down and the freezing water below. Releasing my breath I eased my hands down to my side and focused my eyes toward the crowd that was starting to huddle around the throwing line.

Tales Of The Angel Pandemic. Woodsman to woodsgirl chapter 2

After super that night I was laying in my room looking at the news reports on my phone.

The numbers were still rising, some doctor gave an interview saying how they were doing the best they could to figure out what was happening.

My Name is Miranda. in depth part 1

My Name is Miranda. in depth part 1

by Anistasia Allread

This is a more in depth look at a short story I wrote a few years ago.

Michael finds out that his life is about to change. A new genetic mutation has surfaced causing G.A.S.S. Gender Automatic Switch Syndrome.
Breaking up with his girlfriend is only the beginning as his body starts to go through changes. Thankfully with the love and understanding of his family, he learns to accept his new life.

Dancing With Ghosts


A request I had yesterday to write a short story on any subject or around a song.

Dancing with Ghosts

By Julie D Cole

I was out alone feeling sorry for myself and looking for a place to lay my head. Things rarely go right for me these days and I just want to curl up, go to sleep and never wake up.

The Adventures of Cerridwen Circle Whitethorn (3)

The day of the dunking booth arrived sooner than I thought. Like I normally do, I rode the bus home that day and mom greeted me with a hug and a afternoon snack. After my afternoon snack, I dove right into homework till mom knocked upon my bedroom door and reminded me I needed to change into my costume. Mom and I had settled on cheerleader, and since money was tight, we decided to alter her old cheerleader uniform to fit me. Anyway once I had been changed, we drove into town.

My Date as a Teenage Girl Model

When there was an announcement that Amy Amstel should come to the school secretary’s office urgently since there was a call waiting for her from her modelling agency my class-room exploded in laughter at the obvious joke someone had managed to pull. Everyone looked at the boy in the second row – me. My teacher is in on it and said:

- They must mean you, Andrew. Off you go.

I hated the fact that I looked like the young teenage girl model Amy Amstel. More precisely I hated the ribbing I got for looking like her. I could, just, accept that my fellow students joked about it but teachers?

Golfing with Mom

Golfing with Mom

This started out as a short story about princesses, somehow I got lost.

I was the youngest of three siblings growing up. My older sisters Kat and Debbie were both older by a year or two. My mom Joanne, and dad John, were products of the war generation which made my siblings and me ‘baby boomers’. I grew up in a suburban neighborhood and had a middle-class neighborhood upbringing.

Castle The Series - 0112 Council, Iola, Llyllabette



“What more do we know concerning the Turners?”



Llyllabette was shocked that Turbot had shared a bed with his heartfriend Voë for nearly two years.



Gibb couldn’t keep his face straight when he telt Milligan how Siward had enabled Iola to finesse most of his staff away from him.

The Adventures of Cerridwen Circle Whitethorn (2)

I don't really live in Benton proper. But in one of the area's that was annexed around thirty years ago into the township. The local's call the area 'Haunted Hollow' for reasons that have never been explained to me. Many of the houses in this area are simple log cabin Unlike the wealthy people who live in town in creole-style cottages or the middle class people who live in simpler cottages that line the 'Town Creek' section of town. People here are mostly lower middle-class farmers. The descendants of the poor sharecroppers that came to this area following the Civil War.


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