Novel > 40,000 words

Trick of the Mind - 29 & 30

Trick of the Mind — 29 & 30
by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

The hospital and courtroom scenes depicted in this chapter are fictional and bear little or no resemblance to real life (as far as I'm aware).

Warning: This chapter deals with Richard's time in the mental hospital and may be disturbing to some readers. The chapter has been printed in red and there is a short synopsis at the end to cover the basics and maintain continuity in the story should you prefer not to read the full thing.

Barely ten minutes after being locked up, the key turned again and I was led out of the cell and the courthouse, and handed up into the back of an ambulance, where I was made to lie down on the stretcher. A couple of burly male nurses sat in with me, intimidating enough to keep me in my place simply by looking at me, and we drove off for destination unknown. There was no urgency so we shuffled through the lunchtime traffic at the same frustratingly slow pace as everyone else.

Open Your Heart


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Open Your Heart
by Abigail Drew


Meet Andrew Lee Pattengale, male. Or is he?

When a supposed feminist housing group positions itself to buy Stonevale Apartments and Townhouses, where Drew works on salary as the only groundskeeper, his manager convinces him to try life as a woman to avoid the dreaded "replacement for enhancement plan".

Join Drew on his journey towards self-acceptance.

Evolution 03 of 24

Evolution - 3 of 24 Imagine a future where women are dominant. Their bodies can "Rebirth" you into the girl you've always wanted to be? What if they can also make women's body a weapon to use against men so are able to protect themselves? All this while jump starting evolution? The only down side, eventually there will be NO MORE MEN

Trick of the Mind


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Trick of the Mind
by Maeryn Lamonte

In response to Melanie Ezell's lesser know Other Big Closet Ultimately Forgettable Challenge — The longest and most tedious introduction/disclaimer ever.

Back in the days when I used to teach, there was a two week break where I needed to switch off completely from anything to do with classrooms and books and revolting children (they aren't all revolting you understand, just enough to make your life miserable), so I stayed in bed (yes I know it's disgusting, and at my age too. What kind of example is that for the kids?) and wrote the first 70k words of this before running out of time and imagination.

A while ago, I sent it to Wren Phoenix for editing/proofing, and she's been prodding me regularly since to finish it and post it. It's an early effort so I'm going to read through and rewrite — where necessary — as I post (hopefully every one to two days). When I reach the end of what's written, things may slow down a bit.

As ever, resemblance of characters in the story to people in real life is purely co-incidental as well as extremely unlikely, since the story is set in a parallel universe where everything is pretty much as it is here, except for matters relating to the legal profession and mental health care, and quite possibly the way hypnotism works. Which is another way of saying that I don't know how things work in our world and I'm too lazy and being paid too little to do research, so I made stuff up.

Despite that, I hope you enjoy...

Evolution 02 of 24

Evolution - 2 of 24 Imagine a future where women are dominant. Their bodies can "Rebirth" you into the girl you've always wanted to be? What if they can also make women's body a weapon to use against men so are able to protect themselves? All this while jump starting evolution? The only down side, eventually there will be NO MORE MEN

Evolution 01 of 24

Evolution - 1 of 24 Imagine a future where women are dominant. Their bodies can "Rebirth" you into the girl you've always wanted to be? What if they can also make women's body a weapon to use against men so are able to protect themselves? All this while jump starting evolution? The only down side, eventually there will be NO MORE MEN

Evolution 00 of 24 - Information

Evolution - 0 of 24
Imagine a future where women are dominant. Their bodies can "Rebirth" you into the girl you've always wanted to be? What if they can also make women's body a weapon to use against men so are able to protect themselves? All this while jump starting evolution? The only down side, eventually there will be NO MORE MEN


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