Novel Chapter

Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 1

Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 1

Chapter 1


My throat hurts…

There’s a flicker in the darkness… a jingle of keys? Seeing them falling slowly into a hand and a feeling of excitement.

I see a blue car, a muscle car and we’re all running towards it.

We…I’m with a bunch of guys getting in the back seat.

I can feel a forward pushing me back feeling going fast.

I don’t think there was any like drinking or stuff but there was yelling.

The screech of tires and a girl screaming.


Twisted Throwback, part 04 of 25

“Around fifty years ago, most developed countries added gender dysphoria to the list of things they test for and treat prenatally. Over the next few years, researchers’ attention shifted focus toward prenatal sex reassignment. Adult sex reassignment was done by fewer doctors and hospitals every year; no young doctors were going into a field where the supply of new patients had dried up. By now, I’m pretty sure all the surgeons, psychologists and endocrinologists with experience in that area have retired.”

The White Wolf Chapter -39-

Jesse has inherited his Grandfather's ranch.
Now he must fight his father to keep it while he must
honor his Grandfather's last wish of seeking Coyote.

The White Wolf

Chapter 39

by Barbara Allan

Copyright © 2013, 2014 Barbara Allan
All Rights Reserved.

The Angry Mermaid 130 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 130

This is the final chapter of Angry Mermaid. I could drag on by writing about Drustina and Carl's married life and children but that would be too much like a 'Happily ever after' fairy-tale.

Hope you liked it.

I'm going back to wrap up 'The Rescue' then I know not whither I go.

Bye for now.


Somewhere Else Entirely -111-

Garia spends a day meeting people all over the palace. Plans are made, ideas are discussed, decisions taken, and a surprising offer comes from an unexpected direction.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

111 - Five Conversations

You Chose the Wrong Store – Part 15

You Chose the Wrong Store – Part 15

By Jessica C

It was nice to get back from vacation, to sleep in my own bed and to go shopping for school. Joy has officially announced, she’ll be attending Central City High School this semester. She will attend full-time at the University for the second semester before she officially enrolls at a university she has yet to choose. Once it was known she was looking to go to college full-time; prestigious schools were recruiting her like she was a star athlete. Not only Schools like MIT, Harvard and Yale and Stanford, but Oxford and other institutions around the world. I didn’t know really intelligent students were wanted so much. I know Joy’s a genius, but it doesn’t think of her that way.

Your Wings Are Beautiful - Part 2 (The Chariot)

Learning about familiars is an important first step to establishing a healthy familiar-Meister relationship. Trust is another vital ingredient; doubt is usually considered a hindering factor.

Morgan, still chained to the ceiling, is approached by another potential partner. A much more talkative one.

(This narration relies heavily on information penury, as well as continuous improvisation on my part. Because information penury doesn't work well when spoiled, minimum tagging is enforced (if the main character isn't aware of something in a given story part, then the corresponding tag won't be included until they become aware of it in a latter part).)

UF-2 Book 1 Chapter 6

UF-2 Book 1 Chapter 6 By Barbie Lee, Edited by Catherine Linda Michel


She made the motions of drawing an X over her heart. “Nope, God’s own truth. He turned of age yesterday. That meant two things for him. He was allowed to marry without his parents permission, and he ascends to command of his clan. His dad, your father in law, has stepped down as leader of the clan.”

“Honey, you married into the Number One Clan. Toni is head or leader of all Pash as of yesterday.”

FROM THE EDITOR: So now we know who Toni actually is. In this final chapter we will witness Brandy's acceptance of the life that fate has brought her, the final showdown with the Trag, and Brandy's rise to Queen of the Pash.

Book 2 of this great space opera is about done with editing and will follow as soon as possible.

Thicker than Water - 2


The trip to Melbourne was notable only for the amount of times Kat and I collapsed into fits of giggles and laughter as we chatted and got to know each other. She had a really sharp tongue and wasn’t afraid to give her opinion on just about any subject. Seems she loved dressing up in frilly dresses

Your Wings Are Beautiful - Part 1 (The Prisoner)

Breaking out of this place? No, I've long since given up on that idea. I have no idea why I'm here, but one sure is sure: unless someone decides to free me, I am going to be stuck here for a very, very long time. Unless...

(This narration relies heavily on information penury, as well as continuous improvisation on my part. Because information penury doesn't work well when spoiled, minimum tagging is enforced (if the main character isn't aware of something in a given story part, then the corresponding tag won't be included until they become aware of it in a latter part). Also, this first part is very definitely an introduction meant to present two of the main characters; the kinky parts are coming in the next parts. I am trying to write a powerful story with a lot of kinks, not the other way around, hence all the introspection and world building. Thanks for bearing with me!)

Magical Girl Policy- Chapter 5

Robert laughed as he admired the picture of the blue-haired girl on Eli's phone. "You have to be kidding me? She's friends with your sister?"

Eli nodded with a wide grin. "Yeah, her and that Vivian chick are both friends with Kara."

Cory shook his head and snatched the phone from Robert's hand. "This doesn't bode well for us."

"This doesn't bode well for us? You have to be kidding me! I just found the girl I've been crushing on all summer."

"I know."

Magical Girl Policy- Chapter 4

Eli trudged up the hill, grimly examining his paycheck. It wasn't big enough. It was bigger than he expected thanks to the hazard pay he got for handling the monster attack "well" but not big enough. With the arcade closed the next month for repairs, he needed to make this paycheck stretch out for about six weeks until the next paycheck came in.

UF-2 Book 1 Chapter 4


As promised, here's Chapter 4, a longer chapter than chapter 3. In this one we get answers to a lot of questions. Who is Toni, really? Who released the virus that changed Bill and Sherri? What are Toni's plans for Bill/Brandy? All that and more in this chapter.

FROM BEFORE: "Sherry managed to push me to the bottom of the ramp and walked around me. “Plus, some dimensional side travel tossed in for good measure. We couldn’t phone home if we wanted to. We aren’t in our dimension any longer. Earth and all the worlds mankind has populated don’t exist any longer.”

“WHAT! YOU’RE KIDDING!” I was thinking about a hologram and some weird joke between Toni and Sherry.

“Brandy, don’t get me wrong. Humanity still exists, but not in this dimension. Toni’s species travel not only from star to star but through dimensions as well.” She motioned me to follow. “Let’s go see Toni’s home. It’s a rare invite. We are the only humans to be invited to a Pash home.”

“O… kay.” I followed Toni and Sherry into what I would call an Ivy covered entry."

AND NOW.....

Twisted Throwback, part 03 of 25

I got out my razor and shaving cream, and then paused, remembering the depilatory cream that Mildred used on her armpits and legs. She sure wouldn’t be needing it anymore.

A Bikini Beach Summer 14-16/21

A Bikini Beach Summer
by Daphne Xu

Part 14: Luke, Carol, and Ruth join Daisy for dinner at her house. Daisy's parents have their own Bikini Beach back-story.

Part 15: Returning to Bikini Beach, Luke nearly bolts in panic over his mind. Changing to Lucy, Luke remembers far more than he expected.

Part 16: Sunday Dinner with Mrs. Winstead and Daisy's family leads to a visit to Bikini Beach to confront management.

The Platinum Chef : A Tale of Delacroix Part XIX

Chapter 65

Faye was home early from the bakery that night, with Bobbie and Nick nowhere to be found. She looked around at the empty place. The energy was so different now with all the tension between herself, Bobbie, and Nick.

She was cleaning up some dishes when Bobbie finally came in.

“Hey.” She said, sounding down. “I’m just gonna go to bed. Phone died.” There was a heavy sigh.

“Hmmm, goodnight.” Faye said, looking at Bobbie with a thinly veiled intensity.

Bobbie slowly walked down the hallway.

A Bikini Beach Summer 11-13/21

A Bikini Beach Summer
by Daphne Xu

Part 11: Lucy and Carol agree, "What happened Friday night remains Friday night." Tuesday is the pass's last day. Last week's horror stories about Ruth come home to roost.

Part 12: As usual, Carol joins Luke, Ruth, and Daisy during their activities. Carol has to remind Luke of certain facts about Bikini Beach.

Part 13: Luke fearfully returns to Bikini Beach. Lucy gets in trouble with Jen, but manages to avoid being caught by Pa in her bikini. Luke, on the other hand...

UF-2 Book 1 Chapter 3

The thot plickens. Our heroine and her friend are about to have all their realities torn apart and replaced by things they never even imagined. Secrets are brought out, changes occur and Brandy and Sherry are introduced to Toni's home world and culture.

This is a short chapter, because there simply wasn't any other good place for the chapter break. The next chapter will be considerably longer. Look for it on Monday.


“Oh God…!” The idea I could have a baby had never entered into my psyche. The idea I was a woman was tolerable as a short term concept. We were the most advanced intelligent race ever, at least that we knew about. I was positive medical could find a cure. Now, Sherry was telling me I could possibly not only have a baby, I was designed as a baby factory! Damn those who did this!"

And now;

A Bikini Beach Summer 08-10/21

A Bikini Beach Summer
by Daphne Xu

Part 8: The Day After, Lucy doesn't want to go to Bikini Beach, so her Bikini Beach friends come to her. There are new revelations, but things are also forgotten.

Part 9: Carol begins joining Lucy in her activities. Ma returns from a meeting enraged over horrible stories told about Ruth.

Part 10: Lucy joins the girls in the sleepover. They go shopping and play naughty games. Lucy is plagued with nightmares.

Magical Girl Policy- Chapter 3

Robert reached into his back pocket and pulled out a map of campus. He rubbed his eyes and studied the map. Despite not sleeping well, he couldn't help but smile. The early morning crowd of students, bustling about to classes made him feel energetic. No more high school drama and worrying about who is dating who and what people did in their spare time. He could just be one of twenty thousand students and no one would give him a second look. He was truly free.

Magical Girl Policy- Chapter 2

Cory shook his head. "You're incredible. I know I won't be playing video games for a little while."

Robert snorted as he sat at his desk. "I'm not playing. I just missed my guild's PvP night. I'm one of the better players. I can't just ditch without an explanation."

"Kind of missing my point."

Magical Girl Policy- Chapter 1

The air was heavy with... Robert wasn't exactly sure. But something definitely felt odd about the air that day. The smell of freshly cut grass tickled at Robert's nose, but that wasn't it. He bit on the inside of his lip, attempting to discern the sensation he felt. He was knocked out of his thinking by the sound of Cory panting up the hill. He chuckled "C'mon Cory. You can't be this out of shape. Eli's been making this walk every day the past few days. I can't imagine he's in any better shape than you are."

UF-2 Book 1 Chapter 2

FROM CHAPTER 1: "I had wandered down to the galley after reading the reports coming in from medical and control. All our efforts were turning up negative. Our search teams had yet to find the cause. Medical had yet to find a cure. I felt tired, physically and mentally. My mind was shut down from fatigue when David and Toni walked in. I was totally exhausted, as none of us had much sleep the past ten days."

“Want to see your infection carrier?”

“YOU FOUND IT!” I turned around so fast I almost fell out of my chair. "Them.” David held his hand over my table and hundreds of little black balls that looked more like BB’s bounced and scattered everywhere."

So, our brave crew has found the source of their "problem." What is it? Where did it come from? Why them? Settle in and begin to find out all those answers and more.

Twisted Throwback, part 02 of 25

I’d been there when my cousin Todd went through his Twist, when we were playing in Grandpa and Grandma’s back yard a few years ago, and he’d passed out completely, while the sparks shooting out of him burned off all his clothes and killed all the grass where he fell. I seemed to have burned a few holes in mine, but I was still decent, and still conscious.

The Sidereus Prophecy Part 9

The finale. A scandal catapults Abigail, now Abeille, into the stratosphere of popularity, and the Prophecy inches ever closer to being fulfilled. Meanwhile, her new mega star status plays havoc with what remains of her morality as she deals with the rigours of fame. Those close to her attempt to intervene, but will it be too late for both her and the world?

UF-2 Book 1 Chapter 1

Edited by Catherine Linda Michel

This is a long one, folks. There are two books to this story and the total comes to just under 75,500 words, counting both books. Both books are complete and chapters will be posted three times a week through the end of Book 2.

So settle in and strap in for a space drama/love story/mystery that will transport you to a distant future and other dimensions. If you're not a big "info dump" fan, you can skip the first few paragraphs and go right to the story beginning, referring to the foreword as you find the info there relevant. There IS a lot of info there and you will probably be able to answer some of your "tech" questions by doing so.


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