Novel Chapter

A world without me : Chapter 3 : Aunt Linda


A world without me

Jake is a thirteen year old boy who looks like a girl, far more so than is normal. He isn't aware that his appearance is anything other than natural though, and has assumed it'll change when he goes through puberty.

He is wrong, and thanks to the help of a girl from his class he is forced explore a side of him he's always hated, and ends up facing some unpleasant truths. Family isn't always to be trusted.


Vesta's Hearth 13 and 14

Vesta’s Hearth Chapters 13 and 14


Frances Penwiddy

Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012

This is a work of fiction, the characters and the Café are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental.

Upside Down, Inside Out Chapter 2

We continue to see the boy's memories resulting from his mother's death, as well as some of the father's memories of his son.


I stayed in school that day, having missed one of my classes, my dad picked me up shortly after school ended.

We stayed home that evening, ordered in pizza, and watched a couple of movies. I wasn't paying a lot of attention to the movies, I don't even remember which ones they were, but several times, seeing a woman that looked vaguely like mom caused me to burst into tears.

Home Is Where The Heart Is: Part 7

Here is the next part of Seanna's story, I hope you all enjoy it.


Seanna woke to the sound of the radio playing songs she liked, finding herself alone in her bed, then remembered that she had tucked the two girls in together in Leilani's room the night before. It felt odd to not have a child snuggled up to her while she was sleeping.

Alexa B-Side: #14 - Charlotte

Alexa B-Side: #14 - Charlotte

Charlotte openly wept as she read the article and looked at the picture of her daughter for the first time. Her daughter. Words Charlotte never thought she would say in her life. But there in black and white was a picture of Alex, now Alexa, smiling like Charlotte had never seen. He, now she, was happy. Happier than she had ever been in her life and at her side was the same young girl that Charlotte had met before. Shame took over Charlotte as she thought she had failed as a parent as she learned of the torment Alexa had gone through. When Dick had asked her what the problems was, she lost it. She lost it like she never had before in her life. And Dick could not, would not deal with it and stormed out of the house.

Elsewhere, Otherwhen, Somehow: Chapter 3

Theona sighed as Tanris backed away a few steps, then stopped, shaking his head. "I've never seen the likes of that, girl, and I've met three powerful witches and at least two actual mages at the High Lord's Palace in Nur`li'sa at times over the years."

Theona sighed again, then slowly approached him. "Tanris, I vow before your Lady De'mitra and any other gods here that I will do no harm to anyone unless they harm or attempt to harm myself or anyone who travels with me, on my honour and my life."

Murder in the Holy City - Part 2

“Markie, its not your fault. You and Mike did everything you could but not even the locals knew I was being held there… It was just luck he was so eager to beat on me that he didn’t wait for his garage door to open. I would have starved to death in that prison if that deputy hadn’t thought to check things out.” She stroked his check and then kissed it. “I’m touched by the Viking funeral. Thank you, both of you for that.”

“Grams lit the pyre.”

Kayleigh's Story, Chapter 3: Welcome to Her World

Four months following the events of “Nights of Silence...”

The bell rang, once softly, and then louder, bringing down the curtain on another day in the life of the most popular girl at Pittman High School.

Kayleigh was more than ready to go home, after taking care of a few things. She was worn out and cranky, just wanting to take a nap, like any other teenage girl.

Jenna, a girlfriend of Kayleigh’s, met her at her English class desk.

“Ready to go, Kay?”

“Just a minute.” She riffled frantically through her purse, searching for pink lipstick.

Unseen People - Chapter 2

Unseen People

Thanks as always to Robyn and Chris for their input and support and a special thank you to all of you for your kind comments and messages for Chapter 1. Please continue to post your comments, they help me keep writing and improve as I do so.

Chapter 2

Penny's World pt 10

“You are, beautiful woman.” He paused, seeing the sad, maybe rueful little smile on her lips.
“Non. Yes, you are. So it is only natural you must have been beautiful girl when you were growing up. Yes? But sadly you had been identified as a boy. Did not your parents not ask your doctors why was their son, turning into this beautiful girl in front of their very eyes? They cannot have failed to ave noticed this happening. And not turning into the andsome young man as they expected? Mmm.”

Vesta's Hearth 11 and 12

Vesta's Hearth 11 and 12


Frances Penwiddy

Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012
This is a work of fiction, the characters and the Café are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental.

Helen has a gender specific medical and is assessed but her future hangs in the balance. Her doubts and fears about the outcome frighten her and she feels that life is about to end and she visits her old apartment as a stranger.


Upside Down, Inside Out Chapter 1

This first part is a bit graphic. What is being described is what the boy learned and remembered of the incident.


Everything, and I do mean everything, changed for me the day that my mother died. That was three years ago, I was ten years old.

She was on her way to work, she liked to be in the office early; that was quite normal for her, especially as she was likely to become a partner in the law firm she worked at, they were on the point of offering it to her when her life ended in just a few brief seconds.

You Could Go Home Again, part 13 of 16

I got the phone call just after lunch, and I was late to my next class, sitting in a restroom stall until I got my tears under control. I couldn’t concentrate to pay attention to my afternoon classes anyway; I might as well have skipped them.

A world without me : Chapter 2 : Let's dance. Maybe?


A world without me

Jake is a thirteen year old boy who looks like a girl, far more so than is normal. He isn't aware that his appearance is anything other than natural though, and has assumed it'll change when he goes through puberty.

He is wrong, and thanks to the help of a girl from his class he is forced explore a side of him he's always hated, and ends up facing some unpleasant truths. Family isn't always to be trusted.


Alexa B-Side: #13 - Reaction

Mary was sitting on her sun porch, enjoying the lovely Sunday morning. It looked like it was going to be another postcard day in Florida. She was enjoying her morning coffee and reading the Palm Beach Post when the tranquility was broken by the sound of her granddaughter’s yelling.

“Grandma, Grandma, where are you?” Julie Preston yelled from the house.

Robbie's Revelation Chapter 14

Continuation of Robbie's story, as friends, family, and maybe even fate
continue him on his path of discovering who he, or she, really is.

Robbie’s Revelation
Chapter 14

By Rebecca Jane
Copyright© 2017 Rebecca Jane
All Rights Reserved.

Unseen People - Chapter 1

A strange girl appears in the dead of night. She can’t speak or remember where she has been, what could her secret be?

Fantasy, horror and humour in Brexit Britain. Oh, and more than a little TG.

Thanks as always to Robyn and Chris for their input and support. Please post comments, they help me continue writing and improve as I do so.

Unseen People

Chapter 1

Ben and Molly both stared at the little screen of light on Molly’s iPhone.

Alexa B-Side: #12 - Marty

A storm was brewing and Charles Martin Thompson the Third knew it. It was not one that would sweep across the frozen lake he was looking at outside his living room window. No, this storm would be inside the massive house along Lake Minnetonka his family had called home for three generations. Taking a sip from the glass of Scotch in his hand he tried to prepare himself for the night that was approaching. A night where two distinct fronts would move in and change the course of this family for a long time to come.

Vesta's Hearth 9 and 10

Vesta’s Hearth Chapters 9 and 10


Frances Penwiddy

Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012
This is a work of fiction, the characters and the Café are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental.

A walk in a meadow with an unknown lover and a music ensemble/pop group is formed.


You Could Go Home Again, part 12 of 16

“I’m ready,” I said firmly, though I wasn’t quite sure I was. I’d been on the birth control pills long enough for them to be effective, anyway, and if I didn’t do it now, I wouldn’t have the chance for months. Of course, once I was thousands of miles from the nearest Raleigh rabbit pheromones, I might not want to anymore... but I wasn’t thinking about that.

Jennie's Potty-Training chapter 27

Synopsis. Bonnie has been reduced to a diapered toddler, and she takes Baby Jennie to the hairdressing salon where she works to further feminise the sissy baby.

Chapter 27. Mummy's Clever Potty-Princess

A world without me : Chapter 1 : Jake


A world without me

Jake is a thirteen year old boy who looks like a girl, far more so than is normal. He isn't aware that his appearance is anything other than natural though, and has assumed it'll change when he goes through puberty.

He is wrong, and thanks to the help of a girl from his class he is forced explore a side of him he's always hated, and ends up facing some unpleasant truths. Family isn't always to be trusted.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered An Edited Re-post Part 2 of 2

I desperately wanted away from there and I was half afraid he would kiss me again and half afraid he wouldn't! Somewhere in the back of my mind, though I could hear Jim yelling at me and I realized that it had to be the programming that was making me act like this! Ginny had been in charge for the past several minutes and Jim wanted back at the reins of this runaway stagecoach! I made an effort to push the Ginny part of me into the background and I was

MORFS: Higher and Higher 08

Acts of Humanity 3:

Higher and Higher
(Part 08)
A MORFS Universe Tale
by Ray Drouillard

Tina Shepherd was in the final stages of dying a slow death due to cancer when she met the Martins and their friends.

sex: 1/10
violence: 6/10
profanity: 2/10

Categories: Hybrid, Elemental, PSI

Timeline: 2060

Chapter Twenty-Six: Chaos at school

Jerry and I were glad to have had a restful weekend once we got to the chaos that had taken over the school. Over the weekend, a dozen kids went down, and a dozen more woke up to their new bodies. Some freaked out, and some just sighed resignedly. All of them had to see one of Doctor Myra's colleagues, and all of them had to spend some time with me or one of the other peer counselors. Some were pleasant to talk to, while others were downright nasty. They were either openly envious of my favorable transformation, or acted like it was my fault that they morfed. I wonder what they would say if they knew that I could actually introduce them to the person who caused them to morf.

Jennie's Potty-Training chapter 26

Synopsis; Aunty Cath reviews the recording of her daughter Bonnie and her girlfriend Tammy playing on Bonnie's bed. When Cath realises a third person is in the recording, she calls her sister Isabell and arranges a viewing.

To Baby Renee - thank you for all the lovely comments. I'm glad you're enjoying this long-winded sissy-AB story.

Chapter 26. Sex, Lies, and DVDs.

MORFS: Higher and Higher 07

Acts of Humanity 3:

Higher and Higher
(Part 07)
A MORFS Universe Tale
by Ray Drouillard

Tina Shepherd was in the final stages of dying a slow death due to cancer when she met the Martins and their friends.

sex: 1/10
violence: 6/10
profanity: 2/10

Categories: Hybrid, Elemental, PSI

Timeline: 2060

Author's Note: Joreymay kindly allowed me the use of some of her characters. She wrote much of the dialogue and actions of her characters. Thanks, Joreymay!

Chapter Twenty-Three: Mopping Up

The next day, there were some changes in the lunch room. It may be merely symbolic, but it served to consolidate our efforts to wipe out the prideful elitist attitudes that had poisoned so many of us. When the few pures who stubbornly clung to their beliefs came to sit down, they found that the former pures table was occupied not only by their former cronies, but by everyone from the 'sane but not normal' table. We were also joined by some of the people who had changed over the weekend. When they found that they were outnumbered, they slunk off to the former misfit corner.

Kayleigh's Story, Chapter 1: All The Way

Things were getting out of control. Jared could see it. The coach could see it. The 1400 souls inside Longwood’ High School’s gym could see it. The five young men on the floor couldn’t, however, and that was all that mattered.

Athens 38, Longwood 16. Athens 40, Longwood 16. Athens 43, Longwood 16. The outcome of the game was never really in doubt, as Athens had played for the state title the year before. But this was absurd. Athens 45, Longwood 16.


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