
Arista is.. suffering too, apparently? [5.10]


There's always two sides to every story, sometimes more, which can get rather messy in all honesty so it's probably better to stick with just two for now, right?

The problem with bad guy's is that, rather predictably, they lie sometimes.
It makes it rather hard to take anything they say seriously... unless they offer proof at least.

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Arista explaining the world as she see's it,
Ari being useful at long last
(although not half as useful as John apparently is)
and Hannah has enough dignity left to blush when confronted with the truth about her relationship with the smirking-wonder from multiple, utterly annoying, angles!

Bikini Beach; The Russian Connection Part 1

Bikini Beach; The Russian Connection part 1.
By Cheryl L

Many thanks go to Elrod for his help in this story. He helped me to develop the story. In ways I would not have thought of. Also thanks to Ibi who worked tirelessly and patiently as editor, proof-reader and sounding board.
I’ve added a post that will explain/decipher some British and American cultural differences.

Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn! Chapter 7

Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn!

Chapter 7

Despite the fact no one at school remembered the “food fight”, I discovered that there were some changes in people the next day. Boys especially, were looking at me differently, but even some of the girls seemed to be more aware of my existence than before, even though I had returned to a more “tomboy” look.

Bikini Beach: Ellen's Daughter Visits

Bikini Beach: Ellen's Daughter Visits
By Daphne Xu

Ellen's older daughter visits Bikini Beach, and then returns home. Except that things aren't what they seem. This is an except from the sequel to "A Bikini Beach Summer", still being written.

Involuntary Sisters' Weekend; Part 1 (of 5); 8:00-9:20

Carter knew that he was awake, but didn’t want to open his eyes. What time was it? Maybe it was still early and he could get another few hours in before checking in on his sister.

Ugh… the thought still bothered him. He was glad his parents hadn’t gotten them a babysitter for the weekend, but this was the third trip out of state since the school year started. Didn’t they know he needed the weekends to himself and his own friends?

He still needed to know what time it was.

Xìngbié; part 12 (of 13): Ultimatum

The inside of the restaurant was cool, even through Nathan’s (Tyler’s) sweatshirt, and dimly lit. There weren’t a lot of people about, possibly due to it still being nine in the morning. Nathan had made sure that the restaurant was open before he came, but it was only now occurring to him how odd it was for a Chinese restaurant to be open so darn early in the day.

The Life and Times of Mackenzie Somerset Part 1

I have been kicking around bringing back Mackenzie for some time now. But as I worked on things to post eventually, I made a few decisions and a few changes. Other changes had been planned from the start. So I'm switching an old Trope we see often here, where a church goes after the transgender youth. But this time, The youth isn't transgender.

So without any more babbling by me, I'd like to offer the first chapter of Mackenzie Somerset

Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn! Chapter 6

Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn!

Chapter 6

I shyly came out of my room in a dress, and my mother dabbed her eyes as she looked at me.

“Mom?” I asked, “Are you ... crying?”

“Well, it's just ... you look beautiful.”

“Well, I guess that’s good, right?”

“Sure, but you’re going into highschool next year, and then maybe college, and .. well, dont grow up too fast, okay?”

“I just want to get through today. Dont worry mom I’m in no hurry.”

We hugged.

So why was I in a dress?

Arista is.. not the Messiah! [5.9]


Have you ever got half-way into a group project and realised that you already regret pairing up with the people your working with?
Too late to change now, history lesson or no, we work with who we have sometimes and just pray we don't get an 'F' in the end.

That being said, even I wouldn't expect a passing grade if one of your team members was basically lobotomized, the other crazy and your starting to envy schizophrenics in general, honestly.

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Big people playing big games,
Boat rides being ignored,
Subtext being read
(or not, depending on who you ask),
and Hannah gets to play 'spot the historical figure' bingo, whether she wants to or not.

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals 23

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals: Book Three.
Or, "Aspie Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."

Note: I do not own this. J. K. Rowling does. This is just fan fiction. No money is being made.

Note 2: There may be a few bits and pieces lifted word-for-word from the canon material. I tried to do that as little as possible, though.

Chapter Eight: Catching A Rat

Arista is.. not finished yet [5.8]


A wise person once said:
'No-one messes with my family!'
Another wise person once responded with:
'I'd like to see you try and stop me.'

They weren't having a conversation or anything, just two random statements of fact across the centuries which have no connection or relevance to anything whatsoever really, I'm sure.

Events unfold including but not limited to:
A zap, a snap, and some screaming.
oh, but the screaming...

Not one for the faint of heart I'm afraid, but all is not lost quite yet, we can only hope.

Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn! Chapter 5

Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn!

Chapter 5

“Sorry hon. You’re an attractive girl. You’re gonna get some attention from boys.”

“Well, I guess they can look but no touching.” I said.

“You say that now ...” she said with a smile.

“Wha... what do you mean?” I asked nervously.

“I’m sorry to tell you, hon, but most unicorns are straight.”

“So? ... Oh. You mean I might start liking boys?” I said in shock.

“I don’t know for sure. You might end up ... flexible.”

Tight Knit - Volume 1: Part 9

The penultimate chapter
of Volume 1.
While being victimized by Aphrodite,
Jesse encounters the most
vivid vision yet.

Tight Knit

Volume 1

Part 9

By Taylor Ryan
Copyright© 2017 Taylor Ryan
All Rights Reserved.

Turnabout Part 12

The saga of Dan and Jessa continues

Jessa learns that sometimes to get what you want you have to let go....

Thanks as always, Lizzy Bennet for your comments and kind words.

Arista is.. not playing around [5.7]


What is 'right' and what is 'wrong'?
Morality is a personal ideal, a human construct, or so some would have us believe?
It doesn't make certain people or actions any less irredeemable though.

No matter how you try to spin it, forgiveness just isn't possible ever again in some situations.

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Hannah reliving some rather racy fantasies,
Arista tells a story about a magical princess-turned-queen
(fictional elements being both optional and undisclosed),
while John wears lip-gloss for a very short period of time.

The Unfortunate Experiences of Mike Cross, Parts 7-9

And here are three more chapters. These took awhile after a lot of depression and writer's block fucked me up for more time than I generally want them to, plus I was busy doing a lot of other stuff. In fact, there's a character in one of these chapters who actually comes from a story I haven't posted here, and know not when I will. No clue when the next chapters will be, so buckle in and wait after you give these a read.
Just a warning: There are feels in this section. Genuine feels, that I didn't think would actually happen, but they did.

Atalanta's Story Continued: Reaching Home Chapter 11

This chapter hopefully explains what happened last chapter. There's a fair amount of tension between the school and Atalanta with Manny siding with Atalanta and leaving Sam walking a fine line.

As always I want to thank Ashleigh for her editing skills. It would be mostly unreadable without her as grammar is not my strength.

I do hope you enjoy this chapter and I will appreciate your comments and answer any questions you have and of course kudos.


Arista is.. awake [5.6]


There's a time for jokey introduction statements; this isn't one of them.
Arista is awake... I repeat, Arista is awake!

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Ellie having fun babysitting Alice,
Hannah takes a stream of interrupted naps
(none of them by choice),
and Arista has unreasonably large breasts, apparently.

Get ready to strap in again folks! The countdowns started and we're in for a bumpy ride!

Unseen People - Chapter 8 – Birth of the Songbird

Unseen People 8 – Birth of the Songbird


Standing in the Way of Control – Gossip / Roadrunner – Jonathon Richman and the Modern Lovers / Life on Mars – David Bowie / Born to Run – Bruce Springsteen / She’s a Rainbow – The Rolling Stones / Firestarter – The Prodigy / Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds – The Beatles / Sympathy for the Devil – The Rolling Stones / Legal Man – Belle and Sebastian

Music is Magic

Six months Later

The bassline started

/Your back's against the wall/

Case File 2: The Profiler Chapter 3

Case File 2: The Profiler Part 3

As Megan and I drove to the address we’d pulled up, I had some questions, so I asked Megan, “How did this guy go from minor nuisance to all out super-villain ? "

“I suspect he has an artifact. Which could make things more dangerous for us but also for him.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Did you ever read the Lord of the Rings? In the book the wizard Gandalf says any of the mortal race who tried to use such an artifact would eventually be possessed by it.”

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals 22

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals: Book Three.
Or, "Aspie Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."

Note: I do not own this. J. K. Rowling does. This is just fan fiction. No money is being made.

Note 2: There may be a few bits and pieces lifted word-for-word from the canon material. I tried to do that as little as possible, though.

Atalanta's Story Continued: Reaching Home Chapter 10

This was an absolutely fun chapter to write and read; this chapter is all about action and I do hope you'll find it enjoyable. Atalanta cuts loose a bit and consequences be damned.

I also want to thank Ashleigh again for her editing prowess as editors are the backbone of a story and I know she hasn't been feeling well.

This chapter is not too long but I feel it should be looked at separate from the next chapter but I'll try and post it in the next couple of days because they fit together.

Atalanta's Story Continued: Reaching Home Chapter 6-9

Guys sorry about the spotty posting but my husband went into rehab on April 15th and I've been super busy. I'm not sure about my schedule going forward as on Friday I learned his Ins. Co won't talk to without his permission--every time. So I need to look into a legal/financial framework for us. That'll be fun--not. I have most of this story written; it is in two sections and I'm working on connecting them and adding finishing touches to the ending.

First I want to thank Ashleigh for her editing skills and making it readable. I've included 4 chapters as they're kind of short. Dr. Bellows wants Atalanta to do what? Mischief happens in the bathroom. Nikki has a theory about Atalanta's use or abuse of magic.

I hope you guys enjoy this offering.

Support is.. appreciated, sometimes [5.5]


A day at the lake during the mid-summer heat, full of barbecues, family and mildly confused neighbours.
It could almost be considered idyllic if you ignored certain unfortunate clothing choices being thrust upon certain poor unsuspecting people by their pushy sister and daughter..

Oh well, let's hope that's the worst of Hannah's problems today, shall we?

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Wet John cuddles and stolen T-shirts being stolen.
Large hands being used for various things
(to rather worrying degrees of success as well),
Meanwhile Hannah drools on John's crotch and a pow-wow is interrupted rather rudely by a matriarch on a mission.

Hold on tight folks, it's swimming trip day at Klamath Falls!

Tight Knit - Volume 1: Part 8

Jesse is separated from Tory and Leann.
She is taken away to be prepared for
her audience with Aphrodite.

Tight Knit

Volume 1

Part 8

By Taylor Ryan
Copyright© 2017 Taylor Ryan
All Rights Reserved.

The Perfect Shave

Feminist writer, Joey, decides to give the Dollar Shave Club a try but gets a nasty shock when it promotes unseemly hair growth and masculine changes to her body. In the end, she must choose to either embrace the change or fight the company that has cursed her.

Support is.. necessary [5.4]


Some things in life are so unbelievable we doubt if they actually happened or not,
Other things are so embarrassing that we wish they hadn't really happened,
and sometimes things fall into that awkward spot somewhere in the middle of those two extremes.
What can you do about it at the end of the day?

What can HANNAH do about it more importantly!

Events unfold including but not limited to:
John being trapped by a disappearing wall and Eris has a front-row seat to the creation of a universe.
Meanwhile some familiar familiar's get familiar with each other
(try saying that one three times fast),
and Hannah goes on a power-trip while wearing a long white silk nightgown!

Atalanta's Story Continued: Reaching Home Chapter 4-5

I included two chapters since each was short. Again I want to thank Ashleigh to help my writing readable. And I hope you enjoy this installment enough to comment or send a kudo. And I went back to the original picture.

The prisoners are safely handed over, Atalanta learns what her commission actually says and means. Atalanta has a tense meeting late with Carson and later Carson and Delarose exchange ideas.

Support is.. on offer [5.3]


You can tell a lot about someone by observing how they react when stressed.
You can also find out how powerful their right hook can be too if you're not careful!

Definitely something to keep in mind if you ever decide to go 'sleeping bear' prodding in any case, right?

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Sharks with laser beams being mentioned to comedic effect,
some chicken gets chased around a stone doughnut
(I WISH I was making that bit up!),
and Hannah is declared a goddess while finding multiple interesting ways to relax at last, with John's help, naturally.


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