Daisy and the Phantom Nurse (2)

Daisy And the Phantom Nurse
Act II

Night has now fallen, the hallway outside my door is as quiet as the grave. The harsh white light from the light bulbs above that somehow filters through the crack of the doorway into my room is the only  hint of any sign of life. Outside my window, I can hear the wind starting to howl, big, fat raindrops the size of pennies are falling down by the trillions. I can hear those fat, drops of rain splashing upon the window.

It's now or never. The night nurse has just checked on me, she says I'm doing good and that my fever has broken and she expects the doctor to discharge me any day now. Until then she says I just need bedrest and plenty of it. And plenty of fluids. I nod my head and fake going back to sleep as she leaves my room. Once I hear the door close, I toss the rough, white, woolen blanket to the side and slip out of bed. I shiver as I touch the ice cold title of my room.

This must have been how Cesar felt when plunged across the shallow Rubicon River and decided then to march on Rome! Or how General Washington felt as he ferried his rag tag army of Continental soldiers across the ice choked Delaware river to attack the township of Trenton. An overpowering sense of dread and that feeling that at any moment your luck would or could  just run out. But no matter what, I had to press on and so I took a deep breath and tossed the hospital gown over my head and threw it across the room.

Then standing as naked as the day I was born. And hairless too from the neck down, I slipped on the white cotton bloomers and the matching white cotton sports bra. I then slipped on the fire red skirt. Once the skirt was on, I reached over and piled up a handful of tissues. I stuffed the tissue into the bra and sighed. It would have to do, it would at least give me the appearance of having somewhat of a bust. At least I would not be flat as a board cheerleader.

Then I slipped on the sleeveless shell top and then the white socks followed by the white shoes and then quickly I went to the bathroom to brush my hair. Pigtails are simple, you brush the hair out, then part the parted my hair down the middle and brushed out each section. The first pigtail went in smoothly, and because I felt a bit bold I decided to braid it. Braiding was a pain in the butt, but the finished product was both stylish and adorable. The second one was easier than the first.

Dressed I then slipped my phone into the pocket of my skirt and pushed open the door of my room. The first thing I noticed was the lack of nurses patrolling the hallways. Which was a good thing, all things considering. Taking a deep breath I stepped into the hallway and started toward the lobby at the front of the ward that held the elevators. I knew I would have to pass the nurse at the front desk, but according to all the stories I heard, both from 'J' and Cerridwen the nurse that was stationed at the front desk normally catnapped between the hours of twelve till two. And with the time being twelve fifteen, or fifteen minutes into the witching hour. I was hedging my bets that she was fast asleep.

Anyway, I should explain why I was wearing a cheerleading uniform instead like the others a normal hospital gown. You see I've heard from three different people, the first one being 'J' the second one being a girl named 'M' and from my dear Cerridwen that all three encountered Nurse Mindy wearing hospital gowns. But it was Cerridwen's report that had piqued my interest and at the same time had aroused my curiosity.

That being, when she had encountered 'Nurse Spooky' in the hospital's elevator she had asked her one simple question that had stayed with her well after their encounter had ended. That question had been a very straight forward question that had haunted her well after their encounter was over. That question was, 'So how did you die?' Of course Cerridwen refused to answer; she was very much alive at the time and thought the nurse was pulling her leg and joking with her. But there was something telling about that question. So, to test my own, personal theory, not that I believed in any of this nonsense to begin with. But in order to test my own personal theory, I decided that I would 'fake' my own death.

Hence the costume. If I encountered 'Nurse Spooky' and I was asked such a question, I would say I was in a fatal accident that resulted from a cheerleading stunt gone wrong. I'd had my neck snapped or something. I would spin a tragic yarn about a tragic cheerleading stunt gone wrong and how I'd been cut down in the prime of life. And how I was just going down to the morgue to say good-bye to my body and give my grieving, and heartbroken family, one last tearful goodbye before departing to the afterlife.

See that was the creative spark the others had lacked when they had set out on their adventure. And as luck would have it, the nurse watching the front desk was indeed fast asleep. Her head was resting on her desk and the smell of strong coffee surrounded her. Smiling, I slipped past her, and soon I was standing in the lobby where the elevators were. Blushing a little I pushed the down button and then I stepped back.

A few seconds passed before a stainless steel door appeared in front of me, the door slid open and I stepped inside. Without thinking about it I pushed like Cerridwen had done the night she herself had encountered the nurse, the 'B' button. A tense thirty seconds passed before the stainless steel door closed and the lift started to move down. It was a silent ride.. till we reached the third floor and much to my surprise the elevator door stopped and slid open a few seconds later a woman, dressed in all black stepped in.

The woman had jet black hair, and coal black eyes, her dress was also black, and seemed to be made of leather. Her fingernails seemed to be also black, and her face was white as flour. She looked Gothic, like the old school kind of Gothic. Not the modern day Hot-Topic reject Gothic. But then again tonight was Halloween and I guess she was getting into the spirit of the holiday.

As the door closed she looked over at me, and then transfixed her eyes to the door. I said nothing. Because I was a little taken back by the nurse's appearance and vibe she was giving off. But as we sailed past the second floor and past the first she turned at long last said.

“What a dreadful night for you to pass.” She said, “I can only think of one other night, Christmas, it's always sad when a poor soul passes on around Christmas time.” She seemed to almost purr as she said that.

“We all gotta go sometimes.” I said, smiling a little. “I just hate that I won't get to be crowned homecoming queen. But I guess Bridget Bridges would get the crown now, though I hate that little bitch. Since I bet she is the one who made me fall.” I said, sighing.

The other nurse blinked.

“I mean, Bridge Bridges thinks she is such a little Miss. Perfect. Because her daddy owns the local Jewelry shop and her mom is an office worker for Warren Chemical. But really, between you and me, she is just part of the nova rich. Her family has only been wealthy for a generation or two. Like, there are not even members of the Vicksburg Country Club and the Bridges have never held any political offices in town. And because Andy Bridges does not have, like a son to carry on the family name, and stuff. I think their wealth is going to dry up soon.” I said, sighing a little.

The nurse blinked and blinked again. Clearly she was lost for words.

“I mean, my family is Vicksburg royalty. We can trace our roots to the first settlers of this town.” I heaved a sigh and looked down at the ground. “But I guess, that does not matter now. Oh life is so unfair. I was going to be crowned St. Katherine's Homecoming Queen! But that little slut, that little gold digger had to give out and cause me to roll and break my neck!” I said as I folded my arms across my chest and to drive my point home I stomped on the floor and peered up at the sky.

The nurse who was dressed all in black, blinked again as she peered at me with those solid black eyes. It was hard to tell what she was thinking about. And if I'm honest I felt a little on edge as she peered at me. I felt myself starting to tremble a little  under her gaze. But instead of giving into fear, I just took a deep breath and looked backed at her, peering into her eyes.

“St. Katherine's?” She said, finally turning away from me.

“Of course, anybody who is anybody knows that St. Katherine's Episcopal School is the premier private school here in Mississippi. Way older than St. Andrew's private school, and way prestigious too.” I said turning my nose up into the air and for added flare I flipped my braided pigtail over my shoulder and smiled a little.

The nurse grinned a little and turned toward me.

“I bet the whole school will be mourning you.” She said smiling. “After all, you were a cheerleader. And they did elect you homecoming queen!” She said as she started to drum her long black fingernails on the wall.

“Oh yes! They will, I'm sure. I'm sure St. Katherine's Episcopal Church would be filled with mourners, as the commoners of the school mourn the passing of their queen! I was the most popular girl there after all! I was the queen of the school. And I'm sure my mommy would see it fit for them to have me buried in my new gown.” I said pouting a little. “Beautiful in life and beautiful in death!” I added.

The nurse blinked or so I thought she blinked. It was hard to tell, she seemed though to grow reckless and a bit on edge. As she kept drumming her fingernails. She then looked at me, and then she grinned again. I'm not sure why she was grinning. Again at this point I was not sure if she was really a nurse. If she was a nurse was act mighty nice playing along with my little act.

“Hey!” I said as I reached into my pocket. “I would like to take a selfie. A memento to remember the kind nurse who kept me company in my last fleeting minutes on earth.” I said smiling as I showered her my phone.

“Oh sure.” She said, smirking a little.

A few seconds later I felt her arm loop around my neck, it was the most dreadful feeling I have ever felt. I could not believe how sharp her fingernails were, they seemed to almost poke my neck. And the coldness, the coldness I was getting from having that strange nurse so near me was beyond words. It was like I was hugging a sheet of solid ice. Quickly I took the photo and then another one. And a few more.

Then ear splitting ding filled the air as the lift touched down. The stainless steel door slid open. Revealing a long, darkened hallway that was filled with long shadows and cluttered junk, things like old hospital beds. Old rusting respirators, dust covered ventilators, old IV poles, and stuff that just made me shutter.

“Well.” The nurse said. “This is where we get off.” She said, pushing me out of the lift. “So, before we part ways. Can I at least know your name?” She said as she pulled me down the hallway till we reached two double doors. Quickly she pushed the doors open and before I could utter a word of protest she pulled me inside.

I then found myself standing in a room that was painted a lime green color, the smell of bleach hung in the air and dozens and dozens of metallic rolling tables were scattered about the room. One one side of the room, there seemed to be a massive filing cabinet with large square doors. The coldness of the room took my breath away.

“Charlotte!” I said, taking a deep breath. “Charlotte Emma McRaven” I stuttered out.

The nurse gave me a funny look. But only smiled. “Well.” She said as she reached down and placed her hands, her hands were ice cold, she then lifted me up and placed me on one of the tables. “Miss. McRaven. It was a pleasure.” She then gently pushed me down and then before I could utter a word I found myself being pushed head first into an empty space that had just opened up inside the filing cabinet.

“Wait! Wait!” I yelled at the top of my lungs.

“SILLY BOY! Did you think you could really fool me! Did you think you could have really fooled the supernatural! Didn't your mommy and daddy ever teach you not to play with fire!” She cackled as she slammed the door closed sealing me in.

“Don't worry 'Charlotte Emma McRaven' I won't keep you waiting long.” I heard her cackling. “I just need to go fetch some tools. Since you want to be a girl so bad you have to dress like one, and prance around like one. I'll be sure to make you one before enslaving. Oh yes, you will make such a pretty little slave. But fear not.. When I'm done with you, old age will not touch you, nor would your beauty fade as the years roll by. You will not grow old.. oh yes, you will forever be sixteen.”

“This is not funny!” I yelled as I kicked the door. I kicked with all my might. “Let me out right now! I swear to God if you don't let me out this instant I will sue the shit out of this hospital!” I said as I tried and tried to pound the door open with my foot.

“Oh you fool! You fool!” I heard her bellowing on the other side of the door. “You're already crossed the threshold! You're in my world now. It's been so long since somebody has been foolish enough to come into my world. I'm going to enjoy torturing you till your spirit breaks. So Charlotte Emma McRaven, if that is your real name.. allow me to say this.” She paused and drew in a deep breath.
“Your time among the living is over. As soon as you left that lift. You entered into my world. You have transcended if you can wrap your tiny pea size brain around that word, the boundaries between my world and the world of the living. When dawn breaks, they will find your hospital room empty. They will of course launch a search for you, they will search this whole hospital. But they will not find you.” She paused. “Because you will forever be trapped down here with me, helping me to lure more children into my web. Now spend your last few fleeting minutes among the living crying, praying, doing whatever you please.”

And with that.. she left me..

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