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"Clearly we have some problems with the past. What about the future? How does Cathy see her future?" Stella tried to assert some control over the proceedings. "Do you still want to marry Simon?"
"I don't know?"
"Do you still want to marry Cathy?"
"Not if she's going to act like...."
Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad,
part 199.
The drive back to Tom's was one of the longest I can remember. Simon said nothing and I sat there feeling extremely stupid. Why couldn't Stella have come? Perhaps he insisted, but why? Was this some form of power play - men don't lose it like that, only hysterical women! No men don't lose it like that, they go out and smash things or hit people.
In reality, the drive back probably took about twenty minutes or at most half an hour, but my mind and real time were on different settings. My mind was whirring like a demented clock, ideas and pictures kept flashing through it, none of them were nice.
Was I finally cracking up? It felt like it. Perhaps I should call Dr Thomas? She'd really go to town on me and might even cancel my surgery. I had to have that surgery, I really did, so I could die complete. That caught me on the funny bone and I had difficulty not sniggering. What was so funny? The idea of cutting something off to make me complete, sounded totally Irish!
We arrived at Tom's and Stella held the door open as Simon followed me in. He repelled my attempts to deal with my wet clothes, shepherding me into the lounge. Stella followed him in a few moments later with a tray of coffee. Nothing was said as we sipped silently on our coffees.
Finally, Simon put down his mug and said, "We need to talk. I'd like Stella to stay to make sure we keep it relevant and not start on each other. Is that okay with you?"
I nodded and felt myself filling up.
"Why did you run off like that?" he asked me.
"I thought you had changed your mind about me. You rejected me in bed."
"I didn't reject you Cathy, just the remnants of Charlie."
"It's still part of me for another two weeks. You knew I was off hormones and that I wasn't glued up inside."
"Yes, but I hadn't considered what those consequences were. Now I know and I didn't handle it terribly well."
"You rejected me last night and again this morning. I decided not to give you a third chance."
"So you took off like an angry schoolgirl?"
"I needed to be alone, to think." Tears were streaming down my face.
"You could have done that here, not gone rushing out into the cold and dark. Didn't you know it was going to rain?"
"No, I was too upset to think, besides, I'm allowed to go out if I want to, I don't need your permission."
He stood up and threw up his arms in frustration. Then he walked around the room and sat down again.
"Are you going to do this every time we have an argument? Run off and hide?"
"Why are you going to bully me and treat me like a six year old?"
"I don't think this is getting either of you anywhere is it?" asked Stella. I'd almost forgotten she was there.
"Clearly we have some problems with the past. What about the future? How does Cathy see her future?" Stella tried to assert some control over the proceedings. "Do you still want to marry Simon?"
"I don't know?"
"Do you still want to marry Cathy?"
"Not if she's going to act like...."
"How about a simple yes, no or don't know?"
"I'm not so sure any more."
"Why not?"
"She's changed."
"Has she?"
"In what way?" I was going to speak but Stella hushed me.
"She rejected me, she gave back my ring and seems to think I don't want her any more. She ran off like a spoilt child. She seems to have been getting more irrational over the last few weeks."
"Why do you think that is?"
"I have no idea."
"None at all?"
"She's known about the surgery for weeks, I suppose her dad might worry her. The press business was a bit of a pain but it seems to have died down."
"So perhaps she's under a bit of stress?"
"A bit, but no more than me at the bank."
"Yes, I can see your point, it is a stessful job and with the hostile bid, things are a bit more hectic than usual. And of course you do have Cathy to worry about as well."
I wanted to jump up and hit both of them, but under Stella's withering glower, I shrank back in my chair.
"Yes, I know she is under a bit of pressure, but you get used to it."
"So, she is under a bit of pressure."
"But no more than you are?"
"Yeah, I suppose so."
"And you think she should cope?"
"I suppose so."
"Is that it?" asked Stella.
"All I can think of for the moment, why?"
"I was just wondering."
"Wondering what?"
"Why she's stuck you this long?"
"Look big brother, sit down and shut up and maybe you'll learn something." Stella stood up and Simon shrank back in his chair.
Stella spoke as she walked around the room. "I want you to consider something Simon."
He nodded back to her.
"Imagine you have spent the first twenty years of your life being confused about who and what you are, and when you start to reveal it, you get hostile and angry answers from those you trust."
"We've been over this," he protested.
"Just humour me," she snapped.
He shrank back again.
"Okay, so you fought the system because the system tells you you shouldn't feel like this, it's wrong or weird. So you get defensive and hide how you really feel. Occasionally it slips out and you get a the odd hiding and rejection from those who should love you, but it seems only on their terms.
You escape and live away from them, well sort of live because you still haven't resolved anything, except escape from home and some autonomy. You don't have the money, strength or maturity to do what you want.
More abuse occurs in the place where you should feel safe, so you escape again and by sheer bloody coincidence meet up with someone who accidentally causes you to face up to your issues. Then by a series of further coincidences, others encourage you to confront and overcome your issues.
It seems to be working until you get into a relationship and despite trying to not make it work it does and you get seriously fond of your partner. He doesn't know your true status and although you keep confiding in his sister, who advises you against it, you want to tell him because the deceit is hurting you so much. The sister advises you not to, because his track record is poor and natural wastage may save you having to humiliate and embarrass yourself and him.
However, you go ahead anyway and amazingly he copes after a bit of thought. Then once he takes it on board and truly thinks about it, he actually says it doesn't worry him, especially as you are intending to sort out the little problem as soon as you can.
Things seem to blossom, and you confide to the sister, that you are so happy and so in love you can't believe your luck and are waiting for things to go wrong, because they always do.
But for the moment they don't. Meanwhile your mother has died without being brought on board and your father seems to be vacillating, then has a stroke. The pressure starts to rise and he demands attention from you.
Not only that but work is becoming more pressured as you begin to be appreciated by your boss who keeps throwing extra work and responsibility at you. You have the odd up and down with your boyfriend, but things go well enough for him to introduce you to his looney family, who all love you for yourself. They're crazy but genuine, unusual for bankers. Your boyfriend becomes your fiance and makes life even more risky for someone with a past.
Then you get threatening notes and someone tries to kill you. It's someone you liked and trusted and also your boss gets hurt saving you, and you end up under even more pressure of work. Then the press gets to meet you without suspecting your past until one of your fiance's friends digs up some mud and although he doesn't cast it, others are soon on the trail because of your fiance and his employer.
Pressure is now all around, not helped by your boy scout approach to life, can't avoid helping old ladies across roads, catching purse snatchers and saving babies in burning cars, not to mention juggling dormice and getting your fiance shot by poachers. Okay that was earlier, but it doesn't really matter.
The press begin to chase you and you are advised to go public. You do having been exposed on TV with jumping dormice and burning rescues. You are a B list celebrity because you are cute, caring and charming and engaged to one of the richest families in Europe.
Suddenly everything gets hostile, strangers are trying to discredit you if not injure or kill you because of your connection to the bank. You are pursued and threatened and have to go into hiding, so does your fiance and his know all sister.
More pressure from work, the sister sticks her oar in and helps your shrink refer you to a surgeon. Suddenly, the chance to become the real you, the one you've always wanted to be happens, out of the blue. It puts you under even more pressure plus you come off the hormones you've been taking for the past year or two, which fuck with your body and mind.
Then, just in case there isn't enough stress, a student of yours confides a medical secret which turns out to be a really bad one and you are drawn into a family in turmoil over a similar sort of problem you had. It's bound to push your buttons, but you soldier on when you should have been winding down to cope with the stresses and strains of surgery.
Instead of that, your fiance sulks when he remembers your imperfections and you stressed out of your little brain, run off screaming, frightening the rest of us to death. Oh you also give him his ring back, even though his sister told you never to do that, just to sell it."
"You told her that?" said Simon with a look of total astonishment.
"Course I did, what do you think I am, stupid?"
"No, you're a total bitch, but not a stupid one."
I sat there weeping silently, Stella had summed up my wretched existence pretty well. And it appeared to have washed over Simon without making him even damp.
"So what do you think?" she asked him.
"About what?"
"Jesus Aitch Christ Simon, are you fucking stupid or just deaf?"
"What do you mean?"
"I just explained why Cathy ran off, I'm only amazed she didn't have a total breakdown, the pressure she is under."
"We're all under pressure Stel."
"Go away, get out of my sight!" she said loudly and angrily at him, "and don't come back until you switch your stupid brain on!"
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Stella is not such a ditz after all, Simon is as clueless as could be expected, and Cathy gets squeezed in the middle.
Three strikes
Three strikes and he's out. Simon is outta there, IMHO. Cathy is better off alone than with an idiot like him.
"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Janis Joplin
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Nice one Ang,
Simon seems to be a bit of p***k probably due to inbreading or something.
I just hope that after 400'th episode that Cathy doesn't come out of the shower and it's all a dream
No it's 500
and Charlie comes to after being knocked off his bike by Stella!
You'll have to wait and see, so will I, dunno what's going to happen in the next one yet.
I'll see your 500 and raise you 500
option A) after showing what an insensitive twit Simon can be it should take him atleast 500 more chapters to be forgiven by Cathy.Option B)dumping Simon and bringing Des onboard would require chapters for the dumping and mourning faze then the courting faze with Des and of course the endless steamy sex romps.Inbetween that throw in all the kind acts of Saint Cathy and you have the Guiness record for the longest TS/TG serial and atleast the BCTS record.Option C is let Cathy have her surgery dump Simon and commit Suicide a bad scenario lot's of crying and unhappy fans but only three or four more chapters and on a positive note no sequels.Amy who prefers option A reform the jerk so Stella can be Cathy's sister and everyone goes along happily ever after.Then Theirs your option Charlie wakes up from being hit by Stella.Not a complete ending unless he dies from his injuries.So would you continue and write all the chapters to explain what happens to poor Charlie?
If you do that, I swear ...
... I'll seek you out and strangle you with my bare hands. Don't forget, quite a few of your fans live in the same country as you do and some of us are very unstable (maniacal laughter).
Good summary, Angharad. Do you think you could have created that outline before you actually wrote it?
Stella Shows Her Mettle
When Cathy needs her, Stella comes to bat for her sister. Stella here does for Cathy what Cathy did for her when Stella had the abortion. When she took up Cathy's cause, Stella proved her love for Cathy.
Poor Simon needs to stop and think about everything. His "macho" thinking will end the relationship if he continues to be a total jerk. He is also thinking about Des in the back of his mind and whether Cathy fancies him.
Perhaps now that Simon is being so self absorbed, Des has a chance. Des has proven to be all too willing to snog Cathy given half a chance.
Cathy also needs to think things through. Does she still fancy Simon or has he finally lost her thanks to his inability to accept Charlie? Will Des accept Charlie or will he hurt Cathy just to be mean?
Will Stella now tear into Cathy or cuddle her now that she needs Stella's support? And what about Tom Agnew? Will he send Simon packing now?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
On the eve of a dynasty.....
Since the dawn holds a celebration (the 200th chapter) for this wonderful life history, I put Word through its paces and discovered the following tidbits.
total length 2.50 Mb
13,512 paragraphs
37,524 lines
1,355,252 characters (w/o spaces)
311,510 words (that doesn't seem right)
816 pages
And it's a lot more interesting than War and Peace. Where's Shakespeare when you really need him?
Such a nice summary...
... and he still doesn't understand. Maybe he's denser than the average guy. How many want to bet that Des might understand better than Simon seems to have.
Wouldn't it be a lark, if Simon heads off to a bar, meets up with Des, and tries to complain about Cathy, and Des reads HIM the riot act, fully (or mostly) understanding what stella described, and telling his friend he was out of line, and needs to find a clue! It might even be in character for Des.
It is nece to see this side of Stella!
It'll be nice to see the 499th episode of this continuing saga. I may skip the 500th one if your comment is what you have planned. :-)
You think this is planned?
What would be really weird would be if Ang is picking this up in the reverse of Stranger Than Fiction - that Will Ferrell movie (
You have to have seen it I think...
Splendidly done Ang
Never heard of it. Truth is stranger than fiction, my stories are stranger than truth!
I can recommend it
It's a damned good film. Was shown or is showing on Sky movies at the moment.
But you're right of course, though I always thought that truth was stranger than fiction. How often do we hear - "You can't make this shit up"?
There are none so blind…
…as them that cannot see, or so it is said. Or in the words of a school friend watching another friend's feeble efforts on a shooting range at a fair ground “You couldn't shoot an elephant if it was sitting on the end of your blooming gun!â€
Simon is a typical blinkered man—unable to see the whole picture. But good for Stella for giving it to him straight. Perhaps His Lordship will extract the digit in Part 200 and make it up with Cathy.
Keep up the good work, Ang,
Three Cheers for Stella!!!
At least someone is paying attention to Cathy.
Riveted as usual...

Am I off my trolley?
Myabe Stella should propose to Cathy and Cathy accept.
The two would make a great couple and simple Simon would be forced to grow up and woo her back.
In showning Simon all he has done to hurt Cathy, Stella has shown she loves Cathy as a sister or even subconsousely as a lesbian lover.
Simon needs to squirm. I sill hope Cathy turns out TG and really a female but with a malformed outer genitalia.
But then I like happy endings.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Funny John - I was thinking the same thing
Seems like Stella is a better match than Simon except that Cathy isn't lesbian.
If you're really in 'tosa, are you having a bit of snow?
Wow...all I can say is WOW
I knew Stella had it in her but certainly never expected to see it come out like that. Think Simon can stop being a spoiled little brat long enough to figure out what's going on in his life and what he's screwing up? And Cathy needs a HUG.
Or just perhaps...
... Simon bit off more than he could chew. He thought he could handle Cathy's transition to being a woman, but is now finding out that is not the case.
Or maybe he is just getting really p*ssed off at her overly emotional response to everything he has said and/or done.
Whatever. Looks like they need some time away from each other. Maybe that will end up bringing them closer together. Or maybe it will prove that they are better off with other people.
And I can't believe I just commented on the lives of fictional characters. Damn you, Angharad! Damn you for getting me wrapped up in this soap opera! : )
Good writing - looking forward to a few hundred more installments.
Yes, It Does Draw You In Doesn't It
The last 2 days I've caught myself thinking/worrying about what would happen in this story while at work (just crazy).
Sorry but I can't totally empathize
Been there, done that. Cathy is off hormones WAY too soon if she is waiting for surgery, the reality is that 10 days off of it is sufficient; worked fine for me. She should have avoided the intimacy unless she was duct taped down. Sorry, that is just the way it is. She also has to anticipate the limitations of her man also.
She is under a lot of pressure, true. However, she just has to learn the fine ( or not so fine ) art of saying NO. This is the reality of life folks, you can't be all things for everybody.
I personally had a difficult transition to going full time also. I could not have taken on all these responsibilities either. Mr Right ? Oh well, even if he did come along I would have turned him down. Sex is not everything. Just like in any project, one thing at a time.
Being off hormones throws you off balance also so she is very vulnerable. Where is her therapist during this entire time ? She should be advising her.
It 's Biology
Men and women handle stress differently. The way Cathy handled the situation was the way women handle things. We look at things from the emotional aspect while men like Simon are taught to be strong and Stoic. They bottle things up and think that women should be the same way. They fail to understand that we ae not wired that way. It is further proof that Cathy is really on the true path for her life and that she is living as her true self. Simon needs a two by four up side of his head. Even that might not work. Men are so dense!!!
Very Nice Episode
Hopefully Simon will get a clue.
Thank you!
I promised you a comment per episode and I'm keeping that promise. I never promised that I would be creative; if I were, I'd be writing my own stories and, if I could, I would. Yes, I've tried and failed miserably. So, once again, all I can think of to say is "Thank you" for keeping me entertained so well.
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Just four words: Simon is a
Just four words: Simon is a Dork. J-Lynn
Just 4 words
Simon is a man.
Angharad deary, please keep this story a coming!
No, he's not
Simon is a fictional character in a fiction story. Not only is he not a man…he wasn’t even written by one.
It's so strange that Simon had a problem with noticing Cathy's tiny male organ, since he himself is an enormous one.
Perhaps not.
Perhaps he can't see the woody for the trees...
The inspiration drought
I notice that Ang is using an old trick of (mostly TV) series writers when they have a bit of trouble to come up with something new: the flashback episode summing up a lot of things that happened in previous episodes.
BTW: this comment is in no way meant as a bad thing. It's actually nice to have it all summarized so it's fresh in the head again. And I'm very surprised she made it this far without resorting to the "replay" option.
ReL The inspiration drought
I think Angharad did a splendid job of summarizing the story thus far as a means for Stella to try and get Simon to understand where Cathy is coming from.
As for TV shows using flashbacks, this is often done as either a cost-cutting measure, as a way to get a show which is falling behind schedule back on track, or both!
This continues to be one of my favorite series here at BC! The writing is witty and often emotionally charged!
Perhaps I've just been unlucky
but many of the men I've met are like Simon - cotton wool between the ears and brains between the legs, and prove the AMAB rule.
Still there is hope for redemption - he is going to live to 288 years of age, isn't he? If Stella doesn't kill him off first.
Is going to chew on this for a while, then realize what a jerk he has been. I see this as a bump, a major one, but they will work it through. At least I hope so.
rational thought
Whew ! I just fell head over heels for Stella. I forgot all that Cathy has had to deal with.
Feel like jumping off a cliff myself !
Maybe I gave Simon too much credit ? Stella did keep saying that every time Simon entered into a relationship, he'd do something to f**k it up !
I love Stella, She summed
I love Stella, She summed everything up brilliantly. Simon has always been a tad blind and borderline stupid, not to mention insensitive.
I wonder if Stella could change teams and be with Cathy?
Claire Stafford
Summing up and on into the unknown future
Thank you Angharad for your gift of ‘Bike’. This is the third or fourth time I have started from the beginning to read on to your latest episode which sums up the story’s qualities: characters and events to which I can strongly relate in scenes which time-after-time reveal details I never noticed before.
If anyone reads this who has been too daunted to try readingBike from the beginning…. I dare you!
Rhona McCloud
I've re-read it twice
since lockdown and made some corrections when I've been reading it on my computer, with my tablet it's not so easy.
Thanks for your continuing support.