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She sat quite happily in my hands for the CCTV, there were offers of a DVD for anyone who needed it for a TV station. Of course the photographers came up and started snapping away. Spike did not like the flashes and began to get agitated. I reached for her box and as I did so, she shot out of my hand along my sleeve and down the neck of my blouse.
Easy As Feeding A Donkey Strawberries.
by: Her wot writes 'em.
part: 2xtriple twenty & double tops = erm!
My birthday ended with a kiss and a cuddle with Simon, although because of the surgeon's advice, something had to be left dangling, I very much kept my knickers on. When he fell asleep, I slipped back to my own room and bed. I had loads to do and needed to get some rest.
Tuesday morning arrived and I dressed casually, for work then had a text message as I was about to leave from Pippa.
'Press r here, ring me, Pip.'
My stomach flipped. Stella and Simon had gone to work already, I had little option but to call Pippa.
"Hello, Professor Agnew's Office."
"Hi Pippa it's me." I could hear voices in the background.
"Can you hear the noise?"
"Yes, what should I do?"
"Don't ask me, speak to Prof Agnew or the Dean. I just thought I ought to warn you."
"Yes, thanks. I'll text you back when I decide what to do."
"Okay Mrs Smith, she is very busy at a meeting at the moment, I don't know when she'll be in again...." Obviously Pippa must have been in a position to be overheard and pretended to talk to someone else. She was good at her job.
I dialled the professor's home. No answer then ansafone. I decided to leave a message. "Sorry to bother you Prof, but we have rather a lot of the press at the department following the article in last night's paper. Should I go in and face them or lie low? Advice please."
I then tried the Dean's office, he was constantly engaged. I decided to go and face them, but first a quick makeover. I ran up to the bathroom and stripped off my jeans and top, put on some makeup, not a lot but enough to make me look half tidy. Then I grabbed a blue suit and a white blouse, and some fairly low court shoes. I kept the jewellery simple and then called a taxi. I didn't want them recognising my car. It was going to be expensive, but probably worth it.
I packed up my lappy while I waited, I looked more like a civil servant than an academic, I wanted to look professional but not sexy just in case there were cameras about. One photo had got me into enough trouble. The sun was shining and I got my sun glasses from the car. I heard the car approach and pulled on my coat.
The taxi driver pulled up outside the department, there were quite a few bodies milling around plus a van with BBC on it. Oh hell! I pulled my hair back into a pony tail and slipped on a scrunchy.
The taxi driver noticed me, "They waiting for you, or something?"
"Fraid so," I adjusted the scrunchie, the pony tail high on my head.
"Was that you in the paper last night, caught the sneak thief?"
"Fraid so."
"You gotta get through that lot?" he indicated the throng blocking the doorway.
"Yes, no, take me round the block will you, there's a side entrance."
He did and although I was spotted, I was in the building before anyone could get to me. I virtually ran to my lab, almost knocking Neal over.
"Hi Cathy, how did you get past the lynch party?"
"Side entrance, can't stop need to call Pippa." He nodded and went off.
"Hello Professor Agnew's Office."
"Hi Pip, it's me I'm down the lab."
"How did you do that Mrs Smith?"
"A secret map and a good compass, oh and the side door."
I heard her chuckle, "Professor Agnew will be here for a press conference in one hour. So I should wait till he gets here Mrs Smith."
"You think I should stay here for the moment then?" I repeated to her.
"I think so Mrs Smith, the professor won't be long."
"Where are they holding the press conference?"
"In lecture theatre three."
"Okay, thanks Pippa, sorry I left you to deal with it all."
"It's my pleasure Mrs Smith, maybe next time." She put the phone down and I wondered what the last bit of the message was about, and decided it meant nothing other than the pretend conversation.
I went and looked at the dormice, Spike was pleased to see me, well she was for the Brazil nut - tart! I wondered if I should produce her for the press conference, if the Professor wanted me to attend, and her too. I just thought, she would steal the show, an exhibitionist dormouse, whatever next?
Some ten or so minutes later, my phone rang. "Cathy, how are you?"
"I'm fine," I lied, I'd been to the loo twice.
"Okay, this is what we're going to do......"
"Should I bring Spike?"
"Great idea, see I left a place for you to make a contribution, as I knew you would."
"I have a suit on, is that okay, or should I wear a lab coat?"
"What make it look as if you've just been interrupted dissecting dormice?"
"Okay, I'll leave off the lab coat."
"Look as sexy as you can, I don't want anyone questioning what you are, other than a beautiful young woman. Is it the same suit as you had on yesterday?"
"Pity, because you wore that one for the government visit." Yes and the bloody photo that's caused all this.
"You know the staff entrance to the lecture room?"
"Yes Prof."
"I'll go in the student entrance, which should draw off the hounds while you sneak in like a technician."
I agreed and we arranged to meet in twenty minutes. I had just about enough time to go to the toilet another fifteen times before then.
I slipped out of the labs and down the corridor carrying my favourite rodent in a small darkened cage. Actually, it's a perspex box with air holes in it and a carry handle. I had a supply of nuts with me.
There was hardly anyone at the tradesmen's entrance, just a technician in a lab coat, who passed me as I got to the door. I slipped it open and went in. Professor Agnew emerged from the door to the podium a low murmur following him in. He closed the door.
"Not as sexy as before, but it will have to do, let your hair down girl."
I untied it and brushed it out.
"That's better. The Dean should be here in a moment or two, he is going to chair it. There will be nothing personal asked, except the robbery and the forthcoming marriage. I'm afraid that's already in the public domain. So what we try to do is to hi-jack it for free publicity for the project."
"Okay," I agreed shaking from fear. "Thanks for coming in and taking over."
"It's my job and allows me to show off my department and my life's work, also one of my very talented team, who is also so beautiful she will captivate them all."
I began to blush and looked away, "Not you, the bloody tree rat," he said and roared with laughter.
Dr Andrews arrived and the murmur if anything was louder than when Agnew had come. "If you're ready, lets get it over and done with. Oh by the way Cathy, you and Spike have appeared in about twenty newspapers here and on the continent, and led to a hundred enquiries by young women thinking of doing biology or zoology, since last night.
If we handle this well, there could be another thousand by the end of the week."
"How many do you usually get?" I asked.
"One or two from girls, more from boys."
"Coo!" I was overwhelmed, were people that ill informed, or just looking for inspiration? Obviously, they thought it was all about wearing YSL suits and handling dormice! It isn't, this suit came from 'Next'.
The Dean went out and was greeted by a round of applause. He asked for the noise to be kept down as I had brought a dormouse with me, who could actually die from fright. It would probably be true for most of them, but not Spike. She'd performed at a conference of six hundred delegates who cheered and clapped her. She just chomped away on her brazil nut, unconcerned, while I held her and kept my buttocks clenched. Gosh, I was multi-tasking even before I transitioned. I tried not to laugh, I was in danger of wetting myself.
"I should like to introduce Professor Tom Agnew, who is head of this department of Zoological science and leader of the Mammal Survey of the UK and eventually Europe. This is an enormous honour for the university and is only possible because of the reputation of Professor Agnew and his team, which is internationally renowned.
Finally, I would like to introduce Cathy Watts, soon to become Lady Cameron, a postgraduate member of the team, with responsibility for collating data on rodents, and one species in particular. I think without any shadow of a doubt, she is one of the world's leading experts on the common dormouse, and she has brought along one who is called 'Tyke' I believe. She is also now well know as a local crime fighter." A ripple of applause went around the room.
Agnew grabbed his sleeve, a roar of applause errupting as I stepped onto the podium. The Dean did his best to quieten things down.
"I stand corrected, our esteemed colleague's name is Spike." He chuckled and the room rumbled with laughter. I slipped a Brazil nut into the box and tiny pair of hands accepted it.
Tom Agnew and the Dean fielded most of the early questions, which were about the project. I was invited to comment on two, which related to the problem of global warming and rat populations.
"There is anecdotal evidence to suggest that numbers are increasing with environmental change. But whether the two are related, we don't know for certain, which is one of the reasons for the survey, remember as well that we are changing the environment with development through increasing populations of humans, with all the complications that brings -food production and waste disposal, plus places for them to breed more effectively. Rattus norvegicus is a very successful and adaptable animal, perhaps second only to some insects, oh, and humans."
Then one about dormice, which I answered without being to technical. I'd forgotten all this was being filmed until I was asked to show them Spike.
We have a CCTV system worked by a technician, so I could hold her on the table top and she would be seen on a large screen behind me. I carried the box over to the bench. I'd used the system before, so it wasn't too worrisome. Of course I got a round of applause for just walking across the podium. Spike was still munching, she was practically bomb-proof and I loved her to bits.
She sat quite happily in my hands for the CCTV, there were offers of a DVD for anyone who needed it for a TV station. Of course the photographers came up and started snapping away. Spike did not like the flashes and began to get agitated. I reached for her box and as I did so, she shot out of my hand along my sleeve and down the neck of my blouse.
The laughter was deafening as I felt the little furry body working its way down inside my blouse towards the waistband of my skirt. The technician came to assist, I grabbed the moving lump and he then held it while I turned away from the tittering crowd and reached inside my blouse and grabbed our escapee. To make life even more embarrassing, she peed while she was in there.
Finally, the Houdini of dormice was safely recaptured and after being put back in her box, Dan, the technician took her into the prep room.
Once the rumpus died down and I returned to my seat, the Dean asked if there were any further questions. A hand shot up, a woman journalist near the front. "When are you and Lord Cameron getting married?"
"We haven't set a date, we're both very busy and haven't had a chance to sort it out yet."
"When did you decide to catch the purse snatcher?" called a man from the back.
"I didn't really think about it, I saw him grab Stella's bag and move off, and I just chased after him. I think he saw me, so I had to try and stop him. I just jumped on him and he fell over."
"Are you going to play ladies' rugby?"
"I don't think so." I smiled back blushing.
"Was it Lord Cameron who was shot by poachers a while back?"
"Yes we were out surveying the dormice, I do regular checks on numbers and weights of individual animals."
"So this survey work is potentially dangerous."
"All field work is. In the dark you can fall into holes or over tree roots, into rivers and so on. We do have guidelines to minimise risk and fieldworkers are expected to gain a knowledge of their site in daylight if they do night work. Also no one goes out alone, and they have emergency equipment which they are trained to use."
"Viscount Stanebury said you were a race cyclist, who do you ride for?"
"I have ridden for the university once in a friendly, I don't race for a club at the moment, not enough time to get race fit." I was praying the Dean would call a halt.
"Did you enjoy your birthday party at the yacht club last night?"
"Yes thank you." What a silly question I thought, then realised it was the DJ, he obviously worked for a radio station as well. He winked at me and I blushed.
"Right that's it ladies and gents, I think Cathy and Professor Agnew have been very helpful, not to mention Houdini the dormouse." There was a round of applause.
A man about twent eight or thirty ran to the podium and accosted me. "Hi I'm Des Lane, I'm an independent film maker who does stuff for the BBC natural history unit, I'm interested in doing a film on dormice for them. Would you be prepared to help, there'd be a consultant's fee for you or the university, not a lot but a couple of thousand I expect, depending upon how they want to do it. Personally, I'd love to see you present it."
"What do you mean?"
"You know do a David Attenborough, help me write the script then film it then do some bits walking about the countryside while reciting the script."
"Gosh, I don't know. I don't know if I'd have time. Can I get back to you Des?"
"Yeah course," he handed me his card, "Check with them, the Beeb I mean, I am kosher, and I think it could do lots for your survey."
"I'll need to speak to my Prof."
"Okay, thanks for your time, give me a ring anyway, especially if you're ever in Bristol. Oh, I cycle too."
"Who was that?" asked Agnew.
"Some film maker chap, with the BBC natural history lot."
"And? God it's like pulling teeth!" he said exasperatedly.
"He wants to do a film on dormice and he wants me to help him, including presenting it."
"What about this project and the little matter of a doctoral study?"
"If I handled it correctly, the film could become part of both."
"Cathy, you're a hopeless romantic, be careful you don't over commit yourself, and remember you're going to be unavailable for a couple of months from January."
"Yes, I hadn't forgotten." I became aware of the cold air on a wet patch on my blouse. I loved that little critter, just couldn't think why?
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Easy As Falling Off A Bike
This is an amazing story. I look forward to reading a new episode each evening.
Keep up the great work.
A Wee Problem…
Brilliant episode as usual, Sis. You had me giggling like a fiend.
I believe some mice are bladderless and wee constantly. I take it that dormeeces have better plumbing.
And an offer to appear on Auntie Beeb. Good for Cathy, but I hope she isn't biting off more than she can chew.
Dormeeces have bladders
and have been used in experimental work concerning kidney and bladder transplantation. Ugh! Poor little furries.
Disgusted of Dorset!
"I became aware of the cold air on a wet patch on my blouse..."
AH... I love the smell of mouse piddle in the morning... oh wait, no, that's napalm... LOL.
I just love your dry humor. Keep up the good work, and don't let Cathy forget the little people when she becomes the next Dame Judi Dench.
Much love.
I assume it's only a matter of time before Cathy is presented to the queen. Riveting story.
marie c.
marie c.
What a way to scare little Cathy
Were I in Cathy's shoes, I'd certainly think Simon were bonkers for comming up with THAT! After all she's been through... Can you imagine, with her new years plans, being told she'll be presented over the christmas holidays (I assume this kind of thing is even possible.) Talks about trying to finish the girl off emotionally...
A Handful
And she's so cute, just sitting there...
Green dormeeces?
Or is that one just not ripe yet? :)
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Color Balance
Ahh... The hazards of amateur photography, fluourescent lights and green curtains... So it goes. Take it up with the Dean. He's the one who wanted to hold the press conference in that room...
Okay, I worked a little magic on it. If you reload the page, some of the green should be gone.
Deer Ms Pippa K
We is Johns kats, Rusty and Cally.
We has bin reel gud and use our litter box ansdd all but Santa didn't here hour prares.
Kud you pleaze send us a box of live dormice? We wood be evr to grateful and treat them special. We haf a warm place in our tummies, hearts, for mice.
Excuse out typig but this keybard was nort made fur paws.
John in Wauwtaosa's cats
John in Wauwatosa
I knew this wasn't John....
the spelling is too good. 8)
Mizz Angharad
cud you putz in a word wiff Pippa soo she can sent us some life dormouses?
We love smal furri animalz and would treat dem ever so kind.
We cud male youz some catnip, we has lots and lots.
John in Wauwatosa'a catz
John in Wauwatosa
The mouse ran up the...
I wonder if that's what they had in mind. Another amusing story, keep up the good work. :)

Where do you come up with the little incidents
The mouse escapee who peed on her refuge.....hmmm...
But this one has to be a little bit of an exageration. "I do regular checks on numbers and weights of individual animals." Sure, in the field an at night Cathy's checking numbers of wild doormice but I doubt that she's capturing them and checking their weights, especially if they can literally be scared to death. Guess she's a skilled researcher, maybe she can estimate weight from looking at the specimen.
Sorry to be critical. See, you've got me thinking too much about the story again.
Squirel In Church
Well, there's a true story of a little kid that caught a squirel and took him to church in a box one sunday... Said Squirel got loose and the service becam more "animated". :-)
The event even got imortalized in a popular song.
A weight off your mind....
If you know what you're doing, there are various ways of weighing little critters, like having nest boxes which are designed so the contents can be weighed by a hand held balance, without disturbing it.
Also, a proficient fieldworker would be able to catch and weigh a specimen in seconds, releasing it without harm, and remember, these dormice have been studied for two years, most of them have grown up with it.
Having said that, I recall a friend catching a short tailed vole, which died in his hand, presumably from fright.
Did you know that the Romans ATE dormice?
Strange. I have to ask why but then why do we eat snails...and who ever looked at an oyster and decided that it might be edible. Anyway, google search came up with this:
Roman recipe:
Baked dormice: "Stuff the dormice with minced pork or the meat of other dormice chopped up with herbs,
pepper and pine nuts. Sew up the dormice and cook in a small oven."
Now, I will not suggest cooking Spike, and as someone who has a pet house rabbit, I am pretty sensitive about people posting recipes for our cute little animal buddies. Sorry if I've offended someone, I was just amazed to find that anyone ever actually considered the little things food. (beside owls, foxes, etc)
Edible Dormouse,
This refers to a different species Glis glis, which carries more fat in its body than the common or hazel dormouse. It's a native of Italy where it's illegally hunted and eaten. In the UK it lives near Sandy in Bedforshire, where it was introduced. This has been discussed before. Apparently the taste is 'acquired' which probably means Yuck!
As you can see from Pippa's photo, dormice are hardly big enough to warrant eating, but then the French and Italians eat songbirds - go figure!
Glis glis
Not Sandy, Tring in Hertfordshire. See
Sandy is the home of the twitchers.
I knew that too. Maybe I should go to bed earlier!
The poor Tyke; er make that Spike. I have no doubt that the pee was a nervous condition as is axperienced by a lot of small uncultured mammals.
Even some large bipedals,ie homo sapien, both male and female have been known to experience that phenomenon when frightened almost to death, even cultured ones.
An hilarious chapter. Thanx
You have it all wrong.
Spike was trying to defend her friend from the scary predators by making her unappealing and smelly.
Go Go Pippa
What an angel Pippa is turning out to be. She will be sorely missed if they can't afford to pay off the money grabbers - sorry agency.
Keep it flowing - no thats to you Angharad, not Spike
Not only that....
But what are we going to do for dormouse photos? 8)
I'm up to date.
I'm surprised that you haven't been questioned about Pippa - the Yanks aren't as used to it as a name as us. I used it in Halloween and one response said it was the stupidest name they'd ever heard.
I guess I must have softened them up for you, huh?
She is a good girl though, just as mine was.
Keep it up girly,
Intrigued of Dorset
I was in college ....
.... with a girl called Phillipa, who always called herself Pippa. If our cousins across the pond can cope with names like Parris, I'm sure Pippa is fine, which as you said, by using, I'm only following in the footsteps of fine literature.
According to the Oxford Dictionary of first names, it was popular in the 19th century, and used by Browning in his poem 'Pippa Passes' in 1841.
You do rabbit on
First it was the bit about the Welsh, who as Angharad will tell you are the "original" English, it was the "foreigners" who brought what became English to the British Isles; now about names. Have you ever heard of Pippa Longstockings, a charming children's story by Swedish author Astrid Lindgren which is popular around the world, including the United States? It may not be a commonly used name, but most of us do know it.
Down with ego photo sigs!
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Actually; it's Pippi
Actually; it's Pippi Longstockings. I remeber these from my sister's comics over forty years ago.
Oops! :(
I'd blame that on my fat fingers, but the "i" and "a" keys are too far apart. I was thinking of Pippa as seeming a more appropriate nickname for Phillipa, and my fingers just went the wrong way. I used to have the books until I gave them to a niece years ago, so I knew that, I really did!
Karen J.
Down with ego photo sigs!
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
As in the Energizer Bunny
Keep going, and going, and going, and . . . .
Down with ego photo sigs!
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I can't win.
If I comment, even just a few words, then I'm rabbiting.
If I don't comment, I become one of those who is complained about, because I'm not leaving a comment.
Which would you prefer?
I shall continue to comment on this and a couple of other story serials, but I shall try not to give it too much bunny.
Oh with regards that, how many words would be best?
Pippi LÃ¥ngstrump!
Don't do Swedish
Just American, a bit of English, and some Norwegian, which if you know the relations between Norway and Sweden explains why I don't do Swedish! ;) So I stick with English.
Down with ego photo sigs!
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Pippa may be able to stay
If Cathy finds Pippa indespencible, what if she turns on the old charm on Simon, particuarly her soon to be POST opp charms? Maybe he can use his influence and money to get Pippa released from her temp bondage. That's assuming Cathy doesn't kill Simon from exhaustion. In many ways Cathy is a teenaged girl what with never being intersted sexually in anyone before and all those transitioning hormones. Simon had better start working out and eating better, his survial depends on it. I have my suspicions Cathy will make Spike look like a celibate.
Never underestimate the power of a woman.
Great stuff, oh great one from Wales.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
What I find so cool about
What I find so cool about the story is not only learning about and getting to know Cathy, Stella and Simon, et al, but also getting to learn about Dormice. This wonderful story flows easily in reading it. I really look forward to each new chapter. Janice Lynn
A Man took a Dormouse…
…to a pub, and the barman (bartender) asked what it was.
"This is an amazing Dormouse," said the man, "and what's more she plays the piano."
"I don't believe you," said the barman.
"I'll prove it," said the man and he placed the dormouse on the keyboard and she performed classical, jazz and ragtime tunes.
"That's amazing," said the barman. "I'll give you fifty quid for her."
So the man left the dormouse at the pub, and returned the following day with another one.
"Does she perform too?" asked the barman.
"Sure," said the man. "This one sings."
"Never," says the barman. "A dormouse can't sing."
"I'll prove it too you," said the man and placed the second dormouse on the piano next to the first one who started playing and, sure enough, the second dormouse started singing extracts from Porgy and Bess in a fine soprano voice.
"I'll give you fifty pounds for that one too," said the barman, giving the money to the man.
Next day, the man went back to the pub. "What have you brought for me today," asked the delighted barman. Those two have been performing almost non-stop ever since."
"Actually I have brought nothing today," replied the man. "In fact I feel a bit guilty about the second dormouse. You see she cqan't sing at all."
"Of course she can," said the barman. "Just listen to her."
"No, no, it's not her. You see the first one's a ventriloquist!"
(running away to hide)
The worst joke of 2007?
That has to be the worst joke of 2007.
Your story is great Angharad. I've only just seen it and it seems I have some catching up to do
Interesting. Can I have a
Interesting. Can I have a raise of hands, How many here still love an animal who crawls down your shirt to have a good wiz , Ok Cathy, that makes one. Great joke Gabi
Are you sure this didn't happen to you ?