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We continued drinking our teas and talking until we were interrupted by a shout of anguish. I jumped up and ran out into the lounge.
"What's happening?" I asked.
"Kiki, she's rolled in horse shit and gone belting out through the hole in the fence."
Easy As Falling Off A Bike
by Angharad
part 173.
I waited until the dishwasher had finished, then emptied it, checking everything as I did, I have known them miss bits, but it was all sparkling clean. The glasses I'd collected, were washed and dried long since.
The kitchen having been restored to a state of order, I went off to see what the others were doing. "Grab us a bottle of red will you babes," asked Simon, otherwise deep in conversation with Tom about cricket and England being humiliated by Sri Lanka or India or someone.
I went off and got them some more wine. I felt like protesting but, they were both ready to drink it. Obviously Stella would be driving.
I checked on the girls, "More coffee or tea?"
"Tea would be nice," said Stella and Pippa nodded. "Come and sit and talk with us when you've made it."
"Yes ma'am," I curtseyed, then dashed out before she threw something at me.
Taking the pot of tea and some biscuits in, I poured us each a cup and then sat down to listen to the conversation.
"Where have you been?" asked Stella.
"Emptying the dishwasher, checking around the kitchen and reading the paper."
"So any mention of anything?"
"There was mention of the film clip on Youtube about the dormouse, as being one of the funniest press conferences ever. But nothing about me per se."
"Nah, we went through the tabloids and none of them had anything."
"So what does that mean?" I asked.
"Could be no one has noticed or that it's no longer newsworthy, which it isn't."
"If Simon wasn't involved or that ruddy dormouse, I would agree. But unfortunately, the two of them mean there is a story." I said.
"It's pretty pathetic though isn't it?" Pippa said it as if she was annoyed. "Can't they find real stories to write about?"
"Transsexuals tend to be vulnerable and cheap to hit," I suggested, "plus they use the excuse of, 'public or human interest' to justify their intrusion."
"I spoke to Daddy this morning, and he has had a statement prepared, which says something to the effect that, 'He isn't worried what you may or may not have been, only that you are a lovely young woman now of whom Simon is justly proud, and deeply in love."
"Awww that is just so sweet," said Pippa.
"Perhaps a trifle over cooked," I observed and Stella winked at me then smirked.
"I said much the same, but he was happy with it. Anyway, he's showing solidarty with us but not starting anything. He had another one prepared in case they ask for a statement for something else."
"What do you mean something else?" asked Pippa.
"Well if they just get wind that something is in the air but don't know what. I mean Cathy stopping a car load of journalists the other day is not going to ingratiate her with that crowd. So they may decide that they can wheedle it out of Daddy, except they don't understand him, if they think they can."
"Oh, well that must be good to know?" said Pippa.
"Yes, Henry's a good sort," I said, "apart from wanting to use that bloody photo."
"Well it's out in the public domain now, so there isn't much point in complaining, is there?" suggested Stella and she had a point, but then she wasn't in the photo.
We continued drinking our teas and talking until we were interrupted by a shout of anguish. I jumped up and ran out into the lounge.
"What's happening?" I asked.
"Kiki, she's rolled in horse shit and gone belting out through the hole in the fence."
"Well you knew it was there," I chided Tom, I could have added silly man.
"I did, but not at the moment I let her out." He wobbled by the French window.
"You are drunk," I accused.
"Yes madam but you are beautiful, and tomorrow I'll be sober. No that's wrong..." he muttered to himself, mixing up a quote from Winston Churchill.* I knew what it was, but I let him work it out for himself.
I grabbed my coat and told the girls I was going to look for Kiki. Pippa decided to come with me. We found the lead in the kitchen and a torch and set off in the direction the silly spaniel had taken.
We must have looked rather stupid, calling out the dog's name and peering into drives and gardens. About half an hour later, I spotted something, "There she is, look down there," I pointed.
"Cor, you've got good eyesight?" said Pippa.
"Maybe, it could also be I am more practised at working in the dark."
"Oh doing the dormouse thingy?"
"Yep, come on or she'll run off." We trotted down the road and sure enough it was our smelly, greedy spaniel. I slipped the lead onto the collar and we walked her home. Once on the lead she was quite good, walking to another bath, she knew nothing about.
We walked back to the hole in the fence and found the two men there with shovels, I presumed trying to clear up the horse droppings, but they were so drunk, they were spreading it more about than shifting it. Stella was watching killing herself laughing.
"Wouldn't it have been quicker for you to do that?" I asked her.
"I offered but neither of the silly buggers would let me."
"Oh no!" shrieked Pippa, and I turned around just in time to see Tom sit in the biggest pile and laugh himself silly.
"And I thought I was strange?" I said to myself.
"Another one for the bath," called Stella. She and I helped him up, his trousers and back were plastered but otherwise he was okay, and was unhurt, the most important element. He was still laughing when I ran upstairs and grabbed his dressing gown, while Stella helped him disrobe in the kitchen, at least down to his undies.
Then she helped him upstairs and waited while he showered. Menwhile, I had ordered Simon indoors like a naughty schoolboy, and Pippa and I shifted the shit in about ten minutes. The dog was tied up and barking at us the whole time.
Finally, I changed and found the tin bath that Tom used for spaniel shampooing, seeing this, the dog tried to hang herself in escaping. But there was no escape, and once I found a pair of rubber gloves and the dog shampoo, she was in the warm water and scrubbed closer to godliness. I dried her with an old towel I found and shut her in the utility room, where she normally slept. It was quite warm in there and she'd dry soon enough, stupid dog.
When I got back in, I discovered Simon was zonked on the sofa in the lounge and according to Stella, Tom was similarly so in his bed.
"What are we going to do with him?" I asked.
"I've tried waking him but he's really gone," Stella spoke loudly over Simon's snoring. "Look I'll take Pippa home and then we can decide what we do, feel free to try and wake him."
"Is it worth it?" I asked.
"Doubt it, put the kettle on, won't be long."
I said my goodbyes to Pippa who promised to phone me the next day and let me know if the press were still about. Stella took her home.
I was seated at the table in the kitchen when she rang the doorbell. I got up from the unfinished crossword, and clicked the switch on the kettle again.
We drank the tea and between us finished the crossword, congratulating each other on team work. Then we tried to wake Simon. He wouldn't budge.
"I suppose I'd better go home and come back for him?" said Stella.
I looked at the time, "It's past twelve Stella, wouldn't it be easier to stay here and try to shift him in the morning? There is another bedroom."
"Yeah okay, I shall kill him slowly tomorrow," she said.
"Unless I wake first," I smiled and we high fived each other.
I showed her upstairs, and went to get a spare nightie for her. The spare room had a bed but it wasn't made up. "Look Cathy, your's is a double, I'll share with you."
"Erm okay," I gulped.
* Churchill is reputed to have been seen by one of his constituents when he was totally rat-arsed, a common occurrence, he was an alcoholic. She said to him disdainfully, "Mr Churchill you are drunk!"
He replied, "Yes madam, I am, but you are ugly and I shall be sober in the morning."
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Another enjoyable episode. Thanks :)

Very Down To Earth…
…and back to countryside basics. I wonder if Tom has (or had) any roses in his garden? Roses lurve horse manure.
Entertaining and witty, as always.
Or down to the lavatorial stuff
It seems strange that somehow things always degenerate to toilet humour.
Still, wouldn't the world be a boring place if it didn't?
Spiritus Fermenti
In Churchill's history/memoir of WW2, he describes FDR mixing martinis for their consumption. The "Children's Hour" was very much part of FDR's routine.
I strongly suspect those 2 consumed a copious amount of gin.
Warts and all, Churchill and FDR were exactly what the world needed in that most unhappy time frame.
Maybe they could engineer a breed of dormice that loves to clean up backyards.
marie c.
marie c.
Churchill quote
Winston appeared in the House pissed (not unusual, apparently) and the first female MP Nancy Astor accused him of being drunk when he replied (I paraphrase) "Yes, madam, and you are ugly, but in the morning I will be sober"
Angharad, I can't believe you're writing Cathy as such a domesticated wimp! If she cooked, then someone else (Simon and Tom!) should deal with the clean up. If I spoke to my wife (of 40+ happy years, and a cyclist to boot) the way Simon speaks to (and treats) Cathy the bottle of wine would be decanted over my head - and rightly so. If you're intending Simon to appear as an arrogant shit and a drunk then you're succeeding beautifully.
It is, of course, otherwise wonderful.
Not Nancy Astor…
…it was Bessie Braddock, the member for one of the Liverpool constituencies. I originally heard the story from the lips of one Enoch Powell, who was guest speaker at a dinner in one of the House of Commons dining rooms in the mid-sixties. A lot of political clubs and societies (Young Conservatives, f'rinstance) would hire a room for dinner.
(betraying her reactionary past)
Geoff,I heard it differently.
In the version I heard the female MP in question was Bessie Braddock.Are you sure you're not confusing this with the exchange between GB Shaw and Lady Astor, when she suggested that they had a child together, which would go far , having his brains and her beauty, to which GBS replied, "Yes Madam, but what if it had your brains and my beauty?"
I think you may be right.
Now there's an admission! It IS rather late. Bessie Braddock certainly wasn't the most glamorous of Labour MPs. I remember her well and she was a contemporary of Churchill. My early memories of Churchill were the sounds of loud catcalls and booing when he appeared on News Reels at the local cinema. Despite his war time record he was never popular in coal mining communities because of his record in Wales before the war when, as Home Secretary, he ordered the army to fire on striking miners.
PS I've just checked this out on Wikipedia. It is ascribed to Bessie, but it says it's also ascribed to Nancy Astor by some people. So perhaps we're both right in a way LOL
Probably Americans...
...who ascribe it to Astor. Most of us have never heard of Braddock. I have, just barely, and I'm way more of an anglophile than most. :) BTW, many Americans consider Sir Winston ours as much as Britain's. We tend to love his idiosyncrasies, even his failings, and that truly awful crown coin with his portrait is in a lot of American coin collections.
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Very Polite
To say that Bessie Braddock was not the most glamourous of ladies is probably the most complimentary description of her ever made and far more polite than Winston, even though he was accurate. My father came from a Scottish mining community and hated Churchill with a passion. He (Churchill) was not that popular in Australia either as he was the architect of the Gallipoli disaster in WW1.
Suspicious text in Camp Kumoni, Ch 24
Now where in the world would this have come from?
“How hard can this possibly be?†Samantha asked the other girls.
“About As Easy as Falling Off a Bike.†Dani winked.
Good chapter but how about some dormouse sh*t to go along with the horse droppings. Also, horse sh*t is generally pretty solid little balls, aka "horse apples". It's cow stuff, aka "cow pies", that are really messy if you step in one or fall in it. Take that advice from someone who's had too much experience with both.
Rules are Rules
... also occurs in that episode. Wouldn't surprise me if there's more to find if we go looking.
I love Camp Kumoni. When I read it, I'm there. But I wish I was one of the other girls, and not Erica.
But that would be more boring. Hm. Geez, I don't know what I would prefer anymore.
I guess I'm happy being me and have stopped wishing otherwise. That's progress. Are you there yet?
- Moni
It's a girl's world; we just let boys live in it.
Epic tale
"As Easy as Falling Off a Bike" has become one of those epic tales like Gabyverse and Whateley Academy. It became as important (and much better in my opinion) as the Joe Bates saga. One could almost say that Angharad practically took over this website. Ok, that's a bit much since there's also "Rules are Rules" that's updated very frequently.
For the moment, I'm enjoying the luxuary of having so many great stories I can read. On the downside, it's been months since I found time to work on my own attempt at writing. Not only is much of my free time gone to reading, but it's also a bit discouraging to see the works of these much more talented authors and having to hold my own attempts next to them.
Keep writing
Lack of talent never stopped me doing anything!
Sloshed Englishmen and the ladies sleep
Well, I recall fairly early in the series discussions about Stella having designs on Cathy... Well, now she's going to bed with her.
And, what is it with these british gentlemen always getting drunk? Is it THAT common over there?
Cathy's just tooo helpful for her own good sometimes. Sounds like some folks I know actually.
Thanks for another fun read.
another grande episode
Good clean (ahem) fun in the country... Who got to bath the prof, you couldn't leave him alone to shower surely? I think I'd hand him his 'slightly soiled' clothes to sort out himself the next morning. Preferably before breakfast.
Then we get a history lesson in the comments. Wowee, now we need one of the more literate types to lob in an Oscar Wilde quote just to spice things up.
Oops...nearly succumbed and put down a recipe, close call. Keep cookin' Angharad.
Wilde for Kristina
"Hard work is simply the refuge of people who have nothing whatever to do."
"Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative."
Take your pick, Kristina (not that I claim to be literate - just like Wilde), or should we let Angharad chose?
Nice Jan
But I was thinking more seriously bitchy. Nobody did bitchy quite like Oscar. Or am I thinking of Maugham or someone? Come on...where's the intelligentsia when ya needs em? Must be a few well read types out there.
I just remember the Monty Python sketch
With a supposed conversation between Wilde and Shaw and the king.
Shaw: "I wish I'd said that."
Wilde: "You will dear boy, you will."
recipes by BC
Dinner party with GBS (that's another I was trying to remember) and Wilde, , Shaw and Wilde slightly pissed and tossing thoughts about. You'd have to be game to get in the way of those guys, acid tongues par excellance. Ah..Angharad, what's Elvis doing there? Hey, that's fine it's your party. I thought he was in Parkes this weekend. (??)
Celebrating his 73rd birthday, didn't you see the cake? "You ain't nuthin' but a groundhog...."
apropo to nuthin' except we did mention Elvis,er, the king anyway... a little country town in western NSW Australia holds and annual Elvis weekend. Haven't been meself but it's gaining a big rep world wide as a wild place to visit if your an Elvis nut, or just a mad party animal. ..if anyones curious. Way too many Elvi for me I think, but hey, each to their own. Still would be a fun weekend I think. The train trip out there would probably kill me.
Wilde Ones
Here's a couple (maybe slightly misquoted):
Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them as much.
If you want to tell someone the truth, make them laugh; otherwise they may kill you.
Another one
God protect me from my friends. I can take care of my enemies myself.
One of my own
Blood is thicker than water.....
...Shit is thicker than blood!
The previous two chapters has over 2500 reads, and 10 or so kudos. This chapter has over 3000 reads, and 7 kudos (now 8). Strange, very strange.
Interesting update
Its now over three years later, reads are over 4200 and kudos up to 36!
Drunken Sods,
In response to an earlier comment, Sure Churchill and FDR drank, FDR didn't worry about being falling down drunk, he was legless to start.
Nother great natural chapter in the Life of Lady Catherine. Everyone is taking notes I hope.
Cathy has never slept with a woman, oh dear I hope Stella has no step-mother in her.
Has everyone kicked in to the Kitty ??