A Christmas Diary -9- The Last Weekend

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Twelfth Night, bargain completed; is this the end of Tammy?
A Christmas Diary -9-
The Last Weekend

Tom's Christmas Diary

By Little Katie

Part Nine: The Last Weekend

This has been such a blast to write. It really lets me explore a different view of life and writing. It is challenging in some senses. There is a small religious comentary that has me worried, due to my upbringing it isn't a widely accepted view. Please leave a comment.

Saturday, January 4th, Sam's dad won his bet and he gave me ten dollars right on the spot. Here is the bad thing about cheerleading suits, no pockets. Well not the only thing bad about them, but at least I had my purse with me to keep things in. That thing really does come in handy, it's like a bookbag but without any books in it.

Mom said I made a real good cheerleader, I guess that is because Sam showed me what to do. I can even do a full split, I didn't know I could, but I did it on my first try. I was like real scared to do one, I thought maybe it would tear something a part.

I really like being with Sam to. I hope we are still friends after all this mess is done with. I asked her about being girlfriends to each other. She said that's what I am, a girl and a friend. I told her but I am not a girl and she said 'if you say so.' Girls always have a habit of saying stupid things just to get on your nerves. I asked her if she would still be my friend when I start dressing like a boy. She said of corse, I'll be her tom boy friend. I had the feeling she meant something else though. Like you know tomboy, like a girl doing the opposite of what I'm doing now. But maybe she was just teasing about my name or maybe she is so ditzy that she didn't realize that she made a joke without knowing it.

Okay mom tucked me and Amy in and we got up at 10am. This is nice to sleep in all the time but Monday it is going to end. I hate getting up for school when its cold. Well, mom and I made eggs sunny face up and some bacon and some toast. Then I got dressed. I wore a black denim skirt and Vince's wrestling tee shirt, which I also slept in. It makes a nice nighty because it is long. Okay the reason I wore it was because the first thing we were doing was going to see vince wrestle.

Mom said she knew that I had a thing for Vince and that it was okay, and it was okay to continue it after Monday. I was happy to hear that because Vince is like way cool and I like him. I don't know if he is still going to want to kiss if I dress back like a boy. I don't even know if I'm going to want to kiss him once this stupid dresses and stuff stop making me think of stupid things.

Well we went over to the high school. The place wasn't packed, but a lot of people were there. Vince was in these little tights, he has more muscles then I thought and really looked good. He just bulges all over the place. I felt sorry for the puny boy that he had to wrestle. I didn't know the rules, I mean there weren't any ropes and people were sitting on the chairs and not hitting each other with them. The umpire person kept yelling out points and blowing his whistle. It was very confusing.

Well Vince got to wrestle, he looked so strong. He totally kicked butt. I wanted to say, that's my boyfriend, but that might of made things bad. I mean even if people mistake me for a girl, it still means that Vince is dating a almost 12 year old. He got all sweaty and shiney and that made me feel funny inside for some reason. Not bad funny, just funny funny. After they was all done with the match, Vince's team lost by only 3 points. But it wasn't his fault, he pinned his guy.

Well Vince came and introduced himself to my mom. He is so polite, and said how glad he was to know me. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and thanked me for bringing him luck. I blushed so much I thought my face would explode with red. I'm surprised he did it though, I meen his friends saw. Well he said he had to go and shower, and I had to go with mom for our mom daughter day. SO we said bye, I hope to see him again soon.

Okay after the wrestling mom took me to see the ballet. It wasn't the real ballet, but one for kids. So it wasn't that long. It looked really cool to, I wonder how long they practice to do all those jumps and stand on there toes. I tried to do it myself when we got home, and I fell. Well, I got to admit this about being a girl for christmas, even though I don't want to, I am doing a lot of different stuff and some of it isn't totally horible. I liked watching the ballet and being with mom. There were even boy ballerinas. I didn't even think they were fruity and I bet 2 weeks ago I would of. They were kids though like maybe 7 or under. But they were so cute, the girls were even cuter in their pink suits and tutus.

If I was born a girl I wonder if mom would have had me do dance instead of peewee football. I thanked mom for taking me and how much I really really liked it when it finished. She said that she knew I would, and maybe we could come a few times during the year. I don't know, the ballet isn't a place most boys want to be caught. I told her maybe.

After the show we went to the zoo. All the animals looked cool against the snow. It was really nice. I still like looking at tigers, they are like the coolest animals. We walked clear around the zoo and it only took us about half an hour. Mostly me and mom just talked about things.

She told me not to put myself in a situation I couldn't handle with Vince. I told her okay, but I doubt Vince would ever do that to me. She said it was okay that I like him and kiss him though. I asked her if that made me gay. She said I was to young to know something trivial like that and that is something I would decide when I was older. She said right now I'm just exploring who I am, and that it was okay. I wanted to tell her that right now I'm a big fruitcake dressed as a girl, but I didn't.

It started getting late and me and mom went out for chinese food. I love chinese food. Yummy. It is kind of neat to be mom's daughter for a little while, I have more in common with her then I knew and I wouldn't of found out if I didn't pretend to be a girl. We went home and we did each others nails. Mom is real good at painting them. It's too bad this is going to end I think sometimes, I mean I really liked getting to know mom this way and doing this silly stuff with her. Maybe it would have been better if I was a real girl. WHAT AM I SAYING. I AM NOT A REAL GIRL JUST A FRUIT. GEESH SEE HOW THIS DRESS MAKES YOU SAY STUFF YOU CAN'T REALLY MEAN. Anyway, Vince is going to stop by and stay for a while. Night night Mrs. Diary, I got one more day to write you.

Sunday, January 5th, This is the last day for me to write to you mrs. Diary, don't be sad, you helped me a lot. I just know that since my aunt won't be making me and I'll be back to normal that I probably won't keep up. Well lets see all that happened since yesterday that I haven't told you about.

Okay Vince did come over last night. I told him again how much I liked seeing him wrestle and how proud I was that he won. He thanked me and said it was easy with a beautiful girl in the stands. I told him that on Monday that the girl wouldn't exist, he said I was still beautiful, it made me blush but also made me kind of sad that this was ending. Isn't that silly, at first I didn't even want to do it and was like hell no, now I am sad that its going to stop. I can't wait until my thinking goes back to normal.

Well Vince taught me some wrestling moves, in case I need to protect myself. He taught me a fireman's carry and a high crotch. When he said high crotch I thought he was trying to get fresh, but he promised me that it was really what the move was called. He also taught me a half nelson and a cross face. He didn't do them hard to me, but he told me that they could really hurt. Then we did wrestle against each other, and I won. I know he let me beet him, that is so sweet of him, isn't it? I hope that on Monday that we are still friends.

He asked me if I wanted to stay a girl. I asked him why he asked. He said because I seem to be really happy. I told him school started Monday and I had to be back to normal. He just said okay. I meen if I was reely a girl it wouldn't be so bad, but I'm not, so it's kind of wrong, isn't it? Anyway, Vince stayed like an hour and a half then had to go home. I gave him a kiss good bye. I meen after all he did teach me all the wrestling stuff and he is so nice and cute. YUCK I better get that thinking out of my head or I'm going to get a butt kicking tomorrow.

Okay this morning I woke up, I had another dream. My dad was hitting me for being a big pansy faggot. But Vince came in and beat him up and said leave her alone she is happy. Why do I keep having these dreams? Am I going mental? Well I guess its okay to admit it but me and Vince did more then just kiss. I meen in the dream. I woke up and I was like ICK but I was also like wondering why I would dream about gay things. But is it gay if I'm a girl in the dream.

I don't know, I sware I am going nuts and need to get back to pants and t-shirts. It's a good thing I didn't agree to be a girl during summer break, it would never end and who know what crazy things I would be thinking if this went on longer. I mean I am doing a lot of things I shouldn't be doing, right?

Okay mom and I got dressed and went to church. This is where things got bad, I think. I wore a white floral dress and tights. But when I was in church, I thought, what would God say if he saw me pretending to be something he didn't make me. I got really worried that something would happen and mom noticed. I told her about what was bothering me. She said God was love and that he would love me no matter what I did or how I behaved. She said if I loved him, he would love me back no matter what.

I said what if I did something really bad, like kill someone. She said if I really loved God, I wouldn't do something like that. I then said, but isnt dressing like this kind of like lyinig. She said, not if that's what you really are on the inside. I didn't say nothing else. What else could I say.

If that is what I am on the inside. I didn't know what she really meant. Am I a fruitcake on the inside, like Glenn and Paul and Alexis. I don't believe that they are going to hell because they are gay, Mom said people who think that way really don't know God's word.

Then I thought, maybe she meant if I was a girl inside. But that is impossible, right? I mean you are either boy inside and out or girl inside and out. You can't be one and another at the same time, that doesn't make sense. I mean can someone be a girl inside and a boy outside? I don't think so. It's too confusing.

Well afterwards we went out for brunch. The waiter treated us real nice. It is amazing that as a girl people treat me nicer and I think I know why. For some reason I am nicer back. That makes no sense as to why it would work that way, but I notice I say please and thank you a lot more. Since I used to never say it when I am myself. But I just noticed that. I said can we please have a table for 2. And the guy said certainly, follow me. And I said thank you. Usually I don't say please and usually I say show the way and not thank you.

Anyways brunch is really a great meal. It's lunch stuff and breakfast stuff and you eat till your pants explode, if you are wearing pants that is. I also notice I didn't gorge myself and am more neater when I eat. Why is everything changing because of clothes, this is so stupid.

After brunch I went to Sam's. I wanted to spend one last time being with her as Tammy. We didn't do nothing or get undressed or kiss. We just talked. I like talking to sam more then all those other things. I never talk to people like the way I've been doing lately. It's really cool to get to know the real person and not just be like some kind of animal and just do pranks and tell jokes. Sam says I am one of her better girl friends. I really wish she would stop saying stuff like that, I'm confused enough. She said we will still be friends and who knows what will happen. It's like people are expecting me to magically turn into a real girl, don't they know that that stuff doesn't happen. Well except on one of the web places I visited, but that was all made up stories.

Well I spent a good 2 hours just talking to Sam, I wasn't even bored for a second isn't that amazing. We just chatted, no playing games or nothing. Just sitting down like two civilized people and chatted about our feelings. Isn't that sickening, it wasn't but shouldn't I find it that way. I hope we still talk like this once in awhile after I am back to normal.

Here is the thing, I'm not woried about Sam not wanting to talk, but me. I'm afraid I will put on pants and go back to being my old nasty self and lose every little thing that I have learned. I hate to say this, but I like the way I am now. Not all the fruitcake stuff, but being nice and learning about people.

I went home and helped mom make dinner. We had lasagna and it came out so good. My aunt Jan came over and complemented me on how well I have done. I know she meant more then just on dinner. She said in private, see that wasn't so hard. But, now I am afraid it will be hard to go back to what I was, I don't even know if I want to. Well being normal is what I'm suppose to do. Right?

It's time to go to bed and mom said I could be in regular pj's. I think I will just wear the wrestling t-shirt. I mean that is a guys t-shirt. It's been real nice telling you all my secrets and stuff mrs. Diary. You really help get it all out. I think I will miss you the most out of this whole thing, but like I said, once I go back to normal I probably won't even look at you. So, I guess this is the end. Kiss Kiss.

It seems our young main character is giving up on using his diary, and really fearing returning back to 'normal', whatever that is. Well, I'm sure he will do what is best. Please leave a comment or an antidote, or a plea. One wonders what will happen to Tommy, why don't you tell me?


I read it again...

...I should address it again. When the israelites were leaving egypt they were many but of those many only two entered the promised land. The bible says the rest fell in the wilderness having not obtained the promise through unbelief. The bible also states that many are called (the afore-mentioned exodus being an image of that), few are chosen (joshua and caleb being an image of that few). The numbers are scary who (how few) will be in heaven and who (how many) will be in hell.

I don't know who (by name) will be in hell. I would never venture a guess it is kind of bad form to attempt to occupy christs judgment seat. But I can say this because of the numbers... most gays, most transexuals (and even most bible thumpers) will be in hell. Don't crucify the messanger. Yes, God is love but do we prove to be his children by returning that love to him? Living our lives however we see fit is not doing that.

Knowing God.

Here's the thing... Do you REALLY want to know the structure of the christian faith or not? A person goes to hell for not knowing God. The scripture is quite clear that a person who sins does NOT KNOW GOD. It is also quite clear that God did NOT make people corrupt. That statment about corruption especially includes the flesh. It is quite stupid for evangelicals to say on the one hand that we are born with a sin nature and then claim that certain people who claim to be born homosexual can't be correct. It is a contradiction. The flesh is corrupt from birth because of what adam did in eden. The corruption of the flesh is our lot to overcome through the hearing and application of Gods word. Jesus SAID FROM THE BEGINNING IT WAS INTENDED that they were made male and female and it was for that CAUSE that a man leave father and mother and cleave to his wife and they become one flesh. People spend much more time on matters of the flesh which everyone knows is vain because we will put off this flesh in death. It isn't a matter of homosexuality being the product of a delusional mind it most certainly is a matter of being corrupted flesh. Flesh that I might add influences the mind. You prove that when you continue to write about estrogen which is a biological chemical. The word of God tells us how our body does work and how our mind should work.


please continue this is one of the good storys. from what you write it sounds like he did not enjoy it at first and now he has become so ajusted in te role his is afraid of going back to tommy. you could do it so he goes back to tommy but after a week he regrets it and asks his mom to be tammy again.

hope to read more



Perhaps tommy will still write out of habit. and perhaps he'll come to understand that he dosn't have to stop being ice just cause he's a boy. Or is he? maybe, just maybe she found out who she really is, if so, tammy may dress like tommy but she not at all likly to go away. Ever.

A Christmas Diary

Well Little Katie if it was a blast for you it was a refreshing read for many of us out here in fan land. Tommy/Tammy appeared to become very involved in writing to Mrs. Diary so I expect that he will feel pressure from within to keep writing even if he stays in his boy persona.

Should you decide to continue this delightfull story , Little Katie . I'm sure you would find Tommies exploration of life as Tammy without the bet, something of a challenge. I know that I , for one , would really enjoy it. It would then be possible to explore further the religious commentry touched upon chapter 9.
Thank you for this great read. Your friend,

Holiday speeches flowing with a wet finger.
Sir Earle

Oh, no, Katie!

Too many unanswered questions to stop here! What does the school mate who saw Tammy do? How can Tammy just turn this off? Where does the relationship with Vince go? You *could* stop here but that would be too cruel!

Please Don't Stop The Story...

I have really enjoyed reading this story and would feel very happy to see where it could go from here. Right now it is right at the best part where Tammy is finally starting to know just who she is and how wonderful and different her life could be. Please don't stop this wonderful story here.
It has been wonderful to watch Tammy's journey of self discovery and the wonderful relationships she has been able to find with her family, friends and Vince. I can sympathize with Tammy's struggle to find herself and her place in this world. But don't we all go through the same thing in this life? It would be wonderful to see a happy ending for Tammy.
Ok, I have probably written too much...whatever you do decide to do with this story thank you for sharing it with us.

Taking you at your word

Jezzi Stewart's picture

<< One wonders what will happen to Tommy, why don't you tell me? >>

Monday, Jan. 6, after school

Well Miss Diary are you surprised to have me writing in you again so soon? Well I told you I was worried about going back to my nasty self when I put on my boy clothes again and forgetting all the good stuff I learned as Tammy, and I was. Remember I looked back at you last night and read all the horrible stuff I said I was going to do in the early pages like fight everyone, even Sam? And I was afraid I might actually do that stuff because I was sure john had spread about seeing me all dolled up (And i did look like a doll that day, darn!) to all the kids at school and they all would tease me or worse. Well today turned out to be like a test and -get this - a TEACHER helped me pass!

It was really strange to wake up and put on my boy clothes. The dumb dress just wouldn't stop messing with my mind, and I almost dragged out a pair of Tammy's unders to wear, but i didn't. I put on my boy jeans and a Metallica shirt. Mom put on a brave front when she saw me, but i could tell right off she missed Tammy. I tried to make up for it by doing all the things tammy had done to help her out in the kitchen, and I think it did help a little as she knew I wouldn't have done that two weeks ago. She did make me change the Metallica shirt but didn't make me wear a girlie one. I had forgotten about my hair, and she even reminded me to put it in a boy style tail.

So I started out to walk to school and i felt pretty good, but the closer I got the more nervous I got. Sure enough, the first kids I saw were John and a bunch of my pre-Christmas friends. they sure didn't seem like my friends this morning, and John yelled at me, "Hey faggot, why aren't you wearing your cute little dress this morning. I said, "Hey, I thought we were friends!" George, one of my other so-called friends said, "We don't hang with sissies!"

Now if I really had been the old Tommy, I guess I would have lit into them right there, despite it being four to one, but I didn't and before anything else could happen, Miss Bennet, the yard monitor came along and herded us into the building. Miss Bennet looks like a sheep dog, so I guess herding is the right word. That was what I thought at first, but you know what, I also remembered the times Miss Bennet had done nice things for me and some of the other kids and thought maybe it doesn't matter what she looks like, so i said Good Morning to her real nice and found out she has a great smile - a lady smile, not a sheep dog one. Wow, I thought maybe the new me has a chance and said a thank you to Tammy.

But I still had to figure out what to do about what john had told everyone. I still hadn't figured it out when my first class, English, started. Well, we all call it English; it's really supposed to be language arts, but isn't that dumb? Our language is English, and we have a separate art class. DUH!

John and his and my used-to-be friends were snickering and someone had put a piece of paper with "Faggot" written on it on the seat of my chair. I started over toward him but Sam, whose in that class too stepped in between us, and before anything could happen the teacher, Miss Hartman, stepped in and started class. Miss Hartman is pretty and pretty cool, and you know what, Miss diary? The first thing she said was "Would anyone like to tell what they did over Christmas break?" And I knew what to do, and I raised my hand. I told the whole class everything, about Aunt Jen and helping my mom and Tammy and all the stuff Tammy did with them and what I'd learned about stuff, you know, people and stuff like taking care of Tonya. (But I didn't tell about Amy; a girl's gotta have some secrets Miss diary :-) See, I can laugh about this stuff now!) Heck I even told the class Tammy'd come to school one day if they'd like to meet her! Now where did that come from ???? FRUITCAKE for sure! But when I was done, the whole class was silent, and I thought, *I'm dead meat!* But then , of all people, John started clapping, then Sam. Then everyone. I think if Sam had started clapping first, the guy's wouldn't have, so I was glad it was john but surprised as heck. Miss Hartman had the biggest smile on her face and told the class that mine was the best, but most unique (she told me later that meant one of a kind) What I Did on Christmas Vacation story she'd ever heard and that I was very brave to do what I'd done and even more so to tell about it. Heck, I had just figured I'd get beat up anyway and wanted to get my side of it out before I went down fighting, but I didn't say that. I guess I owe Miss Hartman for giving me a test to pass!

John and Sam met me between classes and John said he was sorry for what he thought and said. He said sissies don't do what I did and tell about it proudly, so he figured I must not be a sissy, just a real gutsy guy. Sam chose that moment to chime in with, "and girl" I turned about fifty shades of red, and then all three of us cracked up laughing.

Well, Miss Diary, i've gotta go. Tammy wants to have dinner on the table for Mom when she gets home ... and Sam and John and Miss Hartman, too. I'll tell you about that tomorrow night.

Tom & Tammy

Jezzi Belle Stewart

"All the world really is a stage, darlings, so strut your stuff, have fun, and give the public a good show!" Miss Jezzi Belle at the end of each show

BE a lady!

Just so you know, this isn't

Just so you know, this isn't a new story. It is just a repost from the regular BigCloset site.
