A classic by Little Katie from two years ago, represented here on TopShelf at Katie's request
Tom's aunt had an early present for him...
Tom's Christmas Diary
By Little Katie
Part One: Hello Diary
Friday, December 20th: Hello diary! Today was the last day of class before Christmas Break. I can't believe how excited I am to be free from school. I meen school use to be fun, back when I was in the 2ndgrade. But I'm a 5thgrader now and it's just not cool to be into all that junk that teachers keep trying to cram into your head.
Anyways, after school I went over by Aunt Jan's house. I come here because mom has to work doubles at the factory. Well when I got here, Aunt Jan had an early Christmas gift for me. Now I never turn down gifts, don't get me wrong. I unwrapped the package like a lion rips through the chest of a zebra. That's a metaphor, my aunt's a english teacher so I learn that kind of junk all the time.
Well, anyway, I open it up and this is what I got, a diary. Aunt Jan said it was a journal, but it's a pink book with a little lock that I opened without even using the key. But, either way, it was the first gift. If they all turn out like this I'm going to be pissed off. I thought it was maybe a video game or something. But it's a book with empty pages. But, I promised I would use it. Aunt Jan seemed pretty intent that I keep up with it, at least through the holidays. So I will, because she will check.
I asked her what I should write, since I will be looking at this in the future with fond memories, YEAH RIGHT. Well she said I should write a summary of the last year, just so when I look back, like its going to happen, I know what was going on in the background.
Okay, this past year really sucked, let me tell you that. Okay first my mom gets pregnant, which actually wasn't the sucky part. I wanted a little brother to play with, I could of taught him some really cool things. Well mom got real big and she found out the baby was going to be a girl. Okay, it was a downer, I mean what can I do with a sister. Well after a week, I thought even a sister would be cool, my friend has a sister and she is like one of the guys, so I figured maybe they didn't get prissy until like junior high and by that time I'd be a rock star and it wouldn't matter.
Well long story short, mom had a miscarriage, which meens the baby died inside her. We were all sad, but mom had a break down. Dad couldn't handle it, he split, he ran off with his secretary. Sometimes we get a check from him, but not real often. Well anyways mom did get better, I mean she isn't jumping for joy, but she at least isn't locked up in her room and we talk and stuff now. School has been boring, and mom had to take a job where she works like 70 hours a week in order to pay for the house.
I didn't even get new school clothes this year, we went to the goodwill store. Wearing goodwill stuff is worst then wearing old stuff. Well, anyway, while my mom works, I stay with my aunt, sometimes I sleep over. Aunt Jan helps me with my homework and she has a big tv, so its cool when football is on or I play madden on my ps2. Okay my 15 minutes are up so im done.
Saturday, December 21. I got to write in this stupid book today. Mom didn't get home until real late last night so I didn't even see her. I go home in another hour, but she has to work on Sunday, so I get to watch football here, even if my team doesn't play until Monday night. Anyway, today we went to walmart. Can you believe it that everyone was at walmart today. I don't even know what we were doing there. We didn't buy anything.
Any way it was weird, I figured that maybe my aunt was trying to figure out what to buy me for Christmas. Well we went to the electronics section, I hinted that I wanted a computer. I think I deserve one. I mean I can do homework on it and write stories and do art. As if! I want aol, this way I can chat and maybe get dirty pictures. My friend randy has a ton, people just send them to him, he doesn't even lie about his age and people still give it to him. Well I made pretty good hints I think. Aunt Jan said that we would talk about it.
Whenever we talk about it I wind up doing chores though. When I wanted a bike this summer because someone stole my old one, I had to clean her garage which took me like three days and I mowed the lawn, and I washed her car. Well I guess for a computer I'd have to paint her house or something.
Okay so after the electronics we went into the clothing section. Nothing was weird, she asked me my waist and my inseem. The inseem really sucks when others check, they put there hand right up in your crotch. They didn't do that at walmart because its not a fancy store, but I just wrote that because I hate it, I really do. Aunt Jan said that girls don't have to go through that trouble. I really wanted to mention the trouble they did have, but I didn't want to start a fight.
Okay then she ask me what is my chest size, well she said bust, but its all the same thing. I said large, because my shirts say L that's all I know. Well she wanted a number. Well she checks right in the store, you know how embarrising it is to be treated like a little kid. Well okay still nothing weird. But then she doesn't even pick up anything. I guess she don't want me to see.
Well then we go into the girls section. I hate that section, its full of little packages of girls unders and stuff. Everytime I am there I think that people will think im some kind of perv. Well my aunt ask the lady there to help her with sizes. The numbers she gave to find out the girl size sounded awful familiar. I guess one of her friends has a girl my size, I mean three girls in class are my size, except you know, up top they got itty bittys. Well half them do the other half have to catch up and quick.
Well okay we went home. We didn't buy nothing, we just looked. Even for the friend's kid my aunt was asking about. Aunt Jan told me I should write now, and this way I could leave this diary, journal thing here. She said I could lock it, but I will just hide it. She never finds my hidden stuff. I have a playboy in the matress for a year now. Well my time is up, thank God, bye book.
Sunday, December 22nd: Hello diary. Again! Mom had to work today, I pretty much watched football all day on the big screen tv. It's a plasma t.v. which meens it's a hundred times better then anything my friends have. My aunt won it on a trip to a casino. Most people win money, my aunt wins a t.v. At least it's a cool one.
I really didn't care about the football games. I mean I am not really like a football fan. I just like my team, or if I play rough tackle with my friends, then its cool. But its Sunday, and there isn't really a lot to do. I was pretty much bored, but it is still a pretty cool television. I can't wait till all televisions are plasma.
Well I pretty much lounged around in my pjs. I didn't even get dressed. For some reason that sounds bad.
Okay, enough of the not important stuff. I found out what I had to do in order to get the computer for christmas. Okay, get this, my aunt wants me to dress up like a girl for my mother for a week. Like no way. A computer is not that important.
Well here is what my aunt said, so in case I have to remember it, I will. She said that mom really wanted to have a girl, and she got her hopes built up on having a girl. That when I was born she was hoping I would be a girl. I was like that's not my problem. Actually I just nodded like a wuss, but I was thinking that it wasn't my problem. I mean I have a reputation to uphold.
You know I was kind of wondering why I havent had a haircut in a few months, I think my aunt was setting me up. But there is absolutely no way im going to dress up as a girl for a computer. No way, not even for 100 computers.
I can't believe she asked such a thing. She wasn't even joking either. That's what I thought, really. She said she would like me to be a girl through the christmas holidays and I started to laugh, my soda almost went through my nose. She can check my inseam all she wants but im not dressing like a girl. I meen I love my mom but I don't think she would really expect me to do something like that for her. What a dumb thing to ask a boy to do. Its like asking a dog to give birth to kittens, its just not ever going to happen.
I can just picture all the teasing I would get. I mean even though my aunt said that I would be staying home the whole time and that it would be just family, I just know that someone would find out. And when I asked if she promised I would only be in the house she didn't say yes. She like tiptoed around the issue.
This Christmas is going to suck, I mean no dad, Mom is working all the time. The only thing that I wanted was a stupid comuter and My aunt ask me to do something so stupid that it makes my head hurt. I can't be a girl, I know enough about boys and girls to know that making me a girl would probably hurt a lot.
I know she meant that she wanted me to dress as a girl. But, here is what I think, even if I dress like a girl, that doesn't meen my mom somehows gets the daughter she always wanted. Right. If I dress as a girl then that means that she really has some messed up son. Aren't I right. As usual, I am.
Oh in my aunts defence, writing in this stupid diary- journal thingy isn't all that bad, it helps me say things I really want to say, without saying them. Weird. I guess she isn't always wrong.
Part Two: Dressing the Part
Monday December 23rd: Dear Diary. Today may have been like the wierdest day of my life. I'm going to try to write it all down before Monday night football starts. Okay, I came over here by my Aunts house early this morning, like at six a.m. Its vacation and I can't sleep in so it totally sucks. But, mom is going to work like 16 hours today, so it totally sucks more for her. I didn't complain because I knew she was going to work.
Okay, so I got over here early. My aunt said I could play some video games, which I did. But all I got is madden 2003 and even though im the best ever, it got boring. I thought I could talk my aunt into letting me get the computer by doing other stuff. I told her I would paint, I told her how I was getting all A's, I told her I would mow her lawn every other day in the summer. But, she said no. So I said okay.
Then I got to thinking, how bad could it be to dress up as a girl and just play make believe with mom. I mean it is for a computer, and I really want one.
I mean all my friends go online and last night I saw a game that you can play online and kill your friends. It looked so cool and I bet I could kill them for ever and not even get them to touch me even once. But, I was smart, I got my aunt good. I told her that I wanted a cable modem and aol broadband. I also told her I wanted the game too. Guess what she said okay. But, don't you hate that there is always a but.
Well she said I needed to start today being a girl this way by Christmas I could do a half decent job at being mom's daughter instead of son. I said okay. Well the first thing she said we needed to do was go shopping to get the clothes for this and she reminded me that it was going to be until I went back to school on the 6th. I said okay.
She then went to her room and pulled out girl unders. I told her she said not outside, she said I had to but it wouldn't be nothing people could tell. I guess she got me, because I said no and she said deals off and since I already agreed then what difference did it make if its unders.
Well let me tell you the unders are weird. First of all there is no whole so you can pee through, you got to pull them down. And they are snug on you, it smooshed my thing all in tight and it couldn't breath. They also had flowers on them, how cornball. Why girls need flowers or stuff on there unders make no sense, its not like people could see.
Okay so I wore them and my aunt gave me a pair of Jeans, they were brand new. They fit snug too, especially in the booty and the hips. They were fine around my belly. I also wore a grey and pink shirt. I told her I wasn't going to wear pink, then she pointed out I have a pink dress shirt. I told her it was purple and she said they were the same color. I hate when my aunt wins arguments.
The shirt didn't even cover my belly, my belly button showed and the whole world knows I got an outie now im sure. I also got new sneakers. They were white and pink but it was a real little pink not like a lot so I didn't say nothing. My aunt must of known I really wanted a computer and I would go along with this gift for mom, because she bought all this stuff. She also made me wear a hat, she said my hair wouldn't do because of all the gunk I put in it.
Okay so I was ready and we went to wal-mart again. I guess that's why my aunt asked about my sizes yesterday because this time she didn't ask. I saw a few friends from school but they didn't see me. THANK GOD.
I wasn't like dressed girl but I looked like a big fruitcake sissy and I don't need people finding out. Even if it is for a computer I doubt I could talk myself out of the beating they would give me.
Okay my aunt bought me an outfit a day. She wanted me to try them on in the store but I said no. So she held it up to me and said I would be sorry if it felt tight. She got all dresses and skirts and stuff like that, really prissy girl stuff. I tried to tell her girls wore pants to, but she didn't listen and the wal-mart lady laughed and said I shouldn't be afraid to show some leg.
How embarrising, the lady thought I was a girl. I wanted to die right then and there.
Okay, so we were done shopping and we got home. My aunt bathed me. That was the worst thing I think. She actually saw me naked in the tub, well there was bubbles, but still. She scrubed me up except my privates. Even my booty she scrubbed.
Then she washed my hair. She did five rinses. She said I had to much gunk in it. When I got out she wouldn't even let me gel it, she said it was part of the deal. My hair is long, cause I like looking like a skater boi. When its gelled it looks cool, but without gel it just sits over my shoulder a little bit. My aunt put conditioner in it and now it even feels soft. When this is done I am going to have to double gel it so it don't hate me.
Okay, then my aunt dressed me. Even worst. First she put on a clean pair of unders. I told her the other ones wasn't dirty and she said that was sick. These were weird, it was a band of elastic on the sides and the cloth only covered the front and the back a little bit, my butt cheeks were cold, they arent use to fresh air that much. They were still tight fitting and mr. Peepers was scrunched up again.
Then my aunt put on this red dress. It was so girly I almost got sick. She then put on these little socks that barely reach my ankles. She then put on these black shiney shoes that hurt my feet. She said I looked precious. I think I look like I need to be in a funny farm.
She tought me how to walk and sit, that was my days lesson. When you walk you can't strut like a man, which I do good. You got to take small danty steps my aunt says, and wiggle your hips a little. I took a lot of practice but I almost got it. And when you sit,you put legs together then squat. No just plopping down like your suppose to. And you cross your legs at the ankle not on the lap. Girls always do things the hardway. Oh shit, I missed the first 5 minutes of the football game, bye diary.
Tuesday December 24th Today is christmas eve mr. diary. Only one more day until I give mom her gift. I hope she don't like it and tells me not to do it no more.
Okay, I don't even remember the game last night, I got tired before the end anyway. Okay I was sitting watching the game and then I felt a heart beat on my willy. I never felt a heart beat come from there, I think its cause it was so scrunched up. I couldn't stop thinking about what I was wearing either. Stupid dress made me miss a football game.
My aunt made me practice sitting to and how to eat like a polite young lady. Why do girls give them selves so many stupid rules to follow anyway. Well I told my aunt I was tired. She said I could get ready for bed and I was like so happy cause I could wear regular PJs.
But, no. She gave me another dress. She called it a nighty. But its still a dress. This one was worst because it was pink and you could see right through it. Who wears something you can see through. It had white fur on the bottom and the neck to and it had no arms. Well Aunt Jan put me in it and my thing sprang up. I was so embarissed she can see right through my clothes and my wee stands up and says hi for no reason at all.
My aunt said á¬Looks like someone likes looking pretty.á® I told her it had nothing to do with the clothes that my thing did whatever it wanted without me telling it to. It did it during a math test for pete sake, and I definitely don't like taking math test. Okay so she let it go, THANK GOD.
I went to sleep. But I couldn't. Let me tell you how bad it is to be a girl and I'll be glad when this is over. That night dress felt cool the whole night and the fur kept tickling me. And the unders kept trying to crawl up my butt and I was picking them out pretty much the whole night. SO I didn't sleep. This girl stuff is to weird.
Okay anyway. I get up and my aunt makes me take another bath and she washes my hair three more times. What is it with her and this neat freak kick anyway. Then she dresses me, todays unders had little teddybears and hearts on them. That would have been cute if I was four.
She then puts on a denim skirt, denim is cool but this one barely covered the bears. I know girls at school get in trouble for this stuff. I think they get in trouble because boys like me try to peek. Then she puts on this white long sleave shirt that has this big prissy heart on it.
She then does my hair, I thought I would die. She braided my hair, and she said good thing you let it grow. After Christmas I'm getting a buzz cut, even if I have to do it myself. Well I had braided pig tails, that's what they are called if you have two tails and not one. It looks stupid and I look like a 2nd grader or 3rd but not 5th.
Okay then my aunt says we are going to the store. I said no way, not part of the deal. Well she says its to pick out the computer. She got me again, can you believe it. She said no one can tell im not a girl. As if.
Well I tell her that its to cold to go out in a dress or a skirt. I figure I got her on that one. No she got these white tights. YUCK! Tights suck. Okay my aunt rolled them up my legs, I felt embarised she saw my unders, but at least I wasn't standing in those unders this time. They felt kind of cool and I thought I would freeze. But they kept the cold out good. But they make swish swish sounds when you walk. Not loud ones, but if you try to walk on a curb one foot in front of the other you can hear, swish swish. Drove me nuts.
Okay we didn't go to Wal-Mart or the Mall. Thank God. We went to a computer store. My aunt bought me top of the line everything. I couldn't believe it. I thought I was getting a crappy wal-mart computer. But this is better then all my friends computers put together. I didn't like the sales person. My aunt almost said this is for my nephew here but stopped at NEF and said niece. How embarrising.
I almost said thank you uncle Jan but all I would need was to get her pissed and not get the computer.
But this guy was like, oh we have great software. I got a hello kitty mousepad and 4 Barbie software programs. As If.
Then we went out to eat to a sit down resteraunt. People make me sick with how sweet they talked to me. Are these people blind, I don't look like a girl, I look like a fruitcake boy dressed up. The waiter even gave me a free Sunday á«almost as sweet as you, honey.á® BARF. But I ate it anyway and said thank you.
I don't pass up free computers and I don't pass up sundaes. This was totally lame though that people treat me nice because I am in a skirt. Maybe they do think im a girl but so ugly that they feel sorry for me. Any boy would look like an ugly girl in a dress.
Oh and my aunt was giving me pointers on how to eat like a lady, GAG GAG GAG. There are too many rules to being a girl, I think I forgot how to tie my shoes by putting to much knowledge in. No matter these shoes are velcro. Velcro sounds cool when you rip it.
So anyway. We go back to my aunts house. Mom is working until 10 pm. Isnt there a law that says no work on christmas Eve. Well I got in and wanted to play madden. But I got bored just thinking about it. I need a new game I guess cause football sounds boring. Well my aunt said I said I have to learn how to do makeup. I'm going to do that and get it over with then I'll do something fun, maybe I'll get a truck to play with.
Part Three: Mom's Christmas Gift
Wednesday December 25th; Good morning Mr. Diary. And I do meen morning because it's 8:30 a.m. and I've been up for 3 hours already. Mom is going to be here in an hour and I figured I might not get a chance to write in you and I promised aunt Jan that I would. Merry Christmas to Mr. Diary, because it's Christmas to.
Okay, last night I didn't have to wear that annoying see thru thing, THANK GOD. Instead my aunt got me a pair of PJs. I mean they were light light pink and had tweety bird all over it. But they had pants and a shirt part so PHEW. I meen its still pretty sissy but they did feel real comfy. They were real cozy and I slept like a baby. The girl unders didn't even bother me, I guess I stretched this pair out enough today so they weren't crawling up my booty. I think we need to burn the first pair.
Okay, anyway, my Aunt woke my up at 5:30 in the morning. No one is up, made me think of that it was a night before christmas and all through the house song. EXCEPT WE WERE STIRRING. Okay so I had to take another bath. After this is done im not taking a bath for a whole month cause I'm all caught up. This time my aunt didn't wash me, THANK GOD. She put a kind of hat on my head so my hair wouldn't get wet. It of corse was pink. And she put these little smelly balls in the water. Now I smell like apricot or pear or something. I think just great a fruit smelling fruitcake. My aunt said I know how to wash myself right and if I didn't she would scrub me head to toe. So I got everywhere, even behind my ears and between my toes.
I got out and my skin was smelly, it made me hungry. But also my skin was really smooth, like that first sleeping dress was I think. I think I know why girls do that bath ball stuff. When the air hit me it was cool and gave me goose pimples all over, it kind of felt good. I didn't tell my aunt though, she would make me smell like fruit all the time.
Okay todays unders are candy caines and christmas trees. These must be bigger coz they don't feel so weird and they are just the right snug on my booty. MR. Willy didn't act up either, which is good cause my aunt was going to dress me. Okay I got out, I had the towel wrapped under my arms so I wasn't pransing around like a fairy in girl unders, I was in a towel ok. First thing my aunt did was dry me off better, I hate that. She put some powder on me to, so I smell like a baby fruit smelling fruitcake.
She then got a new pair of tites, except they arent tites, they are panty hose. They are the same thing and go on the same way but have a different name, does that sound stupid or what. These were real thin tho, and all on my legs were little white hearts, and the middle part covered up the candy caines. You can hardly see them. You can see my feet through them. My aunt says that's why they are different from tites but they are still the same thing in my book. But once they was on and I knew they were on I felt the heart beet in my willy again, I don't know why it keeps doing this, its anoying and I'm afraid aunt Jan knows about it.
Okay, now she got a velvet green dress. Like a pool table I thought. But it's hunter green and I am so glad it isn't a sissy prissy white or pink. This is how stupid girls are though, it zips up in the back. Now if I was by myself I couldn't zip it and if someone doesn't help me tonight I'll just tear it off, but a real girl wouldn't tear off the stupid dress. Then my aunt puts this real big red flannel bow on me. I mean big too, it cover my whole tummy but the bow part was behind me on my but. If I have to take a poo, the bow will be ruined I think.
Okay I was dressed. Then she did my hair. She made it poofy, I'm really getting it shaved now. In the front she combed it forward and said I had nice bangs. BANGS, I BEEN HAVING SISSY BANGS THIS WHOLE TIME. I'm cutting them off to. She put little red and green hair clips in my hair to. This is so humiliating. I also have the black shiney shoes on them. If I look down I can see my face almost I think. Then my aunt sprayed me with purfume, like I don't smell enough.
My aunt then says I can't look at this and be called tom, tom isn't a girl name. We tried some cool ones, like from the WWE but my aunt didn't care for an. Then I said what about tammy, cause my friends call me tommy and tammy is kinda the same and I wouldn't be so confused. She liked that one.
Well mom is going to be here, I hope she hates it and makes me stop. This way I get to keep the computer and don't have to do this stupid stuff. And for the record. I AM DOING THIS CAUSE I WANT THE COMPUTER AND I WANT MOM TO BE HAPPY, I DO NOT LIKE BEING A SISSY.
Wednesday December 25th, Dear diary I know I wrote you today but a lot happened so I think I should write more.
Okay mom came over and I hid in my room at aunt Jan's house. Aunt Jan said that she had a little gift and I walked out looking like a sissy. Mom's mouth just went wide open and I thought she was mad and I was like yes, I can get out of this. I told her I know she was sad because we were expecting a little sister and we know she wanted a girl and that for Christmas until school started I was going to be her girl Tammy that she didn't get.
Mom started to cry almost, she hugged me and thanked me and said it was the best gift I could give her and that she loved me. I was like your welcome but on the inside I was cursing because I thought she would say, you don't have to if you don't want to or but your not a girl. No she said she loved it. She gave me a kiss on each cheek and hugged me a lot and said I look pretty. At least mom was nice enough to lie about how I look.
I know I make a ugly girl, but she was nice and she liked this so much that I guess I can make it until school starts. I meen it will be just around the house and mom had a tough year that she deserves to be happy a little bit.
Okay so we get into the car, sit first then put your feet in so you don't flash the world. Like if someone saw I think theyd have a heart attack. We went back to my real home, which I hardly seen this week. Mom says I can get my gifts right away. I already know about the computer and I'm hoping my mom got me a few new games for my PS2, cause I don't even want to touch madden until 2004 comes out.
Okay we get home and there are no gifts under the tree, just a card on one of it. My mom says my gift is in my room. So I went into the room and there was the computer my aunt bought and a new desk. Well it wasn't new cause the salvation army sticker was stuck on the back leg. I went out and thanked her for the computer and desk as best I could.
She told me that the computer was nothing special that my aunt picked out something inexpensive so I could do homework. I guess Aunt Jan didn't want my mom to know that it was nearly 3000 dollars with everything. It even had a flat screen monitor but my mom is computer stupid so she wouldn't know old from new. I thanked aunt Jan and made like it was a total surprise. I think if I would of told mom I'm dressed as a fruitcake for that thing she would have been mad, and I want her to be happy. Okay she told me that she didn't know what games I wanted but that the envelope would help me pick out something I liked.
I was like score, money. Money is always good, sometimes better then stuff. Well it was a money order for 25 dollars. 25 Bucks can't buy a game, but I didn't say nothing. I said thank you the best I could. Mom started to cry. Honest I said thank you nice, not like "yeah thanks I rather have rabies but a real thanks." She said last year she knows I got a lot of gifts and this year with dad skipping out she had to worry about the mortgage and bills.
I told her last year I didn't get a computer and a cool new desk for my room. But mom cried, it made me cry to. I hate seeing mom cry, it wasn't her fault that the baby died inside her and everyone was sad and she had a right to be sadder then anyone because the baby died in her. And dad had no right to leave with some slut and I can't blame mom cause she is really trying hard. So we just cried together and mom was just holding me. We must have been crying for thirty minutes but mom stopped and said that we can still have the best christmas ever because we had each other.
I think she is right. I didn't tell her but I think I'm going to buy her something with the gift certificate, instead of a toy. A mom and Tammy christmas I guess.
Well mom said we were going to Pauls house for dinner. Paul is her gay friend. I know he is gay cause everyone says your mom's gay friend paul. She said he would get a kick out of seeing me like this. I figure why not he's a fruitcake too. Okay first mom washed up her face and Aunt Jan did mine. I told her going out wasn't part of our deal, she said our deal was for a rinky dink computer and she went above and beyond and I should to. I guess she was right because I told her okay.
So we went to pauls house. He said who is this little princess and mom whispered in his ears. He was like wow I didn't even recognize you tommy. I told him I was tammy until the 6th as a christmas gift to mom. He loved that and pinched my cheek, I hate when big people do that.
At first I thought it was just going to be just him and us. But then Glenn and Alexis came over with there little girl. This is the embarrising part though, they have a two year old and we were dressed a like. I could of died. And to make matters worst everyone said how we looked like sisters. They took pictures and everything. One night I'm going to have to break in like a cat burgular and steal them. They might black mail me latter.
Now here is the thing about Glenn and Alexis, they are both gay. Well Glenn is gay and Alexis is a lesbo. I don't have anything wrong with it, its there life as long as they don't include me. Well they got married, I guess to hide it and they have a little girl, Tonya. So it was tammy and tonya all day, the two sisters. It was so annoying.
Okay, being there wasn't all bad, I'll admit it. It was kind of nice having people notice me, even if it was for the wrong reason. Paul didn't even say children should be seen and not heard, not even once. He usually says it 300 times. Everyone was nice and said I was cute. At least they kept up the lie for moms sake. I think mom thinks I'm cute but that's because im her daughter son and she is suppose to say things like that.
Okay I mostly played with tonya, but that's because there was no other kids around to play with. We played with dolls, but that's because we didn't have nothing else, not because I am becoming a total sissy fruitcake. I did get to eat at the big table, even if I sat next to Tonya. Everyone said again we looked like two pees in a pod.
Now some cool things happened. I got two christmas cards. One from Paul and one from Glenn and Alexis. Get this, I got 100 dollars from each. WOW. 200 bucks. I'm going to get some really cool stuff. Boy stuff like killer robots or football equipment.
Okay and Glenn and alexis also gave me a doll. They said it was for the baby if others were doing gifts. It was so corny, but they said in my ear, go along being a girl for your moms sake. So I did. But they gave me the reciept so I could exchange it later. So I thanked them for the pretty doll as best I could and said I would be the best mommy ever if my mom didn't already have that job.
Mom teared and Glenn said that I was alright. That kind of felt good making my mom so happy that she cried. Okay, at like six oclock tonya got cranky and needed to sleep. I got her in my arms and read her a book. She fell write asleep. I am good at telling storys. But it felt real good to craddle her and make her fall asleep, it was weird but good.
Okay so Glenn and Alexis were watching me read and rock her to sleep. They said I did a good job. I like when people compliment me I guess. Well get this, they need a baby sitter for when her day care is over at 3 so like right after school for 3 hours a day and they want me to do it. They said they would pay 50 bucks. With 50 bucks I can be rich and not go to high school.
At first I asked if I had to dress like this, A GIRL, to do it. They said only if I wanted, SO NO! I said okay and im going to start right when school starts. So that's cool, somethings good are coming out of being a fruitcake and when this is over and I don't have to be tortured with dresses, I'll have a computer, and a job. So cool.
Okay mom wants to read me a story and put me to bed like I did to tonya so I'm going to say good night mr. Diary. I do want to say, that it wasn't that bad of a christmas, but don't tell anyone.
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A really nice read
I particularly liked the extra realism given by the poor English (and normally, I hate poor English).
Many thanks
Past tense of teach...
...is taught. Not tought. I don't think there even is a word 'tought'.
This story is real cute, it w
This story is real cute, it would make a great serial.
Oooooooh pressies...
I remember reading this elsewhere (fictionmania?) loved it then too. Don't know if I said thank you though.
Thank you.
The Legendary Lost Ninja
It's not on FM, it was on the old BC two years ago. :)
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Deserves another chapter
This is a cute story and I remember reading it on the original BC also. It really does deserve another chapter.
Thank you Erin
This is a great "Little Katie" story!
Thanks for bringing it here.
Hugs, Fran
Hugs, Fran
That would explain
why I couldn't find it on FM last night then, ah well...
The Legendary Lost Ninja
Definitely deserves another chapter ...
... and it is marked "continued" at the end. Congratulations, Katie you have soooo captured a 5th grade boy, snips, snails, puppy dog tails and all - with maybe a layer of sugar and spice nicely starting to peek through. I really liked the fact that before the $200., when he thought the $25. was all he had, he was going to use it to buy his mom a present; I felt a lot better about Tom and Tammy after that.
Hugs, Jezzi
"All the world really is a stage, darlings, so strut your stuff, have fun, and give the public a good show!" Miss Jezzi Belle at the end of each show
BE a lady!