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by Angharad
The usher who had called us, went ahead of us and through a door at the back of the court. A few minutes later, he came out again and then announced, “All rise for Mr Justice Kenyon.”
We’d only just seated ourselves and then had to get up again. The judge entered and sat at the bench. “Please close the doors, and admit no member of the press, this court is now sitting, and I am passing a restriction on court reporting, for the protection of the child involved. Therefore, I am prohibiting the naming or revelation of any detail which might identify the child or participants in this matter.
“I see you have another child, Miss Watts, are you collecting them?”
“No, m’lud.”
“So is this one just visiting with you?”
“M’lud, if I might explain,” said a man’s voice from behind us.
“And you are?”
“Dr Samuel Rose, Senior Consultant in Paediatrics at Portsmouth Hospitals Trust.”
“Please do explain, Dr Rose.”
“I was so impressed with Miss Watts’ ability to get Jemima walking again, that I asked her to try with another child who’d suffered similar injuries. The child was non-ambulatory before staying with Miss Watts.”
“And now?” asked the judge.
Dr Rose walked up to me, “May I borrow Trish for a minute?”
“Go with Dr Rose, Trish, you’re perfectly safe. I’ll be right here.”
Sam Rose held Trish’s hand and walked her before the bench. He then said something quietly to the judge who nodded.
“Thank you, Dr Rose, and Trish,” said the judge sounding like a sombre MC at a talent show. There was a short pause while he consulted some notes.
“This has been an interesting case with several interesting legal points to consider, not least the gender reassignment of the potential foster parent, who seems to be one of the most convincing females I’ve ever seen, and who appears to have a gift for healing damaged children…
“…then there is the fact that the child was not in care but in the custody of the foster parent as requested by the biological parent, a fact which has been confirmed by a lawyer in South Africa, and a letter from the child’s biological mother…
“So before concluding this review, I should like the senior social worker to approach the bench, and Miss Watts to come forward as well.
On wobbly legs I walked out to the judge’s bench–I had never felt so alone in all my life; my heart thumped loudly enough in my chest to mask the sound of my footsteps on the tiled floor.
The judge focused on my opponent–well, I know she wasn’t really–she was just doing her job as she saw it, and I was doing mine as Mima’s foster mum. “You are?” he asked the social worker, who said her name to him. “Thank you. Mrs Paretski, what would you consider is the most important aspect of this review?”
She was surprised by this sudden interrogation, and while she paused for thought, I tried to get my head around the same question if it were asked of me.
“Protecting the child and meeting the legal requirements laid down by statute, M’lud.”
“And you, Miss Watts, what do you think most important?”
“Mima’s well-being and happiness, M’lud.”
“Thank you, Miss Watts, now if it were considered in Mima’s best interests would you surrender her to the court?”
“If I believed it was in her best interests, yes I would.” My heart sank and I thought I caught the trace of a smile on the social worker’s face. It vanished when the judge addressed her again.
“Mrs Paretski, do the legal requirements take priority over the child’s well-being and happiness?”
“Yes, M’lud, they do.”
“Please have Jemima Scott approach the bench.” I felt myself go pale. Was he going to ask the social worker to take her now? Oh God, I felt sick and was sweating.
The usher brought her before the judge and stood holding her hand, Mima held her hand out to me. I looked at the judge and at her hand, he nodded at me and I took her hand. It felt so small.
“Now, Jemima, which of these two nice ladies would you like to stay with?”
“My mummy,” she shouted and pulling free of the usher, grabbed hold of my legs and held on like a clamp. I ruffled her hair, and she looked up at me and said in a loud voice, “Why you got hole in you twousis?”
I cringed and blushed. She put her finger in and poked my leg, it tickled. “Please do answer her, Miss Watts,” said the judge.
“When I knelt down quickly to help Grampa Tom, when he was taken ill, I ripped my trouser leg on the floor.”
“Where Grampa Tom now, Mummy?”
“He’s in hospital, Sweetheart, Simon has gone with him so I could stay here to speak with the judge.”
“Daddy make him betta?”
“I hope the doctors will, Sweetheart.”
“Thank you, Miss Watts, now Mrs Paretski, what would you feel if it was ruled in favour of Miss Watts?”
“Personally, I would suggest that without the appropriate checks, we are uncertain that she, and I assume it’s now she, a suitable person to look after a child.”
“Let us assume that she is the correct pronoun and that legal checks have been carried out, how would you feel then?”
“Unhappy that the normal protocols weren’t followed.”
“Are there protocols for acting in loco parentis? I’m not sure there are.”
“I don’t know, M’lud.”
“But you feel that legal requirements are a priority over happiness and well-being.”
“Yes, M’lud.”
“I am reminded of a case in which the biblical King Solomon was required to act in the custody of a child, as two women were claiming to be his mother. Both seemed to have equal claim, so he had to try and use some of his legendary wisdom to determine the real mother. He asked the first, that as they were equal claimants, if he cut the child in two, and gave half to each would she be happy. She answered, yes that was fair. The second woman when asked said, no, that she would relinquish her claim to the child. Solomon ordered the child to be given to the second woman and for the first to be whipped and cast into prison. He reasoned that the child’s true mother would prefer the child to be given to the other woman than see him hurt, which was the case with the second woman.
“In some ways, I feel like Solomon–albeit without his legendary wisdom. Miss Watts, has said that she would give up the child if she believed it was in the child’s best interests. Social Services have said, they feel the law has priority over the well-being of the child.
“In my opinion, the protection of the child’s health and well-being and happiness are the whole point of the law, not to mention the love and nurturing required for a child to reach its full potential.
“There is a clear bond of attachment and affection between the child and Miss Watts. So I find evidence of all the legal requirements with the current situation of the child. I therefore grant legal custody and guardianship of the said Jemima Scott, to Miss Catherine Watts, until or unless the natural parents challenge this in a court of law.”
The judge stood up and the usher instructed us to stand. I was already standing in front of the court holding Mima and crying with relief.
Social Services scowled at us and filed out. Stella, Henry and Monica who was holding Trish’s hand came to congratulate us.
“Why’s you cwyin’, Mummy?” asked Mima.
“Because I am very happy, darling. The nice judge has said you can stay with us.”
“Hoo-way,” she shouted.
Trish pulled out of Monica’s hand and rushed off after the judge, charging through the door into his chambers. Monica dashed after her, but hesitated at the door. I walked to the door and knocked, “Wait,” came the response. I wanted Trish back and I had to get to the hospital.
“I’ll call Simon,” said Henry, realising my dilemma. He popped out of the court. The rest of us, except Stella who went to sit down, waited outside the door to the judge’s chambers. I was beginning to get very worried, I mean, what was Trish doing in there?
Some ten minutes later, Trish came out holding the judge’s hand. “Miss Watts, could you please come in?”
I handed Mima to Monica, who produced a lollipop, and went with the judge and Trish. “Dr Rose told us why Trish is with you. However, this young lady wants to stay with you forever, she tells me she was in a home where she was bullied and pushed down the stairs, which injured her head. After the hospital, she was sent back to the home but she hated it. She says you are the nicest person she’s ever met, and she wants you to be her mummy.”
I shrugged, “I suppose I’ll have to use whatever protocols there are this time, but I’d like to have her stay as long as she wants.”
“She said that they call her a sissy and say she’s a boy, but she insists that she’s a girl. Given your experience, it’s not surprising that you agreed she should be treated and addressed as a girl.”
“No, Sir–I mean, M’lud.”
“There are protocols to be followed, but I shall instruct the home to allow her to stay with you until those have all been followed, and that she stay with you unless you are found to be unsuitable as a foster parent.”
“Does that mean I can stay with Mummy, Mister Judge?”
“Yes, Trish, essentially it does.”
“Thank you so much, you do have the wisdom of Solomon, m’lud.”
“I only wish I did, Miss Watts. Goodbye,” we shook hands and so did the judge and Trish. “Watch this one, Catherine Watts, she’ll end up as a judge if you’re not careful.”
I thanked him again and holding her hand, left his chambers. Henry had just got back. “Tom is awake and comfortable. Simon is waiting for one of us to collect him. I suggest we all go back to Tom’s house and you change your trousers, and I’ll run you into the hospital and collect Simon. If you take your phone, I or Monica will come and collect you when you call.”
“Okay, let’s do it.” I said.
“What happened in the judge’s chambers?”
“Oh, he said Trish could stay with us until fostering procedures were carried out.”
“Oh wow,” said Stella, “that’ll cheer Tom up no end.”
“I hope so, he’s going to need all the help he can get.”

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Sniff, sniff!
Thank you for a great chapter, and for not keeping us in suspense any longer. Now, where did I put that extra box of tissues? ;-)
They know they can survive
I Am So Glad!
I am so glad that the judge ruled with common sense and put the lady from Social Services on the hot seat. I think Dr. Rose helped her case as well. The judge was smart enough to recognize that Mima and Trish were healthy and happy where they are. I hope that Tom is going to be okay because he deserves to be Grandpa to those two precious little girls.
I agree
The judge made the proper ruling, it is better for a child to have a happy and stable home.
I do worry, though, that the social services people will try to pull some nasty tricks to take Mima and Trish away from Cathy & co.
Please Past the Tissues, Pretty Please!
WOW, What a Chapter! Richard
ditto on the sniff
I'd been expecting cliffhangers on this for the rest of the week. Surprised that Angharad let us off the hook so easily. I'm sure hoping that the social services people have HUGE case loads and are way too busy to pay attention to a case that's been settled by the court. Afterall, the woman said that the law was more important than the childs happiness. Well, the law has spoken!
Happy to see that Tom is doing well. I guess that Cathy has saved yet another life.
Looks like puddin' is going to have a wonderful family in place with a pair of sisters, a pair of moms, a dad, and a grandpa. Now... there is that lingering question of feeding the baby... can Cathy do it?
Of course with a couple of months remaining before the birth, who knows what other excitement will come.
Maybe she was worried...
About the 3 cliffs and Disney trip John warned her about. Thus, the apparent lack of a cliff here.
Lovely Chapter
Thank you, Ang, for relieving all the pent-up tension you cause us yesterday. Such a wise judge, who obviously thought Mrs Peretski to be an officious busybody, so much a feature of the genus Social Workerus.
I only hope that the woman accepts the judge's ruling and does not try to appeal. And she is bound to stick her oar in when it comes to the fostering of Trish.
So glad that Tom seems to be on the mend.
(who decided, reluctantly, against waking her daughter to "Bring the good news from Ghent to Aix", as daughter has a busy day at school tomorrow… er… later today!
Thank you!
All through the episode, you held Tom's issue over our heads... It was sitting back there lurking. As soon as the judge started asking those questions, I had a feeling he'd rule in Cathy's favor. :-) I'm glad. Was a little surprised at Trish's assault on the Judge... But, only a little bit. That girl's a real operator. The plans to run away and such.
Cathy did seem a bit dazed. I was a bit surprised that the Social Services type didn't try to use Cathy's dazed appearance and ripped clothing against her. Maybe one of them saw / heard what happened, and clued the senior person about it.
“Why you got hole in you twousis?â€
Makes me think of buckets and Henry :)
There's a hole in your twousis, dear Mummy, dear Mummy,
There's a hole in your twousis, dear Mummy,
A Hole.
Now how would it go on from there? Any suggestions?
The Judge
Did show true wisdom. It is amazing that a Social Worker would put the system ahead of Trish. I think that she sees Cathy as a boy and unfit to be a mummy..
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Holly is all smiles
It’s not given to anyone to have no regrets; only to decide, through the choices we make, which regrets we’ll have,
David Weber – In Fury Born
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
I'm worried
that the b*tch from "social" services will appeal against the judge's ruling.
After all, it's not her money that would be wasted, and (as we've seen in the UK far too often) they are more interested in their own empire building than in the care of the child. Not to mention that the judge effectively slapped her down, and this will harm her future chances of promotion, if it is left to stand.
No, Angharad, no! Sack the b*itch!
well, if she tries to kidnap the kids
Cathy can get out the bow and arrows again.
A sweet chapter after all the angst of the last few, but ...
I think Ang has set us up for a cliffhanger though. The A-Social Services people left angry and unrepentant. They went so far as to claim following the law was everything. Given how the judge had set up a series of questions and asnwers with Cathy and the senior SS person, they all but said the health, safety and happiness of the kid counted for nothing, only satisfying the law as THEY saw it mattered. If they had been paying attention they would have known they had lost and were only digging a deeper hole for themselves.
This SS person should be fired as they clearly care not if children in *the system* die long as they followed *the law*. I fear they will *shop* for a sympathetic, ill informed or borderline senile old judge in order to get an emergency order to seize the kids. There were no brakes put on the Social Services juggernaut by the judge. The cenior Social Services digs at Cathy, this line in particular...
“Personally, I would suggest that without the appropriate checks, we are uncertain that she, and I assume it’s now she, a suitable person to look after a child.â€
… is exceptionally insulting despite the judge constantly refers to Cathy as a female, period. Social Services doesn't get it. They are angering the judge despite his fairly obvious hints to back off from what they are saying. If they won’t mind a judge in court will they behave outside of court?
Great stuff.
John in Wauwatosa.
John in Wauwatosa
Enhanced CRB check - about £34
Checks the PNC (Police National Computer) for any criminal records or any other relevant information held on file, the DCSF list of Persons Presenting a Risk or Potential Risk to Children (formerly Schedule 1 Offenders), POVAfirst (Protection of Vulnerable Adults - effectively the adult version of PPRC), List 99 and various other relevant databases.
That should at least sort out the legal side of Social Services concerns...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
We can only hope
That the SS woman's maiden name was Smith and that she wears a red dress on her next away party.
Sometimes a cliff...
Sometimes a cliff is the best place to view a beautiful sunset! Thanks Ang,
Well in my .........
case this one of the mello and sedate ones where CAFFE just shined and the judge felt the connections with her and properly read the Socials. For once maybe everything went right as it should. Cathy is going to have herself a whole set or new well almost new set of priorities to keep going now. I wonder what new calamity of super power will befall her next. It is really about time for the guardian angel to make her appearance to set Cathy and other matters right.
Yea Tom!
I'm very glad Tom is still with us, I hope for a long time. I was hoping the judge would have been a bit more upset with the social worker, I was hope he would 'rip her a new one' as we say here in the states.
I am glad for Cathy and the
I am glad for Cathy and the two girls because the judge ruled for them. I have a definite feeling that Ms. "Officious B***h" will not stand for the ruling and will try everything to derail it so she can "follow the law".
He's not out of the woods, but maybe he will make it. I suspect there will be surgery, there usually is. The real question is early retirement. Tom wouldn't like that much. The other side is he definitely has something to live for. Kids have that effect on people with a good heart. Even Stella is going to come around eventually I suspect.
Phew, are you getting the
Phew, are you getting the hang of this now, or what ?(how is that for a Yankee sentence?)
I think about 400 chapters ago we were referring to a rollercoaster ride. going for a second lap.
Like NASCAR instructions, 'go fast. turn left'. Different then Jack Brabham's at Brand's Hatch, I can hear Jackie Stuart now ' are ye out of yer wee mind, only left?'
I just wanted to get some F1 stuff in here.
I knew it
and I do love that judge, he shows rare common sense. Another chapter that needed a tissue warning, you had me sobbing again.