The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 7

Julia spots her son fighting off three police officers. She recognized his fighting styles, which were based on her father’s style. One of the policemen manages to grab Chayton and wrestle him down to the ground.

He had Chayton’s arm in an armbar hold and had his knee on Chayton’s neck. Julia slams on the brake and opens the driver-side passenger door on the SUV “COSAINT!”

Chaos jumps out of the SUV and charges towards the police officer kneeling on Chayton’s neck. Sphinx and Terror follow behind him. Chaos leaps and knocks the officer kneeling on Chayton’s neck off him. He sinks his teeth into the police officer’s shoulder.

The other two officers there go for their guns, but before they could draw them from their holster. Sphinx leaps and bites down on the officer’s arm. He snaps the bones in the officer’s arm. Terror does the same thing to the officer he attacked.

The officer being attacked by Chaos was surprised when an animal bigger than anything he has ever seen attacked him. He tries to get the animal off his shoulder, but it wouldn’t let go. On top of that, the weight of the beast was pressing on his chest. He felt the creature’s teeth going through his crushed shoulder.

Chayton stands up off the ground and dusts himself off. He spots his mother walking towards him, and she was pissed. He spots Chaos standing on top of the police officer who had his knee on his neck.

He walks over to the police officer and stumps on his leg, breaking both bones in his leg. He looks down at the officer “that’s for kneeling on my neck.”

Officer O’Neil was in pain from the huge animal sickening his teeth through his crushed shoulder. Plus, the weight of the animal standing on his chest. Now, his right leg was hurting where the Native American brat broke his leg.

Julia looks at the two police officers who were on the ground, thanks to Sphinx and Terror. She walks over to them and takes their guns “I should let my wolves kill you, but I want to know why you are harassing innocent teenage boys.”

“Those brats aren’t innocent. They were carrying drugs on them.” Officer Donovan knew who Julia Bounty was.

“Sphinx, sniff for drugaí.”

Sphinx starts sniffing the boys and the car they were in. He finds no drugs on them or in the car. Julia looks at Officer Donovan “there are no
drugs in their vehicle or on them. So, why don’t you tell me the truth, before I let my wolves finish the job.”

“Don’t tell that bitch anything, Bruce.” Officer O’Neil didn’t want Julia Bounty to know anything yet.

A smirk appears on Julia’s face “don’t tell me anything, Bruce. I’ll let you tell my father. I promise you he won’t be as nice as I am.”

“Your father isn’t in town.” Officer O’Neil knew Mr. Bounty wasn’t in town.

“My father gives you what he wants you to believe. You never know truly what he is up to. However, I promise you, when he hears his grandson has been roughed up. Well, I feel sorry for you.” Julia takes her cellphone out and calls the paramedics to come and get the injured officers.

Julia looks at Chaos “Tar!”

Chaos didn’t want to remove his mouth from O’Neil. He bites down harder and yanks.

Officer O’Neil screams at the top of his lungs. He looks at the huge animal that just yanked on his shoulder.

“Make this beast get off me.” Officer O’Neil could take the pain anymore.

“Chaos, Tar!” Julia looks at Chaos and puts her anger behind the command. She needed to show him she was in charge and the top Alpha.

Chaos growls one more time and lets go of O’Neil. He turns and walks over to Chayton. Chayton reaches down and scratches Chaos between his ears.

“Chayton, go and release your friends.” Julia tosses the handcuff keys to her son.

“Okay, mom.” Chayton catches the keys and starts unlocking his friend’s handcuffs.

“Terror, Scaoileadh!” Julia watches as Terror lets go of the second officer.

While they are waiting for the paramedics to show up. Julia places a call to a person she knew in internal affairs.

Internal Affairs:
Sergeant Alice Bishop was going over a file she just got finish closing when her landline starts ringing. She picks the receiver up “Hello, internal affairs. Bishop speaking.”

“Hey, Bishop it’s your favorite pain in the ass K9 officer,” Julia remembered being investigated by Bishop over the incident involving Sgt. Bronx.

“What can I do for you, Julia?” Bishop knew Julia’s reputation.

“I need your help.” Julia knew she could trust Bishop.

“Okay? What do you need my help with?” Bishop wonders what Mrs. Bounty has gotten herself involved in?

“It’s better if I come in and talk to you face to face.” Julia knew her SUV cam recorded everything.

“Alright, can you be here tomorrow morning?”

“Sure, what time would be good for you?” Julia watches as her son and his friends dust themselves off.

“How about 8:00 a.m.? Is that too early for you?” Bishop knew Mrs. Bounty had children.

“That’s no problem, I’ll see you then.” Julia ends the phone call.

She looks towards the boys “boys, I think whatever you have planned for today is going to have to cancel. Why don’t you go ahead and head
home for now?”

“Alright, Mr. Bounty.” Sammy looks at Mrs. Bounty and knew she was one woman you didn’t want to mess with.

Chayton looks at his teammates “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

“Sounds good man and thanks for calling your mom.” Larry was glad they had allowed Chayton to join the basketball team.

Chayton walks over to Julia with Chaos walking next to him. Sphinx and Terror were guarding the other two police officers.

“Mom, what is this about?” Chayton looks at his mother.

“Sweetie I don’t know, but this has gone too far. How is your neck?” Julia was concerned about her son.

“It’s sore, but I’ll be okay. Do you think grandpa will find out about this?” Chayton knew his grandfather had connections and informants all over.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t. your grandfather tends to find out about things affecting the family before we do.” Julia knew her father was well connected.

Chayton looks over towards the officer that had been kneeling on his neck “I feel sorry for him if grandpa finds out.”

Julia looks at officer O’Neil “I don’t. He broke his oath to his badge and the people of Caldwell.”

Chayton looks at his mother and could tell she was pissed and concerned. He knew when his mother was pissed about something, it was a good thing to stay out of her way.

“It will be okay, Mom.” Chayton grabs Julia’s hand and holds it.

“I know it will, sweetie.” She gives Chayton's hand a little squeeze.

The paramedics show up at the location and load officer O’Neil into their vehicle. Chaos was watching and growl when the paramedics brought O’Neil close by him. One of the paramedics looks at him “what type of animal is that?”

“He’s a wolf.” Chayton pets Chaos.

“There is no way in hell, that is a wolf. He’s too freaking big and his fur is too dark.” EMT Butler has seen wolves and has been around them.
There was no way the huge animal standing next to the Native American boy was a wolf.

“He’s a hell hound that thinks he’s a wolf. If you have done something bad, he’ll sniff it out and take your soul to hell.” Julia smiles at the EMT.

Once the paramedics have left. Julia looks at her son “let’s go home.”

The two of them start walking towards Julia’s SUV when a black unmarked police car pulls up behind Julia’s SUV. Julia looks at the driver and notices it was her Captain. She watches as he gets out of his car and walks towards her.

“What are you doing out here and in your patrol car?” Captain Thomas looks at Julia Bounty and the two wolves and whatever the huge animal that was with her and her son was.

“Handling a problem, Captain. As for my patrol vehicle, I own it. It’s on loan to the police department.”

“What do you mean, you own it? That’s police property and you’re on suspension.” Captain Thomas heard a growl coming from the biggest dog he has ever seen.

“Sir. Chaos armor owns the SUV and it’s on loan to our department for me to use. It is a replacement for the one I lost when I first became a police officer.” A smile appears on Julia’s face.

“Why are you so fucking special? Also, why are you and those creatures out here as well.” Thomas points towards Sphinx and Terror.

“Because some cops on the force were abusing me and my friends. I called my mom because she is the only one, I trust.” Chayton looks at his mother’s Captain.

“Is this true, Mrs. Bounty?” Captain Thomas looks at Julia.

“Yes sir. The officers involved are currently on their way to the hospital.”

Captain Thomas looks at Sphinx and Terror. He recognizes them. He looks at the third dog that was standing next to Julia’s son. He saw blood dripping from his jaws “what is that thing and why does it have blood dripping from its muzzle?”

“That is Chaos and he belongs to my father and is also the sire of Sphinx and Terror. As for the blood dripping from his muzzle, one of the officers made the mistake of having his knee on the back of my son’s neck. Chaos saw it and attacked him.”

“That can’t be a wolf.” Captain Thomas looks at Chaos carefully and couldn’t get over how fucking big he was.

“He is and Chaos isn’t a trained police dog. He’s my father’s wolf and he’s trained to kill people.” Julia knew she could never use Chaos for police work.

“What do you mean, he’s trained to kill?”

“I mean, that he can’t be used for police work. Chaos is trained to kill people you wouldn’t stand a chance against. He goes after Cartel kingpins, highly trained murders, and assassins. Where Sphinx and Terror are trained for police work and being around people, he isn’t. Large crowds of people he doesn’t know, he will attack. Also, he’s been trained to protect the family as well.” Julia knew why her father trained Chaos that way.

“He’s a killer and you brought him here? What were you thinking, officer Bounty?”

Julia steps forward until she is face to face with Captain Thomas “I was thinking about my son’s safety. No one messes with my children
unless they want to die. Your lucky it was me and not my father. If it had been him, there would be three police officers in body bags.”

“Step back, Officer Bounty.” Captain Thomas tries to stare down Julia.

Sphinx and Terror move slowly towards Julia. They could sense she was ready to attack the captain.

“Mom, please step back.” Chayton knew his mother could take her captain.

“I’m going home. If you have any more questions for me. Ask them tomorrow.” Julia backs up and heads towards her SUV.

Captain Thomas watches as Julia walks away from him. He saw that her eyes had gone empty. He knew if he pushed her much further, he would have been dead. He was going to request a psychological evaluation of her before she comes back to active duty.

Julia whistles for the wolves to get into the SUV. Before Chaos gets in, she cleans his muzzle.

“Get in the SUV, boy.”

Chaos jumps into the SUV. He sits next to his sons and watches as Julia gets in. Once Julia is in the driver's seat. She starts the SUV and heads home.

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